ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Martyred wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:While it's true that the ZioNazi state was in fact based on a National Socialist model...
No, it wasn't.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:...the fact of the Ultra Orthodox cabal in Israel wielding disproportionate power...
No, they're not.

Please shut the fuck up. You are an embarrassment.
Really, M-tyrd? You're willing to walk off a cliff by insisting that Israel was not formed on a National Socialist model? And that the Ultra Orthodoxy there doesn't wield disproportionate power?

I'm not sure what sort of credibility you feel you have in terms of discussing any historical events. After all, you offer nothing but snippets. You've never demonstrated any acumen on any subject. But go ahead, make your actual case for your odd and obviously uninformed observations. :doh:
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

LTS TRN 2 wrote: Really, M-tyrd? You're willing to walk off a cliff by insisting that Israel was not formed on a National Socialist model?
Theodor Herzl had National Socialism in mind when he began formulating the creation of a Jewish state? Really?
Do tell. I'm all ears...I'll be waiting...
LTS TRN 2 wrote: And that the Ultra Orthodoxy there doesn't wield disproportionate power?
Never did. Never have. Never will.

You know nothing about Israel. Shut your jizz hole.
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

mvscal wrote:If Arab conquest is legitimate than Israeli conquest is likewise legitimate.
Except, this isn't 675 A.D.

If it was, you'd be standing over a naked guy, sharp rock in hand, on the verge of offering his heart to the Sun God.
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Martyred wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote: Really, M-tyrd? You're willing to walk off a cliff by insisting that Israel was not formed on a National Socialist model?
Theodor Herzl had National Socialism in mind when he began formulating the creation of a Jewish state? Really?
Do tell. I'm all ears...I'll be waiting...
LTS TRN 2 wrote: And that the Ultra Orthodoxy there doesn't wield disproportionate power?
Never did. Never have. Never will.

You know nothing about Israel. Shut your jizz hole.
Okay, M-tyrd, here's your stomping. But, it's no big deal because, as mentioned, you've no real credibility to stomp in the first place. You only offer tiny sarcastic snippets...and that's it.

Anyway, here's some basic info on the disproportionate power wielded by the Orthodxy in the ZioNazi state:

Wide-ranging Implications of the Growing Power of Religious Orthodoxy in Israel

By Dr. Edna Homa Hunt

From the very earliest years of Israel's existence, the political power wielded by religious groups (almost an oxymoron) was felt by many—both within the country and elsewhere—to be out of proportion; imbalanced. This power has intensified dramatically through the early to mid-1990s, culminating with the 1996 elections.

Manifestations of the power of Jewish orthodoxy in Israel spill over from the public sector into the personal lives of all Israelis whether they are religiously observant or secular. Without knowledge of these manifestations, no understanding is possible of the "shape of things to come."

For one thing, the world outside Israel has failed to understand the profound political consequences of the 1996 change in the electoral system. Two ballots were cast: one for direct election of the prime minister (much the way Americans elect the president); and the other for a party list of candidates for the Knesset, Israel's parliament. Under this system, in use for the first time, there was a heavy increase in religious representatives, which in turn made it inevitable that the prime minister elected would be tethered to the collars of the rabbis.

Elimination of the scandalous special budgetary allocations meant largely for Israel's religious institutions had been accomplished in prior years in response to loud protests from Israel's secular majority. But in the new electoral situation created in 1996, the religious parties' lobbyists were able to press for access to all of the state's budgets, except for the defense budget. Thus they succeeded in getting their hands on vast amounts, with gusto.

As concerned observers watch the conduct of the struggle for funds, it is clear that the adversaries are unequal. The religious parties are investing enormous creativity and hard work to make their efforts effective, outmaneuvering the opposing secular parties (Meretz is the worst offender) who are idle, verbose and ineffectual.

What is at stake in this struggle for money is nothing less than the substance and essence of Israeli society in the next generation. To be blunt about it, this is a struggle over the children.

The Orthodox understand this fully, while the secular politicians seem to be preoccupied elsewhere, frittering away their energies. But the bottom line is that the source of funds, whether for religious or secular institutions, is the state. Religious educational institutions are tapping into this pocket and offering far more extended school hours and facilities than the national educational system can afford.

As for the basic socialist design of the ZIoNazi state, this is just as easy--and reveals what an idiot you really are:

"Kibbutzim, the socialist collective farms created by early Zionist pioneers primarily from Europe and Russia, are an enduring symbol of Israel. Hewing to socialist dogma, the kibbutzniks created agricultural marvels out of desert soil. To work on a kibbutz was to be a part of the dream; if you were to visit a kibbutz in the ’50s, ’60s or ’70s, you were there to work — ironing, washing, picking oranges, peeling potatoes in the kitchen or, if you had some Hebrew, helping out in the gan, the collective kindergarten. Children and parents slept in separate houses; raising children was one of many rotating jobs."

