Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:04 am
by trev
People should pay for their own birth control. Period.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:14 am
by Mikey
I don't know where these people get insurance that pays the full cost for anything.
I pay full price for everything - prescriptions, doctor visits, emergency room, everything except for the annual physical - up to $5000. Then copays up to $7000. Only then does Rush Limbaugh have to start kicking in for my birth control :twisted: .
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:35 am
by mvscal
Jsc810 wrote:Tell it to the right wing douche bags running for President, they are the ones making all of these stupid fucking proposals.
It's the media and congressional democrats in coordination with the White House who are making such a big deal about this. Newt Gingrich isn't talking about it. Shitt Romney isn't talking about it. Santorum didn't bring it up but he took the bait when the media did.
You're being played and you're too fucking stupid to notice. You're just supposed to forget that the economy is in a complete shambles due to Ospearchucker's disasterous incompetence and quiver in poutrage because some dumb whore in DC has to buy her own birth control pills.
Your stupidity and gullibility is actually appalling.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:46 am
by Diego in Seattle
Like the media shouldn't ask questions of candidates related to how their religious beliefs might influence their policies.
If this was a nomination fight involving democratic candidates you'd be screeching about how the media was only tossing softballs, shit-eating cunt.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:30 am
by smackaholic
KC Scott wrote:
smackaholic wrote:
When foreseeable expenses like routine doctor visits are covered by insurance they inevitably become more expensive due to the FACT that someone must be paid for this administrative cost and someone else much be paid to police it for fraud.
No they don't.
The Doctors discount their services to the insurance company.
Don't believe me? - Go look at your insurance statement when you go in for an office visit and note the payment rate the doctor gets.
Now next time youre there ask how much an office visit is without insurance.
I have - and a regular office visit is $80 without insurance.
With insurance it's $58 including my $20 co-pay.
I can't imagine you'll find anything different
I have found something different...first hand.
About 10 years ago I had a doc visit in late december. I hadn't been to the doctor all year and this visit wasn't gonna put much of a dent i my yearly deductible. So, I said let me just pay you cash so we can skip the ins. BS paperwork. The doc wrote " no insurance, 40 bucks" on it. May have been 50 or 30, I can't recall, but, it was a sizable discount from the insurance rate. And it makes perfect sense because they don't have to involve their billing specialists to squeeze cash from the is. co.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:40 am
by smackaholic
A few questions, Scott.
Who pays the "billing specialist".
Who pays the isurance co employees?
Who pays the insurance co stock holders?
Do they work free?
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:18 am
by bradhusker
Jsc810 wrote:Tell it to the right wing douche bags running for President, they are the ones making all of these stupid fucking proposals.
We really need a third party, one where Newt, Santorum, and losers like that could feel at home.
UMM actually Jsc, Its the Obama administration who is using this issue as a smokescreen to divert attention away from the real issues. They are using the liberal media to ask these questions, and make republicans look stupid. Thankfully, Mitt Romney is not taking the bait. Romney continues to talk about his plans, lowering taxes, job creation, deficit reduction, etc..
Everything Obama and his cohorts do, is designed to make republicans look bad. The liberal media, msnbc, and the left wing anchors,, ARE ALL culpable in this, TO ME, Ed shultz, Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O donnell, and the rest of the left nutjobs are all talking contraception, and it is all in an effort to make republicans look bad.
Rick Santorum is a fool, he takes the bait, due in part to his being a far right wing bible thumper.
Which is why he would be destroyed by Obama in November. Thankfully, he will lose the nomination to Romney, because Romney is closer to the center, closer to mainstream, and a more critical thinker. Romney is a leader who will not be manipulated by the liberal media.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:23 am
by bradhusker
KC Scott wrote:
mvscal wrote:
Of course it is. You can live your entire life without once ever having sex.
Eunucal ???
