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Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 4:57 pm
by Cuda
LTS TRN 2 wrote:What the hell! I thought this thread was about the Colorado evangelical leader--Haggard?--who after fighting for years against gay marriage with all the fervent faith his Christer cult demands, turns out to be a total fudge-packing closet queer.
I guess there's just too many GOP scandals to keep up with. Carry on. And Wakey Wake!
Turns out the accuser FAILED a lie detector test just this morning.

Haggard? Never fucking heard of him, but contrast this story with the one that ran a couple days ago abouyt the DemocRat candidate, Ed Perlmutter, who has a fag on his campaign staff, whose position is being paid for, not by the Perlmutter campaign, but by some national faggot organization. The staffer was protrayed like a weeping 4 year old girl whose goldfish died.

Besides, I thought the DemocRat party was the party of "Faggotry Is OK" What, is it suddenly only OK for DemocRats? No hypocrisy there, eh?

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:21 pm
by Nishlord
Why are you defending homosexuals, Cuda? Do you have a little sugar in your tank these days?

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:25 pm
by Cuda
I'm not defending anybody.

I just think this guy Haggard should get the same chance to be a weeping 4 year old girl as the DemocRat got.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:26 pm
During the Bike Rack Incident, he sat on his tire pump. He's been Excuses Akimbo ever since. Fags need only flash their Log Cabin Republican cards, and ctrl-cuddles is thick about their asshairs, laving their stains with his tongue.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:30 pm
by Cuda
That's quite a stretch just to drop a "ass-stain" reset, PUS.

That's something you probably ought to avoid in any event.

Maybe you ought to take humor lessons from Kerry; it could only help you

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 11:11 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Cuda, you are just dumb as a post.

Haggard, as you know, is not merely a fudge-packing meth-head. He's a Hypocrite that makes Elmer Gantry look like a boy-scout. He is moreover a poster child for what is essentially a Republican strain of gross hypocrisy.

The homo Democrats you might mention--Stubbs, Barney, etc--are open and sane. They're not LYING about their entire identity--like the Republicans of late--Foley, Haggard. You see, there's a fundamental difference.

And really, can you name a single Democratic scandal that encompasses the essential hypocrisy--of Ralph Reed, Duke Cunningham, Bob Ney, Mark Foley, Duncan Hunter, and now the poster child, Rev. Haggard?

Go ahead, name it. You can't. And not just cuz you're dumb as a post, but because the Republican character itself is fake and rigid--and becomes genuinely depraved as it gets more intense--like J. Edgar Hoover, or Joe McCarthy.

The Democrats may indeed have no clear plan for the Iraq Quagmire, but at least they're basically sane.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 11:38 pm
by LTS TRN 2
No, babs, a simple bribery scandal doesn't come close to the sheer hypocrisy of Foley or Pastor Ted...and let's get to know Pastor meth-fudge a little more, okay?...

In Pastor Ted's book Dog Training, Fly Fishing, & Sharing Christ in the 21st Century, he describes the church he thinks good Christians want. “I want my finances in order, my kids trained, and my wife to love life. I want good friends who are a delight and who provide protection for my family and me should life become difficult someday . . . I don't want surprises, scandals, or secrets . . . I want stability and, at the same time, steady, forward movement. I want the church to help me live life well, not exhaust me with endless ‘worthwhile’ projects.” By “worthwhile projects” Ted means building funds and soup kitchens alike. It's not that he opposes these; it's just that he is sick of hearing about them and believes that other Christians are, too. He knows that for Christianity to prosper in the free market, it needs more than “moral values”—it needs customer value.

Are you getting it?....the stark and really grotesque hypocrisy of the ENTIRE right-wing "culture war" persona? These guys just got caught. It's all this fake, however, up and down the ranks.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 11:46 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Who knew that Pastor Meth-Fudge was babs philosophical soulmate?

Here's the Pastor on a strong military...

“My fear,” he says, “is that my children will grow up in an Islamic state.”

And that is why he believes spiritual war requires a virile, worldly counterpart. “I teach a strong ideology of the use of power,” he says, “of military might, as a public service.” He is for preemptive war, because he believes the Bible's exhortations against sin set for us a preemptive paradigm, and he is for ferocious war, because “the Bible's bloody. There's a lot about blood.”

