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Post by Mike the Lab Rat »

Abortion is an issue upon which even hardcore, militant Libertarians can't find a definitive position. Some argue that the zygote/fetus/embryo is a person upon conception and therefore abortion is an infringement on its rights. On the other side, some argue that it is NOT a person until some yet-as-to-be-agreed-upon-point (which cannot be determined by libertarian philosophical debate...) and as such, restricting abortion infringes upon the rights of the mother. The few times that folks got into this debate at the LP meetings I attended, I'd listen to both sides for a bit and manage to duck out for a brew.

I wanted to re-visit this little "pearl of wisdom" from our resident knee-jerk curmudgeon:
You can consider yourself some kind of secular moralist till you're fucking blue in the face and it will never change the FACT that your so-called secular morality is founded on a Judeo-Christian system of belief.
Bullshit. My political philosophy stems from a "consenting adults can do whatever the hell they want, read and view whatever the hell they want, so long as they don't infringe upon the rights of other folks in exercising their rights." Judeo-Christianity is the frigging ANTITHESIS of this. Hell, you could argue that Judaism is the first Western religion to come up with "thought crimes," since it came up with sins that involved merely THINKING bad things (coveting, lustful thoughts). Christianity perfected this "fine" tradition, starting with Jesus himself (looking on chicks with lust in your heart is the same as adultery...). Hate-crime legislation - one of the great stupidities of our liberal buddies- would be right up Jesus' alley. Judeo-Christianity has a noble tradition of helping others selflessly, but it also has a horrible penchant for sticking its nose in other folks' business.
THE BIBLE - Because all the works of all the science cannot equal the wisdom of cattle-sacrificing primitives who thought every animal species in the world lived within walking distance of Noah's house.
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Post by Mike the Lab Rat »

mvscal wrote:
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:Because you say so? Right.
It is a simple observation that can be made by anyone who does not have his head stuck up his ass. American culture and the European cultures it derived from are all founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs. It is inescapable.
Actually, you appear to be the one with rectal-cranial issues. Neither our form of government nor its laws are dependent upon Judeo-Christian beliefs. Neither the Jews not the Christians came up with such "rare" and "insightful" concepts such as "murder is wrong" or "theft is wrong." The Romans and the Greeks didn't exactly depend upon the Jews or Christians for their legal codes. English common law, upon which I presume our laws originally originated, pre-dated the introduction of Christianity to Great Britain.
Again a simple observation of fact available to anyone with a shred of intellectual integrity. All law is nothing more than legislated morality and morality in the United States is founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs by virute of our cultural heritage. Cherry picking the behaviors you find acceptable does not change the origin of those prohibitions.
Mmmmm....nope. Once again, there is nothing uniquely Judeo-Christian about laws that keep neighbors from slaying each other, stealing their spouses or property, etc. The fact that the Founders of the Republic were nominally Christian has little or nothing to do with the ultimate source for legal codes which they inherited and largely chose to pass on, often in a cleaned-up more secularized form.
Actually, your dumb ass has been kicked up one end of this thread and down the other.
Delightful. Going to the "scoreboard" card already. Well, that's pretty much your style - chime in on a thread, making half-assed assertions with your own "brilliance" as your only reference, toss in the obligatory invectives, and then claim scoreboard. About the only things you left out of your usual repertoire are the tired "Link?" and the phrase 'clueless dumbfuck.'

Do you have any idea how much of a one-trick pony you've become?
Using a moral argument against the legal enforcement of moral beliefs is quick and effective way to kick your own ass.
Only to someone who can't discern the difference between the non-secular morality of "let it be" and the religious meddling with the freedoms of others. My refusal to allow a set of religious wingnuts (no matter how devout or well-meaning they think they are) to dictate what I do, read, consume, in the privacy of my own home is not an infringement on THEM. People do not have an inalienable right to meddle in the rights of others. THAT is what you fail to comprehend.
mvscal wrote:I would suggest that you are shockingly ignorant of Judeo-Christian belief. Of course, so are many Christians, so the confusion isn't altogether unexpected.
Wow...now you purport to be more knowledgeable about Christianity than many Christians, including myself. Gee...an expert on American history, military strategy, foreign policy, domestic policy, federal law, and now theology and Christian history. Somehow, I'm not buying it. I seriously doubt you bring more to the table with regards to the "Christian belief" topic than your own personal experiences plus a little bit of reading. Hardly makes you more knowledgeable than "many Christians," let alone me.
THE BIBLE - Because all the works of all the science cannot equal the wisdom of cattle-sacrificing primitives who thought every animal species in the world lived within walking distance of Noah's house.
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Post by Mike the Lab Rat »

