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Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 6:12 pm
by Moving Sale
88 wrote: But they did. And in greater numbers, proportionally, than whites:
First off, are you really going to try and get away with using "proportionally" to justify what whites did to blacks for a few hundred years? First you can't even prove there was proportionality and second it completely disregards segregation and Jim Crow. Your article (the 10% that isn't anecdotal evidence) says that there were 27,000,000 whites and 385,000 people who owned slaves which amounts to between 1.4 and 4.8% that owned slaves. At this point I would like to know if all family members of the slave-owners were in this number or not, but beyond that the article then states that there were 4 million blacks at the time. The article then only finds 3,000 of those that are slave owners. This is .075%. Would you care to try your ‘proportionality" argument with more facts or are you going to concede it is a shit argument? As for segregation and Jim Crow are you going to try and say that white got the raw end of those too?

Since you libs blame gun manufacturers instead of the shooters when a murder is committed, why don't you also blame the black Africans who sold blacks into slavery instead of the whites who purchased them?
Not sure why you think I'm a liberal when I hate Wickard and love the 2nd Am., but I will answer anyways.
What makes you think I don't blame both? Only a racist would blame one and not the other.

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 6:13 pm
by Moving Sale
Sudden Sam wrote: Blacks commit violent crimes against whites at a tremendously higher rate than do whites against blacks.

Sorry if that bothers anyone, but you can't deny it.
Why can't I deny it?

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 6:14 pm
by Moving Sale
poptart wrote:
mvscal wrote:The point that you are attempting to make is so stupid I'm going to have to assume you're trolling.
Yeah, the point that facts need to known before accurate judgment can be made is really foolish, isn't it? lol

You don't know what happened.

A few points you've latched on to are probably accurate, but the rest is your own conjecture.
He is a racist shit bag. He doesn't care about facts.

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:24 pm
by Moving Sale
Then I'm sure you can hook me up with facts to support your post since its so easy and all.

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:36 pm
by Moving Sale
I already told you. Is your brain fried from too many lard shots you fat disgusting fuck?

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:39 pm
by Moving Sale
Hate crime legislation is unconstitutional IMO. I don't care about a defendants' motive.

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 9:04 pm
by Moving Sale
What do crime stats have to do with actual crime? Do you really think that black on white crime is either reported or prosecuted at the same rate a white on black? What rate is even reported regardless of race? Why 2011? Why not 1776 to 2014?

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 9:21 pm
by Derron
poptart wrote:If an officer (with multiple tools of defense and deterrent at his disposal) finds himself at the point where he is physically assaulted, it's possible that he made a mistake to get to that point.
You are becoming a tedious whining little bitch. What is your back ground in dealing with mentally challenged individuals high on meth, or convicted felons and how you can so accurately predict compliant behavior ?

This went on downstate a couple hours ago. So just exactly what should this officer have done in his situation ?

The mother fucking meth head that probably did this just blazed away during a routine traffic stop. This is what cops go up against every day. There are a lot of crazy fucks out there, and you have contact with a few of these shitbags you might understand the way the roll.

Image ... f887a.html

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 9:30 pm
by Moving Sale
Derron wrote: There are a lot of crazy fucks out there, and you have contact with a few of these shitbags you might understand the way the roll.
The way they roll is hyped up on roids and ready to commit perjury at the drop of a hat. Most cops should be fired today.

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 9:48 pm
by Diego in Seattle
Moving Sale wrote:
Derron wrote: There are a lot of crazy fucks out there, and you have contact with a few of these shitbags you might understand the way the roll.
The way they roll is hyped up on roids and ready to commit perjury at the drop of a hat. Most cops should be fired today.
Hook us up with a link that shows that this is the way most police officers roll.

I'd put way more credibility in a IA investigation into officer behavior than investigations performed by the bar association examining lawyer misconduct.

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 10:54 pm
by Moving Sale
I was posting to duhron and was therefore meeting unsubstantiated rhetoric with unsubstantiated rhetoric. The truth is probably closer to: too many officers are doing roids and willing to lie on the stand at the drop of a hat.

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 11:26 pm
by mvscal
Diego in Seattle wrote:
Moving Sale wrote:
Derron wrote: There are a lot of crazy fucks out there, and you have contact with a few of these shitbags you might understand the way the roll.
The way they roll is hyped up on roids and ready to commit perjury at the drop of a hat. Most cops should be fired today.
Hook us up with a link that shows that this is the way most police officers roll.
'Cops' crew member was killed by Omaha police during filming

A crew member for the TV show "Cops" died after he was shot by police while filming Omaha officers responding to an armed robbery Tuesday night, officials said Wednesday..

