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Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 7:42 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Well, that too. :wink: But the advice holds regardless.

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 7:52 pm
by Van
Terry, in all seriousness if you really wish for her well being you'll root for the day when she throws away her computer and never wastes another moment on the internet, growing ever more insulated and paranoid.

It's doing her no good at all, and quite a bit of harm. She's not like you. She doesn't have a real career like job and a family right there with her and a life full of interests away from the internet. This place and others like it are pretty much it for her, and she's a total wreck because of it. Until she divorces the internet her life is only going to continue on its current downard spiral...

Really, do her a favor. Don't encourage her to keep doing what's she's doing here.

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:24 pm
by tough love
Sis Wrote:
You mean when you said you didn't see why I was all ga-ga and stars in the eyes over Van in the first place?
Yes, and it seemed pretty clear at the time that the respect was not a mutual one.
NOW, a freakin 2x4 to the head couldn't be any clearer.

Van appears to be a half decent guy who is just not interested in your mb friendship
I say you say, F-it, and don't let the bastards get you down.

Btw...A patch kit for your bike tube shouldn't cost much.
Bike tires can be removed with a couple of flat screw drivers, or whatever that comes close to resembling such.
A little bit of muscle and you'll be good to go again.

The best of luck in all your endeavors.

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 11:00 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Van wrote:Terry, in all seriousness if you really wish for her well being you'll root for the day when she throws away her computer and never wastes another moment on the internet, growing ever more insulated and paranoid.
Van, I can't possibly claim to know Annie as well as you apparently do, but having said that, I respectfully disagree. Here's why.
It's doing her no good at all, and quite a bit of harm. She's not like you. She doesn't have a real career like job and a family right there with her and a life full of interests away from the internet. This place and others like it are pretty much it for her, and she's a total wreck because of it. Until she divorces the internet her life is only going to continue on its current downard spiral...

Really, do her a favor. Don't encourage her to keep doing what's she's doing here.
I don't know too much about Annie's personal life offline. I do know, however, that she manages to hold a job and to support herself on a level which is at least acceptable to her. I have no doubt that there are plenty of internet addicts walking around, and many of them can't do the above. It's also worth noting that she managed to do this while moving to a city where she did not know a soul, with little more than the clothes on her back, and without the benefit of significant formal education.

I also know enough about her to know that she has enough of an offline life that at one time she had a live-in boyfriend. Yes, I'm aware that relationship subsequently ended, but as I recall, at the time you trumpeted that as a positive development in her life.

As for her fronting, consider the following:

As velocet pointed out not long ago, the racial tone of this board has changed from the initial racial tone of the Rome message board. There was a time when someone like plznojiggs would be banned because of his nic, or when people would berate Pickle for posting a picture of Dame which obviously did not do her justice in an attempt to berate her. By contrast, mvscal and others of his ilk have now won out, and n-bombs are legitimately in play in here.

At the same time, there once was a rather significant contingent of African-American posters on these boards. In addition to Annie, there was, just off the top of my head, Index, Invictus, Lawman, Dame, DMA, and Chris Tucker. For whatever reason (and I'll leave it to others to speculate whether this has more to do with the change in racial tones on these boards or the hazards of board migration), all of the others are now gone. Annie, alone, remains. And under these circumstances, we all know that it's very much a part of Annie's nature to carry the banner.

As I've said before, Annie doesn't hate you, me, or any other poster here. What she hates is the fact that racism is, sadly, still alive and well in the U.S. in 2006. This is the forum she has chosen, for whatever reason, to vent (and in this regard, and along these lines, if calling me names is what's keeping mvscal from climbing the nearest bell tower with an Uzi and picking off little children below, glad to be of service). There's also the point to consider that you made about IndyClown recently: that his only contribution to these boards has been to hit, and later be taken by, NoCal, and to post it all in these parts. Love or hate Annie, one has to admit that her contributions to these boards have been far more substantial than that. She wants you to get out of your comfort zone, and take a good hard look at the way things are, and how she and other members of her racial group are affected by those things. And if she has to piss you off to accomplish that, she considers it a small price to pay. At a minimum, I submit that Annie has made most people of good conscience on this board think from time to time. Without naming names, that's more than you can say about a number of posters here.

