Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by Dinsdale »

Someone who thinks a parabolic function creates an arc of a circle sayswhat?
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by poptart »

Dunce wrote:if you're attempting to view Point T from Point C, why isn't the line that you're attempting to look down drawn between those two points?
Because we are talking about earth curvature and not distance to horizon, you ridiculous asshat.


Have you clicked this link a single time I've posted it?

Click the link and pull your head out of your @ss -- if it's not swallowed and completely -----> GONE.
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by poptart »

Dunce wrote:if you're attempting to view Point T from Point C, why isn't the line that you're attempting to look down drawn between those two points?

Here's an ASSignment for your balck Friday, Duncedale.

Let's do what you ask...


See T there?

Extend a straight line upward from that point -- like the line from C to 3.

Now draw a line from point A to the line above point T. The amount you've gone up the line from T represents 8".

Now draw a line from point B to the line above point T. The amount you've gone up the line from T represents 32".

And finally, draw a line from point C to the line above point T. This line goes up even higher and represents 72".

See what you've got?

It's the EXACT same thing as the original diagram, just in reverse.


Just eject while you're way behind, sporto.

- poptart
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by poptart »

And more of NASA's mockery of you...

Hubble Sees a Smiling Lens



They laff at you.

Laff and laff and laff at your abject stupidity and gullibility.
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by poptart »

Jsc, did you even watch this stupid video you posted?

It is truly one of THE most ridiculous things I've ever seen.

I honestly pity anyone who is so far gone mentally that they think any part of this charade is real.

The landing: 1:40 - 2:15

:lol: :lol:

Do you think that shit is real?


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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by poptart »

Pretty close to Yongin.
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by poptart »

Jsc, I'm aware of observatories.

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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by Left Seater »

Uh oh.

Passenger jet lands on the Antarctic land mass and all survive. Plane didn't crash into the firmament. Nor was it shot down. ... ime-glb5a9



Radio interview says this could lead to multiple flights from an Antarctic base and passengers could completely circle the landmass on a single flight.

Shall we start the go fund me page for Pop?
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by poptart »

LS wrote:Plane didn't crash into the firmament. Nor was it shot down.
Why would it crash into the firmament -- or why would it be shot down?

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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by Left Seater »

poptart wrote:
LS wrote:Plane didn't crash into the firmament. Nor was it shot down.
Why would it crash into the firmament -- or why would it be shot down?


Doesn't the firmament have to meet Antartica at some point to hold all the air in? You also stated that a civilian plane flying around the landmass was at a great risk for being shot down.
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by poptart »

1. The plane was clearly authorized.

2. The story says it landed at Union Glacier, which would be near #60 on this map.


That's nowhere near "the edge," which could potentially be at #1 (or well beyond #1).

Yes, I suspect the firmament comes down to meet the land at some point beyond #1.
How far beyond?
I don't know.
I suspect it might be a HELLUVA long way beyond it.

This plane didn't get anywhere remotely near the edge.
Not even in the realm.
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by Left Seater »

Where is dot #1 on a flat earth map? Dot #60?

The image above is what we all believe it looks like. You should show us where that plane landed on your supposed map where the land mass is a ring around the oceans.

Then let's discuss the Pan Am flight that did exactly what you said would convince you the earth was round and follow that up with your thoughts on Southern Hemisphere flights.
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by poptart »

On the globe, the "tail" of West Antarctica is under S. America.
So I assume that is where #60 is on a flat map.


It is on the ice, moving toward 60W on this map.

"The edge" is simply moving more south beyond that.

When you go from any location on the flat map SOUTH -- and then keep going south across the ice, you are moving toward the edge.

There is a base at #1 (Amundsen-Scott).
It is located at some point on the outer edge of the white on a map like this, but where exactly it is located on a flat map, I can not say.
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by Left Seater »

So when the Pan Am flight flew south across the landmass, how did it end up in Sydney a few hours later?
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by poptart »

Before you talk about the end of the flight in question, you better deal with the first part of the flight, because you've got a big problem.

At 1:25, the flight path is shown...

Started at SF, approximately 120 W Longitude.
Went north up toward the N. Pole.

If they crossed the N. Pole, they would then come out the other side of the earth on 60 E Longitude -- in Eastern Europe or the Middle East.

But they didn't.
They took a right angle turn and come down to -----> LONDON, which is at 0 W Longitude.


They did not even cross the N. Pole, dude.
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by Left Seater »

That is not the exact flight path. That was the promotional graphic.

