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Re: Opinions on the Mike Rice Firing

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:31 am
by R-Jack
Twenty five years ago the bleachers at an Irvine little league game were littered with scouts.....................for Seal Team Six

Re: Opinions on the Mike Rice Firing

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:38 am
by Rooster
Since when has it become so terrible to call a player a fag or fairy when they're playing soft or screwing up the play? This fall right in line with this whole emphasis on bullying these days. Getting bullied and being forewarned that homosexual behavior in the form of soft passes, gentle blocking, non-aggressive play in a competitive sport is unacceptable is downright... unmanly. Next thing you know, football players will be required to give three page reports on the cooking channel or HGTV.

Man up, America.

Re: Opinions on the Mike Rice Firing

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:28 pm
by smackaholic
I hear Nolan Ryan used to run the beanball drills in Irvine when he played for the Angels. There are 50 year olds wandering around out there who wear their misformed ribcages as badges of honor.

Re: Opinions on the Mike Rice Firing

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:09 am
by Truman
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
Sudden Sam wrote:Methinks the coach needed to be told to calm his act down, cut the ball-throwing crap, and just coach.
Better be careful, Sam, if The Official T1B Tough Guy Trio (Truman, Mace, schmick) sees that they're going to call you... a pussy! OH MY GAWD!!!
Sand in your vagina much, Blue? Would hate to see your Hello Kitty pillows after the hissy you throw when Dad threatens to ground you for not cleaning your room.

Ol' folks are talkin', youngin'. Take your outrage to FaceBook.

Re: Opinions on the Mike Rice Firing

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 2:45 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Sudden Sam wrote:I still remember my football coach from when I was in 6th grade...Tex Romano. I was terrified of him. Huge bald man...yelled at us, threw shit (but not at us) all the time. Helluva coach. I appreciate what he taught me.
My 6th grade football coach was exactly like yours, but he also he also had many tatts and was EXTREMELY RELIGIOUS (think he had a big biker background in his younger days). He would scream and yell and do everything to get your attention except for curse and be violent and throw shit AT PEOPLE.

Re: Opinions on the Mike Rice Firing

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:36 pm
by poptart
I read a lot (or most) of this thread -- and laffed many times.

Leaving the little league portion aside and just looking at Mike Rice, I'll say that I mostly agree with takes provided by Mgo and Van (and a couple others who said similar things).

I was chuckling as I read comments (posted by Scott) from two guys who played for Rice.

Dudes talking about how people (paraphrasing) "Just don't KNOW Mike Rice."

Talking about how coach throwing balls at their heads, cursing them out, and dragging them around by their jersey was part of the whole package of him bonding with them.


Thank you, sir. May I have another?

Nice going, freaks. :lol:

Well, I guess Rice went to see John Lucas to receive anger management counseling. ... _mana.html


That psycho is not stable.

Re: Opinions on the Mike Rice Firing

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 1:37 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Is that kind of like exposed GOP homos going to gay conversion therapy to try to save their careers?

Re: Opinions on the Mike Rice Firing

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 12:25 am
by poptart
S_M wrote:Is that kind of like exposed GOP homos going to gay conversion therapy to try to save their careers?
Yeah, I think so.

Making a move with intent to show the public that he's sincere ( :wink: ) about getting his little personal thing under control.

But I doubt that Rice sincerely thinks he has done anything wrong.

I mean, look at the support his antics received from some members here.

It's just old skool ball coachin'.

Btw, it's not only outed GOP degenerates who try to save their careers this way.

Didn't Anthony Weiner go to Jack Offs Anonymous (or some such thing) when his overwhelming freakiness was exposed to the world?

Re: Opinions on the Mike Rice Firing

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:18 am
by Screw_Michigan
poptart wrote: Didn't Anthony Weiner go to Jack Offs Anonymous (or some such thing) when his overwhelming freakiness was exposed to the world?
LOL. There's a true POS who is getting what's coming.