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Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 12:34 am
by The Seer
Nishlord wrote:Why don't you cut and paste some Milli Vanilli lyrics as well? They're about as relivant.

I voted for George Galloway

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 12:44 am
by OCmike
Plagiarized by Adam wrote:And how does Coulter know that dissent in America gives comfort to the enemy?
They have CNN, dumbfuck. I wouldn't exactly call their programming discouraging and demoralizing to their cause. Would you?

Re: Once again- RACK! Ann Coulter

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 3:30 am
by War Wagon
RadioFan wrote:
War Wagon wrote:I'll do more ....
You mean like having an actual take, on the topic at hand?

Here, let me help you out.
War Wagon wrote:
RadioFan wrote: It's pretty unpatriotic of me to even talk about this right, tards?
For somebody who glosses himself "RadioFan" to be tossing out the term "tard" indiscriminately...
Obviously, you took offense at this point.

So which is it? Do you disagree with me? If so, state why, and drop this fucking lame username smack, Wags.

Or have you taken offense because I really was addressing you in my generic reference to all those who happen to agree with a cunt trying to sell books who's had no military experience?
User name smack really gets to you, eh? :lol:

Don't sweat it...there ain't no user name more lame than mine.

As for taking offense, none taken....just take off the blindfold when smacking the pinata. It helps to have a target you can actually see, rather than aimlessly swinging the bat when trying to hit one out the park.

If you're gonna call folks 'tards, be specific about whom you're refering to. Example: "Gunslinger is the stupidest motherfucking 'tard I've ever seen post on the internet." And then you can go into wordy detail about it.

As for Scanner's wife Ann, she rips liberals heads off and shits down their neck...I luv her.

Try reading her book "TREASON" one day before you totally dismiss her as some sort of B-Smackian lune. You might change your tune.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 4:03 am
by rozy
Moving Sale wrote:I do.
Why do you hate common sense?

I laugh when a guy on the opposite side of an argument from me kicks the living shit out of a dumbass who is on the same side as me. So RACK RF, (even though he's DEAD ASS WRONG). :lol:

As to specifics, WAR WAGON sucks skunk dingleberries.
Specific enough? On your level enough?

Amazing stories you hear from teh soldiers that ARE ACTUALLY THERE, rather than the sheep-feeding media.


Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 4:42 am
by Moving Sale
rozy wrote: Why do you hate common sense?
Suck Bush Cock Much?

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 12:20 pm
by smackaholic
adam-$300 wrote:For in her latest "column" (if by "column," you mean "the blood blots of self-mutilated flesh from a loathsome, foamingly rabid she-wolf on shredded toilet paper"), Coulter packs in so much bullshit about Iraq that you can see the turds slipping through the cracks. It's useless to take on her "argument" that much good has been done through the war because one can't see where the spin and lies stop and the delusion begins.

She even drags out the corpse of the dead connection between Iraq and al-Qaeda and Niger uranium: "As we now know, Saddam Hussein was working with al-Qaida and was trying to acquire long-range missiles from North Korea and enriched uranium from Niger." You may do a double take and think, "Um, forged documents? No real contact?" But you'd be caught then in the web of inference and bugfuck nuttery that is the cuntistry of Ann Coulter. However, shit, since Coulter is the same kind of whoredog for the Bush administration as Bob Woodward and Judith Miller (it's a question of presentation, not degree), here's Donald Rumsfeld to Wolf Blitzer's question about the alleged nexus of swarthy eeevil: "Zarqawi was physically in Baghdad." It's like saying that because you have a toothbrush at your girlfriend's place, you wanna move in. In other words, really, and, c'mon, is that the best you got?

But Coulter's bizarre rah-rahing, like the cheerleader of the damned, continues. She shakes her little pom-poms for all the elections and, in general, behaves as if Iraq is just a car bomb or two away from gettin' all that nasty resistance out of its lil' ol' system.

Then she gets to the real blood and meat of her "argument," that those who advocate for withdrawal, immediate or otherwise, are traitors: "It is simply a fact that Democrats like Murtha are encouraging the Iraqi insurgents when they say the war is going badly and it's time to bring the troops home." So, like, these'd be the same insurgents that Iraqi leaders just declared a legitmate resistance and that U.S. soldiers are legitimate targets? Fuck, encouragement is havin' something to shoot at and blow up. And how does Coulter know that dissent in America gives comfort to the enemy? Why, 'cause former North Vietnamese soldiers, who, you know, would have no reason to sow conflict in the U.S., said that war protesters during the Vietnam War gave them the warm fuzzies.