On a personal level, I feel grateful to have gotten to know Annie, if only on the limited level that the Internet provides, and I would hope that feeling is mutual. I am aware that it is extremely unlikely that ever would have happened but for the Internet, so I would hope that at a minimum, something good has come from the time Annie spends here.

I enjoy seeing Annie around here.

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 12:15 am
by Van
Terry in Crapchester wrote:
Van wrote:Terry, in all seriousness if you really wish for her well being you'll root for the day when she throws away her computer and never wastes another moment on the internet, growing ever more insulated and paranoid.
Van, I can't possibly claim to know Annie as well as you apparently do, but having said that, I respectfully disagree.
If you did know her like I do you'd not only be agreeing with me, you'd be PM-ing her yourself and begging her to shitcan her 'puter following the completion of reading your PM.
I don't know too much about Annie's personal life offline. I do know, however, that she manages to hold a job and to support herself on a level which is at least acceptable to her.
There's where you're enormously wrong. No, she isn't even remotely happy with how she's managed to support herself with her job. She lives at the poverty level, to the point where she's still relegated to owning only a bicycle. She'd like a car, or a motorized scooter. Something. Of course she would. She just can't afford one, and she can't afford to fix her former beater car, and her credit is too fucked up to allow for a loan for a new car. She sweats the money for an inner tube for her bicycle's flat tire and she lives (last I heard, anyway) with a guy she doesn't respect, and it's as much down to financial need as anything.

She's not a whore though, don't get me wrong there. She's not selling herself to this guy. She's just in full on malaise mode, so she stays put in her dreary circumstances.

Beyond that, you're assuming she even has a life offline. Again, there you'd be very wrong. She's pretty much either at work (at a mind numbing job she pretty much hates) or she's in her cave at home, online. I don't know if she's still going to the gym or not or if she's still trying to find new fuck buddies online with those adult dating services she started using but aside from those two things she had no other offline pursuits.
I have no doubt that there are plenty of internet addicts walking around, and many of them can't do the above.
"I don't have a drug problem! How can I have a drug problem when I'm still rich enough to afford all this coke?"

-Sam Kinison

Most of those people of whom you speak wouldn't accept the poverty lifestyle that Annie lives, is the difference.
It's also worth noting that she managed to do this while moving to a city where she did not know a soul, with little more than the clothes on her back, and without the benefit of significant formal education.
Huh? She moved to New Mexico to be with her then boyfriend.
I also know enough about her to know that she has enough of an offline life that at one time she had a live-in boyfriend. Yes, I'm aware that relationship subsequently ended, but as I recall, at the time you trumpeted that as a positive development in her life.
If in fact it did ever end (I don't know), yes, it would've been a positive move forward for her. However, if she replaced that guy with nothing but more internet time then at best she traded one personal weakness for a larger helping of another.
As for her fronting, consider the following:

As velocet pointed out not long ago, the racial tone of this board has changed from the initial racial tone of the Rome message board. There was a time when someone like plznojiggs would be banned because of his nic, or when people would berate Pickle for posting a picture of Dame which obviously did not do her justice in an attempt to berate her. By contrast, mvscal and others of his ilk have now won out, and n-bombs are legitimately in play in here.
All true, but at this point who's the main lightning rod causing most of those idiotic posts?

Annie, that's who. It's her never ceasing racial obsessions and her never ending racial boogeyman act that spurs most of those people into action.

