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Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:45 pm
by Biggie
Mister Bushice wrote:This is gonna ruin his Earned Runway Average.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:47 pm
by Derron
W. Cohen wrote:
Mister Bushice wrote:This is gonna ruin his Earned Runway Average.
Going to make his car and plane insurance go up as well. Maybe he was tyring to get to George's office for baging on his boys Torre and A Not...

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:52 pm
by Morrissey
Cuda wrote:Oh, and what's with the "NORAD Fighters are still airborne over several US cities"?
The Yankees still have a cell in Tampa.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:05 pm
by Screw_Michigan
AP reports Lidle...presumed dead.

i'm sure arthur rhodes had him in the death pool.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:25 pm
by AJ
Luther wrote:Image

How odd...I hit google up for a Corey Lidle picture and I find one with him flying a plane. He's on the right with the blue cap. I'm too tired to wytch him crashing into a building.

Rip City

Can you wytch the Tourist of Death into the back seat?

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:43 pm
by rozy
Mikey wrote:Shower rod: Just as effective but a lot less spectacular.
Whole lotta funnay in this thread but this one takes it for me.


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:51 pm
by Q, West Coast Style
Too bad it wasn't A-ROD on the plane. That way, no way it hits anything.

Too soon?

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:55 pm
by Q, West Coast Style
We always knew Yankees were terrorists.



Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 11:27 pm
by RadioFan
It wasn't a plane that hit that buildling.

-- Moving Sale

RACK Meds.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 11:27 pm
by Mister Bushice

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 11:32 pm
by Luther

Rip City

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 11:38 pm
by ElvisMonster
Mister Bushice wrote:Image

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:05 am
by jtr
Several of the Yankees live in the very near vicinity of the building that was struck at 72nd Street and York Avenue, including Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez, Hideki Matsui, and, especially, first baseman Jason Giambi and catcher Jorge Posada, who live within just a few blocks of The Belaire.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:34 am
by BSmack
Q, West Coast Style wrote:Too bad it wasn't A-ROD on the plane. That way, no way it hits anything.

Too soon?
That depends on wether there's men on base.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:36 am
by BSmack
The Assassin wrote:
jtr wrote:and 5 yrs and exactly a month later we are as much sitting ducks as ever before, besides the point this is a tragic accident in bizarre similar circumstances.
If only the Vonage people knew of jtr's posting history. Can you just imagine this as a pitch line?

"Vonage, one smart decision amongst a lot of shit posts"

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 8:38 am
by Atomic Punk
This is my initial theory on this: ... lane_crash

I read the latest and it sounds like they ran into low rain clouds and tried to turn back to good weather and descend below the cloud layer.

He wasn't instrument rated as a fledgling pilot, and his instructor (if one was actually in the plane), din't take control of the plane.

Wealthy and arrogant assholes kill themselves all of the time in small aircraft while also not being insrument rated. Oh, and just buy a new aircraft and go fly it in IMC.

Sup JFK Jr?



Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:09 pm
by Jack
Something about this accident does not add up.


The plane hit squarely in the middle of that building.

You would figure if they were in trouble, they would try to avoid the center of large targets.

Some reports are saying he radioed and said they were running low on fuel.
Supposedly, he was with his flight instructor,

Aren't they supposed to check that? As in STEP 1!

In an earlier interview, Lidle had stated how safe his plane was..

September 8th, Article about Lidle being a backup pilot for the Yankees

“The whole plane has a parachute on it,” Lidle said. “Ninety-nine percent of pilots that go up never have engine failure, and the 1 percent that do usually land it. But if you’re up in the air and something goes wrong, you pull that parachute, and the whole plane goes down slowly.”

The Crash from miles away....
- Notice, if he knew he was in trouble, there were better places to fly to.

He was a Major League Pitcher who is supposed to avoid getting hit!

Okay, that sounds like a joke... but How could you not avoid that building??


Either way, it is sad and it it shows us all how easily our lifes can be vanquished

-when we fly into buildings!

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 1:26 pm
by Nishlord
I thought Joe DiMaggio was the Yankee Clipper.

(The lack of compassion in this thread is appalling, by the way. Well done, everyone)

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 1:43 pm
by Sirfindafold
Any pictures of the widow surface yet?

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 1:49 pm
by AJ
Nishlord wrote:(The lack of compassion in this thread is appalling, by the way. Well done, everyone)

Rack that.

1smoothG would be proud.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 1:49 pm
by Derron
Atomic Punk wrote:This is my initial theory on this: ... lane_crash

I read the latest and it sounds like they ran into low rain clouds and tried to turn back to good weather and descend below the cloud layer.

He wasn't instrument rated as a fledgling pilot, and his instructor (if one was actually in the plane), din't take control of the plane.

Wealthy and arrogant assholes kill themselves all of the time in small aircraft while also not being insrument rated. Oh, and just buy a new aircraft and go fly it in IMC.

Sup JFK Jr?


Rack this...

That is a VERY busy area to be a former pilot, if I was flying that area, my first goal would be to get the hell out of a high traffic area..( sup LaGuardia ??) and get to some clear air space to do any air work.

I like to see my fuel gauge on full EVERY time when I take off..

