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Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 7:06 pm
by Uncle Fester
Why do you need a roof on a stadium in Kansas.

It rains what, about once every 12 years?

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 10:34 pm
by War Wagon
Truman wrote: Pick another fight, Wags. Scotty is what he is, and major props to him.

War Living the American Dream
No doubt Scotty is what he is Tru, and for the most part, I dig the hell out of that. But Scotty i$ slamming the Chiefs and Royals for being money grubbing parasites, when essentially he's no different or better.

I can't stand David Glass, but Lamar Hunt is a different story. I do believe he has a sense of loyalty to KC and would settle for less money to keep the Chiefs here. Call me naive if you wish.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 1:08 am
by War Wagon
Early returns indicate Prop 1 will pass and Prop 2 is going down in flames.

Suits me.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 2:04 am
by War Wagon
Jackson County
Partial results

Jackson County

Question: Shall the county impose a 3/8-cent sales tax for renovating the stadiums? (Simple majority needed.)
E. Jack. KC Total
Yes 27,789 3,142 30,931
No 24,774 2,780 27,554

Question: Shall the county impose a local use tax for a rolling roof? (Simple majority needed.)
E. Jack. KC Total
Yes 25,195 2,869 28,064
No 27,232 3,009 30,241
Paul and dave, would you like your crow served now or later, hot or cold?

I've got a big fucking bat here.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 2:37 am
by Truman
Uncle Fester wrote:Why do you need a roof on a stadium in Kansas.

It rains what, about once every 12 years?
Geography (and apparently not meterology - ever heard of Tornado Alley?) is clearly not your strong suit, eh, Fes?



Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 3:18 am
by War Wagon
The wisdom of Jackson County voters has been expressed once again. Just like 40 years ago. No surprise.

1. Yes, we will take care of OUR stadiums and fulfill our part of the deal.

1a. The Chiefs may continue to play here.
1b. The Royals may also, but only because we like baseball, and to do otherwise would be Un-American.

2. No, we won't support a boondoggle of a fucked up rolling roof proposal, and take that shit and shove it up your ASS, you dumbshit's.

2a. Thanks for playing.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 3:34 am
by kcdave
What crow would that be?

Ignorant JaCo voters actually ponied up some cash?

Gotta admit Im somewhat surprised. They normally dont approve shit. However, holding true to form, when they do, they still vote for the wrong option.

New downtown stadium, all-star game, city and economic development ...... gonzo.

New Arrowhead in JoCo or WyCo, retractable roof, Super Bowl, Final 4, and the countless thousands of Missourian's that have relocated across the state line actually paying for something ....... gonzo.

Oops, my bad. We will still get the all-star game now that this horse shit prop has been passed. Not like we werent gonna get in the next 10-12 years anyways. :meds:

Oh well, just seeing how close the rolling potato chip vote was ..... looks like they will be voting on that again soon. "Truman Sports Complex, Worlds Largest Car Port, and Tornado Magnet," may still have legs.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 10:10 pm
by War Wagon
kcdave wrote:What crow would that be?
Oh, let's start here, shall we?
Sorry Wags, but even with all the money and false promises being tossed around, this proposal will not be approved.

If I had to go Vegas right now, I'd say the final tally will read ....

34% for
66% against
And then you have the temerity to post this
Ignorant JaCo voters actually ponied up some cash?

Gotta admit Im somewhat surprised. They normally dont approve shit. However, holding true to form, when they do, they still vote for the wrong option.
Whose ignorant, again? Don't bother answering dave, because it's readily apparent that YOU (and your sidekick Paul) are the ignorant one.

Voted for the wrong option? Tell me you aren't this braindead. Even if Prop 2 had passed (that was the one for the rolling roof...I feel compelled to point this out to you since you ARE so obviously ignorant of the issues at hand), but Prop 1 had failed, Prop 2 would have been null and void anyways.

On the contrary, Jackson county voters are to be commended and heralded as saviors by the entire fucking metropolitan area for stepping up to the plate and knocking that fucker out the park.

RACK 'em!!!

New downtown stadium, all-star game, city and economic development ...... gonzo.

New Arrowhead in JoCo or WyCo, retractable roof, Super Bowl, Final 4, and the countless thousands of Missourian's that have relocated across the state line actually paying for something ....... gonzo.
What kind of gibberish are you spewing here, fool? Last I checked, the vote wasn't about building a new stadium downtown or in KS. And if you were counting on that to happen should Prop 1 have failed, you also believe in the tooth fairy.

