Re: Holy Quran
Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 7:33 pm
of course....apparently you forgot that at one time I believed there was a god, but through examination, questioning, reading, and some self-awareness, I came to the conclusion that it was a bunch of shit...ppanther wrote:So then... you admit that there are some things you believe that you did not think up on your own?
stop it, this is the most inane argument you've tried to's stupid and you know it....So then... there are times when you haven't thought for yourself? About something you believe with enough conviction to come into a Theology forum and desperately plea for an argument?
scientific journals that are peer reviewed are largely based on what we know at the time the article came out...but no, science isn't perfect and that's the beauty of is self testing in and of itself..And you admit you sometimes misread scientific articles? And you agree that it's possible that scientific journals are not inerrant (GASP)?
see, it always comes down to I'm right and you're wrong with you people....I know what I believe and what I believe is not what you that right or wrongAnd you agree that you think you are right, and those who disagree with you are wrong?
This entire line of argument is stupid...if you're trying to get me to say "I'm right and you're wrong" it's not going to happen.....I believe that christians (along with all other religious people that base their day to day existence on belief in a god) are seriously deluding themselves, but that's okay because that's what's right for's okay by me that you believe in (a) god, you and I just disagree on it.....btw, you're an atheist when it comes to Buddhism, you don't believe in their god(s) so don't tell me your not an atheist because you are toward buddhismOr are you trying to hedge on that one, and claim to believe you're right, but refuse to admit that means the people who disagree with you are wrong? Odd standpoint, but you've tried making it already, so...
Like I say I've got religious friends that believe in god and it's okay by me....but, if you try forcing your beliefs down other peoples throats (e.g teaching creationism in school, when that clearly goes against the whole seperation of church and state portion of the Constitution) well then that's when I'm going to have a problem with it...I don't want my tax dollars spent on teaching fairy tales to children...if they want to learn about religion, it should be the responsibility of the parent to teach them, not public school
Is any of this sinking in?