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Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:22 pm
by Cicero
Dinsdale wrote:
Cicero wrote:The Shaq that won 3 rings was better than the Hakeem that won 2.
You mean those 3 rings he won in the post-Jordan era?

Fine logic, douche.

As opposed to the two Hakeem won while MJ was out of the League.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:42 pm
by Raydah James
Cicero wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:
Cicero wrote:The Shaq that won 3 rings was better than the Hakeem that won 2.
You mean those 3 rings he won in the post-Jordan era?

Fine logic, douche.

As opposed to the two Hakeem won while MJ was out of the League.
Does it suck being a fucking moron, Cicero?

As a purple and gold bleeding lakerfan all my life, I can honestly say that your posts are the height of idiocy.

I'll just simplify my list of people who absolutely OWNED shaq over the years........

1. Hakeem
2. Ewing
3. Tim Duncan.....actually, Tim will fucking PWN Shaq until the day he retires.
4. David Robinson
5. Will Purdue (Great call-I remember that shit in '99 as well)

It was ONLY when the great crop of old skool centers left the game that Shaq started to dominate the fat tomato can sluts like Ostertag, Vlade Divac (Bwa! Even divac would get his against shaq every now and then), Sabonis (See vlade divac-since he could hit the 3, shaq was rendered useless defensively many times down the court), Jelani McCoy, Shawn Bradley, Calvin Booth...

I gotta laughing too hard typing these BIG NAME PLAYERS that shaq dominated so badly back in the day :lol:


Dont get me wrong, Lakerfan is more than thankful for his services and rings that he helped bring to our franchise, but he isnt the insane wrecking force you make him out to be.....especially now that father time has bitchslapped his dumb ass.

He'll have a few good games this series, but the heat will ultimately lose.........unless of course, you can suit up kobe, horry, brian shaw, ron harper, and horace grant to surround that fat lazy cunt with.

If the latter scenario happens, its heat in 4. :wink:

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:03 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
It always seemed to me Shaq and Hakeem dominated each other. They were just too good to be stopped.

Shaq was such a behemoth, that he was going to power his way to points. Whereas Hakeem was just so much more of a skilled center, and far too intelligent for Shaq to defend in the post.

All things being equal, I think you'd have to give the edge to Hakeem just because he was a better "basketball player", and Shaq relied more on his sheer planetary size. Plus, I always hated his version of a baby hook shot which just amounts to throwing the ball at the hoop as hard as he can, hoping it finds a way to bounce in. Everything Hakeem did, he did it for a reason. His footwork in the post was second to none.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:53 pm
by Dinsdale
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:ItShaq was such a behemoth, that he was going to power his way to points. Whereas Hakeem was just so much more of a skilled center

Dude....seriously...were you sitting next to Sissyroo watching hoops in the 90's?


Since you were OBVIOUSLY too young to understand what was going on, I'll help you out (as will ANYONE here old enough to have a working memory of the era...ANYONE) --

Hakeem absolutely DOMINATED Shaq physically. Those position battles in the paint WEREN'T EVEN CLOSE.

Don't believ me? Ask fucking Shaq -- he never once tried to make those bitchslapping out to be anything different from what they were...bitchslappings(always admired that about Shaq -- admits to taking a beating when it happens...which hasn't been for a long time).

No, seriously...are you retarded, or lying?


Dream moved Shaq off the block at will. Any other rendition of the story is firmly planted in "revisionist history." Hakeem just plain physically overpowered will.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 12:19 am
by T REX
Dinsdale wrote:
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:ItShaq was such a behemoth, that he was going to power his way to points. Whereas Hakeem was just so much more of a skilled center

Dude....seriously...were you sitting next to Sissyroo watching hoops in the 90's?


Since you were OBVIOUSLY too young to understand what was going on, I'll help you out (as will ANYONE here old enough to have a working memory of the era...ANYONE) --

Hakeem absolutely DOMINATED Shaq physically. Those position battles in the paint WEREN'T EVEN CLOSE.

Don't believ me? Ask fucking Shaq -- he never once tried to make those bitchslapping out to be anything different from what they were...bitchslappings(always admired that about Shaq -- admits to taking a beating when it happens...which hasn't been for a long time).

