88 wrote:Bush did not lie about Iraq.
Technically, no, he didn't.
But he
implied Saddam Hussein was a direct threat to this country.
Complete bullshit, and the notion itself was a lie.
Imo, he and others DID lie, in that -- the war in Iraq had nothing to do with WMDs, nor any sort of direct threat to this country, nor any sort of plausible, verifiable tie (of 9/11) to Saddam (outside of Saddam funding Palestinian terrorists, of which he is far from alone). Hell, he even stated so. We're there because this administration wants to rearrange the political makeup of the region. Period.
Only that couldn't be used as a justification for war, politically.
Let's not coat it in a bunch of higher-than-thou, sanctamonious bullshit. He lied. Right war, wrong selling point.
And Clinton lied about what, again? History will judge whose lie was more significant, obviously.