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Re: Holy Quran

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:20 pm
by ppanther
Python wrote:Do it! Do it for Johnny!


(I'm soooo sorry. I can't stop it.)
Your humor is ALWAYS appreciated, Python!

Re: Holy Quran

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:38 pm
by Felix
ppanther wrote:See how many people think you're right. Go ahead. Do it.
I could give a flying fuck who thinks I'm right...what I posted I consider to be right, and if you don't well, that's your fucking opinion and I don't give a shit....

Again, the whole argument about the meaning of a word was so fucking inane I doubt most people have the resilence to read the fucking thread let alone give a shit about who's right or wrong about the meaning of a fucking word....

besides that, it's too big, and it's my signature...if you feel threatened by it I suggest you start a thread in the main forum directing everyone to the specific post so that they can read it and come to their own conclusion.....

for now, it stays....but don't worry, I haven't read any of bco's posts since i changed it, so given the fact that cat is a walking talking sig machine, he'll probably displace it soon enough.....wags came pretty close with the whole "great pumpkin" post, but it just wasn't good enough to make the grade

vaya con dios

Re: Holy Quran

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:51 pm
by ppanther
Felix wrote:I could give a flying fuck who thinks I'm right...what I posted I consider to be right, and if you don't well, that's your fucking opinion and I don't give a shit....
Most people don't think word definitions are a matter of opinion. Plus, you are the one who insisted on using it wrong, over and over and over again.
Again, the whole argument about the meaning of a word was so fucking inane I doubt most people have the resilence to read the fucking thread let alone give a shit about who's right or wrong about the meaning of a fucking word....
How many times have you said you were done with this? Too funny. You could just admit you're wrong and really be done with it.
besides that, it's too big, and it's my signature...if you feel threatened by it
I'm sorry, but I actually laughed at this. Seriously. In real life.

I don't feel "threatened" by anything having to do with you, Felix... even when you try to be threatening. I just think you'd be better served by providing the full context. Ya know, in the name of intellectual honesty.

Not that you care much about that. Right? ;)
I suggest you start a thread in the main forum directing everyone to the specific post so that they can read it and come to their own conclusion.....
Really? You really want people to know that you think your "opinion" about the meaning of a word is more important to you than what the dictionary says? Really?? I'm laughing again. For real. I'm also sad for you, Felix. You've completely snapped.
for now, it stays....but don't worry, I haven't read any of bco's posts since i changed it, so given the fact that cat is a walking talking sig machine, he'll probably displace it soon enough.....
I'm not worried, especially since you think I'm an idiot because you can't read third-grade English. Seriously, I won't be losing any sleep. I just wonder why you want to be so misleading. Trying too hard, methinks.
vaya con dios
This is what... the third time you've said you were done with this? (Fourth if you count the one you edited out...)

Awesome. Bye again!!

Re: Holy Quran

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:23 pm
by Felix
ppanther wrote: How many times have you said you were done with this? Too funny. You could just admit you're wrong and really be done with it.
what can I say, your allure keeps me coming back for more of your alledged ass-kickings ....okay, I'm wrong you're not an atheist-can we be friends now?
This is what... the third time you've said you were done with this? (Fourth if you count the one you edited out...)

Awesome. Bye again!!
I don't remember editing out a goodbye, but if you said it then it must be true...let's say it's my fifth goodbye....or it could be the sixth, maybe seventh

Vaya con dios mean Go With God, it doesn't necessarily mean goodbye...what can I say, your charms keep dragging me back....I think I have an interwebs infatuation with you....

anywhoo, did you want to offer any opinion on the mitochondrial DNA thingy I posted, or just let it sit there?

Re: Holy Quran

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:45 pm
by ppanther
Felix wrote:okay, I'm wrong you're not an atheist-can we be friends now?
Friends? Oh goody. Internet friends are swell.
Vaya con dios mean Go With God, it doesn't necessarily mean goodbye...
"Have a nice day"
"See ya later"

Neither of those necessarily mean good bye. They are still most often used in parting. I know the literal translation of "vaya con dios", Felix. I live ~100 miles from Mexico. I've just never heard it used as anything other than a goodbye... have you?
anywhoo, did you want to offer any opinion on the mitochondrial DNA thingy I posted, or just let it sit there?
I thought about it for a few seconds.

Then I thought about how the "thingy you posted" made it plain as day that you are not reading the responses you're getting to the questions you're asking. It left me wondering why you ask those questions in the first place, and really made me lose interest in your opinion on that particular subject. You can't ask a question, get an answer, and then make a statement assuming the opposite answer. It just doesn't make for good debate.