No, seriously...are you retarded, or lying?


Dream moved Shaq off the block at will. Any other rendition of the story is firmly planted in "revisionist history." Hakeem just plain physically overpowered will.
Uhhhhh......Hakeem LOOKED AND WEIGHED like he was from africa. He NEVER moved Shaq off the low block by backing him down. That's fucking hilarious. The guy was a twig. He finessed Shaq with moves, but to say he muscled Shaq makes you look like the idiot that you sound.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 12:39 am
by Dinsdale
T REX wrote:He NEVER moved Shaq off the low block by backing him down.

Oh, reeeeally?

You're an idiot-btw.

Uhm...Shaq admitted as much after the series...tard.

But, I guess you'll just have to take my word for it...since you obviously didn't see it.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 12:54 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Dude....seriously...were you sitting next to Sissyroo watching hoops in the 90's?


Since you were OBVIOUSLY too young to understand what was going on, I'll help you out (as will ANYONE here old enough to have a working memory of the era...ANYONE) --

Hakeem absolutely DOMINATED Shaq physically. Those position battles in the paint WEREN'T EVEN CLOSE.

Don't believ me? Ask fucking Shaq -- he never once tried to make those bitchslapping out to be anything different from what they were...bitchslappings(always admired that about Shaq -- admits to taking a beating when it happens...which hasn't been for a long time).

No, seriously...are you retarded, or lying?


Dream moved Shaq off the block at will. Any other rendition of the story is firmly planted in "revisionist history." Hakeem just plain physically overpowered will.
Nice dramatics. Why is it so difficult for you to get to your fucking point without having to seizure all over your keboard?

Age-smack, though I realize is routinely at the top of your smack repertoire, simply cannot apply in this situation. 1995 was the year I was in the peak of my NBA fandom, as I was living in Sarasota, FL at the time and was a huge Magic fan.

I think you would have a hard time rounding up a bunch of folks who observed Hakeem out muscling Shaq. But...don't you get it? That just made Hakeem look that much more impressive - that he was abusing Shaq in the post WITHOUT having to overpower him. It absolutely was all about, as T Rex said, finesse footwork, along with that vintage turn around jumper of his.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:03 am
by Cicero
Hakeem def had the best feet of any center and his turnaround J was almost unblockable. He didnt out muscle Shaq, but had more of a polished game at the time.

I too have been a Shaq fan since he came into the League and have def watched more of his games than Dins, so I know I am more of an authority on how good and dominant he has been since he entered the League. Hakeem in his prime yes was better than Shaq in his early 20s, but the Dream didnt stop Shaq either as Shaq avg 27 a game against him.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:41 am
by T REX
Dinsdale wrote:
T REX wrote:He NEVER moved Shaq off the low block by backing him down.

Oh, reeeeally?

You're an idiot-btw.

Uhm...Shaq admitted as much after the series...tard.

But, I guess you'll just have to take my word for it...since you obviously didn't see it.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 4:12 pm
by PrimeX
As an Hakeem fantatic, I only laugh at some of the retarded posts in this thread.

Hakeem had it all, and in dominating fashion.

Not to mention Hakeem was one of the greatest, if not THE greatest, down the stretch big man performers of All time. Even under the zone defense rules when it is so hard for a big man to create for himself with time running down, we saw Hakeem do it effortlessly time and time again. And how graceful he was.

Shaq was always a more efficient scorer throughout the first 40 minutes of the game. His PPFGA was higher than a prime Hakeem as well as his TSP. But, he bricked FT's time and time again and relied on Kobe down the stretch. Didn't have Hakeem's versatility either and the triangle offense really helped his style of bullying into the post.

Defensively Hakeem has the edge, don't give me that BS about Shaq having a greater intimidation factor because of his bulk. That is absolute crap.

It's always hard to find a 'prime' for Hakeem when comparing him with other players. Naturally you want to use the early 90's and championship years but defensively he was UNREAL in the 80's. Just not hyped at all.

People still take for granted what a COMPLETE player Dream was. Not only was he the focus of double and triple teams as the lone "superstar" of his team for the majority of his career, but defensively he was a monster. He would shut the paint down for his man, anybody who tried to drive the lane, any mascot that tried to dunk--and don't try to get off a buzzer beater from the 3 pt line--Hakeem might run out and swat that too! (Ask Starks or MJ). The guy could get steals from point guards and if they stole it from him? No problem, he'd just outrun them down the floor and swat their shot.

