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Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:52 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
mvscal wrote:When involuntary contributions to these "humanitarian" endeavors are coerced from taxpayers, it is indeed socialism.
so·cial·ism [soh-shuh-liz-uhm] Show IPA
1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
2. procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.
3. (in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.
So I guess that makes you a Marxist now?
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:42 pm
by smackaholic
they expect that poor woman to wear used clothing?
she's a fukking human being damn it!!! nobody should be expected to endure such cruelty.
Does this poor woman have any family?
If I fell over dead tomorrow, my OL would be OK because I invested in this thing called term life. Infact, she'd likely have a nice step up in standard of living. If she didn't have that, she would still have her family and my family to help.
I suppose it is possible that she has no blood relatives or close friends to help, but, I doubt it. Trouble is, everyone has gotten used to a certain Uncle named Sam to step in and help. So what if he skims a little off the top.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:19 pm
by Felix
smackaholic wrote:they expect that poor woman to wear used clothing?
that wasn't the point and you know it....she certainly does wear used clothing
Does this poor woman have any family?
yep, but they're not in much of a position to help....
If I fell over dead tomorrow, my OL would be OK because I invested in this thing called term life. Infact, she'd likely have a nice step up in standard of living. If she didn't have that, she would still have her family and my family to help.
I suppose it is possible that she has no blood relatives or close friends to help, but, I doubt it. Trouble is, everyone has gotten used to a certain Uncle named Sam to step in and help. So what if he skims a little off the top.
well then your wife is lucky...unfortunately this lady's husband didn't have a significant life insurance policy....he had medical insurance and a $20,000 life insurance policy through his workplace....deductables and funeral costs pretty much blew through that 20k....I've already told you that a group of my friends and I try to help her out as much as we can, but we can only do so much......
but look bud, if demeaning this woman and her particular situation makes you feel better, knock yourself out....
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:24 pm
by Dinsdale
Jeebuzz, Felix -- you're putting on a KYOA clinic.
So, there's little-to-no help for this woman and her unfortunate circumstances, and she depends on you and a few other kind souls to help, which you can't really afford to do?
What if you made 25% more money than you do right now? Would you and the other kind souls be able to help out more, and would you?
Because if the government was'nt so hell-bent on spending your money in ever newer and more creative ways, guess what?
You'd have 25% more money.
And therein the problem with the nannystaters lies -- they're so fucking arrogant, they think they're the only ones on earth who are kind and generous, and everyone else besides them is selfish and evil, so their money should be seized to do these charitable deeds (after about 90% of it goes to fatcats, but we won't even get into that right now).
Sorry Felix -- you didn't fucking invent kindness or charity, and you certainly haven't monopolized it... but it's always the justification to control other people's lives.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:49 pm
by Goober McTuber
Let's get back on topic here - the unelectability of Rick Sanitarium.
Mesa, Arizona (CNN) - In a whispering campaign not ready to go public, some senior Republicans are so anxious about the state of the GOP race they are actually considering the unheard of: a scenario that would lead to another candidate entering the Republican primary race, and potentially an open convention.
They are not unhappy enough, however, to go on the record calling for another candidate to enter the fray. In fact, when pressed, many Republicans say the chatter about another candidate is inevitable in this long and inconclusive primary process. They also say it's just not likely to happen.
"If you bring somebody new into the race, that person will lose," said a senior GOP strategist who admits a bias towards Romney. "The party - especially conservatives - will not respond to somebody who has not gone through the process."
That being said, it's clear Rick Santorum's recent rise in the polls - and what some see as his electability problems - has struck a nerve with Republicans.
"There is something called agenda control," said one unaffiliated GOP strategist. "Santorum does not have it. Instead of talking about the economy, he's been going down rabbit holes for the last four or five days."
Santorum's emphasis on cultural issues may intensify his conservative and evangelical support and help him win the nomination or at least differentiate himself from Newt Gingrich. The fear is he may also be narrowing his support in a general election population.