Re: Holy Quran

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 9:14 pm
by Felix
ppanther wrote:
"Have a nice day"
"See ya later"
too blaise'
I've just never heard it used as anything other than a goodbye... have you?
not really, but "remember goodbye doesn't mean forever" (in shrilling David Gates voice)
Then I thought about how the "thingy you posted" made it plain as day that you are not reading the responses you're getting to the questions you're asking. It left me wondering why you ask those questions in the first place, and really made me lose interest in your opinion on that particular subject. You can't ask a question, get an answer, and then make a statement assuming the opposite answer. It just doesn't make for good debate.
look, I already said earlier that I can't disprove god, and I can't disprove the whole garden of eden's impossible...just like you can't disprove evolution...much smarter people than you and I have been trying for years, but it's pretty much stood the test of time...hell sakes, even the Pope acknowledges that it's okay to believe in evolution....could the 170,000 year old woman they traced the mitochondrial DNA back to be Eve? I guess, but the years sure don't jive with the chronology of the bible, if one accepts the bible on it's face value...that's really all I was saying

note to Python...I missed your last post on page 5 so I wanted to answer it....tart started the thread about how he thought it was wrong for Obama to be saying the Qu'ran is some point (I'm not exactly sure where) I pointed out the fact that to the 1.5 billion muslims it is holy and that it's my opinion that there's nothing wrong with Obama acknowledging that it is holy to Muslims...I never said it was holy to me, because as you can see, I'm a(n) atheist/non-believer so it's no skin off my nose....I also think I asked if tart thought the better approach would have been to piss on it or something to that effect....

do you think Obama was wrong in acknowledging that it's a holy book to 1.5 billion people? Same question for you panther

Re: Holy Quran

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 9:27 pm
by ppanther
Felix wrote:look, I already said earlier that I can't disprove god, and I can't disprove the whole garden of eden's impossible...just like you can't disprove evolution...much smarter people than you and I have been trying for years, but it's pretty much stood the test of time...hell sakes, even the Pope acknowledges that it's okay to believe in evolution....could the 170,000 year old woman they traced the mitochondrial DNA back to be Eve? I guess, but the years sure don't jive with the chronology of the bible, if one accepts the bible on it's face value...that's really all I was saying
But you've already been told several times in this thread that there is a gap in the chronology of the Bible... That's the part you've conveniently forgotten, so you could keep asking questions like this. You asked a question, got an answer, and assumed a different answer in order to make your assertion. Felix, I don't know how old the universe is. I am not a DNA expert, I don't know about the reliability of dating based on mitochondrial DNA. But the point really is moot.
do you think Obama was wrong in acknowledging that it's a holy book to 1.5 billion people? Same question for you panther
This question got answered a lot earlier in this thread, but OK...

I think it's fine for him to acknowledge that 1.5 billion people believe the Quran is holy. I think that if he is a Christian, and he claims to be, that the Quran cannot be considered holy by him. The definition of holy was posted earlier. And before you or anyone else gets upset about what I just said, remember that I don't think he should have said (or even thought) anything remotely disrespectful. There is no need for that, and it's not one or the other. I think it's OK if he refers to it as their holy book. He just shouldn't refer to it as his, which is essentially what he did.

Re: Holy Quran

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 9:35 pm
by Python
Felix wrote:note to Python...I missed your last post on page 5 so I wanted to answer it.

Re: Holy Quran

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 9:50 pm
by Felix
ppanther wrote:
I think it's fine for him to acknowledge that 1.5 billion people believe the Quran is holy. I think that if he is a Christian, and he claims to be, that the Quran cannot be considered holy by him.
I must have missed where he claimed it as his holy book but given that you said it, then it must be true.....

yeah, now that I've given it some thought I think had I been in his position, I probably would have spit on it

Re: Holy Quran

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:51 pm
by ppanther
Felix wrote:
ppanther wrote:
I think it's fine for him to acknowledge that 1.5 billion people believe the Quran is holy. I think that if he is a Christian, and he claims to be, that the Quran cannot be considered holy by him.
I must have missed where he claimed it as his holy book but given that you said it, then it must be true.....

yeah, now that I've given it some thought I think had I been in his position, I probably would have spit on it
Ugh, Felix, you're terrible at this.

First you asked the same question that's already been asked numerous times in this very thread... then you failed to read the answer. Again.

And you want to be taken seriously as a rational debater?
Your options:
a) He calls it the Holy Quran
b) He spits on it

What is wrong with you? How dense can one person be? Stop asking questions if you aren't even bothering to read the answers...

Re: Holy Quran

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:08 am
by War Wagon
Felix wrote:I think I have an interwebs infatuation with you....

Dude, you never admit that to a girl. Never.

Oh well, the cat's out the bag.

Prepare to be used and abused.

Wait, that's already happened... but next time this happens, try manning up.

How is that done with a girl like ppanther, you may ask?


Re: Holy Quran

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:24 am
by poptart
Felix wrote:I also think I asked if tart thought the better approach would have been to piss on it or something to that effect....
Felix wrote:yeah, now that I've given it some thought I think had I been in his position, I probably would have spit on it
These are SUCH strange things to say, and it's now about the 4th time that someone has turned things this way in this thread.

I summarized what was disturbing about our "Christian" president calling what is, to any clear headed beliver in Christ, a foul and blasphemous piece of writing, HOLY, on page 2 of this thread.

Included was this --

Certainly nobody from Mark's upper room would walk around and make inferences to people who are in the midst of destruction that an ideology that they are holding on to is ... holy.

