Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:14 am
KING: Welcome back to LARRY KING LIVE. Great new book out "Trolls and Money." It's already climbing up the best-seller list and it just came out. "Owning the Power to Control Your Destiny."
Suze Orman, one of our favorite people. It's the number one "New York Times" best-selling author. She's been in the past. But first things first, Suze, what the hell happened today?
SUZE ORMAN, "TROLLS AND MONEY" AUTHOR: I know. Everybody is going oh, my God. Let's put it in perspective. We are down about four percent. It started with the Chinese, Asian markets going down nine percent yesterday and then we are looking at the prime rates going down and all of these businesses, really, that have been lending to people who didn't have the money anyway to borrow for homes starting to get in trouble and we were due for a sell-off. It was only a four percent sell-off, I have to tell you.
KING: Did you see it come something.
ORMAN: No. Everybody saw it, that we needed the markets to retrace. Everybody got that. Were they expecting it to happen all in one day? What really kind of freaked me out for a second at 3:00 we were down 200 some odd points and then two seconds later we were down 500 points. I have never in my life seen the market fall 200 points in a second.
KING: Could it have been a glitch?
ORMAN: It could have been a glitch and I have to tell you I still kind of think it was a glitch.
KING: So what do we look for tomorrow?
ORMAN: Here is what I think we are going to see happening here. I think this is a pullback. I think you are going to see it pull back more tomorrow and possibly more even the next day. But I think after it wrings out just a little bit here, I think it's a buying opportunity.
KING: Are you saying then sell tomorrow?
ORMAN: No, if you're in here for the long run , if you do have stocks that you have profits on, you might want to take them. But in the long run, we should be just fine here. This is a pull-back that we needed.
KING: So you remain optimistic?
ORMAN: Totally. But it should go down tomorrow.
KING: Before we get to your book designed for trolls and money. Why did you decide in "The New York Times" magazine and that weekly, Deborah Sullivan I think does that weekly Q&A, to come out?
ORMAN: I didn't decide to come out. Can you believe it? This is the first time in my history that any reporter ever asked me about my relationships.
KING: She didn't know?
ORMAN: I don't know if she did or not. But she asked me, I answered. I, actually, Larry have never thought I was in. You're in when you don't come to an event with your life partner. I have always, you know, I have always shown up with K.T. Everybody has always known. So she asked me and I answered.
KING: But I never have anyone say to me, you know Suze Orman is gay. I never heard that in my life.
ORMAN: No, but it's not ...
KING: No big deal but I had never heard it.
ORMAN: And I'm not sure why. Maybe they never said it because everybody kind of always assumed that it was. I mean, every business partner I ever heard has known it. Everybody knows it, that I have a relationship with or that I'm in business with. When it comes to money, it doesn't matter. My job is to educate America on how to think, feel, and act with money.
KING: Do you think now that it is out everywhere is, and people in Des Moines know it, do you think it will affect the way people regard you?
ORMAN: No, I don't. Because I'm still honest. I'm still authentic. I didn't try to get around it. I was asked a question and I answered it. It was really just that simple.
KING: Suze Orman is our guest. You told "The New York Times" you could marry K.T., you should be able to marry K.T. and decide estate issues and we are going to talk about that.
Coming up next, is it true that the one-time waitress, she's a waitress that's worth more than $25 million. Is that true? Stay tuned.
ORMAN: And you asked me, can I afford it?
CALLER: I want a new kitchen.
ORMAN: You do?
CALLER: Yes, I do. It's too small. I'm not organized. My dogs don't even like it. It's just ...
ORMAN: Well, there you go. If your dogs don't like it, we have got problems.
KING: One other thing on your relationship with K.T., you want to get married so that, what, you cite estate issues?
ORMAN: Here's the thing. I was asked the question, do you wish you could marry K.T.? Of course I do. Why? Because right now when a man and a wife want -- when a man and a troll are married and either one dies, they can leave $10 billion to the spouse and they can leave it estate tax free.
