L TARD wrote:
Wrong, Trupid. My take is clear and accurate.
What’s clear is that your takes are as accurate as an IRS employee’s account before a congressional subcommittee, and this Board has delivered more money shots to your retarded-ass mug than a Japanese pornstar in a bukake video.
Polar bears stranded on ice floes host fund-raisers out of pity for your brain-dead cause.
The Washington Nationals bullpen shake their heads in dismay.
Hell, even Ted Kaczinski thinks you’re crazy...
L TARD wrote:From Japan and Germany's sudden and decisive move away from nuclear power (which is being desperately ignored by our corporate owned-media) to the plain fact of GOP bunkered denialism.
We’ve been through this. What part of Japan and Germany HAVE NO resources do you fail to understand? Mix in a history book, you ignorant fuck. We fought a world war 70 years ago for this very reason. Germany and Japan both coveted the Sov oil fields and got their collective asses kicked for their trouble.
As for bunkered denialism – no, asshole, most thinking folks are fairly out-front with their skepticism. And rightfully so.
L TARD wrote:It's all easily demonstrated, though squirming worms like you don't dare to face even the most simple facts. For example, let's see you provide a shred of evidence to support any part of the official 9/11 story. What..? You've got nothing--and instead simply refuse to even address the issue?
Mokay. I’ll play. What evidence do you have that
1) George Bush manifested the entire plot
2) Ordered two passenger jet-sized drones to slam into the Twin Towers
3) Dropped both towers with a controlled demolition
4) Blazed a daisy-cutter into the outer ring of the Pentagon (while making a jet disappear)
5) Had the National Guard blow Flight 93 out of the air
6) Masterfully stage-acted a look of shock and dismay in front of cameras and a room full of school children
7) Had his henchman, Dick Cheney, orchestrate the most massive cover up in the history of cover ups
8 ) Had his intelligence agencies, along with those of the Brits and the Israelis, manufacture evidence just so he could lie to Congress and invade the sovereign country of a peaceful dictator just to avenge his father
9) And, as every blog, Website, newspaper, network news organization and tweet is wont to tell you, managed to pull all this shit off while serving as the dumbest president in American history?
You want clear and accurate? You are easily one of the most diseased individuals to ever mash “submit” on an Internet-enabled keyboard. That’s clear. And that’s accurate. Off yourself. Seriously. We’re done here.