Omaha Police Chief Todd Schmaderer said 38-year-old Bryce Dion was shot once during a shootout between three officers and a robber in a Wendy's restaurant.

Police said the robber, 32-year-old Cortez Washington, shot at officers with an airsoft pistol ... story.html
That's just one. My 'Amazing World of Juiced Up Badge Monkeys' thread at .net has many, many more and is far from all inclusive. ... =2&t=18271

We are well beyond "a few bad apples."

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 12:00 am
by Diego in Seattle
Out of how many officers in the US?

Out of how many contacts made?

And it figures that you would convict the Omaha officers before the investigation has gotten off the ground. Tell me this...why was that audio guy where he was? Do you really think it's smart to be downrange from officers when they're on a robbery call?

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 12:35 am
by War Wagon
alright, who the fuck is stealing passwords around here?

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 12:49 am
by Moving Sale
There are around 800,000* cops and they kill about 1,000 people a yr (.125%) while around 150 are killed on duty every yr.(.0185%)

*2012 probably closer to 900,000 today.

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:06 am
by mvscal
A Stupid Copsucker wrote: Tell me this...why was that audio guy where he was? Do you really think it's smart to be downrange from officers when they're on a robbery call? it's his fault for getting in the way of the panicked badge monkey's bullet? Or did Officer Twitchy mistake his boom mic for an "assault weapon" while blazing away at a dumbass with a toy gun?

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 5:13 am
by Moving Sale
mvscal wrote:
A Stupid Copsucker wrote: Tell me this...why was that audio guy where he was? Do you really think it's smart to be downrange from officers when they're on a robbery call? it's his fault for getting in the way of the panicked badge monkey's bullet? Or did Officer Twitchy mistake his boom mic for an "assault weapon" while blazing away at a dumbass with a toy gun?
And it's not likely to end any time soon especially with cases like Connick v. Thompson(Fuck you justice Thomas) and Plumhoff vs Rickard (Fuck off all nine of you) protecting these badge nazis.

And on it goes... ... ing-video/

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 12:34 pm
by Left Seater
Moving Sale wrote:What do crime stats have to do with actual crime? Do you really think that black on white crime is either reported or prosecuted at the same rate a white on black? What rate is even reported regardless of race? Why 2011? Why not 1776 to 2014?
Why did you leave out black on black crime MS? I would bet that the most under reported category is black on black. I would also bet that black on white and white on black are reported similarly. In both cases there are unreported, fabricated, and overstated cases, but are pretty close.

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 2:26 pm
by Moving Sale
Left Seater wrote: Why did you leave out black on black crime MS? I would bet that the most under reported category is black on black. I would also bet that black on white and white on black are reported similarly. In both cases there are unreported, fabricated, and overstated cases, but are pretty close.
Because it wasn't under discussion. Is it also under reported? Yes, yes it is. Happy now?

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 2:28 pm
by Moving Sale
Sudden Sam wrote:MS, did you even look at the stats I provided the link to?
Yes I did. I then asked you a few questions which you don't seem to want to answer. Why is that?

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 2:38 pm
by Moving Sale
So you don't think history colors our actions today? Is that you take?

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 3:01 pm
by Moving Sale
I want to understand it not excuse it. Care to try again?

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 3:53 pm
by Moving Sale
What gives you that idea? I want to stop it.

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:52 pm
by R-Jack
mvscal wrote:. My 'Amazing World of Juiced Up Badge Monkeys' thread at .net has many, many more and is far from all inclusive. ... =2&t=18271

We are well beyond "a few bad apples."
You can go ahead and toss this one on the pile. At least this guy had the decency to not wear the badge as he was trying to crush skulls ... -wo/nhCCr/

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 5:40 pm
by Left Seater
Not a single peep of that from the national media.

True journalism is dead. It has been replaced with edited soundbites and opinion polls.

It is too bad the couple wasn't carrying. My guess is though even with the CCTV footage, had the couple done anything more, they would have been painted as over aggressive by Jessie, Al, the media, etc.

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 5:52 pm
by Moving Sale
Papa Willie wrote: This is why everybody should carry guns. Wouldn't it have been funny to see that guy (and girl) pull out .45's and just start blowing those cunts away?
If everybody carried guns wouldn't the perps of had guns too?

You really don't get why this is just a boring old crime story and a white cop, quite possibly, executing a unarmed black man is interesting on many levels?