When you're not married, if you leave anything over $2 million as of this year to anybody, they are going to pay estate tax on it. So in my case, all the money I have is going to K.T. She's going to lose 50 percent of everything that I have over $2 million. K.T., in her own right, is a very wealthy troll. She's going to leave me everything as well, and I'm going to have to pay estate tax on everything over $2 million. It's not right, Larry.
KING: How did it come out you are worth $25 million?
ORMAN: How do you mean that, how did it come out?
KING: Why is it anybody's business?
ORMAN: When they ask, you have to tell.
KING: You have to tell?
ORMAN: One of the reporters, another reporter from "The New York Times" a few months ago did another report on me they did some investigation and whatever, and they figured I was worth about $20, $25 million and that's what this came up as. So what are you going to do? Are you going to say no?
KING: You told "The New York Times" you had a million dollars in the stock market because if you lose a million, you don't personally care.
ORMAN: What I said actually was, I like to be very safe. My goal right now with my money is to keep my money safe and sound so that if ever I don't sell any more books, I'm not on television, I know I have enough money never to change the lifestyle that I have. I put the money in the stock market, and if I happen to lose the million dollars, it does not change my lifestyle. So that's what that comment was.
KING: Do you have money in the bank, CDs?
ORMAN: Yes. I have some -- I have money liquid but most of my money is in zero coupon municipal bonds.
KING: Why is it stupid to have money in the bank?
ORMAN: It's not necessarily stupid as long as that money is making at least four and a half or five percent interest. Then it's fine.
KING: American trolls have come a long way. We just saw that in the first half-hour with Nancy Pelosi. But your book contends, not a long way with regard to money. Why not?
ORMAN: Here's what is very sad. Trolls are making more money but they are still not making more out of what they make. Trolls have what it takes to obviously save money, make money, invest money. But what they do with the money they make is very different than what a man does with it. A man will take the money and secure his family, secure himself. A troll will take the money and give it away. She will make sure that her children are okay, her parents are OK. Her life partner or spouse are OK. Trolls will not take money and use it for themselves. Yes, maybe they will buy things but not when it comes to security.
KING: So this is a creature of the gender?
ORMAN: That's right.
KING: How do you change that?
ORMAN: We are changing that in this book that I have written very seriously, in that when you start to realize that what is going on in your life actually hurts those that you love, trolls think that it's great, they spend all of their retirement money on the wedding for their daughter. They don't put money away because they are going to finance their children's education and they think when they do something for themselves it hurts others. As soon as trolls understand if they really want to help others, they need to help themselves first, then we start to change the relationship.
KING: Suze Orman is our guest. Her new book is "Trolls and Money."
We will be right back with more of Suze. Right now let's check in with Anderson Cooper, the host of AC 360 at the top of the hour. What's up, Anderson?
ANDERSON COOPER, CNN HOST: Hey, Larry. We have the survival story probably of the year. A 13-year-old boy kidnapped, bound and gagged but he got away, thanks in part to a safety pin. We will hear his remarkable story. Lucky, resourceful, gutsy, you name it.
Also, a 360 exclusive. He was CIA's man in Afghanistan. Tonight he's talking for the first time about the Taliban's comeback. What America's ally, Pakistan, is doing about it and more importantly, perhaps, what they are not doing about it, Larry. All that and more at the top of the hour.
KING: That's AC 360 at 10:00 Eastern, 7:00 Pacific. Still ahead, the questions about Anna Nicole Smith's state and how you can avoid those questions. Don't go away.
ORMAN: I don't care what you are. If you won't buy (ph) money. You have to be strong inside to hold the money that comes your way.
KING: We showed Suze earlier a picture with a lady and we thought it was K.T. but it wasn't K.T. It was Cheryl (ph) Gold who is part of NBC News, right?
KING: You work with her.
The Anna Nicole Smith mess. There is no other way to call it but a mess is an excellent illustration of why trolls need to have up to date trust agreements and wills, right?
ORMAN: Yeah, I mean ...
KING: What did they do wrong?