mvscal wrote:
Mike the Lab Rat wrote: English common law, upon which I presume our laws originally originated, pre-dated the introduction of Christianity to Great Britain.
Wrong. Christianity was firmly entrenched in Britain long before the advent of Common Law. Certainly no less than 400 years and possibly a little over a 1,000 years. English Common Law was, more or less, standardized by William the Conqueror, himself a Christian Lord.
Wrong. What became British Common Law predated the introduction of Christianity by several years. Lots of websites even make a point of posting Jefferson kicking Blackstone's ass on the latter's claim that British Common Law derived from Christianity:
Thomas Jefferson wrote: Letter to Thomas Cooper
Jefferson's letter to Dr. Thomas Cooper, from Monticello, February 10, 1814

. . .

For we know that the common law is that system of law which was introduced by the Saxons on their settlement in England, and altered from time to time by proper legislative authority from that time to the date of Magna Charta, which terminates the period of the common law, or lex non scripta, and commences that of the statute law, or Lex Scripta. This settlement took place about the middle of the fifth century. But Christianity was not introduced till the seventh century; the conversion of the first christian king of the Heptarchy having taken place about the year 598, and that of the last about 686. Here, then, was a space of two hundred years, during which the common law was in existence, and Christianity no part of it. If it ever was adopted, therefore, into the common law, it must have been between the introduction of Christianity and the date of the Magna Charta. But of the laws of this period we have a tolerable collection by Lambard and Wilkins, probably not perfect, but neither very defective; and if any one chooses to build a doctrine on any law of that period, supposed to have been lost, it is incumbent on him to prove it to have existed, and what were its contents. These were so far alterations of the common law, and became themselves a part of it. But none of these adopt Christianity as a part of the common law. If, therefore, from the settlement of the Saxons to the introduction of Christianity among them, that system of religion could not be a part of the common law, because they were not yet Christians, and if, having their laws from that period to the close of the common law, we are all able to find among them no such act of adoption, we may safely affirm (though contradicted by all the judges and writers on earth) that Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law. Another cogent proof of this truth is drawn from the silence of certain writers on the common law. Bracton gives us a very complete and scientific treatise of the whole body of the common law. He wrote this about the close of the reign of Henry III., a very few years after the date of the Magna Charta. We consider this book as the more valuable, as it was written about fore gives us the former in its ultimate state. Bracton, too, was an ecclesiastic, and would certainly not have failed to inform us of the adoption of Christianity as a part of the common law, had any such adoption ever taken place. But no word of his, which intimates anything like it, has ever been cited. Fleta and Britton, who wrote in the succeeding reign (of Edward I.), are equally silent. So also is Glanvil, an earlier writer than any of them, (viz.: temp. H. 2,) but his subject perhaps might not have led him to mention it. Justice Fortescue Aland, who possessed more Saxon learning than all the judges and writers before mentioned put together, places this subject on more limited ground. Speaking of the laws of the Saxon kings, he says, "the ten commandments were made part of their laws, and consequently were once part of the law of England; so that to break any of the ten commandments was then esteemed a breach of the common law, of England; and why it is not so now, perhaps it may be difficult to give a good reason." Preface to Fortescue Aland's reports, xvii. Had he proposed to state with more minuteness how much of the scriptures had been made a part of the common law, he might have added that in the laws of Alfred, where he found the ten commandments, two or three other chapters of Exodus are copied almost verbatim. But the adoption of a part proves rather a rejection of the rest, as municipal law. We might as well say that the Newtonian system of philosophy is a part of the common law, as that the Christian religion is. The truth is that Christianity and Newtonianism being reason and verity itself, in the opinion of all but infidels and Cartesians, they are protected under the wings of the common law from the dominion of other sects, but not erected into dominion over them. An eminent Spanish physician affirmed that the lancet had slain more men than the sword. Doctor Sangrado, on the contrary, affirmed that with plentiful bleedings, and draughts of warm water, every disease was to be cured. The common law protects both opinions, but enacts neither into law.
Once again, there is nothing uniquely Judeo-Christian about laws that keep neighbors from slaying each other, stealing their spouses or property, etc.
That they are not unique to Christianity is irrelevant. They are part of the Judeo-Christian system of ethics.
They are also part of the ethical code of every civilized society, before Christianity was introduced. To claim that generic rules for civic behavior that were/are pretty much accepted across cultures, civilizations, etc. (including the pagan Romans and Greeks) should be attributed to Judeo-Christian culture stretches credibility. The rules would be "inescapable" even if Christianity were never introduced into the culture.

