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Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 5:37 pm
by Systematic Jackass
I've been to several vehicle/pedestrian accidents. The worst was a couple months ago when a 9 year old got run over by his school bus.

Little kid had initially missed the bus and as it was pulling off, he ran after it and tried to open the door and fell under the wheel. Bus driver never even knew he was there under she felt the bump. Gruesome sight.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 6:52 pm
by Dinsdale
Systematic Jackass wrote:Gruesome sight.
Not really.


Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 6:58 pm
by Systematic Jackass
I suppose y'all are right. Fuck him.

He was colored anyhow

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 7:02 pm
by Dinsdale
Systematic Jackass wrote:He was colored anyhow

I'm guessing he was colored blue, purple, and red after being did up by a bus.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 7:12 pm
by Systematic Jackass
Dinsdale wrote:
Systematic Jackass wrote:He was colored anyhow

I'm guessing he was colored blue, purple, and red after being did up by a bus.
Ouch. Yeah, mostly red.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 7:20 pm
by Mister Bushice
About 10 years ago I was driving thru the ghetto area of the east bay, doing about 25-30, had the green light in the third lane with a bus in the middle lane. This 20 something mexican chick was in the crosswalk, head down, walking at a snails pace and unaware the light had changed. I didn't see her until the last second and swerved, heard a BAM!! and watched her fly about 20 feet thru the air into the middle of the intersection.

I pulled over and called 911 ( figured I'd grease the wheels just in case - good samaritan and culprit cancel out, right?)

Anyway, I had about 5 witnesses who all backed up my story, chick got all scraped and bruised, and I broke her arm real good. She refused to go to the hospital ( no english, no insurance - shocker those two are paired up).

It wasn't until later on (I was pretty shook up and just drove home after the cop absolved me of any wrong doing) that I absorbed the damage she did to my truck. I had a toyota long bed, with extended mirrors on it that were bolted to the body.

When I swerved out of the way the only part that hit her was my passenger side mirror and the steel frame that held it bolted to the truck. Chica ripped it, bolts and all, right off the truck body, tearing a big gash in the side along the way.

So she gets free emergency roadside treatment, her arm healed up, I get stuck with the cost of a new mirror and truck repair.

I should not have swerved.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 9:44 pm
by Cuda
Dinsdale wrote: Although while most areas around MLK in this city are a little rough around the edges, this housing project was a throwback to the days of building the Liberty Ships, and the cross street is Woolsey. Never bring up the street name Woolsey to a whiteboy in Portland.
It's probably a safe bet that there isn't any MLK blvd in any city in the country that any part of it comes anywhere close to a white neighborhood.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 9:57 pm
by Dinsdale
Cuda wrote: It's probably a safe bet that there isn't any MLK blvd in any city in the country that any part of it comes anywhere close to a white neighborhood.
Dude...I live in Portland, Oregon...they're ALL white neighborhoods....some are just whiter than others.

What, you think we let the darkies have their own neighborhoods? Can't see any good coming from that.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:41 am
by Derron
As a very young boy riding with my uncle in LA, waiting for a light to change when this black dude walks into the crosswalk real slow. My uncle, being the white bread, Dust Bowl refugee, that he was, leans out the window and says " Get your slow black motherfucking ass out of the way nogger...." Imprinted me as a young man... but that was life in LA in those days

Nogger drops the bird on him and calls him a white honkey mother fucker, but in the early 60's in LA, that was about it. HIs brother was an LA County sheriff, and they routinely beat the shit out of the blacks, well just because they were black.

Living in Vegas in 2003 building a golf course, I heard sirens outside the RV park I was staying at. Wandered down the street, there was a couple of cops and an ambulance and one very dead transient in the road. They chalked the outline on the pavement, pulled his carcass to the shoulder and opened the road back up, because everyone had to get to Henderson and Lake Havasu, it was a warm day and there was sking and drinking to be done.

Now for dead body stories :

Dude removed the top of his dome with a 44, inside a Corvette in July. Was there for 5 days before found.
Dude on donor cycle, impacts back of parked semi at 90 mph. Not a fucking solid bone in his body.
Old man tired of life, places .308 on upper lip and redecorates his basement wall. Dead for 4 days when found.
Dude ( drunk) and chick on motorcycle impact telephone pole at 60mph. Didn't know a leg could twist that far..
Dude that robbed bank in N Las Vegas, ran from the police, pointed a gun at 6 LA cops, 4 Air Force MP's...fuckign target practice...

And then there was a picture of ahh.. this dude I know..ah county detective walking into a house where they were going to investigate a triple homicide, and dude had a grip on his Starbucks coffe cup as he was walking in, AND the media got the money shot on the news.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:45 am
by Derron
timmay wrote:I don't have a point system for people, but I figue a fat ass dumbfuck should register as much as a large cow elk.

thats 150 big ones R-Jack!

A kid got offed out here a few years back when they hit an elk up the valley. Fucking totaled the car.

It has to be a scoring system based upon size of the marked target, impact and resulting damage to your vehicle. That will very with vehicles and mark , seems a lot more complicated than a simple death pool calculation.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:22 am
by Atomic Punk
Back in 1988 I was test driving a new truck. I was near our house and wanted to see how it could perform. I went full throttle and was passing through 65 mph when I saw a German Shepard running across the street and it was too late.

I jam the brakes and get out to see if it damaged the truck as I still haven't bought it. There was dog fur but no blood stuck between the air dam and bumper. I looked for the dog and it was about 100 feet or so from the impact site. It looked weird as the jaw inside the head was inverted with all of the other things.

I went to the house where it came from and told the illegals staying there what happened and that I was sorry. They said it wasn't their dog but would take care of the carcass.

I went back to the dealership and bought the truck. On my way back home the dog was gone. Must have been good eats.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:27 am
by Dinsdale
OK, we'd better rephrase the question:

So, is there any of you that haven't hit a pedestrain with your car?

Jeebus, what a fine lot I hang around with on the intenet.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:28 am
by Cuda
Do bicyclists count?

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:32 am
by Dinsdale
You inquire as to the sexual orientation of a cyclist after you hit them?

Weird. I just haul ass out of there.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:34 am
by Mister Bushice
I got one of those there bicyclists too, or actually he got me. 17 year old dumbass kid hit my car tire while racing with his head down from the sidewalk and into traffic. He went for a short flight on faceplant airlines. It was rough landing.

I skated clean on that one though, since the cops found him at fault, no vehicle damage.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:30 am
by Y2K
Cuda wrote:Do bicyclists count?
Double points if the have a Bike Rack on their sled.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:35 am
by smackaholic
I have hit 2 cars, a dog, a cat or three, an opposum, too many squirrels to count, a few trillion bugs and three birds, that I know of. Have yet to bag any homo sapiens that I know of anyway. Hope I never do.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 4:56 am
by Mister Bushice
yeah. Neither time was very fun for me, and it was the stupidity of others that caused both of them.

Cats on the other hand....

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:38 pm
by Derron
There was dog fur but no blood stuck between the air dam and bumper. I looked for the dog and it was about 1de]00 feet or so from the impact site. It looked weird as the jaw inside the head was inverted with all of the other things.
Nice job outting yourself as a War Wagon troll, or are you confessing you ran his dog down ??