Rivaling brad for one of the stupiest things ever scrawled here
Kc, You know whats funny? You making fun of me and mvscal, YET, between us, we have more intellectual prowess in just a spoonful of our jizz, then you will ever dream of having in your entire sorry life.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:23 pm
by Bizzarofelice
bradhusker wrote:You making fun of me and mvscal, YET, between us, we have more intellectual prowess in just a spoonful of our jizz, then you will ever dream of having in your entire sorry life.
had to log-in to isolate this. excellent work.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:16 pm
by Diego in Seattle
Bizzarofelice wrote:
bradhusker wrote:You making fun of me and mvscal, YET, between us, we have more intellectual prowess in just a spoonful of our jizz, then you will ever dream of having in your entire sorry life.
had to log-in to isolate this. excellent work.
Screw. can you come over here & mop Iriehusker's brains up?
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:21 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
KC Scott wrote:chicks on the piil, have to stay on the pill or get knocked up.
Unless you had to pay hourly for most of your dates, this fact probably should be fairly obvious
Shhh, mvscal prolly thinks the Pill works like Viagra.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:42 pm
by Van
You agree with kernels of corn in piles of shit?
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:56 pm
by Goober McTuber
Van wrote:You agree with kernels of corn in piles of shit?
Can't fight Mother Nature.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:53 pm
by bradhusker
Jsc810 wrote:
bradhusker wrote:Rick Santorum is a fool, he takes the bait, due in part to his being a far right wing bible thumper.
Which is why he would be destroyed by Obama in November. Thankfully, he will lose the nomination to Romney
Much like finding a kernel of corn in a pile of shit, I have found something that brad wrote that I actually with.
Actually Jsc, you'd be suprised with how much we have in common, all kidding aside, in this forum, im about as mainstream as it gets, notwithstanding what others might think, im your All-american Yankee doodle dandy!!! Born on the fourth of July!!!!
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:37 pm
by Van
Nah. Jsc is a class act with the occasional oddly conflicting set of political views.
You're just a painfully stupid troll...a worthless cunt, if you will.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:10 pm
by bradhusker
Van wrote:Nah. Jsc is a class act with the occasional oddly conflicting set of political views.
You're just a painfully stupid troll...a worthless cunt, if you will.
Van, did you just utter the "C" word in here?? Thats one of the 7 taboo words not allowed under any circumstances.
well, it was nice knowing you.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:07 am
by Van
Well, let's see here...
According to George Carlin the seven forbidden words are:
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but at one point wasn't that the official banner for this place?
In all seriousness, I'm fairly sure Little Miss Bradhusker herself has used at least five of those words here, so I'm not sure why she'd get her panties in a wad over any of the others, especially when these are the seven words that should most concern her...
Bo Pelini (okay, I cheated there)
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 11:05 am
by bradhusker
can we please get back on topic here? You Van have taken this thread directly into the gutter with the use of the taboo word "cunt", and now you've sucked me into using it!!
This thread was supposed to be about discussing the nominee who could best beat the incumbent.
And by now, anyone who thinks its Santorum, is a fuckin fool.
Ive always maintained that Romney is easily the best choice, and I havent waivered a bit from that stance.
Anyone been watching Ed Shultz, Lawrence O donnell and Rachel Maddow over on msnbc???
If you have, you will see some scared and frightenned dimwitts. I love watching them squirm at the mere notion of Mitt Romney going up against their CHOSEN ONE. Its PRICELESS to watch them "SPAZ OUT" at the thought of Romney beating their Messiah come November.
These left wing creeps over on msnbc are so severely disturbed, that they keep yelling the word, "LIAR", "LIAR", "pants on fire". Lawrence O donnell spews out the word "LYING" so many times on his show, that he should be "baker acted".
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:23 pm
by Van
The problem is Romney is also a 1. cocksucking 2. cunt, so we're stuck with that 3. motherfucker Obama for another four years.
4. Fuck. Doesn't that just take the 5. piss?
Mayb we should dig up Palin again? Sure, she's dumber than 6. shit, but look at those 7. tits!
