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Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 4:42 am
by Van
That's fine, but it doesn't change her Slut Status at all. If anything, it only enhances it, along with her Propensity For Incest Quotient...

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 5:00 am
by Tom In VA
Van wrote: Exactly why does Christianity look down on incest anyway, since their very existence is apparently founded on it?
You're selective targetting is always interesting Van. Much of these things of course occurred way before Christ and before monotheism took off in the form of Judaism.

Tribal systems required warriors. They required warriors to kill and protect the land on which game was hunted and food was grown. As such, the "be fruitful and multiply" mandates and also, believe it or not, "better thy seed be in the belly of a whore than to be spilled on the ground" or some such quote. Every sperm, was indeed sacred.

We've no such need for a society like that today. In fact, many suggest we're overpopulated. Those people aren't paying attention. :lol:

The penis and the vagina, are for making babies. Just like the stomach is for digesting food and the teeth are for chewing that food.

Here's a quick one for you, your apparent contempt of Christ, Christianity, Christians, and a God at all ....

Why is it that man has looked towards the stars, outside of himself to something more powerful, and progressed as a result of it ? Could it be there is some truth to all of it ? That there is indeed an entity that selected a specific animal .... named NOT created by scientist "The one who knows" .... to become aware and cognizant of that entity ?

Maybe that's another thread.

Suffice it to say, maybe the answer to your question lies in "The Blue Lagoon". :lol:

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 5:10 am
by Diogenes
So basicly Van doesn't know shit about genetics.

Add that to the list...

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 5:18 am
by Mister Bushice
You guys are using a made up story about some woman being created from a sparerib by an invisible spirit to explain the genesis of the entire human race. I wouldn't talk shit about other peoples intelligence if I were you.

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 5:29 am
by poptart
Van, ....... you're all over the map.

Cain married his sister.

Genesis 5:4 clearly tells us that Adam ...... begat sons and daughters.

I won't pretend to be an expert on DNA, and I'm pretty sure Dio is correct about Van.

For what it's worth to you, Van......

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 5:36 am
by Van
Diogenes wrote:So basicly Van doesn't know shit about genetics.

Add that to the list...
Coming from a guy who can't spell at a good sixth grade level color me less than appalled...

Besides, you obviously know even less than I do about genetics if you think A&E alone could've created the earth's varied population.

Beyond that, if you truly take a literalist's stance on the bible then you really ought to just move away from the table and go back in the den with the other kids watching cartoons.

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 5:57 am
by Van
Tom In VA wrote:
Van wrote: Exactly why does Christianity look down on incest anyway, since their very existence is apparently founded on it?
You're selective targetting is always interesting Van. Much of these things of course occurred way before Christ and before monotheism took off in the form of Judaism.
Ya' think???
Tribal systems required warriors. They required warriors to kill and protect the land on which game was hunted and food was grown. As such, the "be fruitful and multiply" mandates and also, believe it or not, "better thy seed be in the belly of a whore than to be spilled on the ground" or some such quote. Every sperm, was indeed sacred.
Right, which is why primitive warriors of the type you're mentioning traditionally raped the women of the losing side. If you gotta spill your seed, hey, don't spill it in your own mother or sister, at least not unless you're later heading to a country music jamboree.

The penis and the vagina, are for making babies. Just like the stomach is for digesting food and the teeth are for chewing that food.
The gene pool and the survival of the race never intended the penis and the vagina to keep fucking their own penis and vagina.
Here's a quick one for you, your apparent contempt of Christ, Christianity, Christians, and a God at all ....
Just get it right and label it "organized religion" and be done with it. I have no problem with Christ. I don't know that I buy his divinity but otherwise I have no problem with him.
Why is it that man has looked towards the stars, outside of himself to something more powerful, and progressed as a result of it ?
Because man has always required a scapegoat. When the fields bear no harvest go ahead and create displeased gods on which to blame your lack of good fortune. Wanna be absolved of blame yourself? Create a religion requiring the doing of specific tenets so that as long as you do them you're then covered. Doesn't matter whether it's saying a dozen Hail Mary's or the sacrificing of a virgin to a volcano: you put in the required effort to appease your god, so whatever else happens, you're covered!
Could it be there is some truth to all of it ?
Could be, but since we created all our gods we'll never know.
That there is indeed an entity that selected a specific animal .... named NOT created by scientist "The one who knows" .... to become aware and cognizant of that entity ?
Could be, or maybe not?

Do you know? I don't, and neither does anybody else. So, in the meantime, most people take the path of least resistance by choosing to believe in something that can never be disproved and which absolves them of the most personal responsibility possible.

Maybe that's another thread.
Just as good here as anywhere else.
Suffice it to say, maybe the answer to your question lies in "The Blue Lagoon". :lol:
Normally I'm a fan of real tits but christ on a trampoline her tits were flat out nonexistant in that flick so no, gimme Mary Ann and Ginger if we have to talk about being stranded on a deserted island.

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 6:01 am
by Van
poptart wrote:Van, ....... you're all over the map.

Cain married his sister.

Genesis 5:4 clearly tells us that Adam ...... begat sons and daughters.

I won't pretend to be an expert on DNA, and I'm pretty sure Dio is correct about Van.
poptart, the possibility of sisters was never the issue and it was long since dismissed here as being an important point.

It's still the same family. One family, derived from one set of DNA, period.

As for Dio, dude bolds everything and half of what he bolds he fucks up anyway. I wouldn't exactly put him up on a pedestal as my Guiding Light...