I have no idea why you would attempt to appear astute concerning a subject upon which you've never offered any kind of insight. Your attempts at humor are as limited as your tiny posts. Obviously, like many fake posters--dual nics--you don't want to reveal your grammatical fingerprints, as it were, so you don't dare write a post longer than two short sentences. It must suck to be a coward hiding beneath a hammer and sickle!

But, it's so easy pounding your asinine assertions that I'm all good with it. :hfal:
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

mvscal wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:The fact of the rise and spread of Islam is not an issue at all here--
If Arab conquest is legitimate than Israeli conquest is likewise legitimate.
This is supposed to make sense? This is all you've got?

First, the Arabs foray into Palestine was a journey of about 100 miles or so--on very similar terrain. The Ashkanazis, however, traveled several thousand miles over various oceans to get there--from Europe! Second, the Arabs have inhabited Palestine for over 1500 years--far longer than the early kingdoms of the Hebrews, the Philistenes, the Greeks, Macedonians, or Romans. The Ashkanazis have been there 60 years.

The ZioNazi occupation is no different--or more legitimate--than the French occupation of Algiers or the German occupation of Poland. And like those grossly immoral acts of colonialist violence, the ZioNazi experiment will succumb to the inevitable weight of human historical imperative. That is, in the manner of a giant hair ball, the world body will hack and puke out the toxic body. Just like South Africa.

Within twenty years the Arab population within Israel itself will be a solid majority. That's a fact. Rather than wait for an even more desperate and ruthless ZioNazi state position to emerge, it's time to start scouring off now! All of the Euro Jews will be free to move back to their respective lands of origin. Or they can stay and cooperate. But not as racist overlords to millions of local Palestinians. That vile game is up. How could anyone defend it?
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Your simplistic rationale of "might makes right" could just as easily be applied to the Boers having "conquered" South Africa, or the French having "conquered" Algeria, or the Soviets having "conquered" Afghanistan. Your logic is so stupid as to be a joke.

At what point do you stop with the simplistic nonsense and start dealing with the obvious immoral acts of ALL of these examples? And the similarly obvious reasons that NONE of these occupying artificial states could last?

At what point do you start to apply actual real world practicalities? Like the fact of Israel having an aging population with a low birth rate, while the Palestinians are going to be the solid majority very soon? Where is the actual reality in your take? As opposed to the steady drone of seething racist gibberish.
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

mvscal wrote:So what exactly is the statute of limitations on illegal and immoral occupations?
On your Congress, by America-hating, fifth columnist Heebs? Seemingly endless.
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by War Wagon »

Oh, snap... well, that does it. This thread is a wrap.

Sorry Marty... that it had to end like this.
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

mvscal wrote:
Martyred wrote:The Byzantines were displaced by the Seljuk Turks first,
Uh, no. The Byzantine-Arab Wars began in the 7th century which was several hundred years before the Seljuks showed up.
Numbnuts, the Byzantines didn't even hit their stride for another 300 years...

Calling it "The Byzantine-Arab Wars" is like calling the fly a worthy opponent of the can of Raid.

Stick to pounding on Frisco. He's more your speed.
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

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I guess we're going to get another 3 pages now.
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

M-finger, the Palestinians aren't the South Africans, despite the racist attempts to demean them.

Here, get a clue. This is what's going on. Appreciate if you can the utter slime factor of Olmert as the vile puppetry is revealed...

US denies Olmert influenced UN vote

The US has denied that a telephone call made by Ehud Olmert, the Israeli prime minister, to George Bush, the US president, led to the US abstaining in a UN vote on the Gaza war last week.

In a speech late on Monday, Olmert said Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, was left "pretty shamed" at the vote and had to abstain on a resolution she had helped arrange.

Sean McCormack, a US state department spokesmen, who was with Rice at the UN last week during debate on the security council resolution, said the remarks were "just 100 per cent, totally, completely untrue".

McCormack said that Washington had no plans to seek clarification from Israel.

Mark Regev, a spokesman for Ehud Olmert, said the Israeli leader stood by his remarks.

Telephone influence

The Israeli prime minister said on Monday that he demanded to talk to Bush last Thursday, minutes before a vote in the UN Security Council on a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

"He [Bush] gave an order to the secretary of state and she did not vote in favour of it, a resolution she cooked up, phrased, organised and manoeuvred for"

Ehud Olmert
"When we saw that Rice, for reasons we did not really understand, wanted to vote in favour of the resolution ... I looked for President Bush," Olmert said.