Bring me fundamental laws intrinsic to American law that could ONLY have come from Judeo-Christian culture. Hell, we ignore most of the 10 freaking Commandments in our laws...

mvscal wrote:The ultimate source? What would that be? The Magna Carta? Ever read it? I didn't think so.
Nice straw man you set up there. I never claimed that the Magna Carta was the ultimate source. Nor will I. Pulling a c&p job with it right now pretty much does nothing other than waste bandwidth.
mvscal wrote:The underpinning of our morality is religious. Your inability to recognize this simple fact does not change the veracity of the statement. There is nothing inherently secular about "let it be" nor is there anything inherently religious about "meddling."
Why? Because YOU say so? Thus far, you have done absolutely nothing to support your contention that a libertarian basis for law rests on religious morality, let alone a Judeo-Christian one. The Judeo-Christian ethic most certainly does NOT have "let your neighbor do whatever the hell they want in the privacy of their own home" as something they'd accept. Hell, that faith tradition DEMANDS that it stick its nose in people's bedrooms, tell people what they can drink and when, what they can read, etc. Both the OT and Jesus make a point of admonishing people for THINKING in "bad ways." For you, or anyone, to claim that libertarian thought derives, in any way, from THAT tradition, shows that either you are bored and trolling (my suspicion...) or that you are genuinely ignorant of both Judeo-Christian culture and libertarianism.

Like I said...from the gist of your argument, I just think you're bored and egging this on...
mvscal wrote:You are both factually and conceptually mistaken on that point. As a point of fact, the only inalienable rights you have are the ones you can defend.

Your opinions and your beliefs are not rights inalienable or otherwise. That is what YOU fail to comprehend. People can, have and will continue to "meddle" in the "rights" of others quite legally.
Obviously this is where you and I part ways politically. I side with Jefferson et al. on the notion of inalienable rights. You side with the "I have the guns, so I make the rules" notion of rights. That also happens to be the side that tyrants take. Nice company you keep.
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Post by Dr_Phibes »

give em hell, Mike!
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Post by Mike the Lab Rat »

Dr_Phibes wrote:give em hell, Mike!
"I don't give them Hell. I just tell the truth about them and they think it's Hell."


LabRat's 2nd favorite president (after TJ)
THE BIBLE - Because all the works of all the science cannot equal the wisdom of cattle-sacrificing primitives who thought every animal species in the world lived within walking distance of Noah's house.
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Post by Mike the Lab Rat »

mvscal wrote:
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:Wrong. What became British Common Law predated the introduction of Christianity by several years.
It didn't. Not even close. Jefferson was a very accomplished man, but a poor historian in much the same way that he was an indifferent architect. The date he refers to is the arrival of St. Augustine which was not arrival of Christianity in Britain. Christianity had been thriving in Britain for centuries prior to that. It was suppressed to an extent in Saxon held areas and Augustine reasserted Christian supremecy in those areas.
As you just stated, Christianity was a minor influence at best before Augustine (see, I can google and lift references also!). As a minor influence, it'd hardly be in the position to have had much influence, if any on British Common law.
mvscal wrote:By the time it was standardized by William and set down in the Magna Carta it was thoroughly Christian.
"Thoroughly Christian?" In what way? What specific laws -that are unique to the Judeo-Christian tradition- are you claiming makes Common Law "thoroughly Christian?" And pray tell me, what makes you think that OUR laws keep that dandy tradition going? We have enshrined what...maybe two (or three, if you include the bearing false witness one) Commandments out of TEN in our laws...which also happen to deal with rules that OTHER cultures, prior to the Jewish laws and outside the sphere of Jewish influence also happen to have?

