tao wrote:Otis wrote:Try telling that to Doug Harvey and Busher Jackson.
It's because of the owners greed that they both were left homeless.
Are you the same guy railing on about free markets and capitalism ... what now ... cradle to grave care for hockey players ... :roll:
Beautiful, a 3 post troll shows up.
Alright troll,
Yes, I agree with Ted Lindsay and the players.
I'm on the players' side," Lindsay said. "But both are wrong. This is about stubbornness or egos, or whatever it is. The players gave back 24 percent of their salaries. That should have been enough.
"I hope the players stand firm. They're getting crucified a little bit in Canada for being greedy, but if a guy offers you that money, what are you supposed to do, say no?"
Lindsay doesn't believe the owners' message, delivered by commissioner Gary Bettman, is just about salaries and finances.
"I think he's got another motive," Lindsay said of Bettman. "He might be trying to break the union. I don't know all the legal ramifications of that, but I think that's what they want: A whole new league with new players -- maybe that's what he's thinking."
That rubs Lindsay the wrong way for several reasons, but mostly this:
"The owners have nobody to blame but themselves, and now they want the players to correct it for them."
Otis wrote:Why is the NHL afraid to put the players last proposal to a majority vote?
How do you know they didn't?
Prove to me that they did..
They won't put it to a majority vote because that's what Betteman is afraid of. Hence, his 8 owners vote veto clause.
Otis wrote:How come Betteman caters to the bottom feeders?
So that all teams regardless of market size can consistently compete for a championship.
Really eh.. so fuck everyone else if there's one or 3 franchises that lack fan support and financial backing and should be contracted. Nice logic.
Otis wrote:And why is the NHL so deadset against revenue sharing?
They are not. They have gone on record and said they have a revenue sharing strategy. They did not want to disclose the revenue sharing plan while negotiating a CBA with the NHLPA.
Any idiot can see that if they offered the players a league wide % of revenue (55%), a salary cap and a salary floor (earlier proposals) that there must be some revenue sharing.
Wrong, that's not revenue sharing that's linkage to player contracts but not revenue sharing amongst the teams themselves.
Even Betteman has said they're not interested in that.
Otis wrote:The New Yorks and Toronto's of the league make more than enough to help out their piss poor cousins in markets that only Gary thinks deserve to have franchises.. but yet, that's unacceptable to the league heiarchy.
Why is that?
Well I would think that it is more unacceptable to NY or Toronto than any of the piss poor cousins.
But if they're the ones making more than anyone else and they support Betteman, then why wouldn't they want to help their fellow owners.
On one hand you think Bettman caters to the "Have Not" franchises (see your bottom feeders comment above)... then you state the league hierarchy caters to NY and Toronto when it comes to revenue sharing.
Read it again tard, the league
IS catering to the have nots, the Nashvilles, Floridas, Columbus's hence the reason why Betteman is so insistent on getting his precious linkage and hard cap.
The Detroits, Torontos and other top revenue producing teams are being held back by the owners of the have not teams.
Otis wrote:A former great living in a boxcar because of his being an outcast by helping to form the players union sums up why Harvey was forced to live like that.
Are all the players that helped form the players union living in boxcars?
Harvey was not forced to live in a boxcar. He was grown man able to make decisions and earn a living anyway he could. Seems to me ultimately he chose to live the way he did.
No, but from those that formed the players union to begin with, the history of owners fucking the players over at any opportunity continues to this day.
You don't turn your backs on those who fought for you.