Jay in Phoenix wrote:Once again you flaming ass hat, it is a fucking FILM pic. From 1969. Just look at the color difference and angle and focus for the distinction. It is NOT from a video, especially the one shown earlier. I didn't stop discussing it, you just claimed it was what it was not.
I tend to ignore stupidity and your take was just that. Google the damn image and see for yourself.
The point is still valid however. Why does the string of towers "appear" to be curving downward toward the horizon? You don't see it on the video for one good reason...it's too blurry.
Let's take this a step further. Answer this very simple question. What do you believe the shape of the Earth to be?
Then show us the link to its production date if it's so fucking easy. How the fuck can I explain it to you if I have no nothing about it except for all the guessing from the bad YouTube vid?
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 6:17 pm
by Moving Sale
Derron wrote: If you establish a level point in the middle of the pool and then grade the entire area to that level, the use of a laser will take care of that curvature problem you are alluding to, since this will also involve the use of satellites. You will have a consistent base depth there since...hold on for this...water will find its own level.
Your lunacy knows no bounds.
So you are back from mixing sand with clay to tell us about pools. Great. Is the water in that pool level or not? In other words, if you shine a laser across it, is it a straight line?
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 6:39 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Moving Sale wrote:Then show us the link to its production date if it's so fucking easy. How the fuck can I explain it to you if I have no nothing about it except for all the guessing from the bad YouTube vid?
Not familiar with how to use Google, eh? Answer the shape of the Earth question first, then I'll "help you out".
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 7:01 pm
by Moving Sale
You can't do it because you are a lying POS.
Your pic has a 4043 tag just like the photo on this blog.
That is the tag from your pic. It's the same tag as the linked blog. On the vid that is on the blog he says he took the pic earlier. Not in 1969 you lying fuck.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 7:50 pm
by Derron
Moving Sale wrote:
Derron wrote: If you establish a level point in the middle of the pool and then grade the entire area to that level, the use of a laser will take care of that curvature problem you are alluding to, since this will also involve the use of satellites. You will have a consistent base depth there since...hold on for this...water will find its own level.
Your lunacy knows no bounds.
So you are back from mixing sand with clay to tell us about pools. Great. Is the water in that pool level or not? In other words, if you shine a laser across it, is it a straight line?
Who said anything about the water level you cum sucking midget ?? The laser would have nothing to do with the water level and every thing to do with constructing a consistent level bottom or variations there of. But you would need a step stool to see that.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 7:54 pm
by Moving Sale
Ok you don't want to answer that question fine. So is the bottom of the pool level? Is the coping?
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 8:09 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Moving Sale wrote:The tag on your pic is the same as the tag on that blog. Care to lie more?
That is the tag from your pic. It's the same tag as the linked blog. On the vid that is on the blog he says he took the pic earlier. Not in 1969 you lying fuck.
When I originally selected the photo, it was not linked to a blog. It had a tag with the date time stamp tagged to it.
Again, the picture quality is vastly different from the video. No lies. But due to you insufferable attitude, I'm not linking you until you answer the Earth shape question.
Take it or leave it.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 8:15 pm
by Moving Sale
You fucking lying POS. So it's MY fault you won't post the original tag, whatever the fuck that means.
Anybody that cares can go to your original post and see you are a fucking liar.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 9:20 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
No sir, no I am not. I would like to have a civil discussion about the subject, but you're too caught up in the photo.
Drop it for a moment, act like it doesn't exist.
What is the shape of the Earth?
Do you believe in gravity?
Are there satellites in orbit?
That is the crux of this discussion, not some photo. Don't place emphasis on minutiae. At this point, I would retract the damn thing if I could, because it spun this in a bad direction. I'll take that hit if you can answer honestly.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 10:58 pm
by Softball Bat
LS wrote:What exactly is up and down on a sphere? Where is the low point? Where is the high point?
You ASSume we are on a sphere.
If I am standing at a point on earth and the ground in another direction is lower than where I am standing, water will settle in the lower ground.
It is what we observe.
You want me to believe what is completely illogical.
And further, you have no proof of what you spew.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 11:04 pm
by Softball Bat
Jay in Phoenix wrote:Why does the string of towers "appear" to be curving downward toward the horizon?
Is the water curving upward toward the horizon in this video?
A simple yes or no will do.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 11:08 pm
by Moving Sale
Jay in Phoenix wrote:No sir, no I am not. I would like to have a civil discussion about the subject, but you're too caught up in the photo.
Drop it for a moment, act like it doesn't exist.
I provided proof you are a liar. Refute it if you can.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 11:11 pm
by Softball Bat
Derron wrote:You really are that stupid I can see now. What /where is your constant point there ? How deep is your water ?? If you establish a level point in the middle of the pool and then grade the entire area to that level, the use of a laser will take care of that curvature problem you are alluding to, since this will also involve the use of satellites. You will have a consistent base depth there since...hold on for this...water will find its own level.
Your lunacy knows no bounds.
A lot of razzle dazzle there, Derron.
