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Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:14 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Not in andy one of those quotes...not a single one, do I mention anything about a totalitarian state. That was your word you feeb. Am I being critical of the unsavory tactics being used by our current administration to satisfy their myopic and foolish "war on terror" bullshit? Hell yes. If you need proof, open your eyes, instead of wearing your neocon blackout goggles. It's right there in front of you sporto.
Now kindly go fuck yourself asswipe.
And please, by all means, carry on mvsmccarthy. Carry on.
Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:45 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
mvscal wrote:You made it clear that anyone who agrees with any of these steps is either Adolph Hitler or Kim Jong Il.
But keep on packpedalling, douchebag. You truly are one sorry, stupid sack of shit.
You really are a dense little turd, aren't ya' mvs. I was just talking about
you! The almighty Bush apologist.
Fuckstain, did you actually read the CNN article Bri linked to? Again, and again and again, that is but
one example. Now speaking of pedalling, hop aboard your Big Wheel and go Jackass yourself off a nice, tall cliff. The world will thank you.
Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 9:03 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:BSmack wrote:mvscal wrote:Sentenced to what?
Read the fucking article dolt.
I did. Go ahead and highlight their "sentence".
Be sure and lock up when you leave.
The TSA compiles the list with data supplied by the FBI, CIA and the government's terrorist screening center.
The "no-fly" list is one of two the TSA maintains. The other is the "selectee" list. Those on the "no-fly" list are not allowed to board a commercial aircraft. Those on the "selectee" list must go through more extensive screening before boarding.
Are you stuck on stupid? Or just trolling?
Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:39 pm
by The phantorino
Can I have
mining the overseas phone numbers being called and the administration is clearly permitted by law to gather this intelligence in this manner
for $200 please, Alex?
What is wiretapping
Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:19 am
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:BSmack wrote:Are you stuck on stupid? Or just trolling?
So where is the punishment? Don't like closer scrutiny on air travel? Take the fucking bus, bitch. This is not a "sentence". It is trival inconvenience affecting an infinitesimally small sliver of the population. Pedal your handwringing bullshit somewhere else, dipshit.
I guess you decided to go with "stuck on stupid". I can't say I'm surprised.