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Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 5:10 am
by Tom In VA
Dr_Phibes wrote:
mvscal wrote: Jordan is already deeply involved in helping us with the War on Political Islam.

Why the fuck do you think they got attacked? No reason? Just for kicks?
Anyone else been following that bombing?

First, Haaretz printed that all Jews were evacuated from the hotels three hours before the bombing - then pulled the story. Then Rueters gets a statement from the police saying the bombs were placed in the ceiling, not from suicide bombers (pictures of the ceilings blown out are all over the web now).

The tale of the 'suicide bombers' changes every six hours, growing more fanciful every time - complete with that stupid lying woman. Pravda is reporting that everyone in Jordon knows that Mossad is behind the whole thing despite what the Jordanian ruling class says.

Islamofascist my arse :lol: Get ready for 'fake bullshit war' part II.

Don't tell me, the Alien Space Negroes and the Freemasons are involved too.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 5:15 am
by Dr_Phibes
Tom In VA wrote:

Don't tell me, the Alien Space Negroes and the Freemasons are involved too.
Seriously, that would be more plausible at this point, Tom.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 5:21 am
by Tom In VA
Well there's plausibility in your conspiracy theory too.

Most good conspiracy theories have plausible factors in them. Kind of like all lies have an element of truth to them.

But the way it's being reported is plausible too.
There's far too many parties that would benefit from Al Zarqawi getting a black eye with this than just the Jews. Add to the fact fanaticism Al-Zarqawi style never minded a bit of collateral damage and usually dismissed the Muslims killed in attacks he's blessed as apostates.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 5:25 am
by Dr_Phibes
It's just another Lavon affair. From Rueters,

'bombs placed in ceiling'

Bomb damage from ceilings at the Hyatt:


Bomb damage at the Radisson:


Jews evacuated:


Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 5:31 am
by Tom In VA
Well if Jews are smart enough to pull of all these conspiracies and be scapegoated and victimized for centuries ........

Don't you think they might be smart enough to sense a few wackos in a building planning to blow themselves up ?

I mean, last I heard, that isn't too uncommon an event in Israel. By now, they might have developed a sixth sense.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 5:36 am
by Dr_Phibes
A topic unto itself, eh? But this is the creation of a propaganda story - it's marvellous to watch it take shape!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 6:00 am
by Tom In VA
Dr_Phibes wrote:A topic unto itself, eh? But this is the creation of a propaganda story - it's marvellous to watch it take shape!
You might consider focusing on the Jew under your bed ,or the BogeyRabbi, ready to pounce upon you and feed you copius amounts of lochs and unleavened bread before whipping you relentlessly with his magic gartel.

The Truth Is Out There :)

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 6:23 am
by Mister Bushice

This is essentially a "dropped" ceiling

Meaning, there was an air gap between the actual ceiling and the visible ceiling.

A bomb going off in any part of that room or connected rooms could result in a concussive effect that could travel between the actual and the visible ceilings and cause a collapse of weaker ceiling areas.

If it was a bomb planted in that ceiling area, the fluorescent light seen in the pic would have been obliterated.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 6:29 am
by Gunslinger
Tom In VA wrote:
Gunslinger wrote: "I really don't think about Osama."
Al-Zarqawi is a much more formiddable foe, always has been IMHO. Al-Zarqawi is a much more appealing target, if we're talking about ONE person.

Osama symbolizes the aged wise warrior, but a sickly one. Al-Zarqawi has taken over and is much more appealing as both target and as leader if you're Al Q. He's strong, he's militant, and he's not willing to compromise.

Capturing and shaming him would be much more of a feather in our cap than Osama.

Killing him, would be effective but not as effective as capture.
What the fuck are you talking about leech?

Osama planned 911, how in the fuck could you EVER state that he is less now then some fuck that has risen to power after him.

Good GOD that is fucking stupid. Try and answer intelligently all you want, but that was a fucking "beat your ass" traitor answer.

Osama planned 911 and should have been killed years ago. Whatever happens afterwards, I could give a fuck. You are telling me that you want to give Al Qaida the belief that America is fucking inept and will shoot your neighbor before shooting you. God live Allah! That mother fucker really does protect you from thy enemy.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 7:08 am
by Dr_Phibes
Mister Bushice wrote:Image

This is essentially a "dropped" ceiling

Meaning, there was an air gap between the actual ceiling and the visible ceiling.
More specifically, it's a bulkhead - the grid higher up is a 'dropped' ceiling.
A bomb going off in any part of that room or connected rooms could result in a concussive effect that could travel between the actual and the visible ceilings and cause a collapse of weaker ceiling areas.
Which changes nothing. Trust me on this one, Bushice. Mossad + shoddy non-union Jordanian drywallers = America being played for a sucker.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 4:16 pm
by Tom In VA
Gunslinger wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:
Gunslinger wrote: "I really don't think about Osama."
Al-Zarqawi is a much more formiddable foe, always has been IMHO. Al-Zarqawi is a much more appealing target, if we're talking about ONE person.