On`the D- Take a guy like Deke--regarded as the King of the Blocked Shot (and geigh finger wag)--he won't even retire with as many blocks as Olajuwon and oh yeah, Dream also found the time to rack up more than 2x the points and about 4x the steals.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 4:47 pm
by Dinsdale
Cicero wrote:I have def watched more of his games than Dins

Gee, more retarded bullshit from Sissy...who woulda thunk it? DO realize (being the authority and all) that Shaq played the majority of his the Pacific Division, right?

The division whose games air after your mommy puts you in bed?

The didvision that for years was a two-horse race....with the team I go and watch in person on a very frequent basis?

You DO realize this, right?

I've seen Shaq play in person...many times. I've seen Dream play in person.

Shaq is amazingly impressive live...when he throws one down. On TV, you don't get the full effect -- TV can't do justice to the reverberation that gets sent through a huge concrete building when Big Daddy rocks the rim...sucker is usually still shaking by the time his team gets back down to the offensive end. And though you've never seen it, almost equally impressive is Laker Nation's reaction -- everybody stands up and starts bowing down, while making this kind of gasping/awed sound.

And while Shaq may be the superlative freak of nature when it comes to damaging the equipment in the arena...he ain't nearly as impressive as watching anything. True dominance at both ends of the floor. I saw him throw down a stickback on the offensive glass...he was behind the 3 point line when the shot went up...if I didn't know any better, I'd swear the guy was lying in wait on top of the scoreboard, waiting to jump down...that was truly a jaw-dropping moment -- even the away fans (us) cheered for that one.

Comparing the two is a joke.

And some of y'all's is pretty funny. For those of you who have identified yourselves as eather having severe memory problems, or as being revisionist historians, I'll help you out --

The physical matchup between Dream and Shaq WAS ALL THE FUCKING ANNOUNCERS TALKED ABOUT DURING THAT SERIES. And about how at 245, Dream was winning it...easily. Remember now?

Remember all of those pregame shows where they showed all of the highlights of Hakeem moving Shaq all over the lane, and talking about "how strong he is for 245"...remember now?

Well, it really happened that way, tards. Sorry if I don't rewrite the history books based upon the unanimous "king of the fucking retards" around here says.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 4:52 pm
by T REX
I'm not saying that Hakeem isn't great or skilled. Shaq is Shaq. If I had to choose? I would go Shaq all the way. I think 90% of people polled would do the same.

Trying to use a 24 year old Shaq as a reference pint is unfair. Shaq DOMINATED the league in his prime.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 5:01 pm
by Dinsdale
T REX wrote: Trying to use a 24 year old Shaq as a reference pint is unfair. Shaq DOMINATED the league in his prime.

Yeah, that dude PWN3D us.

Dale Davis and Theo Ratliffe

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 5:13 pm
by PrimeX
What great centers did Shaq ever have to face "in his prime"?

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 6:03 pm
by Cicero
Hakeem, Ewing, David Robinson and Duncan.

And Dins, Orlando is about an hour from Tampa, so I saw Shaq play many a times and I got the NBA ticket just to watch Shaq's games when he left to play for the Lakers, so go lick a nut you faggot.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 6:52 pm
by Dinsdale
PrimeX wrote:What great centers did Shaq ever have to face "in his prime"?
Cicero wrote:Hakeem, Ewing, David Robinson and Duncan.

And besides Duncan, he had to wait until those other guys were pt out to pasture before he ever got a sniff.

And Duncan has bested him every single year he's showed up with some sort of health to speak of in the postseason.

What was your point again, besides making everyone else's point for them?

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:49 pm
by Cicero
Shaq punked Robinson and Ewing as soon as he entered the League.

Last time I checked Shaq won 3 in a row while Duncan was in the same conference? Duncan got 3 as well, but I wouldnt call that a punking of Shaq.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:18 pm
by Dinsdale
Cicero wrote:Shaq punked Ewing as soon as he entered the League.
OK. Now that we've established beyond any and all fucking doubt that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about(like there was any doubt before), thanks for cementing it.

