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Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 8:33 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Brad, come and hang with us sometime in the Igloo Spin Zone.

Attitudes are definitely relaxed there and it's a great place for singles to mingle. Lots of hot, eligible ladies pop in all the time. I swear...It's a 24/7 party. I can barely mod that forum sometimes. Thank goodness Phibes picks up the slack, or we'd be slip-sliding on used condoms and wet panties, which can be a safety hazard.

Q: Is the 'Gloo for you?

A: Yes. Yes, it is.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 8:35 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
P.S. If anyone tells you the Igloo Spin Zone is a "sausage party"...they're lying. That is absolutely not true.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 8:40 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
P.S. How do you feel about red-heads?


Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 8:42 pm
by R-Jack
bradhusker wrote:alright alright, The real reason I dont do links is cause im old school. I still dont know how to port things over from youtube. THERE, are you happy now Jack? You've embarrassed me into telling everyone in here why I dont have links/

feel better?
Reach out to Cuda, m2 or KC Paul on how to look like less of a fucking tard. They can help you, but unfortunately they are not smart enough to recognize the irony.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 8:43 pm
by Goober McTuber

Don’t let Marty bamboozle you. The Igloo Zone is indeed a sausage party. Picture those little breakfast links. You’ll fit right in.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 8:53 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Brad, disregard everything Goobs says.

Take the "Igloo Challenge".

If in one week, your cock isn't as swollen and distended (like an orca in mating season who's just withdrawn from it's mate), I will issue you a formal apology.

The 'Gloo is all about sweet lovin' and hot guy-on-girl hook-ups.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:04 pm
by Goober McTuber
Brilliant, Marty. All this talk of engorged cocks will almost certainly draw brad in.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:41 pm
by Derron
bradhusker wrote:
OK, I guess I could swallow you or I would be able to swallow a full grown elephants cock.
Anybody want some sig material ?

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:21 am
by Van
Nope. Cheating by doctoring up brad's post is entirely unsporting, as well as completely unnecessary. It's not as if dude doesn't already provide plenty of sig fodder without having to fuck with his posts.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:00 am
by bradhusker
Martyred wrote:Brad, come and hang with us sometime in the Igloo Spin Zone.

Attitudes are definitely relaxed there and it's a great place for singles to mingle. Lots of hot, eligible ladies pop in all the time. I swear...It's a 24/7 party. I can barely mod that forum sometimes. Thank goodness Phibes picks up the slack, or we'd be slip-sliding on used condoms and wet panties, which can be a safety hazard.

Q: Is the 'Gloo for you?

A: Yes. Yes, it is.
Igloo spin zone? Sounds like a social club for gay eskimos.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:25 pm
by Invictus
KC Scott wrote:
Invictus wrote:
Rahowa, Helter Skelter. A race riot over several states during one of the most important election cycles in history would be very deecem.
You've lightened up over the years Vic, which side you shooting at?

Neither. The Trayvon Martin killing sickens me not from the death but from the reaction of parties on both sides. Blacks, whites, media, presidential candidates, the POTUS himself, I find myself disgusted by the actions of all of the major and minor players in this tragedy. I'll you and others on here discuss the merits of the case, racism and any other bullshit.

shutyomouth, I've been arguing for the Powers That Be at to let you back on the board but to no avail. Ask Frank who I'm sure you have charged with keeping tabs should your name be mentioned and you not there to see it.You should be using your greasy fingers to type out a paen to me instead of childish insults.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:22 pm
by Carson
Martyred wrote:P.S. How do you feel about red-heads?

Shouldn't you have used this one?


Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 7:38 pm
by bradhusker
Link or it goes away you fucking moron.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:25 pm
by Cuda
Martyred wrote: I'm with the sistah on this one. The white, hierarchical power structure needs to be dismantled, NOW.


Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:38 pm
by Diego in Seattle
One thing I've found interesting is the relative silence from La Raza.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:41 pm
by Cuda
what the fuck about this story could possibly interest you, Diego. There's nobody involved under the age of 7

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:38 pm
by Diego in Seattle
Cuda wrote:what the fuck about this story could possibly interest you, Diego. There's nobody involved under the age of 7
Competing with Iriehusker for most boring troll? Way to raise the bar, Cuddles.....

