Speaking of being pieced together with bolts.... do people look at your leg and whisper 'O Madeline' to your wife?
(can I get a rimshot? can I get a towel for these tomato seeds?)
X wrote:Ludacris... was kicked off the Pepsi brand ad campaign based on explicit lyrics in his album. But with Snoop, here's a coon who admittedly sold drugs and gang banged, was charged with murder and maybe even slapped his wife, representing one of the largest corporations in America--in essence, selling cars to sixty year old white men and blue-haired white women.
My BODELICOUS unfamiliarity with characters on truly shitty sitcoms in no way deminished wolfman's douchebagitude. There's a serious gap in the math of that theory.
IndyFrisco wrote:
#2 - Dins is not backpedaling. I've yet to see him do that.
Not my style...although these manly-men are so wonton for that to be so, that they'll ignore the obvious and continue down that road.
Thenh again, we're talking about the same group that thought they'd get some measure of BODE by out-Everybody Loves Raymonding me...a telling symptom, to be sure.
There's something a lot more funny going on at the core here, and a few have even caught it...but let's just keep that between us, and let the stupid people continue on, blind to the real funnay here.
Mister Bushice wrote:yet you seemed to have some knowledge of bea arthurs even shittier sitcom career at the ready, didn't you?
Sorry if you were eagerly awaiting my synopsis of the stellar career of Bea Arthur, so you could point out the flaws, due to your unwavering devotion to All Things Bea Arthur...
Mister Bushice wrote:yet you seemed to have some knowledge of bea arthurs even shittier sitcom career at the ready, didn't you?
Sorry if you were eagerly awaiting my synopsis of the stellar career of Bea Arthur, so you could point out the flaws, due to your unwavering devotion to All Things Bea Arthur...
but no.
Bushice set up this thread at 12:55. You try to run Wolfman smack, it doesn go well, so you set up an entirely new thread
at 1:21pm, targeting everyone who initially thumped you for fucking up your Wolfman smackdown in this, Bushice's thread. Dude, that ropes so tight you're about to resemble a Pez dispenser. Just let it go, man. Just say you fucked up, and move right along.
X wrote:Ludacris... was kicked off the Pepsi brand ad campaign based on explicit lyrics in his album. But with Snoop, here's a coon who admittedly sold drugs and gang banged, was charged with murder and maybe even slapped his wife, representing one of the largest corporations in America--in essence, selling cars to sixty year old white men and blue-haired white women.
No really -- at what point during this revelation that y'all are masters of Everybody Loves Raymond trivia did you think the Supreme BODE of Getting Over on Dinsdale was coming?
If you thought Everybody Loves Raymond and your intimate knowledge of it was going to be that extra push from your little-engine-that-couldn't to finally get you over the hump...
You probably need to rethink not only your strategy, but your entire lifestyle.
This is where the old me would bring in a certain thread involving curiosity, experimentation, and ElCuCu over at .net. But that's not me anymore. And it's a cheapshot from the upper decks anyway.
Dinsdale wrote:Huh?
My BODELICOUS unfamiliarity with characters on truly shitty sitcoms in no way deminished wolfman's douchebagitude. There's a serious gap in the math of that theory.
I have yet to see anyone prove Wolfman is a douchbag. He's as old as Methusaleh, and probably helped God pin both Luther and Sudden Sam's cloth diapers, but being old is not a fault unto itself. He's a teacher, he's old school, he brought us War Cow/Orange/et al, and he isn't full of himself. He's just here to have fun.
What's not to love, man?
X wrote:Ludacris... was kicked off the Pepsi brand ad campaign based on explicit lyrics in his album. But with Snoop, here's a coon who admittedly sold drugs and gang banged, was charged with murder and maybe even slapped his wife, representing one of the largest corporations in America--in essence, selling cars to sixty year old white men and blue-haired white women.
Bizzarofelice wrote:This thread is three pages because people are so desperate to get over they harp when a sitcom person ain't recognized?
Didn't I ask nicely for the people who aren't blinded by the Zest To Get Over On Dinsdale to keep mum on teh underlying funnays?
Damn, what next, Bace -- are you going to point out how even though they're on the technically-correct side of the argument, they still can't come up with anything even vaguely resembling funnay or smack?
