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Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 6:19 am
by War Wagon
Believe the Heupel wrote:You'll forgive his emotions regarding this.
I'll forgive his emotions to a certain extent, but at some point you have to get the fuck over it. I read his weepy reset post at New Years eve and just about blew chunks

Maybe his dad was an asshole and had it coming?

Forgive me for not shitting all over myself offering condolence.

When it's your time, it's your time.

Quit whining about it all the damned way.

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 6:19 am
by Rack Fu
War Wagon wrote:
Left Seater wrote: Eddie chose this himself...
He didn't choose any more than a person with diabetes chooses to take insulin.
Could be the dumbest thing that I've read this week.

Who was pointing the gun at him and telling him to drink?

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 6:23 am
by War Wagon
Rack Fu wrote:
War Wagon wrote:
Left Seater wrote: Eddie chose this himself...
He didn't choose any more than a person with diabetes chooses to take insulin.
Could be the dumbest thing that I've read this week.

Who was pointing the gun at him and telling him to drink?
The devil made him do it.

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 6:26 am
by King Crimson
[quote="Believe the Heupel"]The thread is, as always, a treat on this subject:

yeah, but too bad the rest of the board has turned into turd soup and about the same 2 jokes posted ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 7:22 am
by King Crimson
all respect and i hear ya, but i don't think that's an adequate explanation for oumartin, sasooner, soonerus and those of that ilk (soonerus HAS to be a troll--no one is that stupid). the board (SO) is brokeback mountain "jokes" mixed with other stuff on the level of "driving volvo means yer a gay democrat" and lot of knuckle dragging macho raghead foreign policy posturing.

i don't buy the age the's become soonertimes....if anything. all the music threads are about classic rock or 80's MTV cheese.

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 8:30 am
by King Crimson
Boulder is too fucking expensive to be the marxist-leninist hotbed it's reputed to be.

there's trust fund kids who drive Saab's and vote for Nader.....but the Boulder that lives in the mind of Oklahoma Tuba simply doesn't exist.

i've lived here for 15 years, and i'm pricing out. Denver is cheaper for me.

but i agree with what you can't fight it.....i've been thinking of retiring the KC name over there for a while on now. i DO like the comradery in the game threads...since i'm out of state.

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 8:48 am
by King Crimson
the thing about Tuba is: he talks about freedom and liberation of the middle east....but the world he projects as "ideal" is completely the opposite of "Freedom". Tubaworld is not a place of free speech and IS a place of manufactured scapegoats.

about a year ago he made some grandiose stetement about his commitment to debate and dialogue in the sphere of ideas.....and THEN 1 day later responded to a post of mine....that "I don't have to defend what i say, i know what's right and that's all that matters".

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 1:53 pm
by SunCoastSooner
King Crimson wrote:i don't buy the age the's become soonertimes....if anything. all the music threads are about classic rock or 80's MTV cheese.
Heh... you youngsters wish you had our class ;) :P.

Soonertimes doesn't even have a politics board and hasn't since the 2004 Prez election so I don't know how we got lumped into this little fiasco. Politics isn't even touched over there since the great schism. BtH you and craw are still traitors ;). Gave up class and dignity for the enviroment of an "Electric Frat House" :P. TBL is headed that way as well I believe... he starts the EXACT same thread on both boards. I mean don't get me worng I carouse your spot and occasionally hop on a thread, usually to attack 04 for the his Billy Ball Cletus Bias where he attempts to turn every sooner basketball discussion into a debate about how much greater the jogging victim was/is than Calvin Simpson. You know that stellar record at TCU and Lamar now are proof of this :meds: . I still get chuckles from little gem from him stating that Billy Tubbs was greater than Bruce Drake, I almost burned my nostrils from the coffee spewing out from them.

Tuba is every bit as bad on the right as Mr. Special Needs (G) is for the left on SF2.

Wonder whatever happened to Lizard and WaZ around here? WaZ PMed me for months prodding me to come over to the Troll boards and at the point of the schism at ST I did check it out, THE just wasn't my kind of taco stand. Luckily I continued to browse long enough that I caught the SCOBODE link. I was really expecting that WaZ was going to go bucknuts over here with theological, disolution, Atlantis threads with my presence :lol:.

It's no secret I prefer the old folks to the electric frat house. I think about a half dozen of your posters there are the children of people on our board. :lol:. Sorry there is no one on the SF that can talk and eval football like Clint A. can and Denver has basketball pretty sewn.

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 3:32 pm
by SunCoastSooner
Believe the Heupel wrote:TBL? I have no idea who that is, and I had no idea Mr. Gifted even posted on SF.

Lizard got married, I think. Waz just doesn't post anywhere all that much, near as I can tell.

And I beg to differ on the football analysis. jkm can break it down with anyone.
TBL = thebiglebowski. Lizard didn't get married, I don't think, because he got on here and said he wussed out on asking her in her in Scottland. When I said SF2 I meant the family board. Might want to consider popping by some time if you're getting tired or worn of fans. Place needs an infussion of some old/new blood. I've started browsing the times again in the last year, me and jim had a corgial little exchange of PMs and made ammends. I think there needed to be a place where politics are discussed or else it spills over onto the sports boards (much like what is occuring at times on fans) but both the sites sports boards have suffered a great deal because of the split. The Poli board has more posts at family than any of the other forums. :(

I can only take so much at soonerfans. It's a bit too childish and I think a lot of people have been seeing it coming to that for a couple of years now. That's why I never really got into posting there. There are cool people there but finding a serious conversation anymore is like searching for yeti.