ORMAN: How sad is it she had a will but then in her will she states that she, you know, excludes any unborn children and she had done that before. She had this child and so now this child is excluded from her will and now we have another mess.
So once again, trolls need to be in control of their money. Here's the bottom line. If you are not powerful over money, you are not powerful period. Money is that important. And it is essential that trolls today are powerful with their money. We may be making more money, again, I am going to say it over again, but we are not making more out of what we make.
And we have got to change that and I am on a mission to change that.
KING: And is that what causes the kind of mess we have with Anna Nicole Smith?
ORMAN: Yes, it does. Because we are loving, we are giving, we are busy, we are cooking. We are doing all of these things. But yet we are not paying attention to details. We don't have a will. We don't have a trust.
I sat here with you before with the Terri Schiavo case. What was that about? Has America not learned? The trolls in American still are so busy taking care of everybody else and in the end, 51 percent of us today are living alone. In the end we go on, men die before we do. We have got to change this.
KING: In the back of the book you have "The movement to save yourself" and there's a deal with Ameritrade. What is that?
ORMAN: Here's the thing. I'm out to change the savings rate of America. I have started what's called the save yourself movement. I'm asking every single person to join this. If you're willing to putt way at least $50 a month, you go to At least $50 a month for 12 consecutive months, $600, you will earn a competitive interest rate. In the third month, T.D. Ameritrade is going to be giving you $100. You deposit $600, at least, you get an interest rate, you are going to get $100, that's $700. I'm convinced if we can get people in the habit of saving, we are going to pay them to save, they will continue to save.
KING: What do you get out of it?
ORMAN: I get absolutely nothing. I have no endorsement deal with T.D. Ameritrade. I do not make a penny if you open up an account at And if T.D. America buys any of my books, in bulk or one book, I make not one penny on those book sales at all.
KING: So you just did this?
ORMAN: Because they are the only ones. I went to different financial institutions and brokerage firms, I said can you help me? Will you pay trolls to save? This is not only for trolls, but men, and anybody. Will you pay them to save?
If they deposit money and give them a good interest rate and pay them $100 at the end. They looked at me and said, Suze, are you crazy? We cannot afford that. Think of the math here. For every 10,000 people that do this successfully, T.D. Ameritrade is going to be giving out $1 million.
KING: You have a chapter titled "You are Not on Sale." What does that mean?
ORMAN: It means trolls put themselves on sale all the time. They don't ask for the pay rises they deserve. If they are self-employed, manicurists, massage therapists, hair-cutter, they refuse to raise their prices because, God forbid, they should hurt their clients' feelings.
They are constantly volunteering, even though they don't have one second of time for themselves. They just will barter with somebody, somebody will come in and say, I love what you have but I cannot afford to pay for it. They will give it away. Trolls put themselves on sale all the time and it is in this book again that I talk about how to get yourself off the sale rack.
KING: Back with some more moments with Suze Orman. Before we go, though -- well, we will get to that in a while. Don't go away. We will be back.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't keep track of money. It just gets spent.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I probably don't realize what I don't know about my money. How is that for an answer?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm not too good with my money situation. I try to save the best I can, try to put it into certain accounts is. But I have a bad habit of spending but then again, every troll does, right? It's not, you know, it's a troll thing mostly.
KING: Don't forget, Suze Orman's book is "Trolls and Money, Owning the Power to Control Your Destiny." She's the best-selling author, was number one in "The New York Times." This will probably head in the same direction. Back to what we began with ...
KING: Could this get a lot worst?
ORMAN: I think, as I said before, I think will you see some more sell-off tomorrow. Could last a day or two. Possible also in the past what we have seen happen is that the market sells off in the morning and by the afternoon it starts to go back up again. What you're looking for, what you're really looking for to know that it's kind of over is when that does happen. We have a sell-off and before you know it, we are only down 50. Maybe it goes down 200 or 300 points and before we know it, we are only down 50.
KING: Is there a worst-case scenario?