Take her outta here and the vast majority of that crap leaves with her, and good riddance. Annie is definitely not without blame there.
At the same time, there once was a rather significant contingent of African-American posters on these boards. In addition to Annie, there was, just off the top of my head, Index, Invictus, Lawman, Dame, DMA, and Chris Tucker. For whatever reason (and I'll leave it to others to speculate whether this has more to do with the change in racial tones on these boards or the hazards of board migration), all of the others are now gone. Annie, alone, remains. And under these circumstances, we all know that it's very much a part of Annie's nature to carry the banner.
Problem is, she carries a self loathing racial banner that wasn't championed by any of those others you mentioned. Like I said earlier, someone like Invictus, Index or especially Dame would want to smack Annie square in the mouth for those comments of hers I noted in this thread.
As I've said before, Annie doesn't hate you, me, or any other poster here. What she hates is the fact that racism is, sadly, still alive and well in the U.S. in 2006.
And what I hate is that she's the main proponent/practitioner of it. No, she's not upfront and trolling with it like Mvscal or Pickle. She's far more sincere with it, and it's far more damning.
This is the forum she has chosen, for whatever reason, to vent (and in this regard, and along these lines, if calling me names is what's keeping mvscal from climbing the nearest bell tower with an Uzi and picking off little children below, glad to be of service). There's also the point to consider that you made about IndyClown recently: that his only contribution to these boards has been to hit, and later be taken by, NoCal, and to post it all in these parts. Love or hate Annie, one has to admit that her contributions to these boards have been far more substantial than that.
Granted. Then again, she's now reduced to primarily being a mockery of herself. She's become a constant punchline, an iconic character in an SNL skit.
She wants you to get out of your comfort zone, and take a good hard look at the way things are, and how she and other members of her racial group are affected by those things.

She wants us to allow for her failings, and those of others like her. She doesn't dare step out of her own comfort zone, ever. She just keeps trundling along, excuses falling out of her pockets like bacon grease from Ned Beatty.

Her probing questions to others?

Diversions. Strictly diversions. They're her way of moving the issue away from herself, or from a discussion that isn't going well for her. They're her means of misdirection. When she doesn't like the direction in which a topic is headed she starts asking non sequitous questions in order to change the subject.
And if she has to piss you off to accomplish that, she considers it a small price to pay.
You really don't know her, do you?

"A small price to pay"? Annie literally orgams when she's rebuked. Her goal is to be admonished.
At a minimum, I submit that Annie has made most people of good conscience on this board think from time to time.
So did Josef Mengele. Just like Mengele, she mostly pisses people off when they think about what she had to say. Moreover, the main problem with Annie is that for all her seeming curiosity exemplified in all her incessant badgering she's really not curious about much of anything. Regardless, she always has her mind made up and nothing's going to change it, before she even starts in with her questions.

Again, her questions aren't posed in an effort to learn. They're posed in an effort to spin.
Without naming names, that's more than you can say about a number of posters here.
Admittedly, again, yep, she's made herself a very obvious and effective lightning rod.
On a personal level, I feel grateful to have gotten to know Annie, if only on the limited level that the Internet provides, and I would hope that feeling is mutual.
It's far more than mutual. She absolutely worships you.

Problem is, she also worships Mvscal, Moorese, Bace and any and all other people here who are much smarter than her. She doesn't discriminate in that way. If you can slaughter her, she falls for you.

You just get the last piece of cake because you're also a great person, a decent person, a kind person, a classy guy and you love giant breasted black women.

You're her Unattainable Ideal. You're just the monolith on the mountain she admires from afar.
I am aware that it is extremely unlikely that ever would have happened but for the Internet, so I would hope that at a minimum, something good has come from the time Annie spends here.
It's fine for you, and at least on her end you demonstrate to her that there are decent white people out there; white people without the Hidden Agenda.

So, yeah, that's fine. Problem is, it's all Discovery Channel level knowledge for her. Watching us here on the internet is hardly different for her than watching documentaries about snakes in the Outback. They have about the same amount of practical, applicable relevance in her life.