We'll put you in the camp of believing that water will not settle into low ground.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 12:49 am
by Left Seater
Softball Bat wrote:
If I am standing at a point on earth and the ground in another direction is lower than where I am standing, water will settle in the lower ground.
It is what we observe.
You want me to believe what is completely illogical.
Lower means it is closer to the center of the earth. Gravity pulls towards the center of the sphere. So yes what we observe is water flowing to a place closer to the center of the earth.
Again open your mind. You can’t get beyond caveman thinking of up and down.
What is completely illogical is this ice wall theory that no one has ever seen nor has ever had a faluire. No ship has found it despite thousands of crossings of the southern oceans and thousands of flights around the Southern Hemisphere.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 12:58 am
by Softball Bat
Left Seater wrote:Lower means it is closer to the center of the earth.
You don't know if there is a center of the earth, let alone where it is located.
You are making things up.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 1:06 am
by Left Seater
Ok, sure I haven’t been there. But I have seen the earth’s curvature thousands of times and have flown between continents in the left seat and my flight paths fit exactly on a globe.
I have also seen sunsets and sunrises. Some multiple times in the same day. That can’t happen if the earth isn’t a globe. I have also experienced seasons and eclipses and seen first hand the shadows cast on the moon’s surface. Again all globe supporting events.
Further I have never seen lift, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
Think and open your closed mind.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 1:27 am
by Softball Bat
Left Seater wrote:Think and open your closed mind.
This is hilarious.
Dude, I assumed the globe for 50+ years.
Just like you.
I opened my mind.
Give it a shot.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 2:29 am
by Left Seater
My mind is open. I take all this info in and the only things that fits all of it is a globe.
I have been unable to find any other shape that also fits all of this info. I would enthusiastically explore another model that did encompass all of this, but so far there hasn’t been one.
You don’t have one and neither does anyone else, so globe.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 12:12 am
by Left Seater
Naw we actually fly the straight line route. The windows aren’t actually windows. There a bunch of tiny cameras and what you see from inside the plane is a picture on a video monitor shaped like a window. Most of the reason flights are delayed is so we can restart the little camera/video system.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:01 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Moving Sale wrote:I provided proof you are a liar. Refute it if you can.
No, you did not.
It still would seem you're too gutless to answer the basic question(s) at the heart of this discussion/argument.
Keep ducking pinhead. It suits a cowardly, black cock huffing dwarf like you.
Midget Scale, the pinhead, thinking he's getting over.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:15 pm
by Moving Sale
Anyone that cares can check your first post with the pic.
Anyone can see you said it was taken in 1969.
Anyone can see its tag by quoting your post.
Anyone can follow the links I posted to show it comes from the very site I said it comes from.
Anyone can watch the vid where dude says he took the pic in this century.
And anyone that does that KNOWS you are a liar.
I'm 5' 10", you are a lying POS.
Guess which one of those things is going to brought up EVERY time you post to me?
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 8:05 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
The one you failed to list.
That you're a chickenshit, insane dwarf, both physically and mentally, who is obsessing over a fucking picture.
You can try and dodge this one all you want but EVERY post of mine to you from now on will address that fact that you are a fucking lair. At least until you post the original with the datestamp.
You are a fucking POS and a goddamned liar.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 8:20 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Moving Sale wrote:You can try and dodge this one all you want but EVERY post of mine to you from now on will address that fact that you are a fucking lair. At least until you post the original with the datestamp.
You are a fucking POS and a goddamned liar.
As I said, I'll be happy to. Just answer my questions.
Because this picture crap is just noise. The questions get to the truth.
Sheesh, I go away for one lousy week and you all turn my wonderful thread into a huge hair-pulling contest. Fuck all y'all.
Chris Cillizza wrote:Washington (CNN) — For the first time in a week, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders will take questions from the media on Tuesday afternoon. And what a week it's been.
Since last Tuesday, the following things have happened:
•17 people were killed in a school shooting in Parkland, Florida
•Ronan Farrow reported in The New Yorker an alleged affair between former Playboy playmate Karen McDougal and President Donald Trump.
•Special counsel Robert Mueller issued indictments for 13 Russians for their roles in a massive election meddling plot.
•Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer, acknowledged that he made a $130,000 personal payment to porn star Stormy Daniels as a way to keep her from going public with her story about an alleged affair with Trump.
•CNN reported that Mueller's probe is now expanded to include Jared Kushner's financial dealings during the presidential transition
•The fallout from Rob Porter's resignation amid domestic abuse has continued, with the focus turning to the large number of administration officials who continue to work with temporary security clearances.
•The Washington Post published an extended interview with Rachel Crooks, who accuses Trump of forcibly kissing her in 2006. Trump tweeted Tuesday morning that the incident "Never happened!"
•An inspector general's report shows that Veterans Affairs head David Shulkin's chief of staff doctored an email and made a series of false statements in order to justify the use of government funds for Shulkin's wife to accompany him on a trip to Europe in 2017.
•Rick Gates, a former senior adviser to Trump's 2016 campaign, has reportedly reached a plea deal with Mueller.
•Trump has been tweeting.
That's, um, a lot.
