Isn't Van the guy who used to....
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
- Shlomart Ben Yisrael
- Insha'Allah
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- Location: filling molotovs
Not posting my pic or vital stats on a smack board makes you better than me?
PS: Dins, I was just trying to run that reverse psychology of ...
"See! He claims he's not Perk! That means he must be Perk!"
...that Gaydah falls for evertime.
My bad. That's the last time I ever take advice from EM.
Besides, it makes zz happy. Can that be so bad? You'd need cheering up too if you had a
lonely bachelor pad to go home to every night with nothing other than a hotplate and a
bare lightbulb swinging from a cord.
PS: Dins, I was just trying to run that reverse psychology of ...
"See! He claims he's not Perk! That means he must be Perk!"
...that Gaydah falls for evertime.
My bad. That's the last time I ever take advice from EM.
Besides, it makes zz happy. Can that be so bad? You'd need cheering up too if you had a
lonely bachelor pad to go home to every night with nothing other than a hotplate and a
bare lightbulb swinging from a cord.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
- Shlomart Ben Yisrael
- Insha'Allah
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- Location: filling molotovs
What, are you on a child sex offender's list or some shit? Is Rack Fu gonna coordinate a international crackdown on your ass?Martyred wrote:Not posting my pic or vital stats on a smack board makes you better than me?
Talking driveby shit while pretending to be someone else who isn't in troll mode gives the other person automatic scoreboard. That's the way it's always been.
Besides, there's no shame in being Perk. He just lied about his height. Like, adding half a foot or so. Blondie's not ggiraffe amazon tall, which I guess doesn't mean anything since they're only like 2 or 3 inches difference in height, so she's almost one, for a woman? :? I don't know... but she's not short. He shouldn't have lied about his height. He got found out. Therefore he got clowned for it. Rightfully.
And this board is populated with a lot of Americans; Americans have a height fixation, to the point of being unnecessarily discriminatory in the real world.
The only thing Perk did wrong beyond the height thing....... but I guess that shouldn't be brought up, again, since that might not even have been true. Just a bunch of rumors and half-said shit and half truths.
All of which, if you are Perk, makes you a dumbass for setting up this thread.
If you aren't Perk, you're still a dumbass for setting up this thread.
We're a board of dumbasses. No big deal.
Man up, (what's canadian for bitch?).
on a short leash, apparently.
Because your liver passed out?Dinsdale wrote:Does not compute.helmet wrote: wheat ... Dinsy beer.
I think I'm pretty well on-the-record as saying if it's made from wheat, it ain't beer -- it's fagwater.
Why do you mischaracterize my posts?
How'th the roommate, honeybunth?
on a short leash, apparently.
You seem awfully obsessed with my liver these days.Risa wrote: Because your liver passed out?
I know you've offered up your diagnosis in the past, but I've forgotten the exact details -- would you do me a favor, and remind me what happened again?
Of course, I've never given any details of any medical conditions I may or not have, but since you're apparently an expert on my organs, I was hoping you could clear this up?
What happened to me again?
I actually know what happened, but your version of the events are a lot more interseting than mine, so fire away. By all means...
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
- Shlomart Ben Yisrael
- Insha'Allah
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- Location: filling molotovs
You're gay?Dinsdale wrote:I could drop one sincere, heartfelt post on here, and my image would be shattered.
like ' Jay Mohr in Go' gay?
that's not exactly an image 'shattering', man.
or you're a chick -- and
that would be the most
epic coming out like,
and then the gender stereotypes could hit the fan.
on a short leash, apparently.
I hold nothing but respect for Koko.Martyred wrote:Annie....
I'll never forget the words within the foreword of Crichton's 'Congo', where that journalist who was the son of two deaf parents, had an epiphany when it struck him that he was holding an intelligent conversation with another species in his own birth language, in his own first tongue -- ASL.
That struck me. That must have been a joyous moment for him. Just
a 'wow' moment. It made me feel 'wow' too, reading it.
Koko represents something beautiful.
You still need to man up.
on a short leash, apparently.
- Shlomart Ben Yisrael
- Insha'Allah
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- Joined: Wed Jan 19, 2005 5:58 pm
- Location: filling molotovs

The gorilla is signing to you, Annie. He's saying:
"Please shut the fuck up, already! Jesus, you're fucking killing me! What do I gotta do?
Stick bananas in my ears?"