For what it's worth to you, Van......
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Is it just me or does anybody else get the feeling that creationists must only debate amongst themselves, where they're always preaching to a very non circumspect choir?

I'm beginning to think that these people are literally unaware of how silly they look when they attempt to support their arguments...

Go ahead, dude. Keep on trotting out crap like that in mixed company. Your credibility will know no limits!!

"Wrath of god!", indeed, just like those accursed earthquake and typhoon victims!!

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 6:47 am
by poptart
Vangod doth protest too much.

Van wrote:poptart, the possibility of sisters was never the issue and it was long since dismissed here as being an important point
Then why were you just harping about Cain having to fuck Eve .... ? :? :lol:

What is your trip .... ?

You're like the OJ lawyers, tossing as much bullshit against the wall as possible in hopes that SOMETHING will stick.

Wrong jury here, pal.

Van wrote:It's still the same family. One family, derived from one set of DNA, period.
So what ... ?

All the skin colors (melanin) in the world could come from just two medium skinned parents in just one generation.

The DNA differences between 'races' is trivial.

You don't like my link ... ?

OH well.

Go ahead and read about the 'mitochondrial Eve’ ....... on an evolution site if it'll make you happy.

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 8:49 am
by Diogenes
Van wrote:
Diogenes wrote:So basicly Van doesn't know shit about genetics.

Add that to the list...
Coming from a guy who can't spell at a good sixth grade level color me less than appalled...

Besides, you obviously know even less than I do about genetics if you think A&E alone could've created the earth's varied population.

Beyond that, if you truly take a literalist's stance on the bible then you really ought to just move away from the table and go back in the den with the other kids watching cartoons.
A) Congradulations on your mad spelling skills. Try to mix in some knowledge and critical thinking in the future.

2) For the record, dipshit, one point on which both Genesis and Darwin are in agreement is that all humans share common ancestry, probably from a single ancestor. The idea of humans spontaneously evolving is statisticly improbable enough without requiring that three seperate 'races' all evolved seperatly.

c) Who said I took a literalist view of Genesis? You ask the stupid questions, I mearly point out what a buffoon you are.

IV) In conclusion, props on the 'agnosticism'. At least it is accurate in that you apearantly don't know what the fuck you are babbling about..

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 9:40 am
by Mr T
Mister Bushice wrote:You guys are using a made up story about some woman being created from a sparerib by an invisible spirit to explain the genesis of the entire human race. I wouldn't talk shit about other peoples intelligence if I were you.

seriously, 1000 years from now(if the world is still around) people will be making fun of us. They will be studying Mythology with Afrodite, Zeus, Moses, and Jesus.

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 9:50 am
by poptart
Mister Bushice wrote:You guys are using a made up story about some woman being created from a sparerib by an invisible spirit to explain the genesis of the entire human race.
What's your 'genesis' of the human race .... ?


I'll save you the time.

A friggin' ROCK.

Man 'somehow' evolved from a rock.

Verrah scientific, and not a bit o' faith involved at all.

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 12:40 pm
by Tom In VA
Charles Darwin came down from a lightening bolt into the Garden of Eden. He was hiding behind a tree taking a leak when Eve mistook the well-endowed Charles Darwin's penis for a snake. She grabbed it and "tasted the forbidden" fruit. Adam got pissed, kicked the bitch out, and the angels were called in on a "domestic dispute". Eve was crying, Adam was drunk and enraged so they both had to be brought before Charles Darwin. Ole Chuck was already messin' with some genetics and stuff and trying to shove his oversize pecker into some finch.

Nobody knows for sure what happened next. Charles was in charge, ergo Scott Baio's lack of a career, but Guiseppe O'Dimattio or "G.O.D" as they called him in the vast regions of nothingness except "eden" noticed that Charles was always to busy shoving his pecker into different things and trying to evolve some new species or some such nonsense. With any lack of authority and order, G.O.D. decided to take things into his own hands, chastise both Adam and Eve and say "You did it now, now you're going to have to live with all these freaks that Charles Darwin has been evolving and putting his penis into". They were "cast out".

Adam and Eve had make up sex and chilren were born. Contrary to Van, there was no incest. Only Charles Darwin.

One day as Charles Darwin was fucking one of his evolutions. He looked around and saw it was good. He grabbed the great great great great great great great grandaughter of Eve, a woman now, she was now to be had by the one and only Charles Darwin.

Jamming his engorged member into her mouth, she proceeded to chip several of her teeth. As she regaled the tribe of her night with "Chuck the Enormous" ..... which thanks to her chipped teeth and inability of the inbreds to hear properly.
evolved into ....

Chuck Norris

And so it is written, and sucky or not, it isn't a CTRL-Cuda job.

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 2:36 pm
by Van
Then why were you just harping about Cain having to fuck Eve .... ?

You're stuck there, wherever "there" is. It's just you, your brothers, whatever sisters you have plus your mom and dad.

Now, I've seen some artist's depictions of mom. Mom was fuggen HOT, provided you're cool with the whole hirsute thing.

You've got to fuck, 'cause you're young, libidinous, nekkid and cable's still a ways off. You look around, wanting to fuck...

It's going to be incest no matter which direction you turn...

Mom's fuggen hot, and she's prone to giving in to temptation. You can go find a goat or a monkey or whatever, or you can fuck Cain, or even Adam...or you can include mom in your shenanigans.

Bam. Choices. Mom's getting railed too.