Oooooooh. Quite the heavy Judeo-Christian influence there.

And the religious tolerance thing? Not establishing an official government religion? Yeah, that pretty much sums up the fine Judeo-Christian heritage.

I can't wait to see how laws against double-parking and ripping tags off pillows all derive from Leviticus. (remember, YOU claimed: "All law is nothing more than legislated morality and morality in the United States is founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs by virute of our cultural heritage.")

I have this feeling that eventually, the argument from your side is going to be that our laws derive from "Judeo-Christian traditon" merely because we were founded by cultures that were predominantly Christian in population. If that's the case, throw in the frigging towel. By that standard, iPods derive from Judeo-Christian tradition. So do McDonald's burgers. So do Coke and Pepsi. I could be wrong, however, and you may completely avoid that specious argument completely...
Jefferson was a great man, but he was something of an airheaded idealist. I'm certainly not the first or only person to make that observation.
Gee, mighty big of you of second-guess someone who, -like you- claimed expertise in several areas...but who, unlike you, actually managed to pull them off convincingly. Tossing off the perfunctory "great man" comment while calling him a "poor historian," "indifferent architect," and "airheaded idealist" is laughable. Somehow, the idea of an internet google-expert like yourself passing judgement on TJ doesn't really help your credibility.
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Post by poptart »

Back to Mike's cry of "keep your God out of my government!!!" ...... I want to point out how amazingly imbecilic that is.

The Mayflower Compact, the Declaration, the Constitution, our currency, and many oaths, contain reference to the sovereign authority of God, not sovereignty of the state, or sovereignty of man.

God is mentioned in all 50 state constitution and in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Every one of the 50 state constitutions call on God for support.

Every single American president has referenced God in his inaugural address.

Every Supreme Court session opens with the following .... "Oyez, Oyez, Oyez! All persons having business before the Honorable, the Supreme Court of the United States, are admonished to draw near and give their attention, for the Court is now sitting. God save the United States and the Honorable Court."

And yet in your strange view, a legislator ought not take steps in his duty which are brought on by a trust he has in the wisdom of God rather than man .... ?

Only man's wisdom is allowed in Mikey world.
And better yet, only MIKEY's wisdom is truly money.

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Post by poptart »

Mister Bushice wrote:Early term abortions of a blob are still legal, and I see no problem there, neither does the law. The religious right thinks otherwise, so they are free to not have abortions. See how well it works?

Who are you, God .... ?

There are people who are very strongly of the opinion that any abortion is the taking of a life ..... and the most vulnerable life imaginable.
They believe it is a societies DUTY to protect that innocent life which can not protect itself from those like you who, in their arrogance, see fit to snuff it out.

So many of these people arrive at their take with strong influence from a 'religious' sensibility that they have, and you claim that such a sensibility ought not be allowed.

In light of what I posted above about our countries long history and tradition of acknowledging God and His soveriegnty, your take is just stunningly foolish.
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Post by Mike the Lab Rat »

poptart wrote:Back to Mike's cry of "keep your God out of my government!!!" ...... I want to point out how amazingly imbecilic that is.

The Mayflower Compact, the Declaration, the Constitution, our currency, and many oaths, contain reference to the sovereign authority of God, not sovereignty of the state, or sovereignty of man.
The Mayflower Compact was written before the U.S. was a gleam in anyone's eye (1620). It was written by people who were steeped in a society in which church and state were seemingly inextricably linked....they still executed folks accuse of witchcraft.

There is absolutely NO reference to God in the U.S. Constitution. None. Nada. Zip. No reference to the Judeo-Christian God, "Nature's God," or ANY kind of God. Kind of important when you consider that the Constitution is the actual rulebook on our government.

As far as the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson's reference to "Nature and Nature's God" was in regards to deism, not Judeo-Christianity. The man outright denied the divinity of Christ. The later reference to "with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence" was not something he was happy about adding, but even THAT one doesn't reference Jesus.