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:20 pm
by Truman

l to r: Cuda; Diego's ankle

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 7:30 pm
by Cuda
oh, i definitely :heart: photo threads


l to r: truman, cuda

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:47 pm
by LTS TRN 2
The otherwise inexplicably shoddy forensics and basic investigation of this murder are based on a curious convention known as MOT.

Familiar? It stands for Member of The Tribe, and it works like this: if a member gets in trouble and he has chits to call in, serious help is on the way, regardless of the law. In this case the father of the shooter is both MOT and a former federal judge. He immediately had the Florida state attorney, fellow MOT, Norm Wolfinger, stall, limit, and attempt to ignore the galling facts of the shooter's behavior. Similarly, the fact of the father being MOT has been carefully avoided in basically all media. Wolfinger has since been removed from the investigation, along with the utterly corrupt police chief, but the concerted smear of the victim, as well as the obfuscation of the shooter's real identity continues.


Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:52 pm
by Dinsdale
Wait -- LTS is toeing the lefty line?

Color me shocked.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:55 pm
by LTS TRN 2
There's nothing "left" or "right" in the matter of MOT. It transcends whatever politics or labels you might prop up. The fact of the victim's ethnicity is similarly moot. Try to focus.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:55 pm
by Diego in Seattle
Obviously LTS has a new hat from Reynolds Wrap.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:54 pm
by Truman
Cuda wrote:oh, i definitely :heart: photo threads


l to r: truman, cuda
I love self-deprecating humor...

So who's the shovel? Cute dog, BTW...

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:59 pm
by Cuda
[quote="Truman"]i'm rubber, you're glue, etc[quote]

the KC is strong in this tard

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:04 am
by Truman
Cuda wrote:the KC is strong in this tard
And the smack is weak in this one.

You managed to fuck yourself with your own pic, Loser.

Even on your best day, I'm still better than you.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 9:44 am
by bradhusker
LTS TRN 2 wrote:The otherwise inexplicably shoddy forensics and basic investigation of this murder are based on a curious convention known as MOT.

Familiar? It stands for Member of The Tribe, and it works like this: if a member gets in trouble and he has chits to call in, serious help is on the way, regardless of the law. In this case the father of the shooter is both MOT and a former federal judge. He immediately had the Florida state attorney, fellow MOT, Norm Wolfinger, stall, limit, and attempt to ignore the galling facts of the shooter's behavior. Similarly, the fact of the father being MOT has been carefully avoided in basically all media. Wolfinger has since been removed from the investigation, along with the utterly corrupt police chief, but the concerted smear of the victim, as well as the obfuscation of the shooter's real identity continues.


"utterly corrupt police chief", WOW, you just dis-credited yourself entirely. NICE.

This sweet nice kid you refer to was actually an accomplished burglar by the age of 16. He stood 6 ft 2 and a half, and, on the night in question, decided to cold cock someone in the nose. How do I know this? The hospital records indicate that zimmermann was indeed treated for a broken noxe.

BUT, according to LTS's conspiracy, zimmermann probably broke it himself to make it look justifiable.

The msnbc tards are doing everything possible to alter everything in their favor. Including patching and editing the audio tapes to make it sound like zimmermann was a stone cold racist.

Anyone with half a brain can clearly hear the word "punk". HOWEVER, the tards over at msnbc swear its the racial slur "coons".