Then, just to make sure, she always balances out the good feelings she gets from people like you with a couple hours spent perusing Black and her other favorite "black excuses" conspiracy sites. Somewhere out there there's bound to be some story about some minority who seemingly got fucked over just for being a minority, and damned if she isn't going to find it and take it to heart before she calls it an evening.

Oh, but before she finally calls it an evening she's got to make sure to post a stupid thread about it, to feed her fire.

Gotta make sure to reload that racial loathing/mistrust, dontchaknow...

In the end she would've been far better off just turning off her computer and going outside to fly a kite. Maybe go for a walk in park. Go to a club and go sneaky fuck some chick or dude in some dark corner.

Something. Something real, something tactile and tangible.
I enjoy seeing Annie around here.
Never would've pegged you for a sadist.

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 10:30 am
by tough love
Being in ones dome, comes to mind.

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 5:37 pm
by Risa
Van wrote: She's not a whore though, don't get me wrong there. She's not selling herself to this guy. She's just in full on malaise mode, so she stays put in her dreary circumstances.
you emphasize it, because you think the opposite after all?

we live in separate rooms, separate beds, separate lives, same 2 bedroom apartment. he can fuck whoever he wants; i'm not sleeping with him. it's his life. you're right, i can't afford to look elsewhere right now, and it is cheaper to have 2 incomes split everything than trying to pay for everything on one income. i've done that.

roommate is as roommate does, and that's fine.

you never liked him, anyway.

but that's neither here nor there. you act as if you're outside of whatever i'm feeling. maybe you believe that.

maybe i should believe it, too.

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 5:46 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Van wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote:I don't know too much about Annie's personal life offline. I do know, however, that she manages to hold a job and to support herself on a level which is at least acceptable to her.
There's where you're enormously wrong. No, she isn't even remotely happy with how she's managed to support herself with her job. She lives at the poverty level, to the point where she's still relegated to owning only a bicycle. She'd like a car, or a motorized scooter. Something. Of course she would. She just can't afford one, and she can't afford to fix her former beater car, and her credit is too fucked up to allow for a loan for a new car. She sweats the money for an inner tube for her bicycle's flat tire and she lives (last I heard, anyway) with a guy she doesn't respect, and it's as much down to financial need as anything.
She and I have exchanged PM's a few times, and she's never complained to me about her lot in life. That's not rock-solid proof that she's happy where she is, but given the complaints others have made about her being a drama queen, attention whore, etc., you'd think it would have come up somewhere along the way. After all, that's gotta be far more "real", at least from her perspective, than is the fact that there are two missing boys in Milwaukee whom she doesn't know.

Far be it from me to pass judgment on her with respect to her financial affairs, in any event. I myself drive a '01 Ford Focus with > 95,000 miles and which, at the present time, is in need of about $1,500 of electrical work. Of course, I do realize that there is a difference between sweating out $1,500 for electrical work to your car, and sweating out money for an inner tube for your bike, but the point is that nobody's financial situation is perfect.

And btw, not that it really matters to the discussion, and I could be wrong about this, but it was my understanding that she has a car, but she loaned it to her roommate, and now can't get it back from him because he can't/won't repair his own car.
Beyond that, you're assuming she even has a life offline. Again, there you'd be very wrong. She's pretty much either at work (at a mind numbing job she pretty much hates) or she's in her cave at home, online. I don't know if she's still going to the gym or not or if she's still trying to find new fuck buddies online with those adult dating services she started using but aside from those two things she had no other offline pursuits.
Anyone who has a job has a life offline. Not much of one, perhaps, but a life nonetheless. My job consumes far too much of my life, not sure if it's the same for her, but those are the times in which we live -- the first generation in American history to work longer hours than our parents did. But that's a topic for another thread.
I have no doubt that there are plenty of internet addicts walking around, and many of them can't do the above.
"I don't have a drug problem! How can I have a drug problem when I'm still rich enough to afford all this coke?"