The Shaq/Ewing matchup was high fucking comedy in the NBA for a few years. That matchup was a RUNNING FUCKING JOKE for several years. Too bad you weren't in on it.

Let's see -- Shaq played 8 seasons in the 90's. He was 1st Team All-NBA twice. So, I guess I'm not the only one who doesn't think that Shaq "dominated every center in the league" right out of the gate, eh?

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:07 am
by RadioFan
No need for Dallas or Miami to even play the Finals.

Just give the Finals MVP and championship trophies to Shaq. He's the greatest ever. And the best. He's probably a republican too, since he's now a law enforcement officer. Rack him. He's cool and is a good player. He's also got a superman tattoo on his arm, which makes him extra, super-special awesome and dominant.

-- Cicero

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:15 pm
by Cicero
Horrible take my friend. I gave props to Hakeem but in IMO Shaq is the best center since Kareem. I'm entitled to my opinion and there are a lot of writers and fans of the game that back up my sentiments. You act as if Shaq never made an All-Star or won multiple Finals MVPs.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:54 pm
by PrimeX
Cicero wrote:Horrible take my friend. I gave props to Hakeem but in IMO Shaq is the best center since Kareem. I'm entitled to my opinion and there are a lot of writers and fans of the game that back up my sentiments.

Show me some of these articles from these "writers" you speak of. I can easily back up the Hak runs past Shaq with said "articles" by those who actually know the game of basketball and all its intricacies.
You act as if Shaq never made an All-Star or won multiple Finals MVPs.
Again, who the fuck did Shaq face in their prime? Who did he guard one on one?

Shaq has always been veryy humble when it came to Hakeem, but really...who did Shaq have to play in the finals? For that matter, what great C has Shaq ever dominated head to head? His battles with Duncan were basically a draw everytime....Hakeem killed his main comp (Ewing, Oneal, Drob)

Hakeem played in their prime:

1986 Boston Celtics w/ Bird and McHale and Parish
1994 Barkley/Malone/ Ewing in his prime
1995 Barkley Malone (in prime)/ Robinson (in prime/MVP year and Hak DESTROYED him) / Shaq (early)

In the finals, Shaq beat:

Pacers: Rik Smits?? C'mon :lol:
76'ers: Mutombo on the decline and a very weak finals team. It was just
AI and thats all.
NJ Nets: I don't even remember who their center was? Jarron Collins? :lol:


To compare his competition and championships against Hakeem's is silly.

And FYI- Robert Horry, David Robinson, Pat Ewing, and John Salley just to name a few "big men" have all said Hakeem was better than O'Neal. Robinson faced both in their primes.

When Robert Horry, a guy who played with both at their absolute peaks, picks Olajuwon over O'Neal, that pretty much tells you all you need to know.

It's always the hype artists like the media who annoint Shaq as MDE. Name me one NBA player who has ever said he thought Oneal was better than Olajuwon. Who better to assess players then their peers?

Also, if Hakeem had played his whole career with 2 guards the caliber of Wade, Bryant, and Penny and coaches like Phil Jackson and Pat Riley he CERTAINLY wins more than 2 rings. Without a doubt.

And P fucking S-


Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 2:18 pm
by Cicero
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 8:21 pm
by T REX
PrimeX wrote:

And FYI- Robert Horry, David Robinson, Pat Ewing, and John Salley just to name a few "big men" have all said Hakeem was better than O'Neal. Robinson faced both in their primes.

When Robert Horry, a guy who played with both at their absolute peaks, picks Olajuwon over O'Neal, that pretty much tells you all you need to know.
Again....LINK???? I see a lot of people quoting players. i'll gladly go alright....just show me a link?

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 1:07 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Shaq did just dominate Ben Wallace - the best defensive center in the game today.

But I'm sure you guys will find a way to turn that into something completely meaningless.

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 3:49 am
by RadioFan
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Shaq did just dominate Ben Wallace - the best defensive center in the game today.

But I'm sure you guys will find a way to turn that into something completely meaningless.
Given their problems with defense overall ('sup Flip?), not to mention a lack of offensive output ... pretty much.

Btw, how's that "dominance" workin' out tonight? Cissy, your thoughts?

