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Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 11:43 pm
by T REX
Great....just saw an article that spoke about the lack of centers in the NBA. This guy has a chance to be number one next year(barring injury-i hope that does not occur).
Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 4:43 pm
by T REX about the draft is over the place. It's funny how Oden's name pops up everywhere. He would have been number one this year. Consensus is, he will be next year as well.
I know you gusy say he's different but damn....
Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 5:25 pm
by Cicero
I think Oden stays 2 years. I hope he does. He will be a much better pro of he does.
Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:44 pm
by Mustang
All of you are correct. Oden is 18 but looks like he's about 35....and I thought that when he was a junior in high school. He actually played in town here a couple of times but I never saw him. And he is a decent kid from all reports. So was LeBron James. Just going to college doesn't make you a good kid and becoming a millionaire at 18 doesn't make you bad. Is Michelle Wie "bad?" But your drift is well received. Seems like the kids that become superstars in college and stay around for a while seem like solid people......Duncan, Dixon, name a few. Notice how they all play in the ACC, though...heh. Seriously, it's a big roll of the dice to have the talent Oden/LeBron does and risk playing in college. But these are once-in-a-lifetime players and few have to legitimately make this decision.
Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 9:34 pm
by King Crimson
Mustang wrote:Seems like the kids that become superstars in college and stay around for a while seem like solid people......Duncan, Dixon, name a few. Notice how they all play in the ACC, though...heh..
Brand, Maguette, Paul, Wilcox, May, name a few. :wink: