War Wagon wrote:As for Monty, just another in a long line of epic failure.
While Montie has never cracked that elusive Major Championship, he's still one of the great players in the history of the game, without question. The man was in the top 5 on the Euro tour for over a decade, holding the #1 spot for several of those years. If that's being a "failure," where do I sign up?
JaysFan wrote:And since I haven't made my picks yet..
I'm going to go with the Australian Geoff Ogilvy to win.
$$$, bro. I think you're batting about 1.000 since we started there "Call it" threads. RACK you.
I too will go with Ogilvy. No-brainer.
BSmack wrote:Was I hearing things, or did Monty say "What the hell was THAT?"
I believe it was "what the hell kind of shot was THAT?"...but yeah, pretty much.
Me and my diehard golfer buds were kinda wondering about that shot. Obviously, I have no idea about Montie's "comfort distances," but for me(and others I know), that 171 distance he had was an "in-betweener." Not quite a 7, too much for an 8. From the looks of it(although I don't really know), we were guessing he started with an 8, then upon further review, decided against it. Looked like he opted to open the blade on a 7...but Montie is generally a fade player, and fade players need to be pretty darn careful when opening up that face...obviously, Montie wasn't careful enough. Horrible shot, which I'm sure Montie wouldn't disagree with. In retrospect, maybe a low bump-and-run towards the center of the green would have been a "base hit," rather than going for the home run. Don't tempt fate on hidden pins in a Major.
That being said, Geoff Ogilvy just put himself in serious contention for Player of the Year honors at the halfway point.
With the "parity" this year(read: lack of Tiger and Vijay), I'd tend to agree with you. Two more Majors, and a whole lotta other golf to play, though(obviously, you're "halfway point" qualifier takes this into consideration).
MuchoBulls wrote:It's too bad the 2002 Phil showed up yesterday.
"Too bad?"
That was AWESOME!
THAT'S the Phildo I remember.
And I heard more about the guy -- apparently, the pro at my bud's club was a PGA guy breifly, or has had a lot of dealings with that world, and is familiar with Phil. And says things like "biggest jackass I've ever met," and "that guy has ZERO friends on the tour, EVERYBODY hates him because he's such a jerk," and "what a well-groomed public image he has, in very stark contrast to his real personality."
I've never heard ONE good thing daid about the guy by anybody who's actually dealt with him on a personal basis. And when I hear negative review after negative review of the guy from people in the know, it starts to sink in.
Which makes me take even more delight in his failures. Anyone who makes a lifestyle out of treasting everyone else like crap and belittling his coworkers at every opportunity deserves all the heartbreak that comes his way. Phil ain't the #1 player, yet the #1 player doesn't walk around with a tude, being rude to everyone because he percieves himself as superior. Any silver-spoon-sucker like that can go fuck himself. I'll NEVER be on that guy's side.
But anyhoo... as one of my golf buds pointed out -- Reagrdless how highly regarded Bones may be, he did an absolutely miserable job yesterday. Deep down, he surely must know he's working for a meltdown artist. What Phildo was doing with the driver was essentially "Tin Cupping" it.
Might be an interesting discussion here -- at what point does the "field general," the caddie, step up and put his foot down?
Mantits(which have gotten bigger-btw) pretty much didn't hit a decent driver all day. One of my friends even pointed out "since when does Phil take his driver past parallel?" Dude was "dalying it" -- just about bouncing the head of his driver off his right(left on anyone else) foot. WTF? All he had to do was hold on and par out, but Mental Midget all of a sudden decides to show off his 350 yard drive?
That was just plain dumb. When you get the commentators on the TV to remark about how dumb you're being...go ahead and assume you're being dumb.
Coming down those last few holes, if Bones was doing his job (that probably pays several hundred thousand dollar a year), he would have pulled that driver out of the bag, and broken it over his knee. Not privy to their discussions, obviously, but you can't tell me the guy didn't say something at some point. Yet Phildo kept thinking he was on the driving range, and chose a time when he was leading on the back 9 on Sunday at the US Freaking Open to work out that problem with his driver-swing.
That was just straight up DUMB golf.
Hell, I'm legendary with my friends for playing dumb golf, but I ain't exactly playing for a million bucks. And even I saw the flagrant stupidity in his decisions. And if I'm in a match with my friends for $2, I still find a way to put aside the stupid, and play for "damage control." A Major Championship on the line, and about $1,000,000, and dude couldn't grasp that concept.
What a tard. All that talent, all that finely honed skill(he still is the best wedge player I've ever seen), and all that hard work...and he just went and stupided it away. While I was rooting for a Phil Major Meltdown, I was still shocked at the idiocy I saw coming from him. Feel free to mix in an iron on the short holes with a lead and serious trouble outside of the short stuff...truly shocking decision-making from him and Bones.
While it was amazing that he was in contention with all of those errant shots(due to that superhuman wedge play), any shock-and-awe at how he was hitting approaches was offset by the junior-golf-level decision making. The last time I saw anybody at any level play THAT stupid, was when a couple of buds were running their handicaps up to prepare for a tourney(freaking cheaters).
Great tourney.