Bush, who Olmert said was taken off a stage in Philadelphia where he was making a speech, said he was not informed on the resolution and was "not familiar with the phrasing".

"I'm familiar with it. You can't vote in favour." Olmert claimed telling the US president.

"He [Bush] gave an order to the secretary of state and she did not vote in favour of it, a resolution she cooked up, phrased, organised and manoeuvred for," Olmert said.

Bush was in Philadelphia on Thursday morning and gave a 27-minute speech on education policy that ended about 10 hours before the UN vote and there was no interruption of the public event.

The Israeli prime minister described Bush as an "unparalleled friend" of Israel.

UN call

Fourteen of the security council's 15 members supported the legally binding resolution, which has until now failed to stop Israel's offensive in Gaza.

Olmert criticised the UN resolution, saying that "no decision, present or future, will deny us our basic right to defend the residents of Israel".

Israel launched its offensive on December 27, in what it said was an attempt to stop Hamas firing rockets into southern Israel from Gaza.

After an intensive air campaign in the first week, Israel sent ground forces into Gaza in the second week of fighting and continues to push deeper into the strip.

So...you like this situation?
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by Blueblood »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:

So...you like this situation?


What isn't there to like ?

You seemed to get confused with logical people giving a shit about the ARABS.

The more we kill... the better life is for Americans.

When Israel takes their foot off the peddle.... babies in Bethlehem start to cry.
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Blueblood wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:

So...you like this situation?


What isn't there to like ?

You seemed to get confused with logical people giving a shit about the ARABS.

The more we kill... the better life is for Americans.

When Israel takes their foot off the peddle.... babies in Bethlehem start to cry.

What, are you drinking wood grain again? Regardless of your totally uninformed racist nonsense about Arabs, why are you cool with some gangster state of ZioNazis running our country like a puppet?

So, you're a poodle? :hfal:
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by Blueblood »

Have you ever had ROASTED Arab.... and marshmallows ?

If not, you have no idea what you're missing.... and why the "Israelies" are still in Gaza.

They taste good with Sesame Seed Oil.


they have a far east taste.... and go down well with Vodka.
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by PSUFAN »

why are you cool with some gangster state of ZioNazis running our country like a puppet?
Probably because his football teams disappointed him...again
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

mvscal wrote:
Martyred wrote:Numbnuts, the Byzantines didn't even hit their stride for another 300 years...
You don't have a fucking clue. The Byzantine Empire was the eastern half of the Roman Empire, dumbfuck.
Byzantium was the Roman Empire...moved east.

There was no "Arab War" with Byzantium of any consequence. Stop saying that.

The Byzantine's greatest historical adversaries were:

1. The Turks

2. The Catholic Popes of Rome

3. Their own church

...not necessarily in that order. Depends on the era.
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Martyred wrote:... of any consequence.

Your own link proves the truth to my assertion in it's conclusion:

"Moreover, the view of modern historians is that one of the most important effects was the strain it put on the relationship between Rome and Byzantium. While fighting for survival against the Arabs, it was no longer able to provide the protection it had once offered to the Papacy; worse still, according to Thomas Woods, the Emperors "routinely intervened in the life of the Church in areas lying clearly beyond the state's competence".[38] The Iconoclast controversy of the 8th and 9th centuries can be taken as a key factor "which drove the Latin Church into the arms of the Franks."[41] Thus it has been argued that Charlemagne was an indirect product of Muhammad:

"The Frankish Empire would probably never have existed without Islam, and Charlemagne without Mahomet would be inconceivable."
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

...and the framework for your argument that Christianity and Islam "have just always been at war...just because...derrrr" is child-like and unscientific. That's shameful and lazy, especially coming from you. I would have thought better of your historical analysis.

The Byzantines amd the Arabs fought protracted battles for centuries. It was the Popes that buried the Byzantine Empire and sealed it's fate with the 4th Crusade.
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

M-tyrd, why are you trying to offer historical analysis? You just got completely humiliated by asserting there is no disproportionate influence by the Orthodox Jews in Israel--as well as the ludicrous insistence that there was no socialist design in the establishment of the ZioNazi state. You got completely drilled like a jailhouse bitch. Of course you don't dare respond. You're bleeding, figuratively, from your bottom. And now you're digressing off onto some nonsense about the Byzantine empire?