And Santorum's surging candidacy is not the only concern for senior Republicans. Mitt Romney's inability to close the deal has also raised eyebrows - and angst. And the anxiety will only intensify should Romney lose his home state of Michigan in the primary on February 28, several senior Republicans told CNN.
"Michigan is the whole shooting match," said one senior GOP strategist not aligned with a campaign. Says another: "If Romney loses Michigan, all hell breaks loose."
Given that real possibility, one knowledgeable GOP source confirms that some Republicans are circulating the deadlines and the basic math that would allow another candidate to get into the nomination fight and take it all the way to the convention. More than a half dozen states' filing deadlines have yet to pass. A majority of the delegates to the national convention are still up for grabs. One more factor to be considered: many states are choosing their delegates proportionally, which makes it easier for a candidate pick up delegates without outright winning a state.
Politico first reported the existence of a document circulating among Republicans.
Santorum's highlighting of cultural issues could play well for him in the short-term. But the worry among Republicans is that his views will raise the question of his electability. "After a while, Republican voters will start asking whether this is the guy to take on Obama," says one GOP strategist. In addition to the fear of a potential loss to Obama, some Republicans worry about losing the House of Representatives if Santorum were at the top of the ticket.
“There is no faith he would bring independent or moderate voters. If he does well on Super Tuesday you’ll have serious people talking about convention strategies etc,” one Republican congressional leadership aide told CNN Senior Congressional Correspondent Dana Bash.
"Santorum would so alienate voters, especially women…he would be lucky to carry a dozen states," one senior Republican told CNN, referring to Santorum's disapproval of pre-natal screening.
Santorum's campaign disagrees. It considers him a strong social conservative who is the best equipped to take on President Obama on the economic issues – -particularly in the rustbelt states. "He won in Pennsylvania, which has both Democrats and women the last time I checked," says a senior Santorum adviser, who calls his boss a "full spectrum conservative."
One of the Republicans who has seen the memo said "no one is hoping that this will come to play," regarding a new candidate entering the fray. Yet some Republican partisans feel they need to make some contingency plans depending on the outcome in coming primaries. Other veteran Republicans contacted by CNN dismissed any possibility of another candidate entering the contest at this date.
There are no names of possible candidates mentioned in the memo. Who would the Republicans possibly turn to? The usual suspects include Sarah Palin, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie or Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. They could still enter the race although they all have repeatedly said they will not mount a campaign despite new inquiries by some in the party.
"I really would not be interested," Daniels told CNN affiliate WISH Monday. "If we get to that point, I would be interested in finding someone who can present a really credible and winning alternative to where the nation is going right now. I still think it's very unlikely. These things have a way of resolving themselves."
For its part the Republican National Committee is downplaying the prospects of another contender entering the fray.
“We are four games into what is a 54 game league and people are trying to pick the equivalent of a super bowl or a world series. We have 4 great candidates. I’m confident one of them will be our nominee and will go on to be successful in November,” RNC Spokesman Sean Spicer said.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 5:39 pm
by smackaholic
Felix wrote:smackaholic wrote:they expect that poor woman to wear used clothing?
that wasn't the point and you know it....she certainly does wear used clothing
Does this poor woman have any family?
yep, but they're not in much of a position to help....
If I fell over dead tomorrow, my OL would be OK because I invested in this thing called term life. Infact, she'd likely have a nice step up in standard of living. If she didn't have that, she would still have her family and my family to help.
I suppose it is possible that she has no blood relatives or close friends to help, but, I doubt it. Trouble is, everyone has gotten used to a certain Uncle named Sam to step in and help. So what if he skims a little off the top.
well then your wife is lucky...unfortunately this lady's husband didn't have a significant life insurance policy....he had medical insurance and a $20,000 life insurance policy through his workplace....deductables and funeral costs pretty much blew through that 20k....I've already told you that a group of my friends and I try to help her out as much as we can, but we can only do so much......
but look bud, if demeaning this woman and her particular situation makes you feel better, knock yourself out....