Waiting until your in the weather to turn around makes for a bad decision....mix in a weather breifing ??

Going to fly that route in Flight Simulator today and see whats up....

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 2:17 pm
by poptart
Derron a former pilot, .............

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 2:58 pm
by Biggie
RACKs for Bushy and R-Jack.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 3:08 pm
by Cross Traffic
Obviously the parachute didn't work. 12 crashes for that POS in 10 years. How about plunking the plane in the water, not into the middle of an apartment building.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 3:08 pm
by Derron
poptart wrote:
Derron a former pilot, .............
Nice shot going to your pedophile picture file and post a picture of you grooming your next victim. Eatting cat a lot these days poptard ??

Live your child porn links off the site from now on you pervert...

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 4:08 pm
by Cuda
Atomic Punk wrote:This is my initial theory on this: ... lane_crash

I read the latest and it sounds like they ran into low rain clouds and tried to turn back to good weather and descend below the cloud layer.

He wasn't instrument rated as a fledgling pilot, and his instructor (if one was actually in the plane), din't take control of the plane.

Wealthy and arrogant assholes kill themselves all of the time in small aircraft while also not being insrument rated. Oh, and just buy a new aircraft and go fly it in IMC.

Sup JFK Jr?


If the choice is fly into a cloud or fly into a building, I'd most likely choose the cloud. Descend into an area with a shit-load of known obstructions? Might as well fly into the first building you can find & get it over with.

If you're not IFR rated, you can always tell ATC that you're inadvertantly in IMC & need vectors out of the area- and, most importantly, LET THE FUCKING AUTOPILOT FLY THE AIRPLANE.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 4:18 pm
by Dinsdale
So, when the NTSB finishes their investigation, on the official report are they going to score it as "E1"?

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 4:19 pm
by Cuda
RACK, Dins, as usualm

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 4:49 pm
by Y2K
You guys are real assholes

Rack You all.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 5:59 pm
by Cuda
Oh, and a drive-by rack for RadioFag

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 7:19 pm
by Derron
R-Jack wrote:No Runs
One Hit
One Error
No walks
and at the end of the season, the score is

Concrete High Rise Building: 2
Composite aircraft with 2 marginal pilots : 0

BODE Concrete Building

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 8:34 pm
by Moving Sale
The NTSB is not just hauling the wreckage off to a landfill? WTF?

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:23 pm
by Cuda
Moving Sale wrote:The NTSB is not just hauling the wreckage off to a landfill? WTF?
They will, eventually.

There's still lots of good shit to be salvaged off the wreckage: radios, GPS, autopilot, transponder, and a sweet Avidyne PFD/MFD panel. Wheels & tires are probably in deece condition too

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:59 pm
by Derron
If you're not IFR rated, you can always tell ATC that you're inadvertantly in IMC & need vectors out of the area- and, most importantly, LET THE FUCKING AUTOPILOT FLY THE AIRPLANE.
And if you wait like most pilots would do, your already in the goop, and traveling at 125 knots or so, you ain't got a lot of time before you fly into something real big and calling ATC with a few seconds to spare, probably will get you a one way vector to the Pearly Gates.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 1:09 am
by Atomic Punk
ATC vectors wouldn't have helped as he would have his hands full doing a turn in the clouds. All of the instruments telling him what's happening at the same time while not having a visual reference to the horizon. If you've never done it, then I can only imagine he was clueless what the instruments were telling him. I would like to know what his Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI) was at when he hit.

Well the skies are now one pilot safer.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 1:35 am
by Derron
I ran the same path in Flight Sim this afternoon in a Cessna 182 RG at 125 overcast skies, light rain and light wind. Weather did not matter....if your going down that river and you decide to make a 180 to get away from weather, you pull it over hard left and level at 1100, and you start sluffing off airspeed big time. Keep making the turn hard, you lose about 300 feet and auger right into one of the buildings. No way unless you try and thread the needle in the buildings...not...

A better choice would have been to fly UP into the weather and then get the vector and the tounge lashing from ATC later. Or even a simple right turn keeps you away from the highrises...and they have these things called GPS....a blind man could find his way with these..

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 1:42 am
by Cuda
AP, ATC probably isn't going to vector him into a building and even if he didn't have a CFI on board- which he did- the plane had a 2 axis autopilot to do the climbs & turns for him.

Btw, if the CFI didn't take the controls, like he should have, if the plane went into IMC, the skies are now TWO pilots safer.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 2:41 am
by poptart
Derron wrote:
poptart wrote:
Derron a former pilot, .............
Nice shot going to your pedophile picture file and post a picture of you grooming your next victim. Eatting cat a lot these days poptard ??

Live your child porn links off the site from now on you pervert...
A twisted deviant would look at a pic of dad and son like that and think child pr0n.

Nice projection, wierdo.

Out yourself much ... ?

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:03 pm
by The phantorino
While I loved reading all of these fascinating descriptions (told only to impress people with your flying prowess and simulator 'games' experience- WTF was that?) A radio journalist that has his pilots license reported this morning that from all the evidence so far - he didn't fill the fuckin' tank and ran out of gas.
The End

Any more conspiracy theories out there, or can we all go back to our lives, now?

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:13 pm
by silvurna
Ran out of gas?? Nice.