Then again, you probably also believe that KK is the greatest sports talk radio host EVAH, next to Jim Rome that is. So trust me bro, I understand where you're coming from.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 10:19 pm
by War Wagon
KC Paul 3.0 wrote:Cool...we'll be spending almost $500 million on two 30+yr. old stadiums for teams that are only obligated to be here for another SIXTEEN YEARS.
And where did you glean that tidbit from? The new leases run thru 2031, chump.
The scare tactics worked, obviously. Can't argue with that....I guess. :meds:
Damn right you "can't argue with that", dumbfuck.

You never really had an argument to begin with, and that FACT was reflected at the polls yesterday, just like I knew it would be.

So what to do now that you're left crying in your Mountain Dew?

Rather than come correct and acknowledge the superior wisdom of the people and move on, you come back in here talking about "scare tactics".

Fuck off, 'tard.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 11:14 pm
by Dumbass
The juvenile delinquent is back to say...


Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:01 am
by kcdave
e, sorry to inform you ......... but dude ...... unless you have moved back to the Imo's homeland ...... KC is your home now.

Paul, rack. Dont mind Wags, hes just starting early on winning the Crying Ryan, and trying to drag you down. The only thing you failed to mention is, surrounding counties sharing in the burden of cost. We have a lot of cows in this here cowtown, and there is no reason why one field should be forced to supply all the hay.

Wags, I bet you still think that the Kemper is the greatest structure ever built. :meds:

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 6:10 am
by Kansas City Kid
I guess KC won't be getting the Indy 500, Master's, World Cup, a Space Shuttle launch, and a guaranteed Royals birth in the World Series now either since Prop 2 didn't pass. :lol:

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:55 pm
by Degenerate
KC Paul 3.0 wrote: You see Wags, TRUE VISIONARIES would've been able to carry that plan through, but sad to say there are NO true visionaries here in KC that are influential enough to see a plan like that through. That's why we will ALWAYS be inferior to St. Louis- in the span of a little more than 10 years THEY have built a NEW football stadium, a NEW baseball stadium, and a new arena for their hockey team. With OUR FUCKING TAX MONEY.
IMO that is owed to St. Louis and its old-money (think Anheuser-Busch) political network having all the stroke in Jefferson City whereas K.C. has none. I don't think vision has anything to do with it.

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:44 pm
by War Wagon
KC Paul 3.0 wrote:Frankly Wags, you are one GULLIBLE son of a bitch.

The fact that you ACTUALLY believe that if this vote hadn't passed the Chiefs and Royals would MOVE out of town is damn hilarious to me.

They aren't going NOWHERE, mother fucker! They weren't going anywhere BEFORE the vote and win or lose they weren't going anywhere AFTER. Ever ask yourself one little question about know, like WHERE WOULD THEY MOVE TO???? :meds:
I'm talking to a brick wall here. All this has already been said, but you stick plugs in your ears and a blindfold over your eyes and pretend like you live in some fantasy world. If something wasn't done to address the deterioration of the stadiums, and no new facilities were in the works, they could have left next year to any number of willing and able cities like:

San Antonio
If the powers that be would've just thought this thing through, they would've come up with the following:
The powers that be? Would that be you Paul, or are you echoing Kevin Keitzman's tired rant here?
1. Build the Royals a NEW ballpark somewhere in DOWNTOWN Kansas City- that would've made them happy AND helped kickstart downtown redevelopment, which needs to be done BADLY.

WTF planet do you live on, moron? Been downtown lately and seen all the construction going on? You BADLY need to get a clue and a kickstart on a brain. There's about $2 Billion worth of redevelopment going on now right under your own fucking nose that you must have stuffed so far up KK's ass you seem to be unaware of it.

