So it turns out that the FBI used more than two spies, err, confidential human sources other than Christopher Steele and Stephan Halper. In an exclusive obtained by National Review, Assistant Deputy Director, Jonathan Moffa, makes clear that there others who were hired to dig up dirt on Trump, presumably at Obama’s behest.
The Democrats have been up to their eyeballs in the shit from the beginning of the campaign season to set the fix for the Hellbeast.
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 1:38 am
by Softball Bat
Donald's obstruction does not, and will not, disappear, Rooster.
But yeah, good try.
Congress needs to hear from Mueller and McGahn (for starters).
The Treasury Secretary needs to hand over the documents (Don's taxes) he was lawfully required to hand over.
Barr needs to stop lying under oath.
Don is sure flailing around to hide a buncha shit.
I mean, for guy who is... totally exonerated, and whatsuch.
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 3:59 am
by Sirfindafold
softtart = unhinged
its plain to see
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 3:51 pm
by Softball Bat
You cannot successfully deflect and turn it back on me, kneepadders.
Your guy is a turd.
It is worthy of much discussion because there has never been anything like it in American presidential history.
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 4:03 pm
by Left Seater
The really annoying thing about Softball bat is he thinks he is above all noise and politics and has a pure view of things. He asks us to think but then he refuses to do the same and avoids questions that don’t fit or work well for him. When pressed he will say he continues to study the issue.
He isn’t any better or worse than the rest of us and occupies no moral high ground despite what he wants us to believe.
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 4:37 pm
by Softball Bat
We are not talking about flat earth in this thread, Lefty.
Yes, Don is a monumental turd.
I have no idea why anyone would bristle at people posting about the INCREDIBLE spectacle we are witnessing.
It is obviously worthy of posts.
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 5:45 pm
by Left Seater
Softball Bat wrote: ↑Sat May 04, 2019 4:37 pm
We are not talking about flat earth in this thread, Lefty.
Thanks tits. I got that. My comments still stand as an overall observation. You don’t occupy some high ground.
Yes Don is a turd. Not the first and not the last. But the time has come to either charge him with a crime(s) or to let it go.
mvscal wrote:Rather difficult to obstruct justice without any underlying crime.
What if someone obstructs so well that a crime can not be detected?
Anyone who tells you that an underlying crime must be present for there to be obstruction either has an agenda, or is dumb as hell.
The idea that a crime might be obstructed so well that it cannot, would not, or will not be detected sounds like the perfect crime-- in other words, a non-event. And attempting to do something about it, be that a Mueller investigation or a Barr inquiry would be a waste of time seeing that it is undetectable. Imagining that a crime took place and investigating that supposition is wish casting, nothing more and nothing less. That is precisely where we stand after this entire sorry episode.
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 8:01 pm
by Softball Bat
Lefty wrote:But the time has come to either charge him with a crime(s) or to let it go.
Rooster wrote:Imagining that a crime took place and investigating that supposition is wish casting, nothing more and nothing less. That is precisely where we stand after this entire sorry episode.
The unredacted Mueller Report hasn't even been seen by congress.
He left the matter for congress, and he gave the reasons why.
Congress needs to get all the facts, and getting all the facts require them getting the unredacted report and then have Mueller, McGahn, and probably others come in and testify.
It should be routine, but now Donald is trying to block congress (the PEOPLE) from doing their due diligence.
AG Barr blatantly lied to congress.
AG Barr failed to appear before the House.
AG Barr continually put out the false meme to the public that Mueller had found... no collusion. This is FALSE, and Barr knows it.
You guys that want to support this are a disgrace.
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 9:24 pm
by Joe in PB
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 10:05 pm
by Rooster
Softball Bat wrote: ↑Sat May 04, 2019 8:01 pm
AG Barr blatantly lied to congress.
AG Barr failed to appear before the House.
AG Barr continually put out the false meme to the public that Mueller had found... no collusion. This is FALSE, and Barr knows it.
No, Barr didn’t lie to Congress. At worst, he stole the 25 days of spin narrative from the Left and their media outlets that they’d have had to paint the overall Trump positive Mueller report and preemptively placed a pro-Trump spin on it before the report was released. Look, the Left has had the entirety of Trump’s time in office to dream of their comeuppance only to have their fondest wish dashed to pieces. Indeed, it turns out that it their candidate who colluded with Russia and other foreign nationals to subvert the election with the introduction of explicitly false “intelligence” for the express purpose of going to the FISA court to get permission to spy on Trump.
So, in that you are correct, Bat, there was Russian collusion, just not with Trump.
In the end, this is yet another fake controversy designed to cynically outrage the Left’s base utilizing the remaining tattered fabric of an article of faith proven wrong. Again.
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 1:57 am
by Softball Bat
They live in an alternate reality.
Brain damage.
Rooster wrote:the Left has had the entirety of Trump’s time in office to dream of their comeuppance only to have their fondest wish dashed to pieces.
Mueller is not "the left," 'tard.
In his report, Mueller said, "if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, however, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."
