An Irishman has no business running Nog smack on anyone.ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:I thought all of you Nogs didn't know who your parents are.Ingse Bodil wrote:Has anyone ever dealt with a schizophrenic parent before?
You were 'beasts', 'inhuman', 'nonwhite', too. You still are, in some circles. At least the Jews have learned some humility and compassion given their history. And they were willing to commit certain suicide (the book of maccabbees) to fight off those they saw as oppressors. And then they had the balls to extend their hand out to other oppressed persons. Why can't the American Irish say the same (after the fading history of indentured servants who helped each other escape, black and white)?
I guess it's neither here nor there, since I continue to assume your issues aren't truly with blacks but with your addictions and your interactions with blacks that come about because of your addiction. Why would someone who claimed to be a real life friend of yours say you were a crackhead?
Yeah.Smackie Chan wrote: Sounds like something bad has already happened, since, as you pointed out ...
She's my mom.