Since the addition of "under God" in the Pledge, the "So help me God" ending for judicial oaths of offices, and the "In God We Trust" all got added in the 1950's...I'm guessing that the paranoia about atheism and communism had more to do with the efforts, rather than a sudden religious epiphany and devotion.

And as far as the "In God We Trust" on money being "religious," the federal courts have ruled otherwise:

- "Aronow v. United States," 432 F.2d 242 (1970) in the United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit The court ruled that:
"It is quite obvious that the national motto and the slogan on coinage and currency 'In God We Trust' has nothing whatsoever to do with the establishment of religion. Its use is of patriotic or ceremonial character and bears no true resemblance to a governmental sponsorship of a religious exercise."

"Madalyn Murray O'Hair, et al. v. W. Michael Blumenthal, Secretary of Treasury, et al." 588 F.2d 1144 (1979) in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.
"From this it is easy to deduce that the Court concluded that the primary purpose of the slogan was secular; it served as secular ceremonial purpose in the obviously secular function of providing a medium of exchange. As such it is equally clear that the use of the motto on the currency or otherwise does not have a primary effect of advancing religion."

I've alwys found it ironic that MONEY, the love of which has been declared the root of all evil, has God's name stamped all over it in the U.S. Yeah, considering Jesus's repeated negative statements on wealth, I'm sure He and His Dad really appreciate it...
poptart wrote:God is mentioned in all 50 state constitution and in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Given the time and conditions under which they were written, references to "Almighty God" reflect more of a politically-beneficial and very public bone to toss religious freaks who vote than any sincere reliance on God.

The Pledge of Allegiance reference was added at the inane request of Eisenhower. The original pledge, as written by Bellamy, made no reference to God. In my opinion, the addition of "under God" was goofy, but harmless.
poptart wrote:Every Supreme Court session opens with the following .... "Oyez, Oyez, Oyez! All persons having business before the Honorable, the Supreme Court of the United States, are admonished to draw near and give their attention, for the Court is now sitting. God save the United States and the Honorable Court."

Tradition. Nothing more.

And yet in your strange view, a legislator ought not take steps in his duty which are brought on by a trust he has in the wisdom of God rather than man .... ?

Hardly a "strange" view. Relying solely (or even largely) on a couple thousand year old book of Jewish fairy tales for judicial wisdom in the 21st century isn't much smarter than using it for scientific reference.
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Post by PSUFAN »

What would be the rationale for eliminating the barrier between Church and State? For what reason is that seen as necessary?
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
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Post by poptart »

Mike the Lab Rat wrote:There is absolutely NO reference to God in the U.S. Constitution. None. Nada. Zip. No reference to the Judeo-Christian God, "Nature's God," or ANY kind of God. Kind of important when you consider that the Constitution is the actual rulebook on our government.
Bald-faced lie.

In Article VII, just preceeding the names signed to the document ...................

Done in convention by the unanimous consent of the states present the seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven and of the independence of the United States of America the twelfth.

It might have said, the Lord, but the writers chose instead to say our Lord.
An interesting choice.

Who's Lord .... ?

Our's, ...... We the People, of the United States, in order ..........

Now I expect you to come in and spin that just like you spun the rest of what is right in front of your face.

You'd deny your own foot's up your ass if you thought we were all blind.
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Post by Mike the Lab Rat »

poptart wrote:
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:There is absolutely NO reference to God in the U.S. Constitution. None. Nada. Zip. No reference to the Judeo-Christian God, "Nature's God," or ANY kind of God. Kind of important when you consider that the Constitution is the actual rulebook on our government.
Bald-faced lie.
Nope. Mistake on my part. I didn't consider the section prior to the signatures as part of the U.S. Constitution, seeing as how it's nothing but the frigging date.

HOWEVER it is damned pathetic that the SOLE reference to "the Lord" is in the format for the frigging date...
In Article VII, just preceeding the names signed to the document ...................

Done in convention by the unanimous consent of the states present the seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven and of the independence of the United States of America the twelfth.
poptart wrote:It might have said, the Lord, but the writers chose instead to say our Lord.
An interesting choice.
Not particularly. The abbreviation A.D. means "in the year of Our Lord." It was and is standard, based upon the ethnocentric choice of dating the modern era from the birth of Christ. The choice of phrase reflects a purely traditional and legal turn of phrase and is in no way, shape, or form a sign of particular religious fervor.

poptart wrote:Now I expect you to come in and spin that just like you spun the rest of what is right in front of your face.

