War Wagon wrote:
but mostly because I despise fair weather fans.
Ahhh the age old debate between myopian ranting and acceptance of reality.
By your logic, anyone that doesn't think the Cheifs will win the Super Bowl is a fair weather fan?
Dude, go do a survey of the season ticket holders and ask them how many believe the Chiefs have any shot in hell of making it to Michigan this year. After that tell them they're all fair weather fans.
As opposed to not making the playoffs period? Are you saying it'd be better to not make the playoffs than to be one and done?
Doesn't matter if they did make the playoffs or not at this point.
Like I said (and you either know this or have no business in here to begin with) they can't go on the road and win in Denver, Cincy or Indy. You miss my point which is, again, if they can't compete for the title then I'm not going to sit here and say they can.
That doesn't mean I don't want them to win, it only means I've accepted the reality they won't.
Feel free to blow all the smoke you want, dave, it doesn't change the facts
If that's your take, then you're an idiot and a coward.
Hmmmm...... Voice of reason says Chiefs won't make the Super Bowl, so that makes me the Idiot?
Reality check time Gandolf.
Newsflash: A team must actually qualify for postseason play before being eligible to advance.
It's like you want some rock solid guarantee that the Chiefs are going to make it to the Super Bowl before you'll back them.
I've forgotten more about football than you will ever know.
I've played it and coached it for 30 some years.
So yea, I think I evaluate football teams pretty well.
The Chiefs are above average offensively and below average defensively. Special teams are as Bi Polar as your posts. Coaching is highly suspect. Is that a team that can win the AFC this year?
No fucking way
Didn't say they'd go all the way, just that they still have a good chance of making the postseason, and then we'll see what happens.
OK, back to the "I'll Just be happy if they make the playoffs" tune?
Carl Peterson loves to hear that shit. It's year 18 of the 5 year plan, Homer.
As for the "we'll see what happens" - I already told you what happens.
If you choose not to believe it, we'll make a little wager when the time comes and I'll relieve you of some more of your 401K
But by all means, go ahead and cut, run, and throw the team under the bus. That would be the 'emotionally detached' thing to do. You sure Coods isn't your troll?
And Under the Bus they go. It's just calling it like I see it, Homer.
I don't understand why someone would waste five seconds here if they weren't passionate about their team. Notice that I said "TEAM", $cott...not the hot market tip of the day.
You don't understand a lot of things, Wags:
The importance of secondary education
Proper fence repair
Future inflationary pressures
Personnal Hygene
As for the my "Hot Market Tip of the Day" .....
For you, I'd recommend stocking up on Oscar Meyer Bologna while it's on sale at Price Chopper
This thread hasn't quite worked out the way you planned.....