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:34 pm
by Derron
bradhusker wrote:can we please get back on topic here? You Van have taken this thread directly into the gutter with the use of the taboo word "cunt", and now you've sucked me into using it!!
Listen here cunt..or Vogel troll...there really are no rules here..the fact you are still allowed to post is evident of that. Anything you say can and will be used against you in T1B. You now use the word "cunt" because you are a cunt.
You should realize by now that race, sex religion..anything is on the table here. Don't like it..stay the fuck off the board..please..and threads get hijacked..every day in fact. Get over it you cunt face cocksucking mother fucking piece of shit, walking around with tits on your back begging to get ass fucked you piss brain son of a bitch.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 8:27 pm
by bradhusker
Van wrote:The problem is Romney is also a 1. cocksucking 2. cunt, so we're stuck with that 3. motherfucker Obama for another four years.
4. Fuck. Doesn't that just take the 5. piss?
Mayb we should dig up Palin again? Sure, she's dumber than 6. shit, but look at those 7. tits!
Van, how dare you insult Romney. The man is above reproach, a pillar of his community, a stellar example of a genuine human being. YOU VAN are the exact opposite, a low-life scumbag.
The liberal media is searching far and wide to dig up dirt on this guy, BUT he is clean as a whistle. The liberals with sick minds are sending out private investigators to comb the entire country, leaving no stone unturned, just to find the slightest bit of blemish, YET, after months and months of painstaking investigation, NOTHING, zero, NADA. The guy is as clean as a new born infant.
So, this begs the question? How the fuck can a vile filthy piece of dung like VAN, dare to insult our next president?
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 8:30 pm
by Van
Easy. 'Cause I'm not too thrilled with Obama either.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 8:39 pm
by bradhusker
Van wrote:Easy. 'Cause I'm not too thrilled with Obama either.
Van, here is the HUGE difference between the two men.
Obama is a glorified community street peddler, a rabble rouser and a race baiter, WHO happens to have a harvard degree. When he doesnt have a teleprompter, he sounds very "ordinary", very pedestrian, if you will.
Romney on the other hand, is a proven LEADER of men and women. He takes bad situations, and fixes them with practical common sense. Romney has executive experience, meaning that he has what it takes to run things.
Obama is a man who has found himself to be way way in over his head. Most matters that come before him are way way beyond his pay scale, and, as a result, he is impotent.
NOTHING is above Romney's pay scale, he can tackle ANY situation. NOTHING is too big or too complex for Romney to handle.
So, from my vantage point, Romney would be a vast improvement over the current president in every way shape and form.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 8:47 pm
by bradhusker
NOW, after my last post about comparing Romney with Obama, I knew that some of you smart alecks in here would bring up the killing of Osama Bin Laden as PROOF of Obama's competence on the job. HOWEVER, that event proves nothing more than Obama as an opportunist at best.
Let me explain.
Years of intelligence under Bush and Cheney was what finally led to the whereabouts of Bin Laden. IN FACT, Al Queda's No. 2 and No. 3 were killed under Bush and Cheney. AND, if the intelligence HAD come in as to the whereabouts of Bin Laden while Bush was still in office, you can rest assured to know that Bush would have sent in the seal team 6 to do the exact same job.
So, Obama basically took the opportunity from years of solid intelligence, and sent the seal team in to finish the job.
Other than that stroke of luck to fall in his lap, the man is really really incompotent.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:11 pm
by mvscal
bradhusker wrote: how dare you insult Romney. The man is above reproach, a pillar of his community, a stellar example of a genuine human being.
He's a grade A shitstain. There is absolutely no difference between him and Obluegums. Why do you think he's GaySC's favorite republican?
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:15 pm
by mvscal
Jsc810 wrote:
And he was right not to be worried about him. Bin Laden was, for all intents and purposes, under house arrest in Pakistan.
I guess he didn't feel the need to grub for cheap political points the way the classless niggger in the White Crib does.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:35 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
mvscal wrote:Bin Laden was, for all intents and purposes, under house arrest in Pakistan.
House arrest? Oh, the barbarity!