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 2:05 pm
by PrimeX
T REX wrote:Again....LINK???? I see a lot of people quoting players. i'll gladly go alright....just show me a link?
Hia Airness picks Dream on his all time top 5 fantasy team. Game over.
Jordan: Ew not da man

Patrick sags on Air's all-era team
Patrick Ewing can't catch a break with old nemesis Michael Jordan. The Bulls legend, who repeatedly denied the Knick center a ring while capturing six of his own, tells SLAM magazine that Hakeem Olajuwon gets the edge in the pivot on the starting five Dream Team - including himself at shooting guard - from his era.

His Airness selected Magic Johnson at the point, split small forward between Bulls teammate Scottie Pippen and Larry Bird, and chose UNC teammate James Worthy over Kevin McHale and Karl Malone at the four.

And at center: "I'd go with Olajuwon, that's without a doubt," Jordan said. "I mean, I never saw Jabbar in his prime, and I love Patrick, but I would have to say the versatility of where the game was going, Olajuwon was by far the best at the center position. And even Shaq, he's the dominant center of today, but if you ask him back when he first came in, if he doesn't say Olajuwon, then he's got a little amnesia." The anniversary issue - SLAM's 100th - will be on newsstands later this week.
And here is the end all argument;

Olajuwon - 1
Shaq - 0

Olajuwon is the only center to ever play in the NBA Finals who brings the defensive package, the offensive moves, clutch free throws, and hits 100% of his 3 pointers.

Slap fest over. Dream wins!

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 2:26 pm
by Cicero
The Heat quit last night. Game 1 was theirs and they should of took advantage. Horse shit performance. Riley is getting out coached by Avery. I shut it off half way thru the 3rd and watched Entourage and Lucky Louis.

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 4:45 pm
by T REX
PrimeX wrote:
T REX wrote:Again....LINK???? I see a lot of people quoting players. i'll gladly go alright....just show me a link?
Hia Airness picks Dream on his all time top 5 fantasy team. Game over.
Jordan: Ew not da man

Patrick sags on Air's all-era team
Patrick Ewing can't catch a break with old nemesis Michael Jordan. The Bulls legend, who repeatedly denied the Knick center a ring while capturing six of his own, tells SLAM magazine that Hakeem Olajuwon gets the edge in the pivot on the starting five Dream Team - including himself at shooting guard - from his era.

His Airness selected Magic Johnson at the point, split small forward between Bulls teammate Scottie Pippen and Larry Bird, and chose UNC teammate James Worthy over Kevin McHale and Karl Malone at the four.

And at center: "I'd go with Olajuwon, that's without a doubt," Jordan said. "I mean, I never saw Jabbar in his prime, and I love Patrick, but I would have to say the versatility of where the game was going, Olajuwon was by far the best at the center position. And even Shaq, he's the dominant center of today, but if you ask him back when he first came in, if he doesn't say Olajuwon, then he's got a little amnesia." The anniversary issue - SLAM's 100th - will be on newsstands later this week.
And here is the end all argument;

Olajuwon - 1
Shaq - 0

Olajuwon is the only center to ever play in the NBA Finals who brings the defensive package, the offensive moves, clutch free throws, and hits 100% of his 3 pointers.

Slap fest over. Dream wins!
hey, thank you for the link. I don't mind giving that at all. I just think that they never played while Shaq was in his prime. If you don't think that Shaq would have dunked all over Hakeem, I can't help you.....330 lbs vs 245????? You are joking right?

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 4:51 pm
by Dinsdale
Shaq's moves around the basket got better as he got older? He became more proficient as he aged?

If you say so...

Shaq got slower and weaker as he aged and gained weight, dildo....not the other way around.

Shaq at 305 had way better "moves" (stretching the definition of "moves" here) than Shaq at 330 or 360.

His best "move" is the one where the refs help him out, and put the opposing big men in foul trouble. Now that the league (and not Father Time) have taken that away from him...we're seeing the "real" Shaq, rather than the WWNBA-created Shaq. Take those extra 3 players off his team, and he don't look so "dominant." I'm not sure why the NBA didn't enforce the rules 13 years ago, but they needed a poster-boy, so they created one.

