MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Van wrote:Mgo, you're taking it all down to the fact that I don't drink.
Oh no, not all. Did you skip over the whole "your posting style" part?
That was your "aside". You'd already labeled the other as "
that is what makes you a dork."
So, yeah, you pinned it down to going out and drinking, which makes you an immature cunt.
You're a complete moron for thinking drinking defines "cool" (and yes, that is precisely how you're defining it now), but so be it.
No, no. "Drinking" in-and-of-istelf doesn't define cool. It's all the social settings, situations, and luxuries that follow as a result of said drinking.
Yeah, Mgo, because I don't drink I never find myself in bars anyway. I never attend social gatherings either. Never meet anybody new.
Things like that are only possible if one drinks. People can't do these things without drinking.
Gotcha. All those countless times I've been in those situations, I guess I was just imagining them then.
You're a fucking moron.
Suffice it to say, you have no clue what the fuck I'm talking about since you'd rather spend your time arguing over who would win in a fight between an elephant's anus and a monkey with a sac of bananas.
You've had the same stupid time waster debates yourself, James Dean.
Suffice it to say that I know exactly what you're talking about. You equate drinking with being cool and non drinking with being uncool. You seem to think drinking is the only social vehicle that's available, because non drinkers can't do all the same things.
In other words, you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about.
Also, in terms of the whole horny sluts thing, I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you and your multi thousand posts on many a message board combined with the fact that you're single means that The Michigan Pimp From Hell you most definitely are not...drunk stupid or otherwise.
Post totals?
aside from your posts, it's pretty easy to picture a single guy in your age group who sports post totals like yours being fairly socially inept, especially where it comes to women. Rather than being out there living the Miller High Life commercial you purport your life to be compared to mine, nope, you're constantly on message boards calling people names and arguing whether one group of college aged kids will beat another in a kid's game that's entirely meaningless to your real life existence.
You're not married (last I remember anyway) and you're not a cripple so what in the fuck are you always doing sitting on a 'puter and dorking around with people about absolute bullshit on BBS message boards?
Who are
you to ever pass "cool" judgement on others?? WTF??
Really, you're
every bit as dorky as anybody else here, 'cept many of the people here are older and married and they have kids and mortgages and other perfectly valid reasons for being home and fucking around on the computer.
You, being such an Alternative Music Lifestyle Stud and all, shouldn't you actually be out there
doing something?? You know, like maybe actually
playing an instrument rather than ignorantly bashing those who actually do...Or, here's an idea...Maybe you could actually step away from your computer long enough to go look in the mirror.
You, sir, are in NO position whatsoever to comment on the dorkyness of others. None.
Same fucking pot/kettle shit with you, always, to the Nth degree.