You'd deny your own foot's up your ass if you thought we were all blind.
I'd say "nice try," but it wasn't it was a HUGE swing and a miss. I'd say YOU are the one spinning like a dervish here. The very sad, sad fact that you had to resort to a legal phrase used to denote the date (the English translation of anno domini) as your oh-so-epic proof of the U.S. Constitution's use of Judeo-Christian tradition shows how far you deluded Christers will go in trying to justify your pathetic (but fortunately, slipping) hold on American politics and culture. The Enlightenment was hundreds of years ago, yet some of you freaks still live in your "the Earth is only 6,000 years old and was created in six 24-hour days" fantasyland and honestly expect the rest of us to take you seriously.
THE BIBLE - Because all the works of all the science cannot equal the wisdom of cattle-sacrificing primitives who thought every animal species in the world lived within walking distance of Noah's house.
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Post by Mike the Lab Rat »

mvscal wrote:
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:As you just stated, Christianity was a minor influence at best before Augustine (see, I can google and lift references also!). As a minor influence, it'd hardly be in the position to have had much influence, if any on British Common law.
And the backpedalling begins. You said Common Law predated Christianity earlier. You were wrong.

Now you claim it was just a "minor influence"...again you are wrong. I await your next backpedal.
Did you click the link? Read the info? You were right on Christianity being in Great Britain before Common Law...but you are wrong in your claim in it being anything other than a minor influence until Augustine. Until and unless you have evidence that refutes the material in the link, you are still wrong. No backpedal here.

BTW, I am still awaiting ANY proof from you that all our laws derive from Judeo-Christian tradition, as you earlier stated. The word "all" was YOURS. Any deviation from that claim on your part is, in itself, backpedalling on YOUR part.

Spin away.
THE BIBLE - Because all the works of all the science cannot equal the wisdom of cattle-sacrificing primitives who thought every animal species in the world lived within walking distance of Noah's house.
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Post by poptart »

Save it, Mike.
I said,
poptart wrote:The Mayflower Compact, the Declaration, the Constitution, our currency, and many oaths, contain reference to the sovereign authority of God, not sovereignty of the state, or sovereignty of man.
And what I said is true.

Btw, if that phrase was intended for the sole purpose of putting down the date it would have read THE Lord, not OUR Lord.

Big difference in meaning.
They recognized Him as Lord.
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Post by Terry in Crapchester »

mvscal wrote:
PSUFAN wrote:What would be the rationale for eliminating the barrier between Church and State? For what reason is that seen as necessary?
Who is advocating that?
Goodling is only one of 150 graduates of Regent University currently serving in this administration, as Regent's Web site proclaims proudly, a huge number for a 29-year-old school. Regent estimates that "approximately one out of every six Regent alumni is employed in some form of government work." And that's precisely what its founder desired. The school's motto is "Christian Leadership To Change the World," and the world seems to be changing apace. Former Attorney General John Ashcroft teaches at Regent, and graduates have achieved senior positions in the Bush administration. The express goal is not only to tear down the wall between church and state in America (a "lie of the left," according to Robertson) but also to enmesh the two.
http://www.au.org/site/News2?page=NewsA ... _ctrl=1081
Inhofe said Religious Right activists should not be deterred by concerns about church-state separation.

" That's the phoniest argument there is," he said. "This whole nation was founded as one nation under God."
http://www.yuricareport.com/Dominionism ... rm2002.pdf

Under the heading "Free Exercise of Religion" at the bottom of Page 6.

Just for starters.
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Post by Dinsdale »

poptart wrote:Every one of the 50 state constitutions call on God for support.
I'm not familiar with the Constitutions of all 50 states. I'm fairly familiar with one of them, though.

The Oregon Constitution wrote:We the people of the State of Oregon to the end that Justice be established, order maintained, and liberty perpetuated, do ordain this Constitution

OK, so now that we've established that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about...

