Headhunter wrote:
PAging Deion, Charles Haley, and Bill parcells.
Seriously, I get the hating a guy and then his on your team aspect. The mere sight of Parcells used to turn my stomach. Now I fucking love the guy!
But he never stood on the Star like a jackass.
I know alot of you will use the Keyshawn example. Hell Parcells said when interviewd the other night that he'd never judge a man unless he knew the inside story first hand. I know Parcells could tame TO. I just don't want to have to ever cheer for that fuckstain. One thing the Cowboys have going for them right now is team chemistry. TO would fuck that up in a heartbeat.
No thanks! I'll take our other cancers made good like Key, Terry Glenn, and Peerless, and let someone else fuck with TO.
Deion wasn't a locker room problem as much as Haley was. I mean my God, I've never seen a player interrupt a coaches speech after a win the way Haley did. But, back to the player at hand. I'll never figure out fellow Cowboy fan. Worships the likes of a Roy Williams, but hates a guy who has Dissed the star.
Come on! it was 5 fucking years ago! And the way our defensive playcalling was back then, I didn't give a fuck! I didn't care if Me-Oh pulled out his 12" cock and pissed all over the star!
Wanna keep an asshole off the Star? Keep the fucker out of the endzone!
Back then we were the Raiders of now! Everybody was laughing their asses off at us. It was without a doubt the most embarrassing time as a Cowboys fan, watching Coach Campo prance out on the once proud sidelines that Landry and Jimma once roamed. It made me sick.
So when Me-Oh disgraced and humiliated the Cowboys twice, I looked at it as a thanks for making my incompetent coach look bad.
Too bad it became an Me-Oh pile on instead, to bad the press didn't focus on the issues that Coach MaGoo was a complete joke, and couldn't make a gametime play call to save his glasses..
Do I want Me-Oh? Fuck yeah, with Bledsoe, Glenn, MeShawn and Witten..
Come on you'd be stupid not to want him, and if we did get him, I'm sure the disgruntled Cowboys fan who can't get over the whole star dissing thing would soon forget after a couple Me-Oh 60 yd slants into the endzone.
This fucker ends up a Giant or Deadskin, we are Fucked!