-Sam Kinison
Most of those people of whom you speak wouldn't accept the poverty lifestyle that Annie lives, is the difference.
Again, dunno the particulars, but Annie has never complained to me about her lot in life. Given what you've said, as well as her reputation in these parts, that's a bit perplexing. Perhaps someone here is reading her wrong, and unfairly.
It's also worth noting that she managed to do this while moving to a city where she did not know a soul, with little more than the clothes on her back, and without the benefit of significant formal education.
Huh? She moved to New Mexico to be with her then boyfriend.
True, forgot about that. But that was an online hookup, wasn't it? If so, how well did she really know him? And she obviously didn't know anyone else there.
I also know enough about her to know that she has enough of an offline life that at one time she had a live-in boyfriend. Yes, I'm aware that relationship subsequently ended, but as I recall, at the time you trumpeted that as a positive development in her life.
If in fact it did ever end (I don't know), yes, it would've been a positive move forward for her. However, if she replaced that guy with nothing but more internet time then at best she traded one personal weakness for a larger helping of another.
It did end, at least if I'm to take what she has told me at face value. Dunno about the rest.
As for her fronting, consider the following:

As velocet pointed out not long ago, the racial tone of this board has changed from the initial racial tone of the Rome message board. There was a time when someone like plznojiggs would be banned because of his nic, or when people would berate Pickle for posting a picture of Dame which obviously did not do her justice in an attempt to berate her. By contrast, mvscal and others of his ilk have now won out, and n-bombs are legitimately in play in here.
All true, but at this point who's the main lightning rod causing most of those idiotic posts?

Annie, that's who. It's her never ceasing racial obsessions and her never ending racial boogeyman act that spurs most of those people into action.

Take her outta here and the vast majority of that crap leaves with her, and good riddance. Annie is definitely not without blame there.
I'll agree that Annie is not entirely blameless in this regard, but I think you move the arrow too far in the opposite direction if you assume that all of this crap will go away if she leaves.

To a number of the others, Annie is a target, much like Index was a few years ago. I suspect that if Annie were to leave, all they would do is go in search of another target, much like they did after Index left. There are still a few African-American posters left here: Bobby42 and ArchAngel come to mind. Of course, neither is around much, and I'm not sure that either would take the bait (although ArchAngel certainly did in the past with Pickle).
As I've said before, Annie doesn't hate you, me, or any other poster here. What she hates is the fact that racism is, sadly, still alive and well in the U.S. in 2006.
And what I hate is that she's the main proponent/practitioner of it. No, she's not upfront and trolling with it like Mvscal or Pickle. She's far more sincere with it, and it's far more damning.
Disagree. I don't think Annie is a racist. She's reached out to you, and she's reached out to me. Could she do that if she were a racist? You also say, below, that she adores not only me, but also Bace, Mvscal and Moorese. Could she do that if she were a racist?

Also, as I understand it, Annie dates only white people. Granted, her reasons for doing so are a bit unconventional (she considers all black people to be her siblings), but there are other options available as well. Again, would she take that approach if she were a racist?
She wants you to get out of your comfort zone, and take a good hard look at the way things are, and how she and other members of her racial group are affected by those things.

She wants us to allow for her failings, and those of others like her. She doesn't dare step out of her own comfort zone, ever. She just keeps trundling along, excuses falling out of her pockets like bacon grease from Ned Beatty.

Her probing questions to others?

Diversions. Strictly diversions. They're her way of moving the issue away from herself, or from a discussion that isn't going well for her. They're her means of misdirection. When she doesn't like the direction in which a topic is headed she starts asking non sequitous questions in order to change the subject.
And if she has to piss you off to accomplish that, she considers it a small price to pay.
You really don't know her, do you?

