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Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 2:23 pm
by General Peters
Four days until the 16th, dudes. Look forward to seeing you at .net
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 2:46 pm
by poptart
Do you friends have a Theology Forum on your board .... ?
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 3:52 pm
For ONE DAY, we can set it all aside.
what aside, nimrod?
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 6:48 pm
by Mister Bushice
It would be like David Lee Roth saying "fukk it" and jumping from behind the stage to join Alex and Eddie and Marc to the delight of the crowd and for one great show.
Except that:
David Lee Roth can't sing anyore and looks like Grandpa Walton.
Eddie Van Halen is a raging drunk who can't find the stage half the time.
Every 20 minutes the band gets back together with a new half ass singer not named David Lee Roth.
Yeah, that sure sounds like it would be a GREAT time.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:41 am
by General Peters
PSUFAN wrote:For ONE DAY, we can set it all aside.
what aside, nimrod?
You know, .net's grudging of this place for being too stuck-up, and this place's inability to have fun and break out of the mold of self-centerness. It's one day. Just cast your bitterness aside and talk about the baseball playoffs and your yob and what you saw at the g-store and what not. Relax, fukkers. would have wanted it this way.
Mister B....maybe my analogy was bad. Maybe it's more like the '85 Bears getting back together to punk the early 2000 Patriots in the Super Bowl. Let's get together and share a bottle of Coke and pa homage to the days of yore.
See you there!
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 5:36 am
by Luther
G.P. has always been a nice guy, pedo sick, but nice. I'll just pass on seeing someone melt down over there, post some 1800x1200 pixel picture of some skank with a post hole digger in her ass as a parting gift of a meltage.
I'll probably stay here, but someone is either fucking around with the font size or I'm going blind. I really don't enjoy looking at size 5 font even when I have my IE already locked in on "View>Largest" right now. Here is a hint to improving this place...make the font bigger, have a few emoticons that work, get rid of the page error thing that shows up in the NFL Pickem forum that won't let you Ctrl-Paul anything. I did get a trick from Bsmack and it did work though...thanks, Bri.
Now if this circle jerk deal next week is a rousing success, should I turn out the lights here when I leave? Is the circuit breaker box in the closet in the men's shitter?
See everybody on the dark side.
Rip City
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 1:35 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
PSUFAN is right...there's really nothing to put "aside." We're not at war with .net, I don't think most of us genuinely "hate" any of them (except for maybe BS), we just don't want to post with them because they're BORING.
Some of the shit that was once funny 7 years ago is still running on a constant loop over there. I, for one, am worn out on all that crap.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:28 pm
by SaladTosser
I would like to officially go on record as being of the opinion that ALL of these boards now suck. There used to be some semblance of a medium between the sophomoric idiocy and the overly serious. Now that the boards have all found their own separate niche and following, they are each dreadfully predectable and painfully repetitive. Too much unfunny on the two boards that think they are funny, and too much politics and obscure references on the board that thinks they are too smart for the other two boards. All in all, the separation over the years has killed what was once entertaining. I like General Peter's idea. Then again, I've always been a fan. Go ahead and smack me, or run me, or whatever it is y'all do nowadays. Late.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:38 pm
by Bizzarofelice
SaladTosser wrote:I like General Peter's idea. Then again, I've always been a fan.
Me, too.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:45 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
We just need to set up some sort of free agent/trading system, where we can release the posters we don't want, and obtain the ones we do. And vice versa for .net, and the others.
I propose we trade Derron and the phantorino for FTDC and a poster to be named later. And a balled up, sweaty wad of cash.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:48 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Also, we need to release Screw_Michigan to free up some cap space. He's batting .107 and sucks cock, too.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:50 pm
by SaladTosser
Bizzarofelice wrote:SaladTosser wrote:I like General Peter's idea. Then again, I've always been a fan.
Me, too.
Thanks for all gettin' my back and stuff. GP gets a bad rap, but that dude is probably one of the most talented message board posters to ever grace the internet. Shocking how he's become a punching bag of sorts over the last couple of years. Pure, unappreciated genious.
