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Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 9:47 pm
by drummer
Bacefelice wrote:I know plenty and have plenty by the greats:
dave brubeck
john coltrane
miles davis
max roach
getz/gilberto and dinner will always lead to foreplay
art blakey

Have some other shit I got from hip-hop:
weather report
Geroge Benson
Axelrod, David
Stanley Cowell
sun ra
herbie's headhunter
9th Creation
Grant Green
Rack ! I just dl'd some of that of a newsgroup . Good stuff .

I think Electric Jazz died when Weather Report disbanded . " Smooth Jazz " is a fraud . It is Instrumental R&B , period . Record companies use the term " Smooth Jazz " as a marketing tool . Dave Koz should never be associated with the term Jazz , even though he hosts a radio show . He might be able to play the charts and standards , but he is way too much a pussy to put his ass on a limb like Joshua Redman does . Kenny G should fukkin' DIE !

I listen to a lot of Latin Jazz now , because the rhythms and melody are complex , harmonious ,, and downright funky .

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 7:10 am
by lovebuzz
Mikey wrote:
!zzubevol wrote:
Mikey wrote: RACK

I liked some of that stuff when it first started coming out about 15-20 years ago. But it got incredibly old and formulaic really fast. There was a station here in LoCal back then that had a Sunday morning radio show called "Champagne Jazz", said in sort of a whispery voice with the accent on "jazz". It was alright for Sunday Brunch background music.

Anybody who thinks Kenny G can play soprano sax has never heard Wayne Shorter.

BTW, don't worry about your parents, buzzer, they're just getting old. If they're still fornicating that's something in their favor.
Rack you too.

I've not listened to Wayne Shorter, i will look for some though (any reccomendations ?) and see what you're onto there...

I was first turned on to Wayne Shorter as a member of Weather Report in the 70's and 80's. There's some great stuff there. He's also considered one of the main artistic forces behind the Miles Davis Quintet of the 60's, and has played in bands with Herbie Hancock as well as fronting his own. He's been around a long time but for a more recent sample check out Footprints Live recorded in 2001. I don't have it but hear that it's really good.

ahhh. i'm definitely going to dig wayne shorter. this is way cool. and weather report. only heard a little, am looking.
lately i've been listening to hh's headhunters. not the remastered one, some old (used). it's weird. funky. remember hearing that when i was young too.

i hear ya, mikey - about the parental units. and yeah, rack em for whatever the hell it is they're doing in their 50's but unrack em for me even knowing about it. ICK.

LOL. We try not to let our kids get any idea of what we're doing. I guess they can't stay naive forever :lol:

i've sat here for a few minutes (listening to 'harvest-ny') half shocked. i thought you were way younger.

the john tesh thing shouldn't surprise me because other than ultra lame / very typical motown, all my crazy mom listens to is fucken Laura Branigan and Shitty Enya. UGH.

i expect more from dad.

he's a decent guitar player himself (acoustic only) and has played for the likes of carole king and whatever... he's the one who steered me into my own musical tastes, drove me to and from school listening to shit like Alan Parsons Project, Neil Young, America, CSN, Cheech and Chong (basketball jones, when you're 8-9 is kinda confusing) and the like... that dad will even CONSIDER listening to shit like John Tesh disappoints me.


RACK your old man for exposing you to the good stuff from his generation

the moody blues too. i started not liking them though, because he worships them. dang. that's dorky but i still think he's the coolest dad ever. just for exposing me to something other than generic bullshit, i guess. he respects my opinion about gay stuff like that now, and that feels prettttty freaken cool.

whatever, parents are weird.

the more i pay attention to/read your stuff, Mikey - i think you're the coolest cat ever.

You know how to make an old fart blush... :oops:

i'm still surprised as hell, you represent yourself youthful here. and i'm old. i hope no one notices that i type this, because i know i'm perceived as immature (retarded) but eh, i'm 34. i'm laughing, you better not be. i'm also thinking about going back and deleting that, ha !

blushing is an awesome thing.

even cooler in a jazz thread.

i seem to recall thinking you were a happily married parent. rack you. you're neat.