Osama symbolizes the aged wise warrior, but a sickly one. Al-Zarqawi has taken over and is much more appealing as both target and as leader if you're Al Q. He's strong, he's militant, and he's not willing to compromise.

Capturing and shaming him would be much more of a feather in our cap than Osama.

Killing him, would be effective but not as effective as capture.
What the fuck are you talking about leech?
Reality. I'll let you know when I'm talking to you or about something that's on your level. Don't hold your breath though, I don't have plans for a frontal lobotomy anytime soon.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 4:36 pm
by Gunslinger
Tom In VA wrote:
Gunslinger wrote:
Tom In VA wrote: Al-Zarqawi is a much more formiddable foe, always has been IMHO. Al-Zarqawi is a much more appealing target, if we're talking about ONE person.

Osama symbolizes the aged wise warrior, but a sickly one. Al-Zarqawi has taken over and is much more appealing as both target and as leader if you're Al Q. He's strong, he's militant, and he's not willing to compromise.

Capturing and shaming him would be much more of a feather in our cap than Osama.

Killing him, would be effective but not as effective as capture.
What the fuck are you talking about leech?
Reality. I'll let you know when I'm talking to you or about something that's on your level. Don't hold your breath though, I don't have plans for a frontal lobotomy anytime soon.
I clearly understand what you are talking about, that is why it is so unbelievably incomprehensible why you people believe the shit you do.

It's like the guy who listens to Rush Limbaugh all day and hears fat fuck repeatedly say: "This country has a liberal media." He hears it a hundred times and believes it, never once stepping outside the box and realize there could not possibly be a liberal media if he just listened to some fat fuck tell him a hundred times that there is.

OBL planned and commited 911. There is actual video of him with his top aides discussing it. HE was the one who planned it. The war should have been about murdering him. Since HE masterminded it. HE killed 3000 of our citizens, no one else has. To state some fuck is killing our soldiers in Iraq is more of a threat to the US, is stating some fucker is more dangerous for only killing a thousand less Americans in a war that was not to look for Osama the original guy who killed 3000 Americans.

It's not that you are discussing a topic beyond my level, its that you are to stupid to grasp simple concepts.

1: Osama has a body count of 3000 Americans
Zarqawi has 2000

2: Osama attacked in American borders
Zarqawi attacks in Iraqi borders

3: Osama commited preemptive murder
Zarqawi commits war murder

4: Osama is Al Qaida
Zarqawi took the name Al Qaida like a white gangsta in Indiana takes the name "Crypt" or "Blood"

Those facts show why you are a brainwashed asshole.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 5:39 pm
by BSmack
Cuda wrote:NATO never saw the wall as a good thing you fucking moron, NATO saw the wall as overt soviet aggression that they had absolutely no way of dealing with other than to hide under Uncls Sam's nuclear umbrella.
Leave it to Cooter to confuse rhetoric with policy.

It is a WALL. How is a WALL an act of agression? That is like calling the Maginot Line an act of agression.
Alphabetically, or chronologically? By size, or by geographic location? A short list: Angola, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru, Guatemala, Nickyrawaha, Venezuela, El Salvador, Haiti, Grenada, Panama... believe me, I can keep going but you do NOT want me to.

And "Lasting influence" is a cheap smokescreen, btw. Whether or not Castro's influence had staying power is irrelevant to the fact that 1) he had influence, and 2) that influence was not a good thing either for the people who lived there, or for American national interests.
1. In none of those countries is Castro's influence still felt. His attempts to meddle only gained traction because of the repressive nature of the juntas running said countries. As those countries became less oppressive, Castro's influence declined. As for Angola, that was a joke before it started and signaled the beginning of the end for Castro.

2. In all of those countries, the influence of US based multinational corporations has and continues to be felt. Alomost always to the detriment of the native peoples.
It only became obvious that it would fail AFTER Kennedy withheld air support. And far from "coming correct" it was just about the worst fucking thing he could have done, strategically, as well as morally. Nothing like sending the message to every other anti-communist insurgent group on the planet that no matter how much encouragement we give you to overthrow your commuinist oppressors, you can depend on the good old USA to buttfuck you in the mouth the minute you do so.
Kinda like how the US sent signals to Shiites in Iraq after GWI that they should rise up against Saddam only to turn our backs on them?

Let that be a lesson to anyone planning a revolution or even a counter revolution. You better not depend on the generosity of superpowers. What Kennedy did was cold. Then again, Batista was a murdering son of a bitch. So fuck those "freedom fighters" who were looking for their spot at the trough. They should have been better prepared or taken the chance to make the most of a life in America.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 6:28 pm
by Cuda
Cuda wrote: I guess the best I accuracy I can hope for is to say the Dumbest Thing You've Ever Said will be... the next thing you say.
Monica, you're nothing if not dependable

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 6:42 pm
by Gunslinger
mvscal wrote:
Gunslinger wrote:Osama planned 911,
No, he didn't. Mohammed Atef and Khalid Sheik Mohammed did.

