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Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:07 pm
by ElvisMonster
I forgot if we were boyz or if you used to run me, so I'm not sure if I should be happy that you're back.

Re: Hi! I'm new here!

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 2:01 pm
by Risa
:lol: whatever, dude. anyway, someone should give you the address to stucknut. that's more your speed. that's not necessarily derogatory... but you're gonna get worn out over in these parts (no, not because of that).

don't burn brightly, burn deeply.
warren wrote:
Risa wrote:
warren wrote:So this is where the cool people hang out.

Well, even though I'm not one of them, thanks for having me aboard.
you fucking dork :lol: you're all polite and shit now....
but over at .net you were allllllllll about how much you
wanted to ride Euroclone's ass. :lol: :lol: :lol:

it's ok. i guess in the meanwhile you can think of him
everytime you till your english rose's garden at night :hat tip:
Hey spooky, when you manage to grasp the English language and develope a sense of humor, then, oh shit, you never will you stupid little fuck.

I'm on this board for a while, I personally challenge your bruised tonsiled chafed out esophogus for a fucking no holds barred cage match.

You remind me of the hydroponic dope dealer I used to know that was convinced he could beat the comp without the Hydro or the ponic.

Go fuck yourself you little inverted pecker gash. Bring it tomorrow, or forget forever.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 3:46 pm
by Van
warren wrote:
Van wrote:Ummm, Warren...

Amidst all your ranting you might wanna remember that Bace is a Cards fan, not a ChiSox fan.

Ummm, Van...

Amidst all your pointless pontificating, you might wanna remember that the Houston Astros turned out the lights in Busch Stadium for the last time on their way to the World Series.
Yes, they did, but nevertheless this is what you first wrote to Bace, who is a notorious Cardinals fan...
Oh, and how dominating the South Sided Black Sux were, the 'stros outpitched your sorry assed heartless bunch of Comisky filth and were a clutch hit or two of sweeping your ghetto assed punks out of the series all together.

Let's compare next year Mr. Frankless Thomas and see where it stacks up.

The Astros were a fucking glorious story of stamina, will and determination.

Oh, and by the way, nobody will ever remember the Choco-Sox for '05 series, wow, other than that fucking maniac of a manager that isn't even allowed to fill out the lineup card, what personality do you have on that Neopolitan flavored boredom of a team?
So, nuance shmuance.

Welcome back though and please to explain how you came to be living in Blighty? If you would, please take a moment and catch me up on all the Warren Haps...

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 4:31 pm
by jtr
Damn van is up early and locked and loaded!

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:11 am
by warren
Nishlord wrote:
TenTallBen wrote:
Nishlord wrote:Is warren implying that he would like to meet me for a fight? Or has he just given me his number in the vain hope of me 'making him humble'?
I think he's just calling you a gay limey tard.
Oh, he's crushed me.

Just like Crack, AIDS, and Will And Grace, warren proves without doubt that the shittiest American inventions eventually wind up over here.

Hey warren, don't vent your bitterness on me for finding out that Big Ben is actually a clock.

I totally agree with you Nish, what would we have done without Benny Hill and Stonehenge?

Oh, and in addition to crooked teeth, fish and chips, and crop circles we would still be loin clothed barbarians rubbing flint together for fire.

All I have left to say is "Spice Girls."

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:23 am
by Atomic Punk
Welcome back warren.


Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 10:18 am
by Nishlord
warren wrote:
Nishlord wrote:
TenTallBen wrote: I think he's just calling you a gay limey tard.
Oh, he's crushed me.

Just like Crack, AIDS, and Will And Grace, warren proves without doubt that the shittiest American inventions eventually wind up over here.

Hey warren, don't vent your bitterness on me for finding out that Big Ben is actually a clock.

I totally agree with you Nish, what would we have done without Benny Hill and Stonehenge?

Oh, and in addition to crooked teeth, fish and chips, and crop circles we would still be loin clothed barbarians rubbing flint together for fire.

All I have left to say is "Spice Girls."
Yep. And you chose to live here. Says a lot about Houston, that does.

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:38 pm
by Uncle Fester
I'm an East Paki, errr, Ender for the time being, go ahead and ring me up, in fact I'll even supply you with the country code you fucking Jersey based Wishlord, 011442089803148, just ask for Dot, Tina, Tim or God forbid WARREN.

The WarrenTard-to-English translator is down. Can somebody help a brother out?

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:52 pm
by Dinsdale
Warren rules...for a fucking homo.