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:40 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Did you cut off his HBO too?
I bet you did, you blood-thirsty monsters!
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 11:45 pm
by mvscal
Jsc810 wrote:No, of course Bush didn't do that.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:04 am
by mvscal
Martyred wrote:
mvscal wrote:Bin Laden was, for all intents and purposes, under house arrest in Pakistan.
House arrest? Oh, the barbarity!
We will leave no stone un-dronestriked in our ruthless quest for vengence...and decent sport.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:05 pm
by bradhusker
Jsc810 wrote:
Im glad you posted that, BUT, it backfired on you!! Bush was correct. When Bin Laden was found, he was deeply margainalized, reduced to a "porno-watching freak". The seal team found dozens of pornography, and not even classy porn, the guy had porn with hairy women!! Disgusting.
Like I said, during the Bush years, they assassinated Al Queda's No. 2 and No.3. All the while Bin Laden was hiding out watching substandard porn and jerking off while eating cheesy puffs.
AGAIN, had the intel come in earlier as to his whereabouts, Bush would have also sent the seal team 6 in. And, I might add, confiscated the porn as well.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:18 pm
by bradhusker
Sudden Sam wrote:I'd have bet the house that Alabama would go for Santorum...and re-elevt the infamous Roy Moore as chief justice.
I gotta move.
Sam, I bet he's real proud of taking the two poorest and dumbest states in the nation, NICE WIN.
I'd also have bet the house, being that Santorum takes the two most racist states in the nation. NICE.
Santorum is a JOKE, now that we are headed into the REAL states, CALI N Y, texas, missou, Illinois, etc..etc.. THE MEAT AND POTATOES if you will, Romney will clean his clock.
Santorum was always a marginalized southern white evangelical poor racist candidate, with zero chance of beating Obama in November, SO, this begs the question? Why does he even matter?
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:46 pm
by bradhusker
Sudden Sam wrote:
bradhusker wrote:Santorum takes the two most racist states in the nation.
Massachusetts and Idaho have had their primaries?!?!
Sam, ur kidding right? tell me that was "tongue and cheek"???? LOOK, the mainstream liberal dyke fag media is giddy like schoolgirls when Santorum wins a state here and there. Normally, they would make fun of racist evangelical states like alabama and mississippi, HOWEVER, when Santorum, the guy they want to beat Romney wins there?? WOOHOO, JOY JOY JOY. You should have seen Rachel Maddow on msnbc the night that they called Alabama and Mississippi for Santorum. She was smiling ear to ear like the first time she had her carpet munched back in middle school by a bull dyke.
These sicko libs are so transparant in their hatred for Romney, that they are willing to embrace a right wing christian like Santorum, due to the fact that he'd be landslided by Obama in November.
Sick stuff over at msnbc, huh?
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:20 pm
by Sirfindafold
bradhusker wrote:
Santorum is a JOKE, now that we are headed into the REAL states, CALI.......
California a real state? State of disarray maybe.
get fucked.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:39 pm
by mvscal
bradhusker wrote:Santorum was always a marginalized southern white evangelical poor racist candidate,
Actually he's a well to do Catholic from Pennsylvania. I'm not sure the racist bullshit is coming from either.
Good job being completely wrong.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 7:12 am
by bradhusker
mvscal wrote:
bradhusker wrote:Santorum was always a marginalized southern white evangelical poor racist candidate,
Actually he's a well to do Catholic from Pennsylvania. I'm not sure the racist bullshit is coming from either.
Good job being completely wrong.
Actually, its you who is WRONG, yet again. Dont you get tired of being WRONG all the time?
I know he is catholic you dummy!! I was referring to the voters he attracts you idiot!!! Southern white evangelicals ring a bell??
Think he's gonna win MAJOR states like California and New York?? THINK AGAIN buddy.