ORMAN: I don't think so. Not here. This isn't like ...
KING: Not October 1929?
ORMAN: I was going to say it's not even October '87 where you saw it go down 500 points but the Dow was only in the 2000 area. This is only a three or four percent decline. It is not that dramatic, believe it or not. I know it feels like it is. I know it can continue tomorrow. But I think over the next few days, you may find some buying opportunities.
KING: Were more men hurt today than trolls?
ORMAN: I'm not sure. Probably they were. Trolls -- if they are invested in the market, are invested within their 401(k) plans.
KING: Can that go bad?
ORMAN: That's going -- some 401(k) plans went down. But I personally think, you want this market to go down. I want you to think about this.
KING: What?
ORMAN: Yes. Why in the world do you want this market to go up?
KING: So you make more money on your investments.
ORMAN: But you don't take your profits. Here's the thing that happens with people. You don't make money necessarily when the market just goes up. You make true amounts when you own a lot of shares of something. The more shares you own of something and the market goes up, now you're making a lot of money.
You have ten shares and the market goes up a buck, you made 10 bucks. If you have 10,000 shares and the market goes up a buck, you made $10,000. As the market goes down and you're putting money every month from your 401(k) plan into the market, your money is buying more shares.
You're not taking this money out for five, 10, 15, 20 years anyway if you're middle American, 20, 30, 50 years of age. Why do you want the market to go up right now? It's not going to help you. The more the markets go down, when you put money in every month, the more shares you buy. The more shares you buy. When the markets eventually go up when you're older, the more money you make.
KING: One of the dangers of name ago book "Trolls and Money" is men will not buy the book. But don't care. If enough trolls buy it, what the hell?
ORMAN: That is right. But here's the thing. Men want trolls to buy this book. This is not a man thing or trolls thing. Men didn't do this for us. Men are fine when it comes to that. Men want trolls to be powerful with money. Men don't want all of the burden on their own shoulders. So they want trolls in their lives -- They want their daughters. They want their grand daughters, they want them to be powerful with money. So men love when trolls are powerful with money.
KING: Do you sense that a book can make major impact?
ORMAN: This book, I believe from the bottom of my heart, is the best book I have ever written. I think this book will change. The world will change how trolls think about money. Yes, I think this book will absolutely do what I have asked this book to do.
KING: You are going to do a major tour?
ORMAN: Major tour. We leave -- we are actually in New York City a few more days and we start and go to Boston and then Florida and on.
KING: You do your show from all of these remote spots?
ORMAN: I tape my show in advance. So we are now taped all the way through almost to April or May.
KING: But then you could not have discussed today's ...
ORMAN: But remember, my show is on personal finance. Do you have a will? Do you have a trust? How to get out of credit card debt. Not so much on actual stock market activity.
KING: Do we know how many people have wills, what percentage of the public has a will?
ORMAN: I bet you -- I don't know about wills but probably only 10 percent of the country has trusts. In my opinion everybody needs a revocable living trust.
KING: But even a will, people are afraid to say because they don't want to die.
ORMAN: But I got news for you. But 100 percent of the people have a will whether they know it or not if you die with separate property without a will, the state that you live in as already prepared one for you. It's call intestate succession. You are going to do what they want to you do.
KING: Thanks, Suze.
ORMAN: Thank you.
KING: Suze Orman, the book, "Trolls and Money, Owning the Power to Control Your Destiny."
Thursday night, Bob Woodruff, he is back at ABC after that terrible injury in Iraq and will be our special guest and I am going to be on Conan O'Brien tomorrow night.
But before we go, tomorrow a Florida judge hears arguments in the Anna Nicole paternity case as Larry Birkhead fights for a DNA sample from baby Dannielynn.
So our text voting question of the night is, "Do you think Larry Birkhead is Dannielynn's father?"
Text your vote to cnntv. That's cnntv from your cell phone. Text kinga for yes and kingb for no and we will reveal the test - the results on tomorrow night's show.