Not demeaning her in the slightest. just responding to what seemed like you poo-pooing the help she does get.
As for low income housing, I am OK with something like section 8 which kind of a way of spreading around public housing. I am not OK with projects. I have first hand experience here. I was that poor kid way back when living in one and it was teh suck. When you have people living in places they don't own, overlooked by other people who don't own them either, well, let's just say those placing aren't maintained any better than, well, my lawn, I guess. When the housing is owned by the tenant or the landlord directly overseeing it, the results are better.
Has this woman looked into habitat for humanity? That is an awesome organization and they get a few bucks out of me from time to time. Imagine what good they could do with a little gubmint cayshe. Trouble is when the uncle sugar opens his wallet for such things, he doesn't wanna hear about volunteer labor. All he wants to see is your fukking union card. Ever here of prevailing wage?
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:13 pm
by Goober McTuber
smackaholic wrote:As for low income housing….
I am not OK with projects. I have first hand experience here.

Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:12 pm
by bradhusker
Martyred wrote:You are in the decay phase of capitalism.
Now, you begin to devour yourselves...
leave it to marty to say something stupid, YET again.
decay phase marty??? SO, what phase of decay is socialist Europe in? care to comment genius?
See marty, I'll take what we have ANY DAY over the crap they have in socialist countries.
Marty, you made it to this point in your life, and you STILL dont have a clue. You dont realize that the constitutional republic that Ben Franklin and the founders gave us, IS PERFECT.
The problem is that todays liberal left wing dems are trying with all their might, to destroy it. Decade by decade they chip away at Ben Franklins' republic, and decade after decade, this country comes closer to ruin.
Liberal programs have created a nanny state where human beings become parasite cockroaches.
YET, marty FAILS to see a connection here.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:17 pm
by Derron
Goober McTuber wrote:smackaholic wrote:As for low income housing….
I am not OK with projects. I have first hand experience here.

Parked out in front of this house is :

Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:16 pm
by War Wagon
Jsc810 wrote:Of the "4 great candidates" only one is remotely close to being qualified to be the President, and that is Romney. However, considering recent SCOTUS cases, I want Obama to make the next appointments.
How is/was Obama any more (or less) qualified?
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:31 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Jsc810 wrote:However, considering recent SCOTUS cases, I want Obama to make the next appointments.
Why are there so many Catholics on the SC?
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:33 am
by smackaholic
88 wrote:Sweet pergola.
Ain't it though?
It's all growed up now into a deck with railings and everything. Using HD prebuilt railings along with a little ladder stupidity damn near got me kilt a few months back. They have little lateral stability as I found out when I came off the ladder and shot through one of them, landing flat on my back. Not sure if you can tell from the pic, but the rear of the deck is a little better than 12 ft to my lovely manicured back yard. Fukk did that hurt. Still got a slightly tweaked nerve or two that is ever so slowly getting better.
The railings will get a little reinforcing this spring.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:35 am
by smackaholic
I actually do have a similar vintage toyota pickup in the yard, but, it has a house on its back, not a dead whateverthefukk that is and cardboard.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:21 am
by Mikey
smackaholic wrote:88 wrote:Sweet pergola.
Ain't it though?
It's all growed up now into a deck with railings and everything. Using HD prebuilt railings along with a little ladder stupidity damn near got me kilt a few months back. They have little lateral stability as I found out when I came off the ladder and shot through one of them, landing flat on my back. Not sure if you can tell from the pic, but the rear of the deck is a little better than 12 ft to my lovely manicured back yard. Fukk did that hurt. Still got a slightly tweaked nerve or two that is ever so slowly getting better.
The railings will get a little reinforcing this spring.
Maybe next time you'll remember to use the square headed deck screws.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:04 am
by mvscal
Jsc810 wrote:I haven't left the Republican party, it has left me.