Like babs, Pastor Meth-Fudge is a Deep Thinker who likes Order.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 11:49 pm
by Mississippi Neck
Did not...did too. Did not...did too.

Geebus, dont you guys have anything else to do besides argue over which party is nastier than the other? They both suck and you know what, it doesnt matter what party a offending politician is in, the voters DONT CARE. Time and time again the voters have shown that all is forgiven as long as they are fed at the trough like a bunch of fattened pigs.


Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 12:02 am
by Mississippi Neck
Not whining. Just wondering...

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 12:04 am
by LTS TRN 2
M-Neck, you're not appreciating the moment. The entire Republican paradigm is collapsing. This isn't about Dems or GOP in the simple sense, but about the entire facade of fake--and deadly--morality so self-righteously spewed by the Christer-based Republicans.

There is no Christer base of the Dems. For all their faults, they actually base their politics on issues and principles of living in the world--NOT some insane cult of Turn Or Burn--He's Comin' Soon With A Sword!!--bullshit.

And no, babs, of course you're not a Christer, but isn't it a kick in the ass to see that you're really the same, politcally?

Here's some more insight to Pastor Meth-Fudge...

The morning service on the second Sunday of 2005 was devoted to the marriage of Pastor Ted's eldest son, Pastor Marcus. It began with worship, just like an ordinary service, but the light show was a royal purple-and-gold, the hymns more formal, the dancing more ecstatic. I sat with Linda Burton in the front row; she curtsied and bowed, over and over, her right hand sweeping the carpeted floor.

Pastor Ted wore a black suit and a red tie. Earlier in the week, at a staff meeting, he had announced that he would use the wedding as an illustration, and to that end he delivered a lengthy prenuptial presentation with slides, in which he laid out a fractal-like repeating pattern of relations, shrinking and expanding: that of God to man, reflected in that of man to wife, which is in turn a model for a godly society. Just as we conform ourselves to God's will, so, said Ted, must “the Woman.” The Woman must take on her man's calling, her man's desire.

“Mmm-hmmm,” murmured Linda, eyes closed.

In return, Pastor Ted continued, the Woman gets the Man's love; authority just wants to serve. “Total surrender!” he called. “True or false?”

“TRUE!” answered the 8,000 assembled.

The Man is the Christ; the Woman is the Body. He is coming; she is the church; she must open her doors. United, they are the Kingdom, ready for battle. “The Christian home,” preached Pastor Ted, “is to be in a constant state of war.” This made many so happy they put their hands in the air, antennae for spirit transmissions. “Massive warfare!” Ted cried out.

C'mon, babs, he's singing yer tune!

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 12:17 am
by LTS TRN 2
A great article in Harper's, written several months ago, of course. Isn't it great to find that you're really right there with them, even though you're un-saved?

Re: More Republican Family Values......

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 2:23 am
by Terry in Crapchester
Gunslinger wrote:Seriously, dont make it a partisan issue when it comes to women when Bill Clinton is god to the democrats. It's fucking laughable.
Coupla points here. First, Bill Clinton is not "god" to the Democrats, and he most certainly is nowhere near as close to that status with Democrats as George Bush is with Republicans, or at least, the more vocal Republicans who post in here. Most Democrats, myself included, have a sort of love-hate relationship with Clinton. We love that he's just about the only Democrat who will fight back when the Republicans attack. But we hate the fact that his all-too-ready willingness to sell out what should be his natural constituency, combined with a near-fatal (politically, anyway) appetite for self-destruction kept him from being what he should have been as President. My biggest problem with him over the Lewinsky mess was that it was just plain stupid, knowing as he did that the Republicans already were loaded for bear.

Having said that, even if that were not the case, not that I'm condoning it, but a consensual extramarital affair is one thing, and a sick fuck who likes to beat the shit out of women is quite another.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 3:10 am
by Atomic Punk
Does Bungswiller have the first dibs on the pitch fork to stick up LTard's ass, or is it the other way around... like a reach-around?

Soon to be good times.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 3:32 am
by LTS TRN 2
Crapper, Bubba and his natural urges are really not the issue here. Not today. Not with Pastor MethFudge spiralling down in flames...look..the weird cult's belly upturned--just like that! And see how foul and twisted it really is! And he's their natural champion--the best and faithfulest.