Sorry to come in here bitching. I'm not at all ashamed to admit that I really miss all the fun I used to have on these boards. I don't know if I've changed, the boards have really changed, or both. It's just not the same anymore. Sure, Bace, EM, Dins, Fatsak, GP, MO (when he appears), and a few others still give me a good laugh, but I just don't have the time nor energy anymore to sort through the pages of bullsit in order to get one laugh. I still read, but not nearly as often.
Anyway, rock on, cats.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:50 pm
by Supersized
lets forget about food and rank 'em threads.
lets talk about who s a liberal and whether or not Bill Clinton was good or bad.
And I'm sure there will be some "Its Dubya's fault" posts.
it'll be a blast!
count me in GP.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 4:07 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
G. Pete's cool. I question his computer formulas, but he has always put thought into his posts, and has developed his own unique style.
Now if he could just convince his buddies to do the same.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 4:44 pm
by Luther
Salad Tosser, how come you don't post at the .net with GP ? If you went over to Troll Train and politely asked Fatsak and his merry trolls to join you, then you could start up the Gizz train again. Remember back during the hey-day of ToT when there would be at least 20 assorted gizz stories on the board at any one time? Gizz here, gizz there, jacking on this, putting stuff in here or there, oh yeah that was a fucking riot. It was such a great read everyday that then you got the tards mimicking gizz stories, guess who's dead stories, rank em threads, blah de fucking dah.
The General became as fresh as that Netboy Reid guy with those lame assed stories every day that always got beat down by the ones that read them, ...and I seldom read them. At least yours were unique to some degree, but the gravy train behind you was horrible. I think you are posting your bitch on the wrong board, S.T. The ones that stayed here to play don't miss the shit that went on in with the fall of SCIII or the fall of ToT. I bitched about constant political threads long ago back as far as TNW, but it hasn't done me any good. Even though some of my favorite reads of all time were continually producing those types of threads/posts, ...I left there. We all seemed to meet up again at the big MERGE of a few years ago. But don't get me wrong, ...I'll have to give a political thread more readability than some gizz story that has been dragged around more often than a G.P. pedo girl scout story.
That is why we have different boards. We've got Ford, Chevy, Kia and Toyota. That is why we have T1b, net, stucknut and TrollTrain. Pick and choose, mix and match, just don't really matter that much. One board won't work for the masses...never has, never will. Remember Elba, Margaritaville, the Vent, Honksville? One board ? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Not.
Rip City
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 5:08 pm
by Dinsdale
Luther wrote:At least yours were unique to some degree, but the gravy train behind you was horrible.
That was kinda the problem, for sure.
Tosser is a superfunny dude, and his stories rock. I can giggle to that shit all day long. But, as Luth pointed out, his wannabes kinda became a problem.
"Saladtosser wrote a funny jizzing story, so I'll write a (not-so) funny jizzing story."
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 5:48 pm
by SaladTosser
Luth, after my first read of your post, I thought you were attempting to smack me. I reread it, and now I apologize for my initial thoughts of running you from the entire internet.
Dins, I so hope you still go large. I love you.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:02 pm
GP was funny when he'd post, and then people would fuck with him. Same with you, ST. That's what you guys seem to be forgetting. At some of the other boards, you guys post these stories, then what follows? 14 lame "Rack! RACK! rACK! BWAAAHWHWAHWWWWAA!" posts.
When you guys have posted here, and people have smacked you a bit, you've wailed about it like a little girl, and then you run off. Stick around to take a little abuse, dish out some yourself, etc. I think that might be a winning formula. Mostly, though, stop whining like a bored little puppy.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:16 pm
by SaladTosser
PSUFAN wrote:Mostly, though, stop whining like a bored little puppy.
Interesting. I really don't recall whining. I was simply sharing an opinion.
Funny how admin-types, such as yourself, think that by merely owning a set of keys to the place gives you some level of superior board-cred. To me, you're nothing more than a Conduct with a better vocabulary and less body fat. Changing the font size of the board's text today is probably the only productive thing you've offered this place in months. Ponderous, man.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:21 pm
admin-types, such as yourself, think that by merely owning a set of keys to the place gives you some level of superior board-cred.