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 5:10 pm
by T REX
Dinsdale wrote:Shaq's moves around the basket got better as he got older? He became more proficient as he aged?

If you say so...

Shaq got slower and weaker as he aged and gained weight, dildo....not the other way around.

Shaq at 305 had way better "moves" (stretching the definition of "moves" here) than Shaq at 330 or 360.

His best "move" is the one where the refs help him out, and put the opposing big men in foul trouble. Now that the league (and not Father Time) have taken that away from him...we're seeing the "real" Shaq, rather than the WWNBA-created Shaq. Take those extra 3 players off his team, and he don't look so "dominant." I'm not sure why the NBA didn't enforce the rules 13 years ago, but they needed a poster-boy, so they created one.
Damn, you are pretty stupid......anyone will tell you there is a difference between......21 and 24 and 28......the human body peaks performance wise in that 27-29 age bracket. Combine that with experience and you have a far superior athlete at 28 than 21 or 24. If you don't know that....again, can't help your obtuse mind. I appreciate the debate but at this point you just can't seem to grasp anything outside your own little skull.

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 5:18 pm
by Dinsdale
The difference between you and I?

I know what I'm talking don't...

OBVIOUSLY. If that weren't the case, you wouldn't be trying to make your case for Shaq based upon statements that are the opposite of what's true. So far, you've brought very broad generalities...nonew of which apply to this discussion, or Shaq's career.

"Hakeem was 245, Shaq was 330, therefore Shaq physically overmatched Dream."

(Nevermind that Shaq was 305 when he played the Dream...rewriting history is your only hope at even trying to go down the road to stupidity that you've chosen.)

Sounds good on paper...but, if you'd actually seen those games, you'd realize it wasn't the case.

Oh, and just a might want to check on Shaq's stats for productivity at ages 21, 24, and 28....BEFORE you start making inapplicable statements to try and make your case. JUST SAYIN'.

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:47 pm
by T REX
RESET......too funny.

That western conference domination....yeah right.

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:15 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Diogenes wrote:Mavericks in five.
Anyone shocked the guy with the most inaccurate pick in the entire thread came from Dio?

Didn't think so.

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:22 pm
by T REX
Its the western conference domination syndrome. That and he just plain sucks.

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 6:09 pm
by Cicero
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
Diogenes wrote:Mavericks in five.
Anyone shocked the guy with the most inaccurate pick in the entire thread came from Dio?

Didn't think so.

Nope. He's been making picks like Hellen Keller all playoffs.

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 6:41 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Actually, if it came down to Hellen Keller making random picks by pointing with her index finger, and Dio using his brain, I'd take Keller.

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 5:58 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
RadioFan wrote:If .. and it's a big IF ... Dallas gets up 2-0, the series is over
This was the most memorable thing I took from this thread.

Damn, I'm an ass.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:17 am
by RadioFan
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
RadioFan wrote:If .. and it's a big IF ... Dallas gets up 2-0, the series is over
This was the most memorable thing I took from this thread.

Damn, I'm an ass.
The way Dallas played against San Antonio ... yeah, I guess my prediction wasn't predicated on a complete meltdown. I should have added that unexpected caveat, with AJ apparently coaching a bunch of scared tampons.

A strong argument for "coaching doesn't win championships, players do," is what you have here, Mgo. I believe that kind of argument goes on all the time in at the college level. But more importantly, I underestimated Dallas' potential for player vaginalness, as did the the minority of the NBA-watching public, who actually have a concept about understanding basketball.

Good thing the Mavs signed Jason Terry for another five years. Quote this, bro: He won't be shit, next year, when the Spurs beat Dallas in Six or less.

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:46 pm
by Cicero

Being that you were wrong on almost every series in the playoffs, I think you should take the next couple of plays off. Leave the predicting and forecasting to people who actually have a fucking clue.

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 1:03 am
by RadioFan
Nice try, Sissy.
Leave the predicting and forecasting to people who actually have a fucking clue.

Spurs NBA championships in the last 7 years: 3

Marlins NBA championships from now until 2025: 1

Unless, of course, you're trying to argue that SA won't be a favorite to win it all, again, next year?

Stick to things you know even less about, like FSU football and Duke basketball, gimp.