He left it for congress (THE PEOPLE) to pass judgment on the president, and he explained why.
In order to pass judgment, congress needs all of the facts.
Donald is hellbent on not allowing them to get what they rightfully need to have.
Are you aware that not a single time does the Mueller report say that Donald did not collude with Russia?
It was a bullshit meme created by Donald and Tubby Barr.
Donald counts on having idiots like you in his back pocket.
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 3:03 am
by Kierland
88 wrote: ↑Sat May 04, 2019 8:44 pm
You are deranged and unhinged. Get help.
You are a fucking piece of shit.
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 3:08 am
by Rooster
You are correct, Bat, Mueller isn’t Left or Right. Indeed, he was lauded as an honest broker, thus earning the patience and respect of those on the Left, the ire of those pulling for Trump, and a wait-and-see stance by people like me. But here we are post-Mueller report and every one of those expectations have been turned on their head. The Left is outraged that Mueller seemed to have pulled the rug out from under their dire predictions of certain criminal charges; and the Right, if they are honest with themselves, likely are breathing a sigh of relief because with this president you just never know when the other shoe may drop. Instead the report largely exonerates Trump, all spin aside, and shows that the basis of the investigation was seriously flawed and driven by a candidate who was intent on winning at all costs and a former president who enabled the Russians to corrupt the election process but ignored it in pursuit of chosen successor winning.
I believe that it is only individuals like myself who allowed the process to be completed who had the correct viewpoint and wait for the results who came out unscathed in this whole affair.
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 3:16 am
by Kierland
You talk like you have read the report. You haven’t. You probably haven’t even read the redacted report. Yet you blather in like you have. You are either an idiot or part of the red menace.
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 3:32 am
by Rooster
I’m just going to link to a better versed and imminently more qualified individual to explain clearly why you and Bat and Screwy and Mikey and... whoever thinks that Barr lied but are wildly wrong and making fools of yourselves in pursuit of a lost objective: Andrew McCarthy.
Kierland wrote: ↑Sun May 05, 2019 3:16 am
You talk like you have read the report. You haven’t. You probably haven’t even read the redacted report. Yet you blather in like you have. You are either an idiot or part of the red menace.
Please tell me that you realize nobody is going to read the unredacted report except those individuals who are specifically authorized to do so. You are a lawyer, right? You understand the rules of grand juries and so on? You get that only certain select people will see an unedited Mueller report, right?
If your contention is that you won’t believe the results until you yourself get to read the full and unredacted Mueller report so that you can apply your prodigious legal brain and analyze Mueller’s and Barr’s findings...
Well then.
I guess we’ll be waiting around for a spell, won’t we, Midget?
So just for the sake of clarity, I’m going to painstakingly point out that unlike me, you are making a (ridiculously silly) judgement call on a report that you have not seen, nor ever will. Yet here you are, absolutely— and laughingly —convinced that your position is the far more reasonable one. You say that I am foolish for drawing a conclusion from something I haven’t read, but here you are doing the very same thing, only in a direction which glaringly shows how utterly dumb your take is because sharper legal minds than yours and Rachel Maddow have determined the farce that Nader has produced is nonsense.. But please, carry on with your apt demonstration of what stupidity looks like. It’s quite fascinating. Really.
I can’t explain it any clearer than that.
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 3:56 am
by Rooster
It’s the final paragraph of that article that I referenced which puts this entire theater of the ridiculous into focus:
“Democrats are unnerved. Attorney General Barr is pursuing an inquiry into the Obama administration’s decision to conduct a foreign counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign. The time is now, they figure, to reprise the Ken Starr treatment: the ad hominem withering of an accomplished, highly capable official — in this instance, one who is daring to press questions that would have been answered two years ago if an incumbent Republican administration had spied on — er, monitored — a Democratic presidential campaign.”
88 wrote: ↑Sat May 04, 2019 8:44 pm
You are deranged and unhinged. Get help.
You are a fucking piece of shit.
And boom..just like that the lead monkey of the Three Stooge Shit Slinging trio pulls another handful of his own shit out and slings it overhand at the person who happens to be his target for the day. But you, cracking on 88 is hilarious. He has handed your ass to you so many times we lost count. Got any other epic smack blast to let lose today ??
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 4:33 am
by Kierland
You are a tiny anal leaking yellow dog. No wonder you and 88nazis are such pals.
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 12:18 pm
by Softball Bat
Rooster, 0:17 to 0:23.
Question: Did Bob Mueller support your conclusion?
Barr: I don't know whether Bob Mueller supported my conclusion.
He DID know that Bob Mueller did not support his conclusion.
He lied outright.
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 2:15 pm
by Rooster
McCarthy addresses that very specific charge directly.
Question: Did Bob Mueller support your conclusion?
Barr: I don't know whether Bob Mueller supported my conclusion.
He DID know that Bob Mueller did not support his conclusion.
He lied outright.