Hey dropping down an opinion is an attempt at board cred?
This is exactly what I was saying...I reacted to what you posted, and you act like I forget to sandpaper the plunger handle before insertion or something.
Do you need to be let outside for a bit?
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:22 pm
by Brian Nichols
PSUFAN wrote:GP was funny when he'd post, and then people would fuck with him. Same with you, ST. That's what you guys seem to be forgetting. At some of the other boards, you guys post these stories, then what follows? 14 lame "Rack! RACK! rACK! BWAAAHWHWAHWWWWAA!" posts.
When you guys have posted here, and people have smacked you a bit, you've wailed about it like a little girl, and then you run off. Stick around to take a little abuse, dish out some yourself, etc. I think that might be a winning formula. Mostly, though, stop whining like a bored little puppy.
Rack that!
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:28 pm
by SaladTosser
PSUFAN wrote:Hey dropping down an opinion is an attempt at board cred?
This is exactly what I was saying...I reacted to what you posted, and you act like I forget to sandpaper the plunger handle before insertion or something.
Do you need to be let outside for a bit?
The next time you insert a plunger will be the first, my friend. You totally misunderstood my point. Let me draw an analogy for you. Everybody NEEDS the janitor because he has the keys to open the school in the morning. However, nobody WANTS that stinky black motherfucker to come to the party that night.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:32 pm
Shocking how he's become a punching bag of sorts over the last couple of years.
My only hope is that the poor puppy survives this. Perhaps he should ask for a special no-smack dispensation - like a note in gym class. Mybe his mother could sit nearby during his posting, and scratch his back when someone takes a swing at him?
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:37 pm
You totally misunderstood my point.
OK, I finally understand. I'll do my administrative duty, and warn folks that should they smack GP, the result will be that ST steps in and mopes around for a few posts. Drop by and let me know when things are placid enough for you.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:42 pm
by Luther
Oh yeah, I've been run so many times that I've forgot how many. One thing about you Salad is that you are a decent story teller, but a lame smacker. You get your feelings hurt when someone punks you about your gizz rehash stories of old. One week you might use a garden squash to arouse your dating service gal, and two weeks later you'll substitute a one liter bottle of sprite instead of the squash. I know Dins personally likes them, because...well...he actually has done many of the things you write about. There is no doubt in my mind that Dins hasn't wiped his cack on either the following: drapes, her dress (hung up in the closet), her hair brush, yada yada and so forth.
The general actually stopped being funny long before ToT died. Even Irie, jtr and "I'm going to spread this on my lawn and watch it turn green" guy were using GP as a weekly punching bag. How many 7-11 store clerks/hotties/17 11/12th year old girl stories about pickup lines constitutes non-fresh? 20? 30? But don't get me wrong, I generally like the general. I like that usage too...generally...general. He means well, he'd like for all of us to just get along. Hello? It doesn't work out that way, and it is OK.
You are crying/whining to people who remember all that stuff. We do know where to go to "recapture that feeling," Salad. Seriously, we really do.
Rip City
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:46 pm
by SaladTosser
Well, this has been about as much fun as I anticipated my visit to your "smack board" would be. You got me. Calling me a puppy hurt, and the jab about me letting my mom scratch my back was just to much. Color me ran, plungered, buttfucked in the mouth, owned and all that stuff. Carry on, and please have a little mercy on the next guy, killer.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:52 pm
Beofre you exit on cue, let me suggest an idea...
Maybe, if folks don't want to be smacked, then they could post their epoch threads, and a mod or admin could immediately lock them down? That might help them avoid the punching bag treatment you refer to above.
Hell, I'll even throw down a mercy lock on your next "wailing about the old days" thread, just to really sweeten the pot. Deal?
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:02 pm
by SaladTosser
Luther wrote:One thing about you Salad is that you are a decent story teller, but a lame smacker.
Actually, I'm a very good story teller, and a hoooooooooooooorrrrible smacker. Just not my style. I'm too friendly and good-natured. Hall of Fame, Heavy Hitter smackers such as yourself are far better at regergitating the same old lines over and over again. Luth, I think you're a decent guy and all but, sans crayons, you are utterly and completely boring as fuck to me.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:05 pm
by SaladTosser
PSUFAN wrote:Maybe, if folks don't want to be smacked
I haven't been on the boards in awhile. Would you be so kind as to point out the smack in this thread to which you refer?