But once Ann Coulter gets somethin' in her craw, she ain't done with it until she's masticated that fucker with all ten sets of her viperous teeth: "The Democrats are giving aid and comfort to the enemy for no purpose other than giving aid and comfort to the enemy. There is no plausible explanation for the Democrats' behavior other than that they long to see U.S. troops shot, humiliated, and driven from the field of battle." And, most bizarre, she holds Democrats in contempt for voting down the un-debated House Republican stunt bill on immediate withdrawal from Iraq: "They fill the airwaves with treason, but when called to vote on withdrawing troops, disavow their own public statements. These people are not only traitors, they are gutless traitors." Well, fuck it. Take it to its logical conclusion. Round us up and waterboard us, bitch, 'cause we're part of this country, too.

You can dismiss Coulter's mad brain as a belfry filled with those flying rats, but she is the seething evil id of the right, daring others to cross her line. It's sad, too, really, how hard she works to show she's got the biggest balls in the room. For the only thing that pleases the monsters in Ann Coulter's brain, the ones that press her to go further, be more wicked, press more buttons, is more dead, more blood, more bodies, and it doesn't matter whose they are as long as they provide sweet sustenance.
I assume this is a c&p from somewhere? The author should thank you for not crediting him.

What an incredibly badly written pile of shit. This POS can't argue Coulter's points, so he just goes on a rabid rambling personal attack.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 12:38 pm
by Diogenes
smackaholic wrote:
adam-$300 wrote:A steaming tubful of moronic crap.
I assume this is a c&p from somewhere? The author should thank you for not crediting him.

What an incredibly badly written pile of shit. This POS can't argue Coulter's points, so he just goes on a rabid rambling personal attack.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 1:02 pm
by rozy
Moving Sale wrote:
rozy wrote: Why do you hate common sense?
Suck Bush Cock Much?
Don't like W very much at all.

Why do you hate common sense?

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 2:30 pm
by Moving Sale
So you don't like GB and yet you still suck his dick on this issue. How stupid is that?

And how is it against CS to care what all Americans think about the most important issue a country can have?

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 2:38 pm
by Moving Sale
smackaholic wrote: This POS can't argue Coulter's points, so he just goes on a rabid rambling personal attack.
That's it... Lie to us when the evidence of your deceit is in the very post you're lying about. He quotes her many times and then counters those points. Can you read? Sure he adds a PA or ten but nothing worse than calling someone a traitor.

Rabid Rightwing Lockstep Jackoff Much?

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 2:48 pm
by Moving Sale
And just so everyone knows what's going on with AC. AC and Savage and the like are in business for one thing. To make the most extreme part of the opposition look loony. AC is about a 10 on the right wing wacko scale. Franken is about a 7 on the LWWS. There is no Nationally known left wing pundit who is a 10 on the LWWS. People that want to push the agenda to the right dismiss both AC and AF, thereby dismissing a legitimate left wing stance and an illegitimate right wing stance, thus moving the 'center' to the right. It's an old trick and works very well on stupid simple fucks like smackaholic and Diogenes.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 4:18 pm
by Moving Sale
Those that are for and those that are against.


Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 6:00 pm
by Diogenes
Moving Sale wrote:And just so everyone knows what's going on with AC. AC and Savage and the like are in business for one thing. To make the most extreme part of the opposition look loony. AC is about a 10 on the right wing wacko scale. Franken is about a 7 on the LWWS. There is no Nationally known left wing pundit who is a 10 on the LWWS. People that want to push the agenda to the right dismiss both AC and AF, thereby dismissing a legitimate left wing stance and an illegitimate right wing stance, thus moving the 'center' to the right. It's an old trick and works very well on stupid simple fucks like smackaholic and Diogenes.
Suck Zarqauwi Cock Much?

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 6:02 pm
Coulter = post-Atkins Al Franken with shitty yellow paint in his hair

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 6:04 pm
by Cuda
You sure you want to go there, PUS?