If Bill Burr said the sun rose in the west, the kneepadders would parrot that insanity endlessly
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 4:52 pm
by Left Seater
East and west can’t exist as we know them on this flat earth. Tell me you knew.
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 7:21 pm
by Softball Bat
Rooster wrote:McCarthy addresses that very specific charge directly.
1. McCarthy addresses the Christ question and not the Van Hollen question that I linked to.
2. McCarthy asserts, "Three days after Barr announced the report’s conclusions, Mueller sent his letter, undoubtedly written by his staff."
How does McCarthy know that Mueller's letter was undoubtedly written by his staff?
It appears that he yanked that straight out of his ass.
3. Barr called Mueller on the phone (allegedly) after he received Mueller's letter (or... the letter McCarthy assures us must have been written by Mueller's staff - lol) and Mueller told Barr that he made no such claim. His staff must have somehow fucked it up, because the Mueller letter said, "the summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions."
And do we have a recording of this conversation?
We do not.
Rooster, are you seriously trying to sell to us that Mueller's staff wrote this letter (quite a very important one, btw) to Barr, and they INACCURATELY STATED MUELLER's POSITION?
Really now?
Excuse me...
Simply incredible the lengths to which the kneepadders will go to try to rescue their sinking, flailing orange man.
Now Rooster, Mueller needs to testify, right?
As Does Don McGahn, right?
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 10:21 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Softball Bat wrote: ↑Sun May 05, 2019 7:21 pm
...the Van Hollen question...
Are you looking for an answer to that question...
...right now?
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 1:53 am
by Softball Bat
Marty wrote:Are you looking for an answer to that question...
Rooster wrote:McCarthy addresses that very specific charge directly.
1. McCarthy addresses the Christ question and not the Van Hollen question that I linked to.
2. McCarthy asserts, "Three days after Barr announced the report’s conclusions, Mueller sent his letter, undoubtedly written by his staff."
How does McCarthy know that Mueller's letter was undoubtedly written by his staff?
It appears that he yanked that straight out of his ass.
3. Barr called Mueller on the phone (allegedly) after he received Mueller's letter (or... the letter McCarthy assures us must have been written by Mueller's staff - lol) and Mueller told Barr that he made no such claim. His staff must have somehow fucked it up, because the Mueller letter said, "the summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions."
And do we have a recording of this conversation?
We do not.
Rooster, are you seriously trying to sell to us that Mueller's staff wrote this letter (quite a very important one, btw) to Barr, and they INACCURATELY STATED MUELLER's POSITION?
Really now?
Excuse me...
Simply incredible the lengths to which the kneepadders will go to try to rescue their sinking, flailing orange man.
Now Rooster, Mueller needs to testify, right?
As Does Don McGahn, right?
Do you think anybody even reads your shit anymore ??
When you or FiatSux posts in a thread, you can just skip on by it because it is just shit ramblings not worth reading.
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 4:37 am
by Derron
Kierland wrote: ↑Sun May 05, 2019 4:33 am
You are a tiny anal leaking yellow dog.
Sticks and stones may break bones, but your smack is forever lame. With blasts like that, 2019 Board Bitch is clearly yours for the taking.
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 11:28 am
by Screw_Michigan
Derron wrote: ↑Mon May 06, 2019 4:37 am
but your smack is forever lame...2019 Board Bitch is clearly yours for the taking.
The irony is rich.
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 1:29 pm
by Softball Bat
Derron wrote:Do you think anybody even reads your shit anymore ??
I assure you that the more astute among us do read and learn from my posts.
We already know what camp you are IN, Duhrron.
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 8:43 pm
by Softball Bat
More than 370 former federal prosecutors who worked in Republican and Democratic administrations have signed
on to a statement asserting special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s findings would have produced obstruction charges
against President Trump — if not for the office he held.
The statement — signed by myriad former career government employees as well as high-profile political appointees —
offers a rebuttal to Attorney General William P. Barr’s determination that the evidence Mueller uncovered was
“not sufficient” to establish that Trump committed a crime.
Mueller had declined to say one way or the other whether Trump should have been charged, citing a Justice
Department legal opinion that sitting presidents cannot be indicted, as well as concerns about the fairness of accusing
someone for whom there can be no court proceeding...
I was expecting more people to jump on this topic...
In your Dreams
Thanks Carson. You seem like a nice guy. If we ever meet up, I'd like to treat you to some ice cream man.
Re: Mueller Report--it's that bad
Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 8:56 pm
by Joe in PB
The same media that brought you WMDs in Iraq, brought you the Russian collusion hoax.
Russian collusion conspiracy theorists are the flat earthers of politics.
Explains a lot around here.
Obama spying on Trump is not hard to believe and is the reason politics is referred to as a dirty business, its been that way since the beginning. Based on the fact the investigation started the day after the 2016 election was reason enough for me to question its validity. For many democrats Trump was guilty, still is, and always will be, yet these same people overlook the misdeeds of Democratic politicians. Such is politics.
The real horror of the Trump presidency, low unemployment, the want for a securer border, and illegal immigrant deportation.