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:27 pm
by Mister Bushice
Is this what we'd have to look forward to on Monday?
gee, can't wait.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:30 pm
by Felix
Mister Bushice wrote:Is this what we'd have to look forward to on Monday?
gee, can't wait.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:36 pm
by Biggie
SaladTosser wrote: Let me draw an analogy for you. Everybody NEEDS the janitor because he has the keys to open the school in the morning. However, nobody WANTS that stinky black motherfucker to come to the party that night.
El Racko.
You're a beauty, Tosser. Posters like you can live here, there, or anywhere. Of course, not all boards are brutal smack forums like this one
, nor are all boards as happy and shiney as the Fatsack Pog Forum of Conduct Monster. They all suck, in their own way. Thanks for stopping by, miss you much.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:53 pm
by ElvisMonster
At least two of my favorite posters of all time have posted in this thread. That makes reading the last page of this thread really worth it. I :swoon: you guys. You know who you are. :bighug:
My shenanigans tend to be cheeky and fun. I don't like calling people jizz mops or asseyeses or cock holsters...unless I don't like them. In which case I'll totally fly to where they live to fight them and punch them in their fat stomach. THAT MEANS YOU, FAGBAIT! BRING IT, BITCH!
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:20 pm
by Invictus
ElvisMonster wrote:My shenanigans tend to be cheeky and fun.
Somebody, somewhere owes me the six bucks I spent for "Beerfest."
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:30 pm
by RadioFan
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:I propose we trade Derron and the phantorino for FTDC and a poster to be named later. And a balled up, sweaty wad of cash.
Not a bad idea, but no way Derron can be thrown in with a trade involving the phantorino and FTDC. That's straight up
$ right there. If we've gotta save a draft pick for later than so be it.
Btw, good to see ST around, though I'm under the impression that it's just a drive-by "fuck you guys" (I love you, man), simply because of a lack of an update on girl after all these months. Or at least a short and shallow assplay tale.
I, for one, am worried and sincerely concerned, ST. Talk to me, Goose.
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:20 am
by poptart
G Pete, I'm not trying to be funny here, but ..... what's the point ... ?
The point in me going to spend one day out of the year (usually Christmas) with aunts, uncles, and cousins I don't give a shit about is .... that I HAVE to.
This is just a one day deal ... like, "hi, nice to see ya again, now bye 'til next year?"
There's nothing epic there.
Or is this one day deal supposed to be a spark which will get folks to want to KEEP posting on the same board together ... ?
This board was started as a ONE board.
It's taken much abuse (from within and without) since it's birth.
Some of the abuse has been warranted and some has not.
Some is just plain sour grapes.
While not being perfect, it is, IMO, the most diverse, most comprehensive, and BEST board for Rome spin-off folks to come to if they want to 'unite' with others.
It's open 24/7.
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 9:29 am
by Terry in Crapchester
SaladTosser wrote:Dins, I so hope you still go large.
No, he usually goes ugly.
Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 1:52 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Terry in Crapchester wrote:SaladTosser wrote:Dins, I so hope you still go large.
No, he usually goes ugly.
I heard ugly, large, and mentally disabled.
Actually, not a bad combo if you're looking for the sure thing.
Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 1:57 am
by General Peters
Luther wrote: How many 7-11 store clerks/hotties/17 11/12th year old girl stories about pickup lines constitutes non-fresh? 20? 30?
Maybe there will be a 135th tomorrow, who fukken knows? I plan on standing outside Radio Shack tomorrow morning, having a Marlboro Light while sporting shades, and just soaking in the morning before going inside and participating in this epic day. Let's face it, you're all looking forward to it.
ST, thanks my good friend. I miss the old days as well, and you will go down in SC lore as one of the Hall of Famers in my book. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
pickled okra
Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 2:11 am
by Mister Bushice
how about we elect a few representatives to go over and stuff? A cliff notes version of the day would do for me.