If I am Jack Davis, I'm pushing that press conference out on the TV non stop for the next 3 weeks.
Having said that, however, I'm not very confident that'll happen. This is probably the reddest Congressional district in this state. If a Democrat can pull more than 25% of the vote in a Congressional election here, it's a moral victory. And while Flanders does live in Reynolds' district, the majority of his listening audience at WHAM does not.
True, but all of Reynols' district is in WHAM's broadcast range. I just cited the story as a classic example of man bites dog. It is not that WHAM is the ultimate power broker in the WNY area, it is that when Democrats and Bob Lonsberry are ripping into you, AND you're a Republican, you've done fucked up REAL good.
I can say this much. If Davis takes Reynolds down, look for the GOP to get swept out of office like the Twins just got swept out of their playoff series. Come election night, if they call that district for Davis, I'll just assume that the house and senate are going to the Dems.
Jack Davis isn't a terribly better alternative, btw. Look up DINO in the dictionary and you'll see his picture there. His radio spots make him sound like a senile old man talking to himself, and he's running on a single issue (anti-NAFTA). But then again, that's probably the kind of Democrat who'll run best in this district, and his track record out front in '04 (41%) says so.
Yep, and even were he to win, he'll have to be handled so delicately to continue his appeal to his red district voters that he'll essentialy be a Republican on the hot button issues. But, were he in my district, I'd take him over the pedophile enabler Reynolds.