Given the amount of news since Sanders last took questions, I thought it made sense to come up with 15 questions that I'd like to see asked and answered in Tuesday's news conference. They're below.
1. Trump has signaled support for legislation that would close some loopholes in the background check system. What specifically will he do to ensure Congress takes up this legislation and passes it? And what other specific measures does Trump believe are necessary to combat the mass casualty shootings in this country?
2. Over the weekend, Trump suggested in a tweet that the reason the FBI missed a tip on the man who killed 17 people ion Florida last week was because the bureau was too focused on the Russia investigation. Could you elaborate on what he meant?
3. CNN has reported that at least 100 members of the Trump administration -- including Jared Kushner -- were on interim security clearances as recently as November 2017. How concerning is that to the President, particularly given the fact that Mueller is now looking into Kushner's financial dealing during the presidential transition?
4. Is Rachel Crooks lying about her alleged encounter with Mr. Trump in 2006?
5. Is Karen McDougal lying about having engaged in an affair with Trump in the mid-2000s?
6. Did the President ever directly or indirectly suggest, imply, infer or ask Michael Cohen to make the Stormy Daniels story go away?
7. Trump has described Mueller's special counsel investigation as a "witch hunt" and a waste of time. How does he reconcile that with the fact that two former members of his campaign staff have pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about their contacts with Russia and two others have been charged with a variety of financial crimes tied to their dealings in Russia?
8. Does the President believe chief of staff John Kelly effectively handled the domestic abuse allegations against former White House staff secretary Rob Porter?
9. Given the allegations against him, should Porter have been fired rather than be given the chance to resign?
10. In light of the inspector general report regarding VA Secretary Shulkin, should he step aside? If not, why not?
11 In March 2016, Trump called Mitt Romney a "failed candidate" and said Romney was "begging for my endorsement. I could have said, 'Mitt, drop to your knees.' He would have dropped to his knees." On Monday night, Trump endorsed Romney's Utah Senate bid. What changed?
12. For more than a year, the intelligence community has unanimously stated that Russia actively sought to interfere in the 2016 election to help Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton. Last week, special counsel Mueller shed light on a vast strategy from the Russians to spread distrust and dissension about the election and its results. Can the President now say definitively and without equivocation that Russia sought to meddle in the 2016 election in hopes of electing him?
13. Over the weekend, Trump seemed to imply in a tweet that national security adviser H.R. McMaster had "forgot" to make clear that Russia didn't impact the election at all. Has the President spoken to Mr. McMaster since then? Does he still have confidence in McMaster to do his job?
14. In October 2016, then-candidate Trump said he would sue all of the women who had come forward alleging that he had sexually assaulted or acted inappropriately with them. Why has he not done so?
15. The President tweeted Tuesday morning that he had been "much tougher" on Russia than President Barack Obama. He urged to "just look at the facts." What facts, specifically, was the President referring to?
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 8:38 pm
by Moving Sale
Jay in Phoenix wrote:
Moving Sale wrote:You can try and dodge this one all you want but EVERY post of mine to you from now on will address that fact that you are a fucking lair. At least until you post the original with the datestamp.
You are a fucking POS and a goddamned liar.
As I said, I'll be happy to. Just answer my questions.
Because this picture crap is just noise. The questions get to the truth.
You are a liar. You posted a pic you said was from 1969. That is a lie. Why did you lie? Because you are a lying POS.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 9:26 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Moving Sale wrote:
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 9:33 pm
by Moving Sale
Nice post you fucking liar.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:12 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Thank you.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:14 pm
by Moving Sale
Page 11 and you still can't produce the photo. Why? Beacuse you are a lying sack of shit.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:41 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
I'm going to say this one last time, and then I am done with you.
If a lie was told, it was misinformation from that web site. Not me. I've said as much to put the photo aside and deal with the actual matter at hand, the shape of the Earth. But you choose to chew and gnaw on that picture like a chihuahua at an ankle, remaining obdurate, stubborn, pig-headed and of course, wrong. If the information on the pic is wrong, so be it. I said I would take the hit for that. It doesn't mean anything.
If you can't answer those three simple questions, that makes you a coward. Far worse than a liar.
Who isn't.
Grow up and advance your argument or shut the fuck up.
No wonder you're such a shit, angry, stupid lawyer.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:57 pm
by Moving Sale
So now it is the website's fault? You fucking lying POS. I didn't read the rest of your post but I am sure it sucked as bad as the beginning.
And if you think this is over you are off by a long shot.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:14 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:40 pm
by Softball Bat
Softball Bat wrote:
Jay in Phoenix wrote:Why does the string of towers "appear" to be curving downward toward the horizon?
Is the water curving upward toward the horizon in this video?
A simple yes or no will do.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:55 pm
by Moving Sale
Jay in Phoenix wrote:
So it's my fault you lied and won't come clean.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 12:24 am
by Softball Bat
Days ago...
Jay wrote:They aren't just visually vanishing, they are curving downward, proving curvature.
Re: Trump/GOP bullshit
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 12:31 am
by Moving Sale
Days ago...
Jay wrote:It a picture from 1969, on film no tricks.