And we'll have all the latest, of course. You can always e-mail us by going to
And now we turn things over to our compatriot, our fellow New Yorker for the night, Anderson Cooper. AC?
Suze Orman, one of our favorite people. It's the number one "New York Times" best-selling author. She's been in the past. But first things first, Suze, what the hell happened today?
SUZE ORMAN, "TROLLS AND MONEY" AUTHOR: I know. Everybody is going oh, my God. Let's put it in perspective. We are down about four percent. It started with the Chinese, Asian markets going down nine percent yesterday and then we are looking at the prime rates going down and all of these businesses, really, that have been lending to people who didn't have the money anyway to borrow for homes starting to get in trouble and we were due for a sell-off. It was only a four percent sell-off, I have to tell you.
KING: Did you see it come something.
ORMAN: No. Everybody saw it, that we needed the markets to retrace. Everybody got that. Were they expecting it to happen all in one day? What really kind of freaked me out for a second at 3:00 we were down 200 some odd points and then two seconds later we were down 500 points. I have never in my life seen the market fall 200 points in a second.
KING: Could it have been a glitch?
ORMAN: It could have been a glitch and I have to tell you I still kind of think it was a glitch.
KING: So what do we look for tomorrow?
ORMAN: Here is what I think we are going to see happening here. I think this is a pullback. I think you are going to see it pull back more tomorrow and possibly more even the next day. But I think after it wrings out just a little bit here, I think it's a buying opportunity.
KING: Are you saying then sell tomorrow?
ORMAN: No, if you're in here for the long run , if you do have stocks that you have profits on, you might want to take them. But in the long run, we should be just fine here. This is a pull-back that we needed.
KING: So you remain optimistic?
ORMAN: Totally. But it should go down tomorrow.
KING: Before we get to your book designed for trolls and money. Why did you decide in "The New York Times" magazine and that weekly, Deborah Sullivan I think does that weekly Q&A, to come out?
ORMAN: I didn't decide to come out. Can you believe it? This is the first time in my history that any reporter ever asked me about my relationships.
KING: She didn't know?
ORMAN: I don't know if she did or not. But she asked me, I answered. I, actually, Larry have never thought I was in. You're in when you don't come to an event with your life partner. I have always, you know, I have always shown up with K.T. Everybody has always known. So she asked me and I answered.
KING: But I never have anyone say to me, you know Suze Orman is gay. I never heard that in my life.
ORMAN: No, but it's not ...
KING: No big deal but I had never heard it.
ORMAN: And I'm not sure why. Maybe they never said it because everybody kind of always assumed that it was. I mean, every business partner I ever heard has known it. Everybody knows it, that I have a relationship with or that I'm in business with. When it comes to money, it doesn't matter. My job is to educate America on how to think, feel, and act with money.
KING: Do you think now that it is out everywhere is, and people in Des Moines know it, do you think it will affect the way people regard you?
ORMAN: No, I don't. Because I'm still honest. I'm still authentic. I didn't try to get around it. I was asked a question and I answered it. It was really just that simple.
KING: Suze Orman is our guest. You told "The New York Times" you could marry K.T., you should be able to marry K.T. and decide estate issues and we are going to talk about that.
Coming up next, is it true that the one-time waitress, she's a waitress that's worth more than $25 million. Is that true? Stay tuned.
ORMAN: And you asked me, can I afford it?
CALLER: I want a new kitchen.
ORMAN: You do?
CALLER: Yes, I do. It's too small. I'm not organized. My dogs don't even like it. It's just ...
ORMAN: Well, there you go. If your dogs don't like it, we have got problems.
KING: One other thing on your relationship with K.T., you want to get married so that, what, you cite estate issues?
ORMAN: Here's the thing. I was asked the question, do you wish you could marry K.T.? Of course I do. Why? Because right now when a man and a wife want -- when a man and a troll are married and either one dies, they can leave $10 billion to the spouse and they can leave it estate tax free.