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 6:17 pm
by Diogenes
Actually Coulter is way funnier than Franken ever was.

And is obviously in you niwit's collective domes, whereas nobody on the center/right actually knows or cares what Franken has been saying lately.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 6:18 pm
by Cicero
Franken is about as funny as SNL nowadays.

Re: Once again- RACK! Ann Coulter

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 2:35 am
by RadioFan
smackaholic wrote:
RadioFan wrote:Let's get one thing clear here and now ... just because we "talk" about Iraq, whether in a bar among two drunks, or on a national level, it's not going to enbolden the terrorists any more nor any less. They are ALREADY emboldened. The U.S. having a discussion about how we're conducting this war or when we're going to leave hasn't and will not have any impact whatsoever on what they are going to do.

Sure, there are some hardcore martyr types, set on cashing their 72 virgin coupon, but, there are a shitload of Iraqis, the ones that will eventually make Iraq a stable place, that are currently sitting on the fence. Why are they?
Gee, I don't know. Maybe because half of their second cousins once removed are the freaks who are blowing up vehicles in front of police stations and cafes, and the other half are their third cousins who are being killed. It might also have a tad to do with the fact that despite all the "freedom" talk, it's going to take time for these folks to have half a nut, after 30 years under Saddam.
Do you think for one second, that these people are not affected by the bickering they see amongst american politicians?
About as much as anyone over there who logs onto this board to read the arguments in here. They're both about as "meaningful."

Any honest internal U.S. domestic debate about our policy over there isn't going to affect shit, on a day-to-day basis on the ground. It won't affect our guys' actions over there, nor will it affect the freaks who are blowing themselves up.

Like I said, I don't think now is the time for that debate to take place. But the notion that anyone who even brings it up is a "traitor" is ludicrous, and pretty much says to me the people who are screaming the loudest might, in fact, realize there's a point to be made. Especially when the one who is dropping the "traitor" label has no military experience.

But what can you really expect from a wink-wink-hey-I'm-kidding-no-I'm-not cunt, who sits around on her skinny ass berating the "liberal media" -- the same "liberal media" that gives her a voice and puts food on her table. Ok, maybe not a lot of food, but still ...

Btw, Cissyroo ... Franken more than likely wrote for SNL when it was funny. Good job at KYOA, again. A 3K milestone indeed.

Re: Once again- RACK! Ann Coulter

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 2:43 am
by RadioFan
War Wagon wrote:Try reading her book "TREASON" one day before you totally dismiss her as some sort of B-Smackian lune. You might change your tune.
Perhaps I'll give her a shot ... at the library. I have no immediate plans to give that cunt any more money than she already has.

No worries, though, Wags. I have no plans to give Franken or Moore any of my money either.

Re: Once again- RACK! Ann Coulter

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 3:16 am
by Moving Sale
RadioFan wrote:Perhaps I'll give her a shot ... at the library. I have no immediate plans to give that cunt any more money than she already has.

No worries, though, Wags. I have no plans to give Franken or Moore any of my money either.
"And just so everyone knows what's going on with AC. AC and Savage and the like are in business for one thing. To make the most extreme part of the opposition look loony. AC is about a 10 on the right wing wacko scale. Franken is about a 7 on the LWWS. There is no Nationally known left wing pundit who is a 10 on the LWWS. People that want to push the agenda to the right dismiss both AC and AF, thereby dismissing a legitimate left wing stance and an illegitimate right wing stance, thus moving the 'center' to the right. It's an old trick and works very well on stupid simple fucks like smackaholic and Diogenes."

Re: Once again- RACK! Ann Coulter

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 9:21 am
by Blitzkrieg
ElvisMonster wrote:
Cuda wrote:As we now know, Saddam Hussein was working with al-Qaida and was trying to acquire...enriched uranium from Niger.
As far as I got before I started laughing. :lol:

I started laughing when I saw the thread title.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 3:07 am
by Diogenes
Blitzkrieg wrote:
ElvisMonster wrote:
Cuda wrote:As we now know, Saddam Hussein was working with al-Qaida and was trying to acquire...enriched uranium from Niger.
As far as I got before I started laughing. :lol:

I started laughing when I saw the thread title.
Ann Coulter is so in your domes.

Bitter losers.