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
- still pays, but gets no sex anymore
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Risa wrote:I hold nothing but respect for Koko.Martyred wrote:Annie....
I'll never forget the words within the foreword of Crichton's 'Congo', where that journalist who was the son of two deaf parents, had an epiphany when it struck him that he was holding an intelligent conversation with another species in his own birth language, in his own first tongue -- ASL. That must have been a joyous moment for him. Just
a 'wow' moment. It made me feel 'wow' too, reading it.
Koko represents something beautiful.
It's called Fiction & the sound you hear is Chriton laughing his ass off on the way to the bank.......
The only right answer to a fool is silence
This is a great opportunity to remind everyone here, myself included, that one must never overlook the fundementals in every pursuit.
So, before you respond to this:
And always keep your eye on the ball.
So, before you respond to this:
I recommend you first review this: wrote:an epiphany when it struck him that he was holding an intelligent conversation with another species in his own birth language, in his own first tongue -- ASL.
That struck me.
And always keep your eye on the ball.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
The movie sucked. The book held some promise. He doesn't know how to end stories.ADAM wrote:It's called Fiction & the sound you hear is Chriton laughing his ass off on the way to the bank.......
You saying it's impossible to communicate intelligently
with an ape using ASL? I don't buy that.
You saying that Crichton (i'm not looking up how to spell his name)
made up the story of the journalist holding an intelligent
conversation with a non-human using ASL? ....
I don't know, man. ASL is a bonafide language. Just because
a creature cannot speak, does not mean that that creature cannot
think or put together complex thoughts. Or even make up a
pidgin/creole when it encounters something it currently has no
word/sign for.
So why wouldn't people be able to communicate with non-humans
using ASL? scientists did it with Koko, and Koko did it with the
scientists. If he made up that story, he deserves to be kicked in
the ass... but it's plausible.
I'm just saying.
on a short leash, apparently.
Dinsdale wrote:
I recommend you first review this:
And always keep your eye on the ball.
I don't speak baseball.Mace wrote:I thought I would do something other than post another thread about baseball news and see if anyone would like to discuss the pros/cons of Rotational and linear hitting and get your thoughts on the subject of hitting. If no one is interested....fine.
And isn't there a photo of a black latino pitcher recently punished
for hitting someone in the head one too many times you could
have put instead?
on a short leash, apparently.
My favorite Van spin...
... and I added this to cover the bases.
You should see the spin he tried to put with it!!!
I'll save it for a bit.
Luv, ya Van... but you do try and spin your way outta the facts.
the truth
m2 wrote:Van, you really did miss out on a higher education...Van wrote:m2, try to pay attention. I said I'm agnostic, not atheist, which means I don't believe anything...least of all, religious fairy tales.
An atheist has faith. I don't.
ag·nos·tic Audio pronunciation of "agnostic" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (g-nstk)
1. One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God.
Would you like to spin this???
the truth
... and I added this to cover the bases.
m2 wrote:Just to help Van... with his definitions
a·the·ist Audio pronunciation of "atheist" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (th-st)
One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods.
... and you wonder why "Van" is an SC fan!!!![]()
"You need to pay more attention"... Van!!!
the truth
You should see the spin he tried to put with it!!!
I'll save it for a bit.
Luv, ya Van... but you do try and spin your way outta the facts.
the truth

- Eternal Scobode
- Posts: 2810
- Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2005 10:34 pm
m2, your definitions are the same as mine so how do you figure that posting them again helps your case??
If you can't understand the very obvious difference between atheism and agnosticism even when the definitions are right there in front of you, hey, that's your problem.
An atheist believes, to a certainty, that there is no such thing as "god". He has the same degree of faith as a religious person. Though neither person has proof of their beliefs they have 100% faith anyway.
An agnostic doesn't believe in either "god" or atheism because an agnostic doesn't know. An agnostic has NO faith, in either direction. Lacking faith, agnostics require proof. I have no such proofs in either direction so I remain in the dark, unknowing...disbelieving.
By definition this makes me agnostic, not atheist.
How in the fuck are such simple concepts eluding you??
If you can't understand the very obvious difference between atheism and agnosticism even when the definitions are right there in front of you, hey, that's your problem.
An atheist believes, to a certainty, that there is no such thing as "god". He has the same degree of faith as a religious person. Though neither person has proof of their beliefs they have 100% faith anyway.