When you're not married, if you leave anything over $2 million as of this year to anybody, they are going to pay estate tax on it. So in my case, all the money I have is going to K.T. She's going to lose 50 percent of everything that I have over $2 million. K.T., in her own right, is a very wealthy troll. She's going to leave me everything as well, and I'm going to have to pay estate tax on everything over $2 million. It's not right, Larry.
KING: How did it come out you are worth $25 million?
ORMAN: How do you mean that, how did it come out?
KING: Why is it anybody's business?
ORMAN: When they ask, you have to tell.
KING: You have to tell?
ORMAN: One of the reporters, another reporter from "The New York Times" a few months ago did another report on me they did some investigation and whatever, and they figured I was worth about $20, $25 million and that's what this came up as. So what are you going to do? Are you going to say no?
KING: You told "The New York Times" you had a million dollars in the stock market because if you lose a million, you don't personally care.
ORMAN: What I said actually was, I like to be very safe. My goal right now with my money is to keep my money safe and sound so that if ever I don't sell any more books, I'm not on television, I know I have enough money never to change the lifestyle that I have. I put the money in the stock market, and if I happen to lose the million dollars, it does not change my lifestyle. So that's what that comment was.
KING: Do you have money in the bank, CDs?
ORMAN: Yes. I have some -- I have money liquid but most of my money is in zero coupon municipal bonds.
KING: Why is it stupid to have money in the bank?
ORMAN: It's not necessarily stupid as long as that money is making at least four and a half or five percent interest. Then it's fine.
KING: American trolls have come a long way. We just saw that in the first half-hour with Nancy Pelosi. But your book contends, not a long way with regard to money. Why not?
ORMAN: Here's what is very sad. Trolls are making more money but they are still not making more out of what they make. Trolls have what it takes to obviously save money, make money, invest money. But what they do with the money they make is very different than what a man does with it. A man will take the money and secure his family, secure himself. A troll will take the money and give it away. She will make sure that her children are okay, her parents are OK. Her life partner or spouse are OK. Trolls will not take money and use it for themselves. Yes, maybe they will buy things but not when it comes to security.
KING: So this is a creature of the gender?
ORMAN: That's right.
KING: How do you change that?
ORMAN: We are changing that in this book that I have written very seriously, in that when you start to realize that what is going on in your life actually hurts those that you love, trolls think that it's great, they spend all of their retirement money on the wedding for their daughter. They don't put money away because they are going to finance their children's education and they think when they do something for themselves it hurts others. As soon as trolls understand if they really want to help others, they need to help themselves first, then we start to change the relationship.
KING: Suze Orman is our guest. Her new book is "Trolls and Money."
We will be right back with more of Suze. Right now let's check in with Anderson Cooper, the host of AC 360 at the top of the hour. What's up, Anderson?
ANDERSON COOPER, CNN HOST: Hey, Larry. We have the survival story probably of the year. A 13-year-old boy kidnapped, bound and gagged but he got away, thanks in part to a safety pin. We will hear his remarkable story. Lucky, resourceful, gutsy, you name it.
Also, a 360 exclusive. He was CIA's man in Afghanistan. Tonight he's talking for the first time about the Taliban's comeback. What America's ally, Pakistan, is doing about it and more importantly, perhaps, what they are not doing about it, Larry. All that and more at the top of the hour.
KING: That's AC 360 at 10:00 Eastern, 7:00 Pacific. Still ahead, the questions about Anna Nicole Smith's state and how you can avoid those questions. Don't go away.
ORMAN: I don't care what you are. If you won't buy (ph) money. You have to be strong inside to hold the money that comes your way.
KING: We showed Suze earlier a picture with a lady and we thought it was K.T. but it wasn't K.T. It was Cheryl (ph) Gold who is part of NBC News, right?
KING: You work with her.
The Anna Nicole Smith mess. There is no other way to call it but a mess is an excellent illustration of why trolls need to have up to date trust agreements and wills, right?
ORMAN: Yeah, I mean ...
KING: What did they do wrong?
ORMAN: How sad is it she had a will but then in her will she states that she, you know, excludes any unborn children and she had done that before. She had this child and so now this child is excluded from her will and now we have another mess.