A-punk and p-tart, and whatever other rollers and Born agains are nervously clinging to your marching orders....there's been a little change in plan.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 3:36 am
by Atomic Punk
I generalize you as a tard. You cannot be over 13 years old to be this fucking stupid. Then again, your posting career is plunger-ladened.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 3:38 am
by Screw_Michigan
Atomic Punk wrote:You cannot be over 13 years old to be this fucking stupid. Then again, your posting career is plunger-ladened.
i guess i'll RACK the fuck out of that.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 3:53 am
by LTS TRN 2
Got yer panties in a wad, there, A-punk? Gee, I wonder why....let's look at your Christer champion..

Pastor Ted will serve as NAE president for as long as the movement is pleased with him, and as long as Pastor Ted is its president the NAE will make its headquarters in Colorado Springs. Some believers call the city the Wheaton of the West, in honor of Wheaton, Illinois, once the headquarters of a more genteel Christian conservatism; others call Colorado Springs the “evangelical Vatican,” a phrase that says much both about the city and about the easeful orthodoxy with which the movement now views itself. Certainly the gathering there has no parallel in history, not in Lynchburg, Virginia, nor Tulsa, nor Pasadena, nor Orlando, nor any other city that has aspired to be the capital of evangelical America. Evangelical activist groups (“parachurch” ministries, in the parlance) in Colorado Springs number in the hundreds, though a precise count is hard to specify. Groups migrate there and multiply. They produce missionary guides, “family resources,” school curricula, financial advice, athletic training programs, Bibles for every occasion. The city is home to Young Life, to the Navigators, to Compassion International; to Every Home for Christ and Global Ethnic Missions (Youth Ablaze). Most prominent among the ministries is Dr. James Dobson's Focus on the Family, whose radio programs (the most extensive in the world, religious or secular), magazines, videos, and books reach more than 200 million people worldwide.

Hmmm...seems like a dangerous fascist...let's look further...

No pastor in America holds more sway over the political direction of evangelicalism than does Pastor Ted, and no church more than New Life. It is by no means the largest megachurch, nor is Ted the best-known man of God: Saddleback Church, in southern California, counts 80,000 on its rolls, and its pastor, Rick Warren, has sold 20 million copies of his book The Purpose-Driven Life. But Warren's success has come at the price of passion; his doctrine, though conservative, is bland and his politics too obscured by his self-help message to be potent. Although other churches boast more eminent memberships than Pastor Ted's—near D.C., for example, McLean Bible Church and The Falls Church (an Episcopal church that is, like many “mainline” churches today, now evangelical in all but name) minister to the powerful—such churches are not, like New Life, crucibles for the ideas that inspire the movement, ideas that are forged in the middle of the country and make their way to Washington only over time. Evangelicalism is as much an intellectual as an emotional movement; and what Pastor Ted has built in Colorado Springs is not just a battalion of spiritual warriors but a factory for ideas to arm them.

Okay...a confirmed fascist...and of course, a twisted meth-head queer...VERY similar to the SS elite.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 4:09 am
by Nishlord
Big Gay Hypocritical Bum-Sex Addict Ted wrote:
"I called him to buy some meth, but I threw it away. I bought it for myself but never used it," the Rev. Ted Haggard said today to a reporter for KUSA who interviewed him as he was leaving his Colorado Springs, Colo., home. "I was tempted, but I never used it."
No, that's fair enough. I buy meth all the time to decorate my windows every Christmas.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 4:10 am
by Atomic Punk
Who fucking cares LTARD 2? That faggot doesn't speak for me nor does any politician. The fact that you are a loser/pussy that can only rub sand into your infected twat on a message board is about all you can do.

So fuck off you little insignificant bitch.

Oh, I'm not reading all that you've just spewed.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 4:15 am
by Nishlord
Oh, and here's Ted being made to look like a cunt by another intelligent Englishman. ... ed&search=

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:20 am
by Mister Bushice
Nishlord wrote: by another intelligent Englishman.
There are two?

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 6:11 am
by stuckinia
Mister Bushice wrote:
Nishlord wrote: by another intelligent Englishman.
There are two?
Are you sure there is one?

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 6:21 am
by Mister Bushice
Someone has to be in charge. You can't have 50 million retarded brits running around without a leader.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:36 am
by LTS TRN 2
Watch the interview and gain an insight into the perverse headspace of this major league hypocrite. Pastor MethFudge's take on "arrogance" is priceless. He is truly demented--and that was recorded back when he was high in the saddle. Maybe he and Foley should get together for some prayer and a bump.

Re: More Republican Family Values......

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:36 pm
by warren
I repeat "I did not shove a cigar up a fat interns gash while I was married and lie to the American public about it." William Jefferson Clitton.

Re: More Republican Family Values......

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:21 pm
by Diego in Seattle
warren wrote:
I repeat "I did not shove a cigar up a fat interns gash while I was married and lie to the American public about it." William Jefferson Clitton.
Same old trash.

Warren once again digs up one incident from a previous administration while ignoring the fact that his own party is the one that claims to have higher moral ground, not the democrats. :lol:

Re: More Republican Family Values......

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:11 pm
by warren
Diego in Seattle wrote:
warren wrote:
I repeat "I did not shove a cigar up a fat interns gash while I was married and lie to the American public about it." William Jefferson Clitton.
Same old trash.

Warren once again digs up one incident from a previous administration while ignoring the fact that his own party is the one that claims to have higher moral ground, not the democrats. :lol:
First of all, I don't have a party that doesn't include kegs and your little sister, secondly, please quote for me any mention of having a higher "moral ground" by the Republican Party.

Why I tend to vote for the Republican candidate is because they DO state that they are for a strong defence and lower taxes. I don't vote for anyone because I need them to decide for me my morality.

So fuck you very much, comrade.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:16 pm
by warren
One more thing Diego in wherever, if you guy's are going to bring a lack of morality into the argument and condemn a political party for it then logically you are going to be challenged with a retort concerning the morality of the party to which you show allegiance.

It's commonly referred to as history.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:34 pm
by BSmack
warren wrote:One more thing Diego in wherever, if you guy's are going to bring a lack of morality into the argument and condemn a political party for it then logically you are going to be challenged with a retort concerning the morality of the party to which you show allegiance.

It's commonly referred to as history.
It's also referred to as idiocy. Or better yet the last desperate gasp of a dying cause. The Gingrich "revolution" is over. The "fiscal conservatives" have been exposed as utter frauds. And those who have claimed they were for a strong defense have irreparably weakened America by supporting stupid and shortsighted policies.

In short, everything I predicted would happen when Chimpy took office has now come to pass. America is weaker, we are in debt up to our eyeballs and Americans have seen through the "tax and spend liberal" bullshit the GOP spews every 2 years at election time. If it wasn't for Karl Rove's gerrymandering, the GOP would be lucky to hold 150 seats in the House after this Tuesday.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:46 pm
by Trollfessor
And here I thought states, not feds, drew district lines.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 11:53 pm
by BSmack
Trollfessor wrote:And here I thought states, not feds, drew district lines.
They do. Now Google Texas redistricti9ng or Colorado redistricting and get back to me.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 12:04 am
by rozy
I only read page 1.

RACK Y2K as usualm

Re: More Republican Family Values......

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 1:05 am
by Diego in Seattle
warren wrote:
Diego in Seattle wrote:
warren wrote: I repeat "I did not shove a cigar up a fat interns gash while I was married and lie to the American public about it." William Jefferson Clitton.
Same old trash.

Warren once again digs up one incident from a previous administration while ignoring the fact that his own party is the one that claims to have higher moral ground, not the democrats. :lol:
secondly, please quote for me any mention of having a higher "moral ground" by the Republican Party.
How's this plunger feel up your ass?

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 1:47 am
by LTS TRN 2
Diego, if your post doesn't mention "meth" or "fudge-packing" at least once, you're off topic.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 8:30 am
by Y2K
a consensual extramarital affair is one thing, and a sick fuck who likes to beat the shit out of women is quite another.
No it's not



You won't find me making excuses for their actions or ever supporting what they do because of politics.

You say Clinton was "stupid"
I say " absolutely disgusting"
That's neither red or blue.

It cost the Democrats the Presidency for the next 4 years.......
Maybe it was a lil bigger that that?