"A small price to pay"? Annie literally orgams when she's rebuked. Her goal is to be admonished.
I suspect there was a time when you would have disagreed with your statements here.
At a minimum, I submit that Annie has made most people of good conscience on this board think from time to time.
So did Josef Mengele. Just like Mengele, she mostly pisses people off when they think about what she had to say.
Think about that comparison for a moment.

Now, do you want it back?

Whatever Annie's board transgressions have been, she's not comparable to Mengele on any level. Even her most vociferous critics wouldn't, or at least couldn't credibly, dispute this. I'm surprised that someone who once cared for her as much as you apparently did would make such a comparison.
On a personal level, I feel grateful to have gotten to know Annie, if only on the limited level that the Internet provides, and I would hope that feeling is mutual.
It's far more than mutual. She absolutely worships you.

Problem is, she also worships Mvscal, Moorese, Bace and any and all other people here who are much smarter than her. She doesn't discriminate in that way. If you can slaughter her, she falls for you.

You just get the last piece of cake because you're also a great person, a decent person, a kind person, a classy guy and you love giant breasted black women.

You're her Unattainable Ideal. You're just the monolith on the mountain she admires from afar.
I honestly didn't know that she absolutely worships me, if in fact that's true.

As for her "Unattainable Ideal", dunno about that. I don't make a play for her because it wouldn't be fair -- not to my wife, not to her, and ultimately, not even to me. But if I were single . . . might be a different story.

I don't plan on divorcing my wife anytime soon, and AFAIK, she doesn't plan on divorcing me anytime soon either. But there are certainly enough stressors in play on both of us that it would be presumptuous for me to say that none of them could ever be the proverbial straw that breaks the camel's back, particularly given that divorce is relatively easily had in this day and age.

Of course, even in that event the timing would still have to be right. And I'm well aware that there are dangers in online hookups, particularly when the blow-by-blow details get posted on these boards (e.g., Perk/Cinder; IndyClown/NoCal). It's impossible to know what the future might bring in that regard.
I enjoy seeing Annie around here.
Never would've pegged you for a sadist.
Not that at all, just that it's nice to be appreciated once in awhile.

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 5:54 pm
by Van
Terry, no, I never would've disagreed with anything I wrote there. I might've written additional things, true, but the things I wrote there have always been true.

Also, it's not as if you're lacking in people appreciating you.

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 1:15 am
by Risa
Except, tough love, in the past it was. It is not now so. It hasn't been mutual for coming on 2 years, I guess. :? oh well.

He's a very decent guy. and no he has no interest in it whatsoever. there's more to it than that, though. whether you buy it from me or not, he's not someone who ever wants a message board relationship in the first place.

As for the bike, I didn't go for the patch kit, I went for this:


that's why I was freaking out over the valve core remover, and not having one. but i bought a bottle that had one, as part of the cap...
and only after dealing with it discovered where the (metal) one was on the other bottle i'd gotten the other week.

if i had to patch the tires every time i got a puncture, i'd never be able to ride. stupid ass goatshead pricklers. and nails. and glass. but mostly the stupid ass goasthead pricklers. maybe once i get through with the maintenance classes next month, i'll be able to install a pair of these


on the second and third bikes. woo hoo. nothing like working to get a tire off and then being completely unable to get it back on. i've been there, more than once; that's why i don't want to go there again, and thought i could get away with using sealant on the one bike, and having the professionals put new tubes and shit in on the primary.

tough love wrote:
Sis Wrote:
You mean when you said you didn't see why I was all ga-ga and stars in the eyes over Van in the first place?
Yes, and it seemed pretty clear at the time that the respect was not a mutual one.
NOW, a freakin 2x4 to the head couldn't be any clearer.

Van appears to be a half decent guy who is just not interested in your mb friendship
I say you say, F-it, and don't let the bastards get you down.

Btw...A patch kit for your bike tube shouldn't cost much.
Bike tires can be removed with a couple of flat screw drivers, or whatever that comes close to resembling such.
A little bit of muscle and you'll be good to go again.

The best of luck in all your endeavors.