You do realize that the "under God" part of the Pledge was strongarmed in by some radicals who were on a witchhunt...in the mid-20th Century, right?

So, any other lies and half-truths you'd like to bring up to support your agenda?

And you wonder why "you people" are so heavily ridiculed? Think maybe it has to do with the "compulsive lying to promote our cause" bit?

And yet in your strange view, a legislator ought not take steps in his duty which are brought on by a trust he has in the wisdom of God rather than man .... ?

I'm sooooo glad you left my country, you fucking nutcase. Hey, how about elected REPRESENTITIVES go by the will of their CONSTITUENTS, rather than his percetions of "devine right"?

They have another name for those who believe their voice in their head diety is the word that everyone should live by...

They call those people "insane."

Get help, dude...seriously.

And quit trying to undermine the United States of America. There are some of us who will only take so much of that, before you are prosecuted and punished for being traitors.
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Post by Mike the Lab Rat »

poptart wrote:Save it, Mike.
I said,
poptart wrote:The Mayflower Compact, the Declaration, the Constitution, our currency, and many oaths, contain reference to the sovereign authority of God, not sovereignty of the state, or sovereignty of man.
And what I said is true.

Btw, if that phrase was intended for the sole purpose of putting down the date it would have read THE Lord, not OUR Lord.

Big difference in meaning.
They recognized Him as Lord.
Here ya go, Sparky:

http://europeanhistory.about.com/od/ref ... g/glad.htm
Definition: 1. Abbreviation for Anno Domini - Latin for The Year Of Our Lord - used in the Gregorian Calendar to refer to the current era. A date such as 1945 A.D. literally means 'the 1945th year of our lord', the lord in question being Jesus Christ, providing a religious context and clearly distinguishing the time from an earlier era, where B.C is used instead. The use of A.D. was popularised by Bede.
Modern historical research suggests the current A.D. date is actually wrong, as Jesus was born 4-7 years earlier than the year 1 date the Gregorian Calendar works from. However, in the modern age the actual meaning of A.D. is widely forgotten or misunderstood and the term simply signifies a different era from B.C.

Increasingly replaced with C.E.
or how 'bout this:

The noun anno Domini has one meaning:

Meaning #1: in the year of Our Lord; date used in reckoning dates after the supposed year Christ was born, "in AD 200"

Synonyms: AD, A.D.
BTW, I find it curious that if our Founders were as educated as we know they were and also as devoutly Christian as you claim them to be...wouldn't they prefer to refer to Jesus as THE Lord, since, according to Christians, Jesus is the ONLY Son of God (who is also the ONLY God). You make it sound like they picked Jesus off of a list of possible Lords.

The fact, 'thumper, is that our Founders were doing nothing more than using the specific, traditional formal way of contractually listing the date. Nothing more. Trying to spin it into some grand proof of our Founders' devotion to Christ is truly pathetic and sad on so many levels...
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Post by Dinsdale »

poptart wrote:the Declaration...contain reference to the sovereign authority of God

Oh my goodness.

Actually, you bigotted, brainwashed tard...it says exactly the opposite.

Tell me you knew?

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

Fuuuuuuck....you probably better drop to your knees and BEG the Lord for forgiveness, since you clearly implied that God is governed by Man.

Fuckin'A, is God gonna be piiiiiiissed at you.

Or, did you not really mean that, and that was merely a result of you having no fucking idea what you're talking about?

Somebody let me know when "those people" stop lying to get their 10%.
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Post by Mike the Lab Rat »

And before the various tangents get too far out of hand...

This debate took off when mvscal made this preposterous claim:
mvscal wrote:All law is nothing more than legislated morality and morality in the United States is founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs by virute of our cultural heritage. Cherry picking the behaviors you find acceptable does not change the origin of those prohibitions.
(his words, emphasis added by me)

He came right out and stated that ALL law...not most, not many...ALL law is "nothing more than legislated morality."

He then added the delightful part that the aformentioned morality is founded on Judeo-Christian belief.

No nods to the Romans, Greeks, Babylonians, or plain old common frigging sense. mvscal credits the sum and entirety of ALL American law solely to Judeo-Christian tradition.