Good riddance. Squishy, moderate cum buckets like you and Poppy Bush are the reason this country is so fucked up in the first place.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:10 am
by BSmack
Martyred wrote:Jsc810 wrote:However, considering recent SCOTUS cases, I want Obama to make the next appointments.
Why are there so many Catholics on the SC?
I blame Opus Dei.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:11 am
by mvscal
88 wrote:The Santorum stuff is being dredged up to take the heat off of Obama Romney. Santorum didn't suddenly choose to inject this issue into the campaign. The dirt diggers have supplied the reporters with information, and the reporters have been poking at him for a week or so trying to paint him as a flake. That might be a fairly easy paint job. I admit that I am generally skeptical of anyone who claims to have a close, personal relationship with any Giant Spaghetti Monster. That being said, I think Santorum is getting sucker punched here. But its all good. He can state his beliefs and people can decide whether they want him at the helm. That is how it is supposed to work, you know.
This entire scorched earth primary circus has been brought to you by Romney and his temporary allies in the media. Romney is one of the skeeviest, dirty fucks to ever run for office. He has that same sickness as Ofailure: Arrogant, vain, narcissitic and not particularly talented. Of course that isn't very surprising since they both hail from the same Ivy League shithole.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:23 am
by War Wagon
Jsc810 wrote:you should understand my point.
I got your 'point' long ago and isn't that of a Republican or a conservative.
Please quit trying to masquerade as such... at least until 2016 when Jindal throws his hat in the ring. I hope you live that long.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:46 am
by Dinsdale
Jsc810 wrote:However, considering recent SCOTUS cases, I want Obama to make the next appointments.
Fucking FUCK...
as a "lawyer," you favor appointments that believe "a person's ethic background
should have a bearing on how they rule" rather that "is it Constitutional, YES OR NO" ?
WTF is wrong with you?
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:20 pm
by bradhusker
Jsc810 wrote:88 wrote:I think Obama's actions raise serious constitutional issues including whether a President (or Congress for that matter) has the power to require persons to do things in contravention of their religious beliefs? I personally do not think so.
Of course that power exists, and you know it. I don't feel like getting on Westlaw to look up the cases, but there are many of them. Mormons can't have polygamous marriages, indians can be prohibited from using peyote, and there are any number of inmate examples.
Of the "4 great candidates" only one is remotely close to being qualified to be the President, and that is Romney. However, considering recent SCOTUS cases, I want Obama to make the next appointments.
You want Obama to make the next appointments?? WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with you?? Obama doesnt care about defending the constitution. He would appoint another Ruth B Ginsberg. DO YOU KNOW HER THOUGHTS?
Let me repeat that question asshole. DO YOU KNOW WHAT RUTHIE BELIEVES?
I did some research about what Ginsberg believes, and may I say, its frightenning to say the least.
She has pure hatred and disdain for our constitution and the founding fathers. YET, she is exactly the kind of justice that Obama would appoint.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:17 pm
by smackaholic
Jsc810 wrote:Dinsdale wrote:
as a "lawyer," you favor appointments that believe "a person's ethic background should have a bearing on how they rule" rather that "is it Constitutional, YES OR NO" ?
WTF is wrong with you?
For most of our history, you had to be a white male to be considered to be a Judge or Justice.
I think that it is appropriate to have diversity on courts, just as it is appropriate to have diversity in the other two branches of government.
Nothing wrong with a body being diverse. There is a fukk load wrong with a body being diverse just for diversity's sake. You end up with clueless neighborhood rabble rousers running the show.
As for your being able to site other examples of the constitution to prove constitutionality, I suppose on purely legal grounds, you are right. But it still is not constitutional to objective people with anything more than brain stem activity.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 5:45 pm
by Dinsdale
Nothing wrong with diversity in the least -- should be plenty of diversity if the best candidate is selected.
When someone states they don't intend to do the job they're about to take an oath to do, then they weren't the best candidate.
