Hey, Tinypants, check out what Goobs wrote:
Goober wrote:Hey, Shorty, the lazy eye belongs to a different Mike. Think Atomic. Update your spreadsheet, tardling.
Let me get this straight...Mr. "Let's Get Identities Straight" has my physical appearance confused with that of a
different poster named "Mike"?!?
Oh, that's rich.
I suppose that it's all confusing, keeping all the "Mikes" straight, especially with me having changed my nic...well...
NEVER since having posted way back in the days of the Benton/Rabick board.
So, the microshyster decides to go for physical appearances smack...and uses the stats from the wrong poster. That's about par for Midget Sale.
I guess the "Bitty Barrister" should fire his fact-checker.
Moving Sale wrote:You said there was no reason for your 5th graders to know about S when you talk about SotF.
Once again...out come the lies. I never said anything about "my 5th graders." I teach high school. 5th grade is elementary level.
Moving Sale wrote:That means you are a hack of a teacher and a huge tardling.
As opposed to an alleged attorney who spends a hell of a lot of time arguing about biology (and losing, btw). I'm only online this much lately because I'm on vacation and taking numerous breaks from my summer to-do list. Aren't you supposed to be defending pedophiles or buying orthopedic lifts or something?
Moving Sale wrote:You use "SotF" not 'SotF' when you mention D in a post about Kodak and everybody who has been outside of a Lab in the last 100+ years knows that Kodak's "SotF" is S's baby not D's. You mention the D and S quotes but fail to talk about how S used the quote in his other works, the works that formed 'Social Darwinism.'
I'm a biologist. I use Chuckie Darwin's "natural selection/survival of the fittest" context. I know you've got the hots for Spencer, but let me be the guy to break this to you...he doesn't really look like Robert Urich.
Moving Sale wrote:SotF is a misapplication of a Biological Theory and yet you say it is D's baby.
SOCIAL Darwinism is a misapplication/misuse of Darwin's principles. Not only is your contention that "survival of the fittest" is a "misapplication of a Biological Theory [sic]" completely wrong, you can find Darwin using it as a synonym for "natural selection" in the 5th edition (and later) of "Origin of Species." Nice capitalization screwup, btw.
Moving Sale wrote:I tried to be nice about it and you were a Dick. Not my fault.
For someone obsessed over whether of not I hold the shift key when hitting the quote key, you sure are pretty lax with regards to capitalization. I just chalk that up to your usual hypocrisy. Could also be those little cork-like digits on your dwarven hands, but I'll stick with the hypocrisy angle...
Moving Sale wrote:And then you buried your head in the sand for over 100 years of Science and Sociology because you are a simpleton that is why you teach 5th grade and not say Con Law at a Post Grad Level… like say Me.
I don't teach 5th grade. Never did. Never said I did.
And I don't for a second believe you teach Con Law to grad students, especially after your imaginary biology buddies you dreamed up to anecdotally back your bio arguments conveniently morphed into relatives.
You're a liar, plain and simple.
Moving Sale wrote:You look funny from what I heard. Deal with it.
Heard from who? There is exactly
ONE person from these boards who has seen me. And I'll bet he's never described me to you. I have never, ever, posted a pic of myself on any boards.
Once again - you're a liar.
Moving Sale wrote:Now go fuck yourself you humpbacked maroon.
Nope, no sign of pathetic desperation in Midget Sale...nope, not in the least...
Moving Sale wrote:A thread from over a year ago where I never said ANYTHING about a cabal you type using quotes? It’s ‘Bush cabal’ if I never said it in the thread which I didn’t. That is what got you in hot water here in the first place. YOU ARE A 5TH GRADE TEACH… CAN YOU USE QUOTES PROPERLY PLEASE?
You're insane. And a liar. The UK Plot thread is less than a year old, not over a year old. You used the words "Bush cabal" on page 5 of the thread (posted August 11), and since it was your nutty phrase, I quoted you. Correctly.
By the way, in case you haven't gotten it straight yet...I don't teach 5th grade.
Moving Sale wrote:And so you call most everyone on this Board small because you are a lurch?
Come now, Mr. Anal-About-English, why didn't you capitalize the proper name "Lurch?"
What would your imaginary grad students say?
Besides, 6'4" isn't freakishly tall. I'm below average height to be an NBA player. You're below average height to be a jockey. We all have our limitations.
Moving Sale wrote:I’m actually taller than the normal American Male my age.
Sure. From the 17th century.
By the way, "male" is not normally capitalized in the context in which you are using it.
And you teach Con Law?
Oh, wait, that's right, you don't really.
Moving Sale wrote:I know how tall I am. I am taller than over half the board.
There goes that keyboard problem again. You meant to type "I am half as tall as all the board."
Your welcome.
Besides, numbnut, just how would you prove that ridiculous statement? Do you honestly have the physiological data from the posters here at T1B? Did we all give our heights out in a thread I missed?
You're a sad little man.
Moving Sale wrote:Just because mvscal is 5 5 does not mean he is stupid. That is why I don’t go to that card. What does it have to do with his brain which is what he uses here?
You happen to be short
and stupid. The former is a fact mention frequently by people who have met you...and the latter is obvious to all who have met you or read your posts.
Besides, what does mvscals age have to do with anything? I didn't know he was 55. Didn't care.
Moving Sale wrote:This from the guy who can’t find the “ and ‘ buttons when he needs them? How desperate are you for material if you will lie about such trivial crap in a feeble attempt to distract from your shit premise that D is the father of SotF?
You're the one who started the whole anal retentive stuff about me not hitting the shift key. By the way, Lollipop Guild, the ' and " "buttons" are in fact one key.
I'd avoid the shift-key smack if I were you, given your random use of capitalization in this thread.
Not to mention your delightful omission of those very "buttons" when you discuss height.
Moving Sale wrote:There you go again? You are not the jury you fucking tard.
On the contrary, Tinypants. I am judge jury, and in your case, executioner.
Moving Sale wrote:Yelling BODE is childish and you are a child who teaches science to children and calls people who mention your misquote of SotF “Tinypants.” What a fucking dolt.
I love being called childish by someone who is having a public meltdown, resorting to lies about my job and physical appearance, tossing inane profanities, and basically pitching a screeching fit about my declaring that he's an idiot.
Moving Sale wrote:I’ve made it quite clear I’m not 4 10. So what? Shut your piehole and get back to ‘teaching’ science to 10 year olds.
I never said you were 410. I said you were short, not Biblically old.