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 6:09 pm
by Left Seater
Alcohol vs Insulin? There is a great apples to apples example. Make no mistake about it, Eddie chose to take those drinks.

Maybe you are just trolling and trying to drag someone into a smack fest. Sadly though I don't think that is the case. What a bitter sad empty life you must lead to harbor that much hatred for someone who was killed. Usually this type of attitude comes from those who think they were screwed when they got their DWI/DUI. I am not saying you have gotten one, but you sure share their attitude.

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 6:50 pm
by the_ouskull
Re: Soonerfans. It's gone downhill. When I bitch-slapped a few people for rooting for Tejas and posted a thread that got a couple (read: 200+) responses about the same topic... the day of the game... then I got in trouble for slapping him around. Me. I go to the tailgates. I've been posting there for years, and I got banned and he didn't. I wrote them, saying, "what the fuck, do we have a problem with ME personally...?" They unbanned me. I still didn't post until after the length of the ban. I've had the same problems with Tuba (dealt with him) and with Ofer, and I dealt with him too... Too many punk kids and not enough belts is the problem with


Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:22 pm
by King Crimson
CLint A. types alot but i've never felt like i read something illuminating from him.

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 9:30 am
by War Wagon
Left Seater wrote:Alcohol vs Insulin? There is a great apples to apples example. Make no mistake about it, Eddie chose to take those drinks.
So? He's piece of shit now, in your book. Throw the motherfucking book at him, crucify the piece of shit, because he took a drink.
Maybe you are just trolling and trying to drag someone into a smack fest. Sadly though I don't think that is the case. What a bitter sad empty life you must lead to harbor that much hatred for someone who was killed. Usually this type of attitude comes from those who think they were screwed when they got their DWI/DUI. I am not saying you have gotten one, but you sure share their attitude.
1) I don't troll.

2) My life isn't any more "bitter and sad" than yours is, based on your constant seeking of attention and tissues regarding your dear dead DAD. My dad died when I was nine years old from a stroke related illness. Do I win a prize?

3) My attitude is that you would readily suck on a hard fucking dick if one were presented into your face at the appropriate moment.

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 2:27 pm
by SunCoastSooner
War Wagon wrote:
Left Seater wrote:Alcohol vs Insulin? There is a great apples to apples example. Make no mistake about it, Eddie chose to take those drinks.
So? He's piece of shit now, in your book. Throw the motherfucking book at him, crucify the piece of shit, because he took a drink.
Maybe you are just trolling and trying to drag someone into a smack fest. Sadly though I don't think that is the case. What a bitter sad empty life you must lead to harbor that much hatred for someone who was killed. Usually this type of attitude comes from those who think they were screwed when they got their DWI/DUI. I am not saying you have gotten one, but you sure share their attitude.
1) I don't troll.

2) My life isn't any more "bitter and sad" than yours is, based on your constant seeking of attention and tissues regarding your dear dead DAD. My dad died when I was nine years old from a stroke related illness. Do I win a prize?

3) My attitude is that you would readily suck on a hard fucking dick if one were presented into your face at the appropriate moment.
He didn't just take a drink. He had a BAC of .22. Do you not realize how much you have to drink to obtain that? He had to wake up witha straw and a bottle of brandy for breakfast.

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 5:11 pm
by War Wagon
For an alcoholic, one drink is the same as twenty.

Yes, he chose to take that first drink, but once that decision had been made, the rest were academic.

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 6:05 pm
by Rack Fu
War Wagon wrote:
Left Seater wrote:Alcohol vs Insulin? There is a great apples to apples example. Make no mistake about it, Eddie chose to take those drinks.
So? He's piece of shit now, in your book. Throw the motherfucking book at him, crucify the piece of shit, because he took a drink.
He took many drinks and then decided to drive his car. By doing so, he put everyone in his path at risk.

What part of this are you not understanding, Gump?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 8:04 pm
by Left Seater
My dad died when I was nine years old from a stroke related illness. Do I win a prize?
That explains quite a bit. Now I see where your anger comes from. Still doesn't explain the enabling side though.

You can claim that one drink is the same for an alcoholic as 10, 20, 30, or 50. That still doesn't make it correct. Bottom line is a choice was made to take that drink, and then another choice was made to get behind the wheel.

Oh, and nice homo smack. Sure sign that you have nothing left to stand on when you resort to that card.

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 2:54 am
by War Wagon
Left Seater wrote:
You can claim that one drink is the same for an alcoholic as 10, 20, 30, or 50. That still doesn't make it correct. Bottom line is a choice was made to take that drink, and then another choice was made to get behind the wheel.
I didn't say it was correct. I took exception to you classifying him as a piece of shit, not wishing for his recovery, and hoping that he'd wrap himself around a tree.

I'm not down with judgemental reformed users of whatever, or MADD extremists pounding out tear filled diatribes condemning some one else for their transgressions. Let him w/o sin cast the first stone, eh?

The homosmack...err, ...caught me at the wrong moment. I very rarely pull that card, and usually only in a joking manner. My apologies.