Bt I guess you want the Robed Oracles doing Congress' job with zero recourse from their decisions.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 6:09 pm
by Cuda
time out
ok, libtards, you may resume melting
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 6:36 pm
by Dinsdale
Felix wrote:
then why don't you do something about it instead of gimping on about it....go out and shoot some homeless people
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 6:48 pm
by Derron
Dinsdale wrote:Felix wrote:
then why don't you do something about it instead of gimping on about it....go out and shoot some homeless people
This breaks the chain of gang related shootings over the last 5 days. Unless these dudes were claiming some new homeless set in the industrial area. Poor bastards are sleeping on the streets and some fuck head shoots them. That sucks. Had to be some anarchist or white boys shooting them, the fucking gang bangers can't hit shit with their pieces.
Gang bangers shot up an apartment complex in Gresham a couple nights ago, with an AK and pistolas, but did not even wound anybody. They should get a free pass to the range and enough ammo to get the kill shots in.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 6:56 pm
by Moving Sale
88 wrote:I think Obama's actions raise serious constitutional issues including whether a President (or Congress for that matter) has the power to require persons to do things in contravention of their religious beliefs?
88 wrote:You are probably right that Obama/Congress has the power to require order Catholics to pay for abortions.
Make up your mind you stupid hillbilly.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:14 pm
by BSmack
Dinsdale wrote:Nothing wrong with diversity in the least -- should be plenty of diversity if the best candidate is selected.
Oh please do opine on how we shall quantify who the "best" candidates are.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:25 pm
by smackaholic
You're right. There's no way to judge one's qualifications, so we might as well use something quantifiable like melanin levels or maybe reproductive plumbing type.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:32 pm
by Derron
BSmack wrote:Dinsdale wrote:Nothing wrong with diversity in the least -- should be plenty of diversity if the best candidate is selected.
Oh please do opine on how we shall quantify who the "best" candidates are.
Well since your boy Obongo is one of the biggest lying mother fuckers to ever get elected, and has got us deeper in debt than all other Presidents combined, then anything that is the opposite of what he promises, does or gets done is probably a good start.
Not saying the R's have put up anything that is a good alternative at this point, I am a Ron Paul guy, but something has to change.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:33 pm
by Moving Sale
88 wrote:Moving Sale wrote:Make up your mind you stupid hillbilly.
I've decided that you are vapid.
IKYAVBWAI? How is third grade treating you?
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:51 pm
by Moving Sale
Derron wrote:
Well since your boy Obongo is one of the biggest lying mother fuckers to ever get elected, and has got us deeper in debt than all other Presidents combined, then anything that is the opposite of what he promises, does or gets done is probably a good start.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:10 pm
by bradhusker
Jsc810 wrote:Dinsdale wrote:
as a "lawyer," you favor appointments that believe "a person's ethic background should have a bearing on how they rule" rather that "is it Constitutional, YES OR NO" ?
WTF is wrong with you?
For most of our history, you had to be a white male to be considered to be a Judge or Justice.
I think that it is appropriate to have diversity on courts, just as it is appropriate to have diversity in the other two branches of government.
Nothing wrong with diversity. HOWEVER, there is something VERY WRONG about Ruth B Ginsberg, a far far left weirdo. She is not a mainstream justice, she doesnt respect or care for the constitution of the USA.
Have you read some of her writings? I have, and I am here to tell you that she is not in touch with the rest of us. Just read what she has written, and you will see a dangerous justice.
AND, my problem is that she is the kind of justice that Obama will nominate.
do ya follow?
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:15 pm
by Cuda
BSmack wrote:Dinsdale wrote:Nothing wrong with diversity in the least -- should be plenty of diversity if the best candidate is selected.
Oh please do opine on how we shall quantify who the "best" candidates are.
Since when did you join the Stupid Party, Monica?
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:33 pm
by Diego in Seattle
Derron wrote:BSmack wrote:Dinsdale wrote:Nothing wrong with diversity in the least -- should be plenty of diversity if the best candidate is selected.
Oh please do opine on how we shall quantify who the "best" candidates are.