If he'd simply said, "As the Quran tells us" I would not have done a double-take.

Re: Holy Quran

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 3:28 am
by Felix
War Wagon wrote: Dude, you never admit that to a girl. Never.
well I can, because although ppanther is nice looking enough, she pales in comparison to my wife, so it's nothing more than just an interwebs thread will pass
poptart wrote:
These are SUCH strange things to say, and it's now about the 4th time that someone has turned things this way in this thread.
come on tart, I quit being serious about 2 pages ago.....I pretty much fucked this thread up, but what the fuck it isn't the first time and probably won't be the last....
I summarized what was disturbing about our "Christian" president calling what is, to any clear headed beliver in Christ, a foul and blasphemous piece of writing, HOLY, on page 2 of this thread.
I know you did, and I also recognize that you considered it an affront to christianity....but think about the times we live in, we want these people with us not against us, and if it takes a few words that some christians might find distasteful, well too bad...actually, I thought the speech was pretty compelling stuff and seemed to be very well received by the audience...there's a more at stake here than just the injured feelings of offense, but that's just the way I see it...maybe if I were christian, I might look at it differently, but I don't think so....

think of it in terms of the "bigger picture"

Re: Holy Quran

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:51 am
by poptart
Our big pictures are different.

To me, it wasn't a matter of his words being an "affront to Christianity" or "distasteful to Christians."

Those things don't mean squat.

It was a matter of this "Christian" encouraging these people (who are in the midst of destruction) by legitimizing their bogus book.

And he blatantly blasphemed His God.

Re: Holy Quran

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 12:57 pm
by Felix
poptart wrote:And he blatantly blasphemed His God.
jumpin jeezus, now it's gone to you pretty much condemning him to "hell".....simmer down there bud, maybe he'll repent and decide the only way to deal with them is the way good christians deal with blasphemous religions......

obliterate them from the face of the earth.....

btw, you should recognize that calling it a blasphemous religion is dome lopping material


(I'm in big trouble now, time to autonomize my ip addy)

Re: Holy Quran

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:48 pm
by ppanther
Felix wrote:well I can, because although ppanther is nice looking enough, she pales in comparison to my wife
Felix, you just earned about 50 respect points from me. There's not much better than a husband who adores his wife. So many (on other boards -- don't notice it so much here at T1B) spend 80% of their internet time whining about their wives, flirting with other women, etc... Anyway, off-topic.
you considered it an affront to christianity

injured feelings of christians
I know this was directed at poptart, and I know he already answered it sufficiently, but I just have to say that's not it at all. I'm not personally offended by what he said, it has nothing to do with me. It just really made me wonder how Christian he really is.

Re: Holy Quran

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 4:17 pm
by Felix
ppanther wrote: Felix, you just earned about 50 respect points from me. There's not much better than a husband who adores his wife. So many (on other boards -- don't notice it so much here at T1B) spend 80% of their internet time whining about their wives, flirting with other women, etc... Anyway, off-topic.
I don't really like to talk about my personal life much, but as the years have gone by I've lightened up a little on it...she's a wonderful woman and she makes me happy, which in turn makes me want to make her happy....I find that works out very very well for the both of us
I know this was directed at poptart, and I know he already answered it sufficiently, but I just have to say that's not it at all. I'm not personally offended by what he said, it has nothing to do with me. It just really made me wonder how Christian he really is.
I like to take pot shots at tart, because we go back a long way and he knows that I don't mean half the shit I direct at him, he's just a long time interwebs bud...I understand your questioning how devoted a christian he is, and I've wondered that myself....IMHO, it's wrong to promote yourself as one thing, then behave in a manner not consistent with that image....but I think that he did what he thought was in the best interest of our country...if it conflcits with his true faith, then he'll have to live with it

but hey, at least he's not AP
(sorry, that will never not be funny)

Re: Holy Quran

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:36 pm
by jiminphilly
Rack this thread. Some great point/counter point on both sides.. well except for this..
battery chucka' one wrote: Petty little children who can't formulate a logical idea by themselves so, when they've been put into a corner by logic and reason, they lash out.
You are the worst read of anyone on any message board I've ever come across. My 5 year old son told me not so long ago that he believed in people coming back after death in different form of life. He told me this around the time my aunt passed away from leukemia and it's probably the 1st death in our family that he can remember in detail. The concept of reincarnation isn't something we've ever discussed with him nor is it something he picked up from other family members since he's not around them too much. He's just a very very bright 5 year old who was able to name the moons of Jupiter and define what a quasar is when he was 4. Oh and he can name the entire Phillies roster too :D

Point being is that kids are hardly petty and ARE able to formulate logical ideas IF you expose them to different experiences, ideas and beliefs and NOT shield them from things like death and sickness and science. Based on what I've read from you in various threads, you're as close minded as they get. I don't know what kind of parent you are but I have my reservations if you think of your children as petty and unable to formulate logical ideas by themselves. Perhaps you might want to ease up on the bible talk at dinner and maybe let them know about the rocky planet that was discovered outside our solar system recently?