Look...Olmert and his fellow gangsters are playing our government like an accordion. That's your proper concern. Now, try to offer some real insight. You've been faking too long. :wink:
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Well, since they're both bastard offspring of a demented source, why is this a surprise? As usual there is no real point to your observation.
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by Tom In VA »

mvscal wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Well, since they're both bastard offspring of a demented source, why is this a surprise?
He seems to think it was all buttercups and rainbows.

Well it was before man "invented religion". The animals talked, the wind spoke, and the trees gently fanned early man on warm days as they let the wind play their leaves like the strings of a lyre.

Then some idiot said - "Hey wait, maybe somethings we can't see created all this, let's sacrifice a baby in tribute to them, and we'll do it every year on a Thursday".

It's been downhill ever since.
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:You just got completely humiliated by asserting there is no disproportionate influence by the Orthodox Jews in Israel...ZioNazi state.
Orthodox Jews are not, by definition, Zionists.

You seriously need to shut the fuck up, mental-case.
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

mvscal wrote:...the fall of Constantinople...to Muslim Turks.
Not a single historian of any mark has ever attributed Islam as a prime motivator for Turkish conquest.
They raped plenty of fellow Muslims as well. Their religion was just the cole slaw on the side plate.

mvscal wrote: The facts plainly speak for themselves. The only time these religions have ever had any sort of peace is when one side was clearly dominant over the other.
Nice. Please, more ipso facto arguments...

"The sky is blue, and I am smart. Therefore, I conclude that the sun's rays beam intelligence into my cranium."

Seriously. Don't you have a Bible passage to bludgeon bco with over in Theology or something?
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by Cuda »

Martyred wrote: They raped plenty of fellow Muslims as well.
Don't they always? It's officially frowned on, but, like everything else in life that's fun, they DO it whenever they think Allah isn't looking
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Martyred wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:You just got completely humiliated by asserting there is no disproportionate influence by the Orthodox Jews in Israel...ZioNazi state.
Orthodox Jews are not, by definition, Zionists.

You seriously need to shut the fuck up, mental-case.
Oh great, so now you're going to light your own ass on fire in an attempt to get help!

Look, the Orthodox (lunatics) are apparently felt to be necessary for the "Jewish character" of the ZIoNazi state. Whatever, they have been afforded disproportionate political power in the apartheid state experiment. This is indisputable. Indeed, the average ZioNazi resident is not an Orthodox (lunatic). But, the second indisputable factor remains the socialist bent of the original ZioNazis as they rolled in from Europe.

Again, this is very basic stuff and is not a proper subject of concern--given the glaring fact of Olmert and henchmen playing the U.S. government like a puppet. This is the proper focus of your attention--and genuine anger, if you've actually got a spine. :?
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

So, here it stands...after sixty years of this insane and astonishingly criminal consortium known as "Israel" -- this utterly demented race-state pathology acted out upon the world stage...the disgusting--and long overdue--conclusion is underway...

This is how it ends

Report: Turkish PM Erdogan says 'Palestine today is an open-air prison'
By Haaretz Service

Fresh off his public spat with President Shimon Peres in Davos, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan continues to make waves in the murky waters of Middle East diplomacy, slamming Israel's policy of boycotting Hamas in Gaza.

Jerusalem has effectively turned the coastal area into "an open-air prison," Erdogan said in an interview with the Washington Post.

In remarks reported by the Post on Saturday, the Turkish premier said Israel and Syria were "very close" to initiating direct peace talks just days before the start of the Israel Defense Forces offensive in the Gaza Strip.

Erdogan also revealed that it was he who arranged a secret meeting in Istanbul two years ago between the foreign ministers of Israel and Pakistan, the nuclear-armed Muslim country which does not have diplomatic ties with Jerusalem.

The artificial race state knows its days are severely numbered. Do you understand this? Do you understand--or accept--the basic math of demographics?

Do you understand how a giant open air concentration camp works? With a nasty system of border guards, razor wire, sensors, and TOTAL control over food, water, and medicines, etc.???? Are you as totally stupid as you sincerely hope you are?

Well guess what? The rest of the world isn't as stupid and herded as you are. And despite the gigantic PR campaign-the total muzzling of real information, the constant stream of "The Reader" and similar bullshit, that the game is WAY up.

It's over. This is how the end begins.

We as natural people..can live. the ZioNazis, like the German Zionists of the Third Reich, or the Boers of South Africa, and the Americans in Viet Nam...killed many millions of innocent people in their racist, predatory rage... but they fell, because they were OBVIOUSLY disgusting liars who stole and murdered for short sighted gain...oh , I know ....
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Re: ZioNazi Launch Code: Ready....

Post by The Seer »

:shock: ---- :lol:
“It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.”
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