PSUFAN wrote:They're all winded from running AP. Time...give them TIME
While they're trying to find a Christmas song yet used against AP the Luther tardmeter is shaking the dust offa itself.
Three pages of whiny twats running free. Goddamned target practice.
This is where the old me would drop a 'you can't shoot straight anyway' and then a 'targeting too much slanted pussy', and drop it like an anvil against rock; but that's the old me.
X wrote:Ludacris... was kicked off the Pepsi brand ad campaign based on explicit lyrics in his album. But with Snoop, here's a coon who admittedly sold drugs and gang banged, was charged with murder and maybe even slapped his wife, representing one of the largest corporations in America--in essence, selling cars to sixty year old white men and blue-haired white women.
PSUFAN wrote:They're all winded from running AP. Time...give them TIME
While they're trying to find a Christmas song yet used against AP the Luther tardmeter is shaking the dust offa itself.
Three pages of whiny twats running free. Goddamned target practice.
This is where the old me would drop a 'you can't shoot straight anyway' and then a 'targeting too much slanted pussy', and drop it like an anvil against rock; but that's the old me.
The new you sucks every bit as much as the old you. Just sayin’.
Joe in PB wrote:
Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote:
They couldn't even kick that doctors ass
Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
Bizzarofelice wrote:This thread is three pages because people are so desperate to get over they harp when a sitcom person ain't recognized?
The reindeer are conspicuously absent from running three pages worth of tards.
The reindeer are conspicously circle jerking themselves to death in another thread, while Dinsdale tries hard to deny his Bea Arthur sitcom knowledge by pretending he didn't start a whole thread on it, complete with pictures from a TVsitcom website about a Bea Arthur sitcom.
If you're looking for the underlying funnay, you need to go just one layer deeper and shake hands with Spinsdale when you get there.
Goober McTuber wrote:The new you sucks every bit as much as the old you. Just sayin’.
So you'll teach me how to blow?
X wrote:Ludacris... was kicked off the Pepsi brand ad campaign based on explicit lyrics in his album. But with Snoop, here's a coon who admittedly sold drugs and gang banged, was charged with murder and maybe even slapped his wife, representing one of the largest corporations in America--in essence, selling cars to sixty year old white men and blue-haired white women.
Ingse Bodil wrote:This is where the old me would drop a 'you can't shoot straight anyway' and then a 'targeting too much slanted pussy', and drop it like an anvil against rock; but that's the old me.
This is where the old me would tell you to "shut the fuck up, Jemima!"
Course, I haven't changed so shut the fuck up, Jemima!
Ingse Bodil wrote:This is where the old me would drop a 'you can't shoot straight anyway' and then a 'targeting too much slanted pussy', and drop it like an anvil against rock; but that's the old me.
Thank God the new you realized how fucking atrocious your smack was. Now if only the "new you" had such a filter when it came to whiny "My Mommy's sick" threads and Doritos.
Indy gets a pass -- twice -- for being a Hoosier. And being right with the second.
Bizzarofelice wrote:
Ingse Bodil wrote:This is where the old me would drop a 'you can't shoot straight anyway' and then a 'targeting too much slanted pussy', and drop it like an anvil against rock; but that's the old me.
Thank God the new you realized how fucking atrocious your smack was. Now if only the "new you" had such a filter when it came to whiny "My Mommy's sick" threads and Doritos.
I have to work at it, man. It takes skill to craft a quality piece of infosmack, particularly when it deals with the racial in a way one wouldn't normally engage in. But cheapshots are cheap shots; life is simpler when one doesn't immediately grasp the cheap shot in everything.
Any good karma that can be radiated mama's way today, is good karma. Karma works, and karma helps.
So, how is Piggy? Don't answer that. Break time.
X wrote:Ludacris... was kicked off the Pepsi brand ad campaign based on explicit lyrics in his album. But with Snoop, here's a coon who admittedly sold drugs and gang banged, was charged with murder and maybe even slapped his wife, representing one of the largest corporations in America--in essence, selling cars to sixty year old white men and blue-haired white women.
But your OG enough that I won't kick your ass for claiming U&Lness.
Indy -- why not? Hell, everyone else comes here and is a "Portlander/Nothwesterner" within a couple of weeks. See also -- The Decemberists and Everclear.