Atef is dead and KSM is in custody.
You will be killing yourself while choking on a big black cock any day now, won't you? Or is your daughter hording all the black cock? ... .tape.html
we calculated in advance the number of casualties from the enemy, who would be killed based on the position of the tower

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 6:56 pm
by Tom In VA
Killing Osama does not mean, it's over. Not by a long shot. Killing or capturing Zarqawi, a major tactical asset, would have more of an immediate impact. Not saying it would be "over", this effort goes far beyond ONE person.

It's really not too difficult to comprehend, and remember, it is only MY opinion.

Instead of your obsession with the penis, why don't you try to submit something that resembles a point or an argument and contribute to the dialog.

What do you think proof of Osama's capture or death is going to change in the overall war effort against Al Queda ? Do you think it will be "over" ?

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 7:11 pm
by Gunslinger
mvscal wrote:Maybe you should have offered your "expertise" to the 9/11 Commission. I'm sure we've all lost a great deal by not including the 'semi-literate pizza delivery schlep' perspective in the report.
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed...The 9/11 Commission Report calls him "the principal architect of the 9/11 attacks" ... 01_attacks

So, he was the man who raised $500,000 to commit 911? Just stop mvscal, you are grasping at straws. He was the architect and thought to commit these acts, but to ensure this guy gets the death penalty, they have to embelish a little. Even though he may very well be the english sound that comes from a human's mouth to describe a "planner" of events, he wasn't the person who decided to try and topple the towers the first time or Nairobi nor Oklahoma. (Just kidding, you are the dumbshit that believes Saddam was responsible for Oklahoma.)

He's also the founder of Al Qaeda isn't he?

You know what, nevermind. It's better to insult you for being the dumbfuck you are.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 7:17 pm
by Gunslinger
Tom In VA wrote:Killing Osama does not mean, it's over. Not by a long shot. Killing or capturing Zarqawi, a major tactical asset, would have more of an immediate impact. Not saying it would be "over", this effort goes far beyond ONE person.

It's really not too difficult to comprehend, and remember, it is only MY opinion.

Instead of your obsession with the penis, why don't you try to submit something that resembles a point or an argument and contribute to the dialog.

What do you think proof of Osama's capture or death is going to change in the overall war effort against Al Queda ? Do you think it will be "over" ?
Did I say it would be over? Do you just pull shit out of your ass. Osama founded Al Qaeda and has killed (I underestimated the first time) over 3500 Americans in total terrorist attacks.

Zarqawi would have never existed if we had never went to Iraq. Don't be a dumbshit.

Here is what you are saying with pictures:

Hornets nest "A" attacks you with no cause.

You attack hornets nest "B" in retaliation for "A"

Out of hornets nest "B" comes a bee that attacks you. Under Tom's stupid theory, "B" is the greater threat.

See why Tom is insulted.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 8:09 pm
by Variable
mvscal wrote:
Paste Eating Tard wrote:Zarqawi would have never existed if we had never went to Iraq.
Actually, he would be cheerfully blowing up our Kurdish allies with a nod and a wink from Saddam if we hadn't invaded.

Not that anyone is expecting you to have a clue or anything.

I'm sure if we had never invaded Iraq, Al-Zarqawi would be donating time at his local senior center and mentoring disadvantaged youth in the Baghdad chapter of Big Brothers & Big Sisters. - FubuClown

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 8:48 pm
by Tom In VA
Gunslinger wrote: Did I say it would be over?
You really haven't, to date, said much of anything at all.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 10:14 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
mvscal wrote:
Paste Eating Tard wrote:Zarqawi would have never existed if we had never went to Iraq.
Actually, he would be cheerfully blowing up our Kurdish allies with a nod and a wink from Saddam if we hadn't invaded.

Not that anyone is expecting you to have a clue or anything.
Whick Kurdish allies? The PKK, you stupid cunt-wipe?

You'll see what loyal "allies" the Kurds are soon enough.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 11:28 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
mvscal wrote:I thought you'd be a big fan of the PKK. They're right up your commie poopshoot, aren't they?
I am a big fan of the PKK.

You should do a little research on "The Kurdish Question".

Autonomy today. Greater Kurdistan tomorrow.

Ask your buddies the Turks (Israel's regional strategic partner) about that one.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:19 am
by BSmack
Cuda wrote:I surrender.
I understand your knowledge of American history wouldn't stress the capacity of a thimble. You may now continue sucking.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 5:41 am
by Mister Bushice
^^ Unnecessary

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 11:21 am
by tough love
Gotta laugh at P_Ughs who buff Babbas' tarnished image, desperately trying to deflect the light of retardation away from their own voting skills.

Do carry on. :)