Keep spinning LTS. you are one dellusional tard.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 5:38 pm
by LTS TRN 2
There have in fact been NO medical records to back up the shooter's claim of a broken nose or injuries on the back of his head--commensurate with having one's head "banged on the pavement." The assertion that such records had been released--or compiled in the first place--was just a flat out lie, and notice that no one has produced these records--or demanded them. In fact, all we get in the mainstream media is the report of such an assertion--again with no follow up. Amazing. Further, as the whole world can see on the video in the police station only thirty minutes after the shooting, there's no injury whatsoever to the shooter's face or head. The FACT of his father being MOT has similarly been avoided completely in the media. This is the reality of the case. Yes, the emotionally unstable shooter stalked the victim, assaulted him and shot him, then lied and went into deep MOT protection. Now let's be clear, MOT only goes so far. If the perp is SO guilty as to embarrass the Tribe, he will be thrown under the bus. This case is at the tipping point. The standard coverup was run but has been blown.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 7:54 pm
by bradhusker
LTS TRN 2 wrote:There have in fact been NO medical records to back up the shooter's claim of a broken nose or injuries on the back of his head--commensurate with having one's head "banged on the pavement." The assertion that such records had been released--or compiled in the first place--was just a flat out lie, and notice that no one has produced these records--or demanded them. In fact, all we get in the mainstream media is the report of such an assertion--again with no follow up. Amazing. Further, as the whole world can see on the video in the police station only thirty minutes after the shooting, there's no injury whatsoever to the shooter's face or head. The FACT of his father being MOT has similarly been avoided completely in the media. This is the reality of the case. Yes, the emotionally unstable shooter stalked the victim, assaulted him and shot him, then lied and went into deep MOT protection. Now let's be clear, MOT only goes so far. If the perp is SO guilty as to embarrass the Tribe, he will be thrown under the bus. This case is at the tipping point. The standard coverup was run but has been blown.
LTS, STOP LYING!! please, for the love of God, stop your LYING.

The video was just cleaned up and now is being shown in better resolution, AND GUESS WHAT?
You can clearly see not one, but TWO gashes that were cleaned up by paramedics. THAT was verified/
GO look at the new hi-res images, and you will clearly see two gashes on the back of his head/

Msnbc just doctured and re-edited the audio from the 911 tapes. NOW TELL ME WHY !!!!!

FUCKIN tell me why a supposed news organization would re-edit an audio tape, THEN call it racial profiling, when they KNOW that the un-edited tape would argue against such claims/

Msnbc edited the tape so zimmermann could be heard saying he is BLACK. BUT, when you hear the unedited version, the dispatcher clearly asks zimmermannn is the person white black or hispanic?

Why would msnbc clearly take a side night after night, and attack the wittnesses for zimmermann, and coddle the wittnesses for trayvon?
Is that journalism? Or is it left wing nutjob HACKS?

Your assumptions LTS are fuckin Laughable. I am not an attorney, HOWEVER, I would tear you to pieces in a court of law.
Thats how stupid your takes are here. You lie about the video, and my take is that either you havent seen the new hi-res images yet, OR, you have seen them, and you are just emotionally disturbed.
which is it?

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:01 pm
by bradhusker
Papa Willie wrote: ... -911-tape/


Gov't controlled network fuckin' up.
Thank you Papa, THIS IS EVIDENCE that msnbc has people working for them who are SICK FUCKS.
No news organization worth its salt would dare piece together and re-edit an audio tape in order to make someone appear to be racist. EXCEPT NBC.

OH, and let LTS know that we wont fall for his bullshit about the video showing zimmermann in perfect shape at the police station.

A new hi-res version has been released, and you can clearly see two gashes on the back of zimmermanns head that had been cleaned up by paramedics at the scene.
This leads me to believe that LTS is a sick weird liar.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:50 pm
by LTS TRN 2
First of all, notice that along with NO medical reports suggesting any injuries to the shooter, this suddenly "enhanced" video is simply presented with no comment or verification by the police or anyone else. Gee... :wink:

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:13 pm
by Left Seater
Yes, that was one of the reports.

I guess we have learned nothing about rushing to judgement. See the Duke Rape Hoax. The public demanded these "elite" white students be made to pay for their hate crime. Oops, turns out they didn't rape her and the Gang of 88, the AD, and the DA all worked to ruin the falsely accused.

There is no need to rush this case, just as there was no need to rush that case.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:59 pm
by Derron
Guessing that a a lot of people are obsessing with the fact they have not arrested dude yet.

Pretty sure that the DA and Grand jury would have found reasonable probable cause and moved on it by now. If it was there.

Indictment on a capital crime usually happens pretty quick if the case is there.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 11:23 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Derron wrote:Pretty sure that the DA and Grand jury would have found reasonable probable cause and moved on it by now.
I believe the grand jury is still in session, if that is what the term is called.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 11:28 pm
by Van
If this is true, Nick and all the "activists" will not be pleased... ... 56087.html

Trayvon Martin police report reveals Zimmerman was ‘bleeding from the nose and back of head’

The report states that George Zimmerman's gun "was placed into evidence" and not returned to him, and the scene of the shooting was secured with crime scene tape. This directly conflicts with statements made by civil rights activists, including Rev. Jesse Jackson, who had claimed the Sanford, Fla., police department "didn't even bother to put yellow tape around the murder scene when he died—that's how much the police did to find out what happened to this young boy."