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 6:30 pm
by Left Seater
Oh, I get that it is boring to many, see my point about journalism being dead above.

I also understand that the Brown shooting is interesting to some because it allows them to rally behind a message that is factually incorrect and racist. Granted none of us know what happened, but we do know the dead man was minutes away from committing a crime, his buddy who was part of the crime has changed his story on two occasions, that the officer that shot the criminal was injured severely, and that the community that wanted to call this shooting murder or an "execution" showed their concern by looting their own community and committing more crimes.

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 10:08 pm
by Derron
Left Seater wrote:
It is too bad the couple wasn't carrying. My guess is though even with the CCTV footage, had the couple done anything more, they would have been painted as over aggressive by Jessie, Al, the media, etc.
Two whiteys with no situational awareness at all. Not knowing who was around you, who was coming up on you and failing to take care of your own safety. This is why I carry a gun every hour of every day even at home. This is why I never go places where I could possibly encounter the sub human predatory species types in the human food chain. Put a couple of holes in one or two of them monkeys and let their homies watch them bleed out. You liberal gun control pukes can go fuck yourselves.

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 11:10 pm
by smackaholic
Sudden Sam wrote:
if there is a god, a few of those fukks will get carjacked on the way home. then they'll be crying for one of those racist cops to bail them out.

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 1:53 am
by War Wagon
I give nothing but shit about Cards fans... those here in the KC area that is. Move the fuck back to your own side of the great state of Missouri.

But Rack St. Louis just the same. I guess I don't blame them for acting uppity towards their "little brother" in KC.

St. Louis is a largely Catholic city, go figure. It's wise not to fuck with Catholics.

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 2:27 am
by Screw_Michigan
KC Scott wrote:Here's your daily dose of liberal media for today: right here

The writer doesn't seem to realize the thug gathering is AT a Cardinal Playoff and that fans probably don't want to see or hear this bullshit anymore

Fuck Deadspin
Sucks having your dirty laundry waived in your face, doesn't it? "Oh, but we just wanna watch a baseball game." Nice going, St. Loser.

Crackhead smack? Check.
Jobless smack? Check.
We gave you your freedoms? Check.
Wearing "I am Darren Wilson" on your jersey? Check.

Shit, if only they had a few nooses, we would have had a modern day lynching at a fucking PLAYOFF game. PBP for that would have been OUTSTANDING.

Rack Deadspin and rack Argus.

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 2:44 am
by Dinsdale
Screw_Michigan wrote:
Protesting in an inappropriate location? Check.

Protesting a policeman shooting a violent thug during the commission of a crime, strictly based on ethnic group? Check.


Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 2:45 am
by Left Seater
Why are they protesting at the symphony? No one there has killed a black man.

They should be chanting at the local housing projects or gang hang outs, or the disability or welfare office. There they will find plenty of folks who have murdered black men.

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 1:15 pm
by Left Seater
Go ahead and enlighten me oh wise one.

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 1:22 pm
by mvscal
RACK Cardsfan for pissing all over the flushed turd formerly known as 'Mike Brown.'

He got justice.

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 8:36 pm
by Left Seater
KC Scott wrote: Did you open the link?

If you opened it, did you read it?

Or at least click on the video?

Hint: You wont see Matt Holiday in the string section

I opened the video Sam posted.

It was a YouTube video that played in the thread.

There was nothing to read.

So why did they protest at the symphony.

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:04 am
by Left Seater
KC Scott wrote:You should have quoted Sam's post then, since everyone else was discussing the protest at the Cardinal game

You have failed at message boarding

Fucking Texans


Slow your roll there buddy. Someone you just claimed was a blithering illiterate dumbfuck was able to follow along, but you weren't? Hmmmmm.

I think you just wanted to get your Texas/Texans blast in so badly you reached. Prolly should have kept that one in the holster just a bit longer.

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 5:20 pm
by Wolfman
But, but......... aren't we supposed to believe that weed makes people docile? Of course, it could be that the "gentle giant" was possibly influenced by more than that. I would avoid that area when any ruling comes down exonerating the cop.

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 5:45 pm
by Left Seater
So now we know the dude was or recently was high, committed multiple crimes the day he died, and likely was attempting to get the officer's gun. The officer's account seems quite reasonable given the eye witness accounts of dude going thru the window of the car.

Cop should be cleared in the next week at the latest.

Re: St. Louis nogs rioting

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 4:39 pm
by mvscal
An amusing re-read. No real surprise that the usual suspects were totally clueless and dead wrong.