Moving Sale wrote:So in your world being called a pathetic, despicable vulture of an attention-whore is tantamount to receiving an offer of surrender?
If it is not accompanied with argument to back up your stance then yes.
I had already offered an argument. You weren't offering an answer. You completely glossed over it, then you came to the bizarre conclusion that I'd offered a white flag.
TVO wrote:Oh, and speaking of running up the white flag, it was pretty slick of you to completely ignore this...
Hell you ignore shit I type ALL the time and it is not preceded by a surrender. I didn't ignore it. I read it. YOU said it was self-evident that I was wrong. Why should I talk to a wall? Why should I waste my time if it is self-evident? Are you now saying it is not self-evident and it is worth discussing? Mmmm okay.
It is self-evident to anyone who isn't merely trolling as an asshole. Nonetheless, you specifically requested an argument backing my position, so I provided you with one. For you to bail on it at that point was piss-poor weak.
Playing the game within the rules and shaking the hands of one's opponent in congratulations following a tough loss, those are examples of sportsmanship.
True. So what?
Kinda stupid of you to piecemeal the individual points - especially when you agree with them - when they're part of a greater whole.
Crying while walking off the field afterwards is an example of emotion, with no unsportsmanlike implications. It doesn't affect the play on the field, nor does it attempt to diminish the efforts either of the other team or one's own teammates.
No it says look at me. I'm not getting enough attention, because losers don't get all the attention, so I'm going to cry.
No, avoiding the handshake line to storm off and make a spectacle of one's self would be a cry for attention. Quietly walking off the field alone after completing the handshake line is nothing of the sort.
Merely feeling sad is not unsportsmanlik.
Too bad that she is not doing that. She isn't merely feeling sad, she is crying. Try using facts next time.
I did use facts. I stated the order of events, and I provided the reason she cried, demonstrating that it had nothing to do with sportsmanship, either good or bad.
You, on the other hand, have done nothing but make unfounded, unreasonable accusations, which you've backed up with fuckall.
Remember, the other team doubtless celebrated their victory with some sort of visually apparent actions such as shouting with joy, raising their arms or hugging one another.
Not if they want to be real sports and act like they have been there. This was her last game not theirs. Win a real championship THEN you can fistpump.
Wrong. People celebrate victories every time, not just when it's the final game of a championship.
Then again, your being a 'Duh Fan, you likely can no longer recall such an event, so I suppose you should be forgiven for failing to realize this basic fact of sports. But yes, following softball games, the victors typically celebrate in a manner that would be easily visible to everyone watching. They hug, slap hands, whoop it up, smile and laugh. Damn them to hell.
Nobody's accusing them of poor sportsmanship, so how is the flipside of that any more connected to such a notion?
Because good and bad sportsmanship are not a zero sum game. You need that explained to you I bet.
More likely it's simply that neither side exhibited poor sportsmanship, and you're just being a pathetic, despicable vulture. It's all rather vapid and fucksticky of you, really.