Well since your boy Obongo is one of the biggest lying mother fuckers to ever get elected,
He's not even close to me.

Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:01 am
by smackaholic
you're right chip, you shouldn't have.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:14 am
by BSmack
Well, for starters it is well known that Ruth Bader Ginsgurg declined the advances of on Elvis Aaron Presley.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:26 am
by Dan Vogel
I don't have time to read through the 8 pages of this topic but just to agree with the premise of the title. As someone who thinks that President Obama is our best option I do think it would be good if Santorum were chosen by the republicans. Obama would win a landslike. Santorum wouldn't have a chance with all the things he's said. He's way to far right on the social radar to resonate with most Americans of this day and age. And especially younger voters.
Romney is the only one who has a chance and I think he will lose anyway. Obama is a superior debater and has proven to be a better campaignrer.
Gingrish is a has been who has personal marriage issues of his own. He's over and dont know why anyone would support him to begin with.
Ron Paul is to old. He is cranky and is all about no. Everything no no no. It's not going to sell. We need a can do spirit because the country is still down. I do like some of his freedom ideas though.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:55 pm
by bradhusker
Jsc810 wrote:I know I shouldn't do this but ....
Brad, please identify which of Justice Ginsgurg's writings you disagree with, and please explain why you disagree with it.
Ok, Jsc, I will begin, and, keep in mind, YOU will be blown away by her extreme radical leftism.
After I tell you why I disagree with it, I would like you to tell me why you agree with her, FAIR?
Justice Ginsberg has written that she is a firm believer in making our prisons Co-ed. NOW, let me pause here, for a moment, so you can get back up off the floor.
Can you imagine if the prison system in the USA was co-ed? Imagine the brutality that women would experience? SURE, I am aware of the bull dykes who take advantage of other women in women's prisons. BUT, this is an entirely different kind of brutality altogether.
ANY clear thinking person can see slearly that NO WAY should our prisons EVER be co-ed, YET, Justice Ginsberg thinks otherwise.
SO, Jsc, now its your turn to tell me why you agree with her, this sick left wing justice.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:10 pm
by bradhusker
Justice Ginsburg has said that torture under ANY circumstance makes us like our enemy.
WHAT THE FUCK? Let me again pause, while you take your jaw off the floor.
SO, according to Justice Ginsburg, we have a terrorist in custody, who is the only one capable of dis-arming a bomb, that will kill a million or more in one of our great cities. Keep in mind, we are talking about hundreds of thousands of women and children and infants.
NOW, im not saying that torture will work 100 percent of the time, BUT, if you are not willing to take the chance that it will work, and save women and innocent children from being burned alive?
If some sick thug criminal took your daughter, kidnapped her and raped her, and has her hidden somewhere, and the only way you can ever hope to find her, and maybe get her back alive, is to torture this filthy pedophile scum, you wont do it?
I dare you to dis-agree with me on this, I DARE anyone in this forum to dis-agree here.
IF YOU DO, I pray to GOD that you NEVER be allowed to have children or be around them.
According to Justice Ginsburg, no, rather than get your daughter back safe from a pedophile rapist,
you cannot under any circumstances torture him.
DO YOU HAVE CHILDREN jsc? answer this very very carefully, I want to see what kind of father you are, if you are like me, and value and love them with all your heart, OR, you feel that your daughter's life is not worth it, and you dont want to find her badly enough.
I cant wait to hear your thoughts on this, or ANY left wing sicko in this forum.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:49 pm
by BSmack
bradhusker wrote:NEXT,
Justice Ginsburg has said that torture under ANY circumstance makes us like our enemy.
WHAT THE FUCK? Let me again pause, while you take your jaw off the floor.
SO, according to Justice Ginsburg, we have a terrorist in custody, who is the only one capable of dis-arming a bomb, that will kill a million or more in one of our great cities. Keep in mind, we are talking about hundreds of thousands of women and children and infants.
Even in 24 that bomb still went off.