You've got me pegged there. And almost as old as your peeps -- 50 in May :?

*third reference to your youthful posts*

But you're only as old as you feel, right?

that's what they say, but i don't buy it. i feel ancient.

i go through periods (shaddap) of listening to jazz, prolly relevant to my moods, but i don't think i listen to it enough.

i like the old stuff, more like ragtime and blues - and don't know enough about jazz to know if that stuff even IS jazz/related to it (is it ?) and can't believe how much of it there is that nobody seems to listen to. this thread fucken rocks. rack radio fan.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 8:07 am
by King Crimson
wayne shorter rules. go buy "see no evil" right now.

log off, and go buy it. right now.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 7:52 pm
by Mikey
You're really 34? I thought you were more like 20 something. It's OK though, I won't hold it against you.

Me, I'm really old. Not like Luther or Wolfman old, but old enough so that I have about as much hair growing out my ears as I do on the top of my dome. Maybe I seem younger on the message board cause I'm down with this gloss and stuff.

Really, though, I'm basically just a burnt out Dead Head. But don't tell my kids, they think I'm legit. They'll figure it out someday, I'm sure.

The Moody Blues were my favorite band for a while a long time ago. I have most of their albums on vinyl. They sound pretty dated to me now, though.

If you want to check out Weather Report, I don't have all of them but I can definitely recommend these two (they're all good as far as I know):

Mysterious Traveller

Black Market

Oops, I almost forgot this one, probably their most popular. Everybody likes "Birdland".

Heavy Weather

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 4:04 am
by drummer

The intro to "Db Waltz " is worth the price of admission alone .

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 4:28 am
by lovebuzz
Mikey wrote:You're really 34? I thought you were more like 20 something. It's OK though, I won't hold it against you.

Me, I'm really old. Not like Luther or Wolfman old, but old enough so that I have about as much hair growing out my ears as I do on the top of my dome. Maybe I seem younger on the message board cause I'm down with this gloss and stuff.

Really, though, I'm basically just a burnt out Dead Head. But don't tell my kids, they think I'm legit. They'll figure it out someday, I'm sure.

The Moody Blues were my favorite band for a while a long time ago. I have most of their albums on vinyl. They sound pretty dated to me now, though.

If you want to check out Weather Report, I don't have all of them but I can definitely recommend these two (they're all good as far as I know):

Mysterious Traveller

Black Market

Oops, I almost forgot this one, probably their most popular. Everybody likes "Birdland".

Heavy Weather
thanks for the suggestions. i'm gonna trust you on this one. i went to 'record time' - the closest reasonable non-chain place.

and damn.

i copped a date, with a boy - man actually, named Jerry. hehe. bad name, i know. he's my age, and i've seen him there for prolly around 8-9 years. since i was young, ehahaha. he's tall. and sort of goofy. he wears plaid shirts and yellow lenses in his glasses. complete indie snob minus the pretentious bullshit. he also wears chuck taylors. black, of course. he's in some band too, of course. probably crap garage rock.

see how observant i am ?

we're going out for coffee.

whatever. rack you for suggesting those albums. that guy doesn't know what a dumbass i am about this kind of music. wooo ! wayne shorter, weather report, mikey, jerry the record store guy and me. kick asssssss.

(i think the moody blues sound dated too, but some bands should sound that way, shouldn't they ?)

you definitely are down with this gloss and stuff,mikey. so legit.

i never knew wolfman was old. luther perpetrates too much. he also reaffirms for me why, when i am old i will not be cranky and mean. i will torture people online though, still !

ps: everyone says looking younger (acting, seeming whatever) is a blessing in disguise. that is a crock of shit. i get carded, everywhere. headaches as a result, daily. credibility always in question.

(except with record store guys, ha!)