An agnostic doesn't believe in either "god" or atheism because an agnostic doesn't know. An agnostic has NO faith, in either direction. Lacking faith, agnostics require proof. I have no such proofs in either direction so I remain in the dark, unknowing...disbelieving.
By definition this makes me agnostic, not atheist.
How in the fuck are such simple concepts eluding you??
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
I know, dude. I've been troll rated so often on dKos it's a trip.Headhunter wrote:What's the difference between Annie and Koko?
People are interested in what Koko has to say.
The bulldykes over there even called me a conservative. ME.
And the La Raza refugees think I'm a segregationist. Whatever.
So off to troll-rated land I go.
on a short leash, apparently.
- ElvisMonster
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- Sir Slappy Tits
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I cant believe i still have this account butVan wrote:Nope, I'm fine with your question. Past or present, I've clearly stated my position all along regarding Annie. I grew sick of her bullshit, definitely, but I do wish all the best for her and such things will only occur for her if she abandons every last vestige of her current life, starting with the internet.Martyred wrote:Wow. You lash out at me because you felt embarrased by my question.Van wrote:-Oh, and correct me if I'm wrong here Martyred but aren't you the legendary M. Perk, the guy who vies with Indyclown and Irie for having the the title of Single Most Embarrassing Message Board Catastrophe in the history of drunken pity fucks?
I lashed out at you out of embarrassment, yes. Embarrassment for both you and Blondie, and especially for the incredible irony implicit in YOU being the one attempting to poke fun about anybody else's internet "relationships".
Keep in mind, champ: YOU'RE the guy about whom we all heard the horrid sexual details, straight from the horse's mouth. Whether it was PMs, IMs, e-mails, you name it, the sad and sordid tales of your sexual and physiological inadequacies were willingly described to all and sundry all over the internet by your internet lover of choice.
Really, hindsight being 20/20, I'm sure you'd agree that you probably could've chosen a more discrete sexual partner. Really, hindisght being wholly unnecessary given the knowledge you and all the rest of us already had of Blondie's penchant for drinking and then IM-ing people just to vent her spleen, you probably could've and should've chosen a more discrete sexual partner.
Really, dude, when the topic centers around internet relationships you really need to make sure and back away from the keyboard. If Irie or Fubu aren't hosting a thread entitled "Things Not To Do..." then you seriously need to push away and maybe just go and fold your laundry...
Did a guy who never fucked a women from then internet give advice on how to not look embarrased when cybering a chick. Jus' sayin' you put my garbage for what it is and a cyber cesspool of shit, isnt compared to a real life of me actually fucking a girl.
Your telling me Left handed Lucy problems are more embarrasing than Filling a Taco Real w/ sour cream?
Damn, just did a search for my name and didnt realize some turd melting down about a cyber relationship was comparing himself to a real life meltdown where some guy stuck his dick in the girl. Call me crazy, but you dont fuck, then who the fuck are you talking to?
Good one van, keep arguing w/ your left hand, its classy. I betch you put your left hand on "timeout" everytime it goes for salad tongs. Control that bitch, she's out of fucking control.
I fucking suck.
Allright! Luther's drinkin!Luther wrote:Indy/Gunny,
You've been gone for so long that nobody has actually even asked where the hell you've been. I queried you in my thought(s er prolly just singular), but came back and searched/queried/tallied for this thread? Really?
Dude, you really need the biggie vaca.
Rip City
Who got the bourbon past the Nurses?
- Eternal Scobode
- Posts: 21259
- Joined: Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:35 pm
How the hell did I originally miss this thread?
And then Fubuslinger stops by on hiatus for a desperate attempt to get his "take" heard?
Good lord. There will never, EVER be anything more hilarious than these types of threads -- the percentage of message boarders who just took this shit waaaay more seriously than everyone else, and the rest of us get to sit back, sip our beers, lemonade (sup van?), and take it all in. Good stuff.
And then Fubuslinger stops by on hiatus for a desperate attempt to get his "take" heard?
Good lord. There will never, EVER be anything more hilarious than these types of threads -- the percentage of message boarders who just took this shit waaaay more seriously than everyone else, and the rest of us get to sit back, sip our beers, lemonade (sup van?), and take it all in. Good stuff.
- Shlomart Ben Yisrael
- Insha'Allah
- Posts: 19031
- Joined: Wed Jan 19, 2005 5:58 pm
- Location: filling molotovs