Im correct about Santorum, he is a very marginalized candidate who is also a far right wing extreme candidate. AND has ZERO chance at even coming close to Obama in November, WHICH is why you see liberals WISHING Santorum will be the nominee. I guess you have trouble seeing what is painfully obvious.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:54 am
by Terry in Crapchester
bradhusker wrote:Ive always maintained that Romney is easily the best choice, and I havent waivered a bit from that stance.
Anyone been watching Ed Shultz, Lawrence O donnell and Rachel Maddow over on msnbc???
If you have, you will see some scared and frightenned dimwitts. I love watching them squirm at the mere notion of Mitt Romney going up against their CHOSEN ONE. Its PRICELESS to watch them "SPAZ OUT" at the thought of Romney beating their Messiah come November.
A potted plant would beat Romney, and everyone knows it. Well, everyone except you, Brad.
The Republicans' best chance at beating Obama is the guy who couldn't beat the guy who couldn't beat Obama? Really, Brad? ROFLMAO.
If that's the case, might as well start planning Obama's inauguration now.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 3:00 pm
by bradhusker
Terry in Crapchester wrote:
bradhusker wrote:Ive always maintained that Romney is easily the best choice, and I havent waivered a bit from that stance.
Anyone been watching Ed Shultz, Lawrence O donnell and Rachel Maddow over on msnbc???
If you have, you will see some scared and frightenned dimwitts. I love watching them squirm at the mere notion of Mitt Romney going up against their CHOSEN ONE. Its PRICELESS to watch them "SPAZ OUT" at the thought of Romney beating their Messiah come November.
A potted plant would beat Romney, and everyone knows it. Well, everyone except you, Brad.
The Republicans' best chance at beating Obama is the guy who couldn't beat the guy who couldn't beat Obama? Really, Brad? ROFLMAO.
If that's the case, might as well start planning Obama's inauguration now.
Terry? Are YOU FREAKIN KIDDIN ME??? The guy who couldnt beat the guy who couldnt beat the guy?
Do you realize how stupid your analogy really is? Whats going on "in house" within the party if you will, HAS NOTHING to do with Romney vs. Obama in November. And heres why.
Ive talked to many folks the last 6 months. There is a general feeling amongst independants who voted for Obama the last time. And, the conservative dems as well. This "crucial" block of ten million votes will "SWING" the other way this time around.
DO you understand what I just said? The country is polarized 50/50. Its the independants who swung for Obama the last time, giving him the edge over John McCain to the tune of about 5 .5 million votes.
Obama will beat Santorum, who most of the independants view as a 15 th century right wing weird christian.
Romney on the other hand is far more appealing to these independants. And believe me, they will not vote for Obama again. For you to not see this simple truth is HILARIOUS.
You are blind to whats goin on out there. Ive been out on the trail, I feel the pulse of the nation. You Terry are so far out of touch with reality, im suprised you arent on some serious meds.
I'll say it again for you, Romney is viewed by independants as the man who can successfully lead the nation, get our fiscal house in order and put millions back to work.
The independants are the KEY here. FUCK the far left, and FUCK the far right, they are dug in and not budging.
The fact that I had to explain this to you is cause for great uproarious LAUGHTER. BUWHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:43 pm
by bradhusker
I just got thru watching Romney being interviewed on the sunday news reports. NOW I am TOTALLY convinced that he is a hundred times smarter than Barack Obama. No question about it.
FUNNY, the liberals seem to think that he is the smartest guy of all time, that Obama is extremely intellectual. WELL, I am here to inform you that Mitt Romney is smarter.
The way he precisely answered each question with total authority and clarity. UNLIKE Obama, who always says the same things, "As ive maintained from the very beginning." "As ive stated before"
"Ive never waivered" BULLSHIT. Obama couldnt lead his way out of a paper bag.
See you liberal creepy faggotts and kykes in November.
Re: I really hope the Republicans nominate Santorum
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:50 pm
by Van
No way a guy who can't even consolidate a voting base faced with no other choice but Rick Santorum is going to do squat against the massive media/money machine Obama will have behind him come November.
This has all become much ado about nothing. Short of something disastrous happening between now and the election, Obama is a lock.