The next challenger was John Kerry?
Now that IS "stupid" by definition since Mickey Mouse could have beat W with an agenda that made sense to Americans.

Are you so braindead because of political affiliation that you think Republicans somehow have some modern Hero Worship thing going on with GW
that you'll beat your partisan drum over low approval numbers and turn a blind eye as to why they exist?
Using the same criteria Clinton WAS a God to his Democratic Partisans now wasn't he?

Wakey Wakey my fliend of blue........

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 10:26 am
by Gunslinger
Y2K wrote:
a consensual extramarital affair is one thing, and a sick fuck who likes to beat the shit out of women is quite another.
No it's not



You won't find me making excuses for their actions or ever supporting what they do because of politics.

You say Clinton was "stupid"
I say " absolutely disgusting"
That's neither red or blue.

It cost the Democrats the Presidency for the next 4 years.......
Maybe it was a lil bigger that that?

The next challenger was John Kerry?
Now that IS "stupid" by definition since Mickey Mouse could have beat W with an agenda that made sense to Americans.

Are you so braindead because of political affiliation that you think Republicans somehow have some modern Hero Worship thing going on with GW
that you'll beat your partisan drum over low approval numbers and turn a blind eye as to why they exist?
Using the same criteria Clinton WAS a God to his Democratic Partisans now wasn't he?

Wakey Wakey my fliend of blue........
Do you ever step back from your fucking reality and listen? John Kerry was a poor choice? Are you fucking kidding me? He was a brilliant choice, he was a veteran, he was smart, etc.

That other machine of political propaganda is and has been so fucking strong that hundreds of millions of fucking idiots believe that a non military hero, crack head is a great soldier for our country. This countries masses are so fucking retarded that they bashed Clinton for avoiding the draft and to defeat him voted for a draft dodging, coke headed fucking idiot, because he says "God Bless our troops".

"The Chinese were so good with their communtist propaganda!" Yeh and your country's politicians are fucking experts at ripping your shirt off and tying you up in it and fucking you in the ass. They own your media and fuck you the moment you wake up, till you go to sleep.

Yes, you are a fucking idiot.

You try and rationalize this with "John Kerry wasnt the best choice." Yes, yes he was and your a fucking idiot that never once stepped back and looked at the military heroes that supported him. You were to blinded by the media machine of talk republican radio and its influence, that when you heard the theme title to flipper you actually believed it was made for John Kerry.

"Well I just didnt trust John Kerry, he never made up his mind."

The mother fucker made up his mind in the Vietnam war and served and came back and bitched out our government about a war that average common sense to a fucking 4 year old was a failure. Now he realized again that this Iraq war is a fucking failure, because you pussies wont kill Osama Bin Laden and you wont threaten Saudia Arabia and N. Korea has nukes.

Keep sitting on your hands you fucking pussy and use your excuse of "well the democrats didnt have a man I trusted", to the point that a N. Korean nuke or Iranian nuke is shoved up your ass. Because Ive said it on this board several times. Iran will get nukes, no if ands or buts, because you are all a bunch of fucking pussies. You like to elect leaders who talk alot, but youre fucking pussies.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 5:38 pm
by Cuda
Cumswillerer wrote: John Kerry was a poor choice? Are you fucking kidding me? He was a brilliant choice, he was a veteran, he was smart, etc.
And Kerry is a loser...

just like you

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 6:28 pm
by Atomic Punk
Cuda wrote:
Cumswillerer wrote: John Kerry was a poor choice? Are you fucking kidding me? He was a brilliant choice, he was a veteran, he was smart, etc.
And Kerry is a loser...

just like you
I didn't read his verbal vomit, but I'll rack Cuda for at least reading it and quickly analyzing said short, fat drunken tard/loser.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:12 pm
by Jerkovich
Atomic Punk wrote:
Cuda wrote:
Cumswillerer wrote: John Kerry was a poor choice? Are you fucking kidding me? He was a brilliant choice, he was a veteran, he was smart, etc.
And Kerry is a loser...

just like you
I didn't read his verbal vomit, but I'll rack Cuda for at least reading it and quickly analyzing said short, fat drunken tard/loser.
Kerry is great! We love him and he's smart. If you don't believe me, ask Kerry, when he gets the boot out of his mouth. :lol: