Bushice wrote:Well Then - how old do YOU think the earth is?
and Why?
I don't know -- man appears to have been around for about 6,000 years.
First off, I believe the Bible. It is the Word of our God.
I'm going to give my answer in as
brief a manner as possible and try to hit on the
key points.
Evolution contradicts the Bible record of creation. Ten times in the first chapter of Genesis the Bible tells us that God created plants and animals to reproduce 'after their kinds.' A broad definition of 'kinds' would be species. The clear implication here is that all life did not have a common ancestor. Animals don't move 'up' into some other more 'advanced' animal.
Dogs are dogs, cats are cats, lizards are lizards, trees are trees, etc.
Jesus Christ quoted from Genesis as historically accurate and authoritative.
God finished his creation and declared it all 'very good.' (Gen 1:31)
Death and corruption entered the world ONLY after Satan deceived MAN and man sinned (Rom 5:12, ICor 15:21).
Evolution, on the other hand, has us believe that death and corruption has been going on for many millions of years.
Satan brought death, deception, corruption to the world, and he did that by deceiving MAN.
That deception continues today, all around us.
The Genesis record of creation is a straightforward historical record of actual events. It is clearly given that way in Scripture with no apology.
The book of Genesis tells us what God did on the six DAYS of creation. It is VERY important to note that the plural form of the word
DAY (in Hebrew) is used over 700 times in the Old Testament, and not a single time does it mean
anything other than a literal day.
Ok, so the Bible tells us of the creation. It is not hard to trace back the generations of man and see that it was in the neighborhood of 6,000 yrs ago.
I touched on some of the following in my first post of THIS thread, but I'll bring it again now.
The present rate of population increase in the world is around 2%, and the polulation is over 4 billion. The average rate would only have to be one half of one percent per year to produce the present world poplulation in 4,300 years. The average family size of 2 1/2 children per family would suffice to develop the present population in just the length of time since Noah, even with a average life-span of only about 40 years per person. The figures I've shown are actually extremely CONSERVATIVE.
On the other hand, the same very conservative rate of population growth (one fourth of the present 2.0%), if continued for a 200,000 years (a number of years mvscal might tell us 'man' has been around) would pack man onto about every available square foot of dry land on the entire planet......and very likely much MORE than that.
Further, if 'man' has been around as long as we are told (and 'sub-man' for a couple/few million before that there would be human remains littering the planet. They would be abundant everywhere, yet we find so few. Why?
Lastly, as I said in my first post in THIS thread, why did man sit around and do NOTHING for 200,000 years....?
Only in the last few thousand years has man DONE things, and really only since the industrial revolution has man shown great progress.
You're selling that he did NOTHING for 200,000 years...?
Man is a DOER, it's his nature to DO things, accomplish, move forward.
History clearly shows us that.
200,000 years of NOTHING..??
Sloooooow engine.
6,000 years fits about right.