They flew over both poles.
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by poptart »

Why do you tell a lie?

If they had gone over the N. Pole, the plane would have come out the other side at 60 E Longitude, not at 0.

They took a right angle turn instead of crossing the N. Pole.
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by Left Seater »

poptart wrote:Why do you tell a lie?

If they had gone over the N. Pole, the plane would have come out the other side at 60 E Longitude, not at 0.

They took a right angle turn instead of crossing the N. Pole.
Pop slow down and check your self for one second. You are basing your arguement off of a marketing drawing that was produced prior to the flight. The drawing you are referring to isnt the actual route of flight. If you really are looking for answers like you claim to be then you would examine this flight closely. Instead you are calling me a liar based on a straw man you have built. That comes across as someone who isn't searching for answers but rather someone who is defending a position regardless of what is presented.

Again the marketing drawing is not their actual route of flight. This flight did cross both poles according to hundreds of people. Which is exactly what you claimed would prove to you the earth is round. Do you have a take on that?
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by poptart »

They say they took off in SF and flew up to the N. Pole.
This is a line on 120 W. Longitude.

If they had crossed the N. Pole, they would have come out the other side on 60 E. Longitude.

But they didn't.
Then they flew south and landed in London, which is on 0 Longitude.
It's nowhere near 60 E. Longitude.

Sorry, I don't believe they crossed the N. Pole, and no, I also don't believe that hundreds of people know that they crossed the N. Pole.

The passengers didn't know jack fartin' shit.
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by poptart »

Get your globe and your string again...

The ridiculous video says that the trip from London to Cape Town took 11 hours.
It then says the trip from Cape Town to Auckland (over the S. Pole) took 11 hours.

Measure the distance from London to Cape Town compared to the distance from Cape Town to Auckland.

C. Town to Auck is about 50% longer.

:lol: :doh:
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by poptart »

Jsc, these stupid fantasy space stories are coming out now at a very rapid pace now.
As well as stupid NASA fantasy stories.

A quickly growing number of people are becoming hip to the lies of the globe.
Hence the desperate stories.

There is no space travel, Jsc.
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by Dinsdale »

Hey Moron.... errr, pardon me...

I meant to address you as "Poptart"...

Would you care to posit a theory explaining how satellite TV works? I mean, everyone aims their dish at the same point in the Firmament to get the same signal, even when they're thousands of miles apart.

Is this part of Satan's Great Plot?

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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by Dinsdale »

Jsc810 wrote:If your interpretation of the Bible was "water is not wet" and then you experienced the wetness of water first hand, what would you do?
I'll answer on his behalf -- he'd continue to be a stark raving moron.

He has a belief system, that's actually been proven wrong, beyond any and all doubt.

It's the greatest example of Cognitive Dissonance I've ever seen.

Dude is wayyyyyyy to deeply invested in a belief system, which he has adopted to make himself feel superior to others (since limited intelligence makes it difficult to distinguish himself from the pack by other means). His mental illness has become so severe (he could quite possibly be suffering from a form of epilepsy, which can cause some of the symptoms he's displayed here), that his brain won't allow him to back off his stupid "interpretation" of the Bible, since that would be admitting that he's wasted his life being an idiot... so, he stays with his ridiculous schtick.

It's actually kind of sad, yet deliciously entertaining. I guess I'm a bad person for taking pleasure in watching someone's mental state decline so severely, but this time it's someone I don't know, so I can sit on the sidelines and watch what is generally a horrific experience for the people around the victim.
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by poptart »

Have you gotten your math squared away yet?
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by poptart »

I can't wait for those beings from other galaxies to get here so they can learn us what the real truth is.

And with any luck at all, they'll bring a calculator for Dinsdale.
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by Dinsdale »

Dude who thinks a parabolic function describes the arc of a circle is running mathsmack?

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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by poptart »

Dinsdale wrote:Poptard, you keep citing the view of Toronto from 30 miles away as "proof." The problem is your horribly flawed geometry.

Rather than continue to join the well-deserved pile-on (OK, I lied -- I'll certainly continue), let me help where your junior high teachers failed:

Looking across a body of water at a point 30 miles (measured over the curve of the Earth)... let's even use your (quite incorrect) formula for Earth's curvature (and we'll even fudge the numbers in your favor)...

Let's call our location across from Toronto "Point A." Toronto will be "Point C." The halfway point (on the curve) will be "Point B." Our line-of-sight is between Point A and Point C.