After officers discovered Martin's body, the report states that they unsuccessfully attempted to revive him.

According to the report, Sanford police spent more than seven hours at the scene. They interviewed six witnesses, whose names were redacted from the report. The partial report contains information from the first two officers to arrive at the scene.

The first to arrive was officer Timothy Smith. From Smith's report:

"While I was in such close contact with Zimmerman, I could observe that his back appeared to be wet and was covered in grass, as if he had been laying on his back on the ground. Zimmerman was also bleeding from the nose and back of his head.

"Zimmerman was placed in the rear of my police vehicle and was given first aid by the SFD. While the SF was attending to Zimmerman, I overheard him state, 'I was yelling for someone to help me, but no one would help me.' At no point did I question Zimmerman about the incident that had taken place."

Pretty much shoots everything they've been saying right out the window while also explaining why Zimmerman never was and likely never will be arrested.

Team Trayvon had better hope the attached police report is false.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 11:51 pm
by Atomic Punk
Sudden Sam wrote: Did Trayvon Martin deserve to die?

BTW, TROTS this thread before the scroll wheel killer bhusker adds another 8 pages of unreadable nonsense.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 12:52 am
by Derron
Screw_Michigan wrote:
Derron wrote:Pretty sure that the DA and Grand jury would have found reasonable probable cause and moved on it by now.
I believe the grand jury is still in session, if that is what the term is called.
A case like this would be in front of the grand jury for about 2 to 3 hours. The grand jury will tell the DA, you have a case, or stop wasting our fucking time, you will never convict. Somewhere between the DA and the grand jury, a decision was made not to prosecute. DA's are no in the habitat of taking losing prosecutions in front of the GJ. Something about their credibility maybe..or false arrest ...

They just won't announce that until they have a plan in place for when nogs all around the country decide we need to prosecute a man defending himself, and decide to burn down 1/2 the major cities in the country. Make the Occupy things look like a school yard / smack squabble.

Been on a grand jury and have testified before one. That is how it works here anyway.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:48 am
by bradhusker
KC Scott wrote:
Sudden Sam wrote:Didn't a black kid who was an eye witness say that the deceased was on top of the shooter pummeling him?

They had a reporter from Orlando who interviewed 2 witnesses on the news - One was a white guy who wouldn't go on camera but talked from behind his door. He's the one who called 911.

The second was a black teen who said he saw two men fighting and the guy on the bottom getting pummled was in a red t-shirt (zimmerman)

For some mysterious reason that segment seems to have disappeared
You're correct KC, anything which goes against team trayvon seems to disappear, while a phoney voice expert gets pushed to the forefront. The guy pushing his voice software? JOKE.
I was able to talk in my normal voice, THEN, scream for help in a falsetto peircing high note that no computer in the known universe could say with certainty was my voice.
Actual eyewitness accounts have strangely disappeared, and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton can just flat-out lie about the police.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 1:43 pm
by Left Seater
Why are any of you surprised that Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton would lie to further fan the flames? This is what they do. If there isn't an issue to turn into a racial war they won't be in front of the TV cameras. Without that free coverage they both have nothing.

Jackson offered to pay the tuition of the stripper who made up the rape hoax. Never heard him apologize to those three men. He just moved on to the next non event to build it up to a huge national story. Same thing here.

Re: Okay - this subject needs to be touched on.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 4:50 pm
by LTS TRN 2
No surprise that the cowardly--and very sniveling--racist creeps around here are slowly crawling forth from their low cover to start piling on the victim of this gutless murder. OF COURSE there is NO MEDICAL REPORT to support the very tepid assertions that have police made assertions that the shooter was "bleeding" from his head. This entire case has become bogged in tabloid coverage of shameless police misconduct. The MOT factor is definitely still in play as the actual identity of the shooter and his father are left intentionally muddled and misleading.