Methuselah?Van wrote:Did whatshisface really live to be 900 years old?
Yoda was 900 years old too and he was in the geek bible, but I figured you meant the real bible so I'm going with Methuselah.
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
Methuselah?Van wrote:Did whatshisface really live to be 900 years old?
Christians aren't the only people who view the dismembering of tiny baby humans inside the womb as a disgusting reflection as to how low we can be. Muslims (watch out), Jews, hey - even some atheists who are intellectually honest with themselves - perceive the practice as sad.Diego in Seattle wrote:It's not a reach (sorry about your inability to deal with for you).War Wagon wrote:Example of how far your reach exceeds your grasp when trying to prove that Christians are just terrible people?Diego in Seattle wrote: Want another example?
Got it.
But my point wasn't intended to portray how bad christians are, but simply how they believe their morality is superior to others & thus feel justified to impose it on others.
I don't read it that way, 'tart.poptart wrote: Christ wants people to be "perfect" (Matthew 5:48) by simply believing in HIM.
WW, do you even know what a "loaded question" means?War Wagon wrote:Loaded question, since you don't have any faith to begin with.Van wrote: Not good enough, WW. I want pop's specific list.
If someone comes to him with doubts about their faith, due to the absurdity of so many things they've read in the bible, I want to know which are the specific events in the bible he points to that aren't meant to be taken literally. When he tries to assuage their doubts, which events does he point to when he says, <this, this and this> are merely allegory.
Those items, do they not also seem absurd to you? Don't dodge. Answer the question. I listed four well known incidents from the bible. Answer to those four.Van, you get too caught up in what seems like an almost frantic effort to disprove and disparage the Bible based on only those items which to you, on the surface, seem absurd.
And of course, once again you resort to saying that I haven't looked. Laying blame, again, because of course everyone who seeks automatically finds that which they seek.There's an old saying that I find useful, should you ever have the inclination of seeking the faith that right now you apparently have no use for.
Take what you can use, leave the rest.
That's also true of the Koran, and any episode of Family Guy. Should we all worship Stewey? Do you get defensive and snippy towards people who have no faith in the divinity of Muhammed?Lotta' timeless wisdom in that book, even if you don't choose to accept Jesus Christ as the son of God and the savior.
Which truths? The bible states a lot of things as "truth." That's what I'm trying to get at here. Which things are naked truth, and which are only meant as allegory?As for myself, I'll reset the line from Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence...
I hold these truths to be self-evident
Moving Sale wrote:Methuselah?Van wrote:Did whatshisface really live to be 900 years old?
Yoda was 900 years old too and he was in the geek bible, but I figured you meant the real bible so I'm going with Methuselah.
"Take what you can use, leave the rest" is "laying blame"?Van wrote: And of course, once again you resort to saying that I haven't looked. Laying blame, again, because of course everyone who seeks automatically finds that which they seek.
Yikes! You're preaching to me about how one gets faith?Once again, you misunderstand the very nature of faith, which is that it's a gift, not an endeavor. One doesn't look for faith.
One receives faith.
No, but this surely is....War Wagon wrote:"Take what you can use, leave the rest" is "laying blame"?Van wrote: And of course, once again you resort to saying that I haven't looked. Laying blame, again, because of course everyone who seeks automatically finds that which they seek.
With no room for debate, you're asserting that I don't have the inclination to seek.WW wrote:...should you ever have the inclination of seeking the faith that right now you apparently have no use for.
Bruised feelings? Me? By religious/bible talk, on a smackboard??I'm curious, Van... are your feelings always so easily bruised? Jeebus, get some steel toed boots or something.
Yes, I am. You apparently have no clue as to what it is, and how someone acquires it. Sounds to me like you need someone to preach to you about it, since you clearly think people can just go out and find it, merely by looking for the prescribed manner.Yikes! You're preaching to me about how one gets faith?Once again, you misunderstand the very nature of faith, which is that it's a gift, not an endeavor. One doesn't look for faith.
One receives faith.
Since I haven't received it, of course it could only mean that I was never ready and willing to receive it, and that I never sought it.Yes, you receive faith, but you have to be ready and willing to accept it... and it doesn't hurt to look for it either.
There it is. Placing blame, again. Dammit, WW, stand up for your convictions. Just fucking admit what you believe, and quit waffling and obfuscating every time I call you on it.If faith were a water spigot and you were a 10 qt. thermos, you'd have to take the damned lid off first, you big dummy.
No, but it's plagiarism.War Wagon wrote:
"Take what you can use, leave the rest" is "laying blame"?
Obscure and esoteric are my specialties.Van wrote:Jeez, now that was obscure.
Racks for being pret-tay, pret-tay epic.MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:"Don't you think worshipping a guy is a Jesus? How about Jane? I could worship a Jane."
Good old Jefferson...War Wagon wrote:As for myself, I'll reset the line from Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence...
I hold these truths to be self-evident
TheJON wrote:What does the winner get? Because if it's a handjob from Frisco, I'd like to campaign for my victory.
Van, reading you borders on reading Annie.Van wrote:Here's a little bit of truth, WW....
pop is plainly uncomfortable with having to defend the numerous absurd portions of the bible. Instead of addressing them head on, even when specifically prompted to do so, he invariably responds with spin. He doesn't stand and deliver, not even regarding how OWN feelings on those incidents.
Van, the Bible is FULL of things that are clearly and certainly NOT to be taken literally.Van wrote:Which parts of the bible do you not take literally? Give me your specific list
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.
Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
I sense on the coming horizon another "homosmack Christ" blast from mvscal.pop wrote:every man is perfect in Jesus Christ
I'd say you're a non-practicing Unitarian. What about it?AP wrote:Van, what if I told you I believe Jesus (the historical figure) is God incarnate?
This is a common take in this day and age and I can understand it.Van wrote:Otherwise, since you truly believe in Adam, 900 year old men and Noah's ark, what can I say? We've arrived at an impasse. You're a grown man who truly believes in a spiritual Easter Bunny, and I'm in shock.
Actually, I thought he was referring to Wolfman.Moving Sale wrote:Methuselah?Van wrote:Did whatshisface really live to be 900 years old?
Yoda was 900 years old too and he was in the geek bible, but I figured you meant the real bible so I'm going with Methuselah.
War Wagon wrote:The first time I click on one of your youtube links will be the first time.
Hey, Spatially Challenged One, your avatar is thissaway: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->Van wrote:<-------Never saw a Star Wars or Star Trek movie.
Van wrote:Kumbaya, asshats.
R-Jack wrote:Yes, that just happened.Atomic Punk wrote:So why did you post it?
Not the way I see it.socal wrote:Hey, Spatially Challenged One, your avatar is thissaway: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->Van wrote:<-------Never saw a Star Wars or Star Trek movie.
See what I mean?Moving Sale wrote:That 3rd sentence sucked horsecock.
I think you guys should take this to the dyslexia forum.Smackie Chan wrote:Not the way I see it.socal wrote:Hey, Spatially Challenged One, your avatar is thissaway: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->Van wrote:<-------Never saw a Star Wars or Star Trek movie.
I tried the other two styles with the 'tard on the left. That second one that looks like a pron site made my retinas hurt.Smackie Chan wrote:Not the way I see it.socal wrote:Hey, Spatially Challenged One, your avatar is thissaway: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->Van wrote:<-------Never saw a Star Wars or Star Trek movie.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Go kcuf yourself.Mikey wrote:I think you guys should take this to the dyslexia forum.
In the little known Transvestite wing of the Presbyterian church no doubt. Do they encourage you wear your grandma panties to church?Atomic Punk wrote:I don't side with anyone because the{y} may be Presbyterian like myself or anything else.
Fuck off Godboy.poptart wrote:The fact that I believe Adam was really 900 years old shouldn't surprise you.
Hey, I might even believe Oakland will win another Super Bowl before the old man takes his dirt nap.
I'm shocked that in this day and age it's not a universal take.poptart wrote:This is a common take in this day and age and I can understand it.Van wrote:Otherwise, since you truly believe in Adam, 900 year old men and Noah's ark, what can I say? We've arrived at an impasse. You're a grown man who truly believes in a spiritual Easter Bunny, and I'm in shock.
Maybe a little bit kooky, but nowhere near as kooky as literally believing in all those other completely ridiculous things.As noted, I believe a man died, resurrected three days later, and now rules EVERYTHING from His throne in heaven.
How kooky is that?
The fact that I believe you actually believe something like that should offend you. It's tantamount to being called a simple idiot. Most people wouildn't willingly wear such a label.The fact that I believe Adam was really 900 years old shouldn't surprise you.
Now you're just talking crazy. Rubber room stuff.Hey, I might even believe Oakland will win another Super Bowl before the old man takes his dirt nap.
None of them were around for Noah's ark. They just were told the same fairy tale you and I read. Who wrote that nonsense again? Which reputable historian was there to record it, despite the habitable world having just been flooded to death?I brought this up in the Maher thread, and it is, imo, a VERY powerful testimony that the 12 apostles all went to horrific deaths because they insisted that Jesus had resurrected and that He is the promised Christ.
MUCH stranger things have happened, all throughout history.If He did not resurrect, these people knew that He didn't, and yet they willingly died ... crucified upside down, etc.
This is like a Comedy Central roast, where the stage hands flash the "Sincere Moment" sign to the roaster, telling him it's time to wrap up his segment by saying something nice about the roastee....But yeah, at least they weren't A.P. haha
Take it as you will.
:?socal wrote:Hey, Spatially Challenged One, your avatar is thissaway: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->Van wrote:<-------Never saw a Star Wars or Star Trek movie.
Van wrote:I'm reasonably okay with the notion of Christ as divine. ... pstoryviewIn Ehrman's latest book, "Jesus, Interrupted," he concludes: Doctrines such as the divinity of Jesus and heaven and hell are not based on anything Jesus or his earlier followers said.
Taking into account that they're supposedly written by the hand of god, along with the addtional fact that they've been translated and re-translated throughout history, I'd say all 27 are forgeries. I'd say the entire bible is a forgery, in varying degrees.At least 19 of the 27 books in the New Testament are forgeries.
Bedraggled, grief ridden desert nomads/outlaws living in the time of Christ, having visions?There's no proof Jesus physically rose from the dead, and the resurrection stories contradict one another, he says.
He says he doesn't believe the followers of Jesus saw their master bodily rise from the dead, but something else.
"My best guess is that what happened is what commonly happens today when someone has a loved one die -- they sometimes think they see them in a vision," Ehrman says. "I think some of the disciples had visions."
Honest to God & G0d, it really WAS the Virgin Mary I saw on that tortilla!Van wrote:Religious kooks never see visions. Those heads of lettuce really do reveal the face of Christ.