Mikey wrote:You're really 34? I thought you were more like 20 something. It's OK though, I won't hold it against you.
Me, I'm really old. Not like Luther or Wolfman old, but old enough so that I have about as much hair growing out my ears as I do on the top of my dome. Maybe I seem younger on the message board cause I'm down with this gloss and stuff.
Really, though, I'm basically just a burnt out Dead Head. But don't tell my kids, they think I'm legit. They'll figure it out someday, I'm sure.
The Moody Blues were my favorite band for a while a long time ago. I have most of their albums on vinyl. They sound pretty dated to me now, though.
If you want to check out Weather Report, I don't have all of them but I can definitely recommend these two (they're all good as far as I know):
Mysterious Traveller
Black Market
Oops, I almost forgot this one, probably their most popular. Everybody likes "Birdland".
Heavy Weather

thanks for the suggestions. i'm gonna trust you on this one. i went to 'record time' - the closest reasonable non-chain place.
and damn.
i copped a date, with a boy - man actually, named Jerry. hehe. bad name, i know. he's my age, and i've seen him there for prolly around 8-9 years. since i was young, ehahaha. he's tall. and sort of goofy. he wears plaid shirts and yellow lenses in his glasses. complete indie snob minus the pretentious bullshit. he also wears chuck taylors. black, of course. he's in some band too, of course. probably crap garage rock.
see how observant i am ?
we're going out for coffee.
whatever. rack you for suggesting those albums. that guy doesn't know what a dumbass i am about this kind of music. wooo ! wayne shorter, weather report, mikey, jerry the record store guy and me. kick asssssss.
(i think the moody blues sound dated too, but some bands should sound that way, shouldn't they ?)
you definitely are
down with this gloss and stuff,mikey. so legit.
i never knew wolfman was old. luther perpetrates too much. he also reaffirms for me why, when i am old i will not be cranky and mean. i will torture people online though, still !
ps: everyone says looking younger (acting, seeming whatever) is a blessing in disguise. that is a crock of shit. i get carded, everywhere. headaches as a result, daily. credibility always in question.
(except with record store guys, ha!)