2. Once the Royals move downtown, implode and excavate Kaufman Stadium.

3. Build the Chiefs a brand new RETRACTABLE-ROOF stadium where The K used to be, and develop the immediate area AROUND the new Arrowhead Stadium.
More totally unnecessary pie in the sky bullshit.
You see Wags, TRUE VISIONARIES would've been able to carry that plan through, but sad to say there are NO true visionaries here in KC that are influential enough to see a plan like that through. That's why we will ALWAYS be inferior to St. Louis- in the span of a little more than 10 years THEY have built a NEW football stadium, a NEW baseball stadium, and a new arena for their hockey team. With OUR FUCKING TAX MONEY.
You call that Dome a football stadium? And who gives a fuck about Hockey? Rack them for the new baseball stadium though. I don't begrudge them that, and they certainly needed and deserve it.
By passing that tax measure yesterday we proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that we don't DESERVE to be compared to cities like St. Louis. Instead of doing the SMART thing and building our teams two NEW stadiums that will ensure them staying for most if not ALL of the rest of our lives, we're throwing a shitload of money into a pair of 30+year old stadiums that when completed will STILL not be completely adequate to the cash-generating needs of the teams currently leasing them.
What a load of horseshit. By passing that tax measure, Jackson Countians ensured that both teams will be here at least another 25 years in state of the art facilities that will generate just as much cash as any brand new facilty, for about 1/3 of what it would have cost to build brand new stadiums.

You seem to be really hung up on the fact that just because the stadiums are 30+ years old, that in and of itself makes them worthless venues beyond salvage. Guess what, despite the pablum fed to you by double K that you readily slurp up, they're not. That concrete and steel are just as good today as they were 30 years ago.

And you accuse moi of being gullible?
Bottom line: the scare tactics used by the pro-stadium tax honks WORKED. :meds:
No, the Bottom line is that, just as I predicted, Jackson county voters are WAY smarter than your dumbass will ever be. They didn't vote the way they did because of "scare tactics". They voted to take responsibility of the property they own to maintain and upgrade it.

Trust me, if the voters has listened to dumbasses like you back in 1967, the Truman Sports complex never would have been built in the first place, and the teams would have left 25 years ago.

Didn't I already tell you to fuck off?

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:52 pm
by War Wagon
kcdave wrote: Wags, I bet you still think that the Kemper is the greatest structure ever built. :meds:
And much like in all other bets you make, you'd be wrong and lose again.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 12:26 am
by War Wagon
You don't even deserve five minutes more of my time to refute your weak-ass arguments.

But what the hell? Beating you into a pulp is as much fun as pissing on Coods after a particurlarly nasty Arrowhead beatdown.

You said that downtown BADLY needed re-development, when that is already going on to such an extent that you can't even drive downtown because such a wide swath from Broadway to Grand, from 12th street to Truman road, is nothing but large holes in the ground and detour signs.

That total display of ignorance in and of itself cancels any other argument you could possibly make.

Go swill KK's Kool-Aid some more, you punch drunk moron.

You don't know a goddamn thing about what you speak and should just STFU. Afterall, cum breath, you LOST the election, as Jackson County voters shot their loads straight down your throat.

How'd that taste, cocksucker?

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 5:35 pm
by WhatsMyName
I'm not sure about Norfolk, VA, Bumblefuck, Arkansas and Shantytown, Nebraska scoring the CHEFS, but don't kid yourself. Los Angeles is a very attractive market for any owner.

Congrats on not passing that gay ass rolling roof proposition, Chief fan. Let the Rams STAY the Rams.

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 5:04 pm
by KC Scott
I won $ 1,100 in Vegas (Sorry Wags)


So the Jackos vote for the sales tax they have to pay and vote against the business import tax for the roof.

LOL @ us for falling for the relo boogieman.

The Roof will be back on the August ballot in a different form - My guess is with the teams ante higher since they just did a Mon back on Proposition one. I would not be surprised to see them relent on users fees now, as well.

Bigger picture, KC may get a few more "events" if the roof passes, but we are still nowhere near the convention destination cities. Those of you that travel for business or have to go to conventions understand.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 5:35 am
by War Wagon
KC Scott wrote:I won $ 1,100 in Vegas (Sorry Wags)
Scoot, I'm sure you'll also hit the Powerball Jackpot someday as well, but you don't have to apologize for it.
So the Jackos vote for the sales tax they have to pay and vote against the business import tax for the roof.
Yeah, that is curious.

I'm guessing that many just didn't trust this whole rolling roof proposal.

It didn't pass the smell test.

And perhaps voters are loathe to penalize businesses for something they perceived as pie in the sky in the first place.

Whatever the rationale, hearty RACKS go out to Jackson county voters from this Clay county resident.

Thank You.