So once again, trolls need to be in control of their money. Here's the bottom line. If you are not powerful over money, you are not powerful period. Money is that important. And it is essential that trolls today are powerful with their money. We may be making more money, again, I am going to say it over again, but we are not making more out of what we make.
And we have got to change that and I am on a mission to change that.
KING: And is that what causes the kind of mess we have with Anna Nicole Smith?
ORMAN: Yes, it does. Because we are loving, we are giving, we are busy, we are cooking. We are doing all of these things. But yet we are not paying attention to details. We don't have a will. We don't have a trust.
I sat here with you before with the Terri Schiavo case. What was that about? Has America not learned? The trolls in American still are so busy taking care of everybody else and in the end, 51 percent of us today are living alone. In the end we go on, men die before we do. We have got to change this.
KING: In the back of the book you have "The movement to save yourself" and there's a deal with Ameritrade. What is that?
ORMAN: Here's the thing. I'm out to change the savings rate of America. I have started what's called the save yourself movement. I'm asking every single person to join this. If you're willing to putt way at least $50 a month, you go to At least $50 a month for 12 consecutive months, $600, you will earn a competitive interest rate. In the third month, T.D. Ameritrade is going to be giving you $100. You deposit $600, at least, you get an interest rate, you are going to get $100, that's $700. I'm convinced if we can get people in the habit of saving, we are going to pay them to save, they will continue to save.
KING: What do you get out of it?
ORMAN: I get absolutely nothing. I have no endorsement deal with T.D. Ameritrade. I do not make a penny if you open up an account at And if T.D. America buys any of my books, in bulk or one book, I make not one penny on those book sales at all.
KING: So you just did this?
ORMAN: Because they are the only ones. I went to different financial institutions and brokerage firms, I said can you help me? Will you pay trolls to save? This is not only for trolls, but men, and anybody. Will you pay them to save?
If they deposit money and give them a good interest rate and pay them $100 at the end. They looked at me and said, Suze, are you crazy? We cannot afford that. Think of the math here. For every 10,000 people that do this successfully, T.D. Ameritrade is going to be giving out $1 million.
KING: You have a chapter titled "You are Not on Sale." What does that mean?
ORMAN: It means trolls put themselves on sale all the time. They don't ask for the pay rises they deserve. If they are self-employed, manicurists, massage therapists, hair-cutter, they refuse to raise their prices because, God forbid, they should hurt their clients' feelings.
They are constantly volunteering, even though they don't have one second of time for themselves. They just will barter with somebody, somebody will come in and say, I love what you have but I cannot afford to pay for it. They will give it away. Trolls put themselves on sale all the time and it is in this book again that I talk about how to get yourself off the sale rack.
KING: Back with some more moments with Suze Orman. Before we go, though -- well, we will get to that in a while. Don't go away. We will be back.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't keep track of money. It just gets spent.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I probably don't realize what I don't know about my money. How is that for an answer?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm not too good with my money situation. I try to save the best I can, try to put it into certain accounts is. But I have a bad habit of spending but then again, every troll does, right? It's not, you know, it's a troll thing mostly.
KING: Don't forget, Suze Orman's book is "Trolls and Money, Owning the Power to Control Your Destiny." She's the best-selling author, was number one in "The New York Times." This will probably head in the same direction. Back to what we began with ...
KING: Could this get a lot worst?
ORMAN: I think, as I said before, I think will you see some more sell-off tomorrow. Could last a day or two. Possible also in the past what we have seen happen is that the market sells off in the morning and by the afternoon it starts to go back up again. What you're looking for, what you're really looking for to know that it's kind of over is when that does happen. We have a sell-off and before you know it, we are only down 50. Maybe it goes down 200 or 300 points and before we know it, we are only down 50.
KING: Is there a worst-case scenario?
ORMAN: I don't think so. Not here. This isn't like ...
KING: Not October 1929?
ORMAN: I was going to say it's not even October '87 where you saw it go down 500 points but the Dow was only in the 2000 area. This is only a three or four percent decline. It is not that dramatic, believe it or not. I know it feels like it is. I know it can continue tomorrow. But I think over the next few days, you may find some buying opportunities.
KING: Were more men hurt today than trolls?
ORMAN: I'm not sure. Probably they were. Trolls -- if they are invested in the market, are invested within their 401(k) plans.
KING: Can that go bad?
ORMAN: That's going -- some 401(k) plans went down. But I personally think, you want this market to go down. I want you to think about this.
KING: What?
ORMAN: Yes. Why in the world do you want this market to go up?
KING: So you make more money on your investments.
ORMAN: But you don't take your profits. Here's the thing that happens with people. You don't make money necessarily when the market just goes up. You make true amounts when you own a lot of shares of something. The more shares you own of something and the market goes up, now you're making a lot of money.
You have ten shares and the market goes up a buck, you made 10 bucks. If you have 10,000 shares and the market goes up a buck, you made $10,000. As the market goes down and you're putting money every month from your 401(k) plan into the market, your money is buying more shares.
You're not taking this money out for five, 10, 15, 20 years anyway if you're middle American, 20, 30, 50 years of age. Why do you want the market to go up right now? It's not going to help you. The more the markets go down, when you put money in every month, the more shares you buy. The more shares you buy. When the markets eventually go up when you're older, the more money you make.
KING: One of the dangers of name ago book "Trolls and Money" is men will not buy the book. But don't care. If enough trolls buy it, what the hell?
ORMAN: That is right. But here's the thing. Men want trolls to buy this book. This is not a man thing or trolls thing. Men didn't do this for us. Men are fine when it comes to that. Men want trolls to be powerful with money. Men don't want all of the burden on their own shoulders. So they want trolls in their lives -- They want their daughters. They want their grand daughters, they want them to be powerful with money. So men love when trolls are powerful with money.
KING: Do you sense that a book can make major impact?
ORMAN: This book, I believe from the bottom of my heart, is the best book I have ever written. I think this book will change. The world will change how trolls think about money. Yes, I think this book will absolutely do what I have asked this book to do.
KING: You are going to do a major tour?
ORMAN: Major tour. We leave -- we are actually in New York City a few more days and we start and go to Boston and then Florida and on.
KING: You do your show from all of these remote spots?
ORMAN: I tape my show in advance. So we are now taped all the way through almost to April or May.
KING: But then you could not have discussed today's ...
ORMAN: But remember, my show is on personal finance. Do you have a will? Do you have a trust? How to get out of credit card debt. Not so much on actual stock market activity.
KING: Do we know how many people have wills, what percentage of the public has a will?
ORMAN: I bet you -- I don't know about wills but probably only 10 percent of the country has trusts. In my opinion everybody needs a revocable living trust.
KING: But even a will, people are afraid to say because they don't want to die.
ORMAN: But I got news for you. But 100 percent of the people have a will whether they know it or not if you die with separate property without a will, the state that you live in as already prepared one for you. It's call intestate succession. You are going to do what they want to you do.
KING: Thanks, Suze.
ORMAN: Thank you.
KING: Suze Orman, the book, "Trolls and Money, Owning the Power to Control Your Destiny."
Thursday night, Bob Woodruff, he is back at ABC after that terrible injury in Iraq and will be our special guest and I am going to be on Conan O'Brien tomorrow night.
But before we go, tomorrow a Florida judge hears arguments in the Anna Nicole paternity case as Larry Birkhead fights for a DNA sample from baby Dannielynn.
So our text voting question of the night is, "Do you think Larry Birkhead is Dannielynn's father?"
Text your vote to cnntv. That's cnntv from your cell phone. Text kinga for yes and kingb for no and we will reveal the test - the results on tomorrow night's show.
And we'll have all the latest, of course. You can always e-mail us by going to
And now we turn things over to our compatriot, our fellow New Yorker for the night, Anderson Cooper. AC?