From Point A, go 1 mile towards Point B. The curve has gone UP 8"(according to your incorrect formula), down our line-of-sight. We're not looking for Toronto on the surface of the Moon, right... we're looking down the line-of-sight. There's a "bump" in between.

Now, let's go one more mile towards Point B. The horizon just ROSE a bit LESS than 8". We're at 15" or less of RISE.

Let's do this 15 times, until we get to Point B. Point B is the apex of the arc, and is what is blocking the view of Toronto (Point C).

And Point B is well under 10 feet above the line-of-sight. Add about 5 feet for the level of the camera, and this rise becomes 6 feet or less.
I've posted the earth curvature formula at least 25 times by now.
It's not my formula.

It's mathematic FACT -- based on the dimensions of your globe.
3,959 mile radius.
25,000 miles in circumference.

Earth curvature is 8" per mile squared.

At 15 miles away, 150 ft of an object will be hidden from view.

Not less than 10 ft (LOL) -- as advanced Duncedale mathematics declares. :)

Get yourself up to speed on the basics of the discussion.

At that point, maybe we really could have a discussion about these matters.
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by Left Seater »

He has already posted what would make him believe the earth is round and then when presented with the evidence he attacks a straw man. His sad defense is the marketing material produced prior to the flight was the actual route of flight. Sad.

Further for months he has refused to discuss non stop flights between cities in the Southern Hemisphere.
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by Dinsdale »

poptart wrote: Earth curvature is 8" per mile squared.
No, it's not.

I don't need to prove you wrong -- you can do it very easily yourself. Grab yourself a piece of graph paper, and you'll quickly see why you shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet.

What you describe is a "parabolic function" which doesn't describe anything even resembling a circle (it describes a "parabola," oddly enough).

So, in short... FAIL.
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by poptart »

LS wrote:His sad defense is the marketing material produced prior to the flight was the actual route of flight.
Was it just marketing material that the plane went to London (0 Longitude) rather than somewhere on 60 E Longitude?

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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by poptart »

Dinsdale wrote:
poptart wrote: Earth curvature is 8" per mile squared.
No, it's not.

I don't need to prove you wrong -- you can do it very easily yourself. Grab yourself a piece of graph paper, and you'll quickly see why you shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet.

What you describe is a "parabolic function" which doesn't describe anything even resembling a circle (it describes a "parabola," oddly enough).

So, in short... FAIL.
This should be very entertaining.

Set 8" per mile squared aside.

Instead, you tell us what the curvature is.
Strictly curvature, not potential refraction, etc.

Here is the example.

You are viewing a tower which is 300 ft tall.
Your eye height is 0 ft.

a) How many feet of the tower are hidden from your view due to curvature if you are 10 miles away?
b) How many feet of the tower are hidden from your view due to curvature if you are 20 miles away?
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by poptart »

Jsc810 wrote:I'm not discussing the shape of the earth, it is round. Proof of that remains on the table.

Would a flight over Antarctica be sufficient proof for you? If not, why not?

Is this really the level of your discussion in the topic?
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by poptart »

poptart wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:
poptart wrote: Earth curvature is 8" per mile squared.
No, it's not.

I don't need to prove you wrong -- you can do it very easily yourself. Grab yourself a piece of graph paper, and you'll quickly see why you shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet.

What you describe is a "parabolic function" which doesn't describe anything even resembling a circle (it describes a "parabola," oddly enough).

So, in short... FAIL.
This should be very entertaining.

Set 8" per mile squared aside.

Instead, you tell us what the curvature is.
Strictly curvature, not potential refraction, etc.

Here is the example.

You are viewing a tower which is 300 ft tall.
Your eye height is 0 ft.

a) How many feet of the tower are hidden from your view due to curvature if you are 10 miles away?
b) How many feet of the tower are hidden from your view due to curvature if you are 20 miles away?
Why is Duncedale hiding?

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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by Dinsdale »

You've shown your complete ineptness at math, willingness to believe any stupidity you read (nice parabolic function to describe a circle), and that you are a clown who is here for the amusement of people who grasp the concept of a "globe."

Your desperate attempt to make God like you better has run its course.

Add "poptart" to the list of people you've run.

It was a funny ride, though.
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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by poptart »

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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by Dinsdale »

88 wrote:lol

This thread is sleepy. I might put it to bed.

Could you send poptart a piece of graph paper before you do?

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Re: Pretty Dots In The Firmament {!)

Post by Dinsdale »

I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
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