All the wonderful googling and wikipedia searching we've been doing about when Christianity and Common Law hit Britain is nothing more than one of those typical strategies we've seen on these boards at one point or another - namely, pick one strand of an argument, make THAT the new focus point for debate, try to eke out a victory on this tangential thread and claim scoreboard on the whole matter. Along the way, mischaracterize the opponent's arguments little by little so that they wind up defending a parody of their original statements.

Problem is...as someone who has seen this in board debatestime and again, I'm not going to play along. At no point have I denied that the majority of the Founding Fathers were (at least nominally) Christian nor have I denied that some Christian rules were made into law. My contention is that Judeo-Christian tradition was not the SOLE origin for America's laws (as mvscal claims) and that FURTHERMORE (as I stated earlier) that any CURRENT laws that do come solely from Judeo-Christian laws and are nothing more than religious edicts meant to enforce Christian behavior through force of law (e.g. consensual sodomy laws, laws against homosexuality, laws against alcohol use/purchase, Blue Laws, etc.) should be overturned. Their overturning would be on the basis that government has no place imposing and/or enforcing purely religious rules. Local, state, and federal government do not serve as the "Arm of God" and have no business imposing purely religious laws.

For anyone to claim that I ever argued that our Founders were not Christian or that there were NO laws that reflect the Christian origin of the original settlers and Founders of our nation is a deliberate mischaracterization. then again, if that's what some folks have to do to claim "scoreboard," it just makes it all the more pathetic.
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King John of England,
King Louis IX of France,
Hugo Grotius,
Sir William Blackstone,
John Marshall,
and Napoleon.
With all the horseshit around here, you'd think there'd be a pony somewhere.
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Post by poptart »

MtLR wrote:I find it curious that if our Founders were as educated as we know they were and also as devoutly Christian as you claim them to be
I never claimed that, and you and Dinsy have gotten predictably hysterical at the thought that some legislators are influenced or guided by a conscience grounded in their faith in Almighty God.

It is perfectly normal and acceptable for a legislator to be guided and influenced by his faith, no matter how long and hard you two cry over it.
And that has been my point from the start.

Oregon Constitution:
Section 2. Freedom of worship. All men shall be secure in the Natural right, to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences.

Interesting that the Oregon Constitution doesn't say a god, but Almighty God.

Interesting choice of words, when it would have been so very easy to make god into a generic god.
But no, Almighty God.

poptart said (and Dinsy freaked out over it): the Declaration...contain reference to the sovereign authority of God.

And it does, of course.

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Our country was founded with a deep and profound understanding that it was God who was the originator of everything.
It is quite franky surreal for anyone to suggest that a legislator is somehow wrong or out of bounds to call upon his own faith conscience.

Mike, as I said, I knew you would come back spinning on the manner in which the Constitution was signed. I'm not interested in getting into a back-and-forth over it. I could put up my own links and discussion showing that the signers definitely knew why they were signing it in that manner, and as the entire document was very carefully crafted, so was the signing portion.

It is what it is.
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Post by Mister Bushice »

poptart wrote:
Mister Bushice wrote:Early term abortions of a blob are still legal, and I see no problem there, neither does the law. The religious right thinks otherwise, so they are free to not have abortions. See how well it works?

Who are you, God .... ?

There are people who are very strongly of the opinion that any abortion is the taking of a life ..... and the most vulnerable life imaginable.
They believe it is a societies DUTY to protect that innocent life which can not protect itself from those like you who, in their arrogance, see fit to snuff it out.

So many of these people arrive at their take with strong influence from a 'religious' sensibility that they have, and you claim that such a sensibility ought not be allowed.

In light of what I posted above about our countries long history and tradition of acknowledging God and His soveriegnty, your take is just stunningly foolish.
you're forgetting a few things

1. roe v wade. It is still law.
2. roe v wade gives a women personal freedom of choice for what she believes. The anti abortion people want to take those rights away for what THEY believe. You see a major difference in focus here?

So again, for those who wish to control others, you should form your own society or group, and don't allow the practices you abhor to occur within it. You can't control all of human kind with your religious beliefs, it will not happen.

Despite this countries religious history ( and 200 years isn't long at all), the makeup of the country has changed. It is no longer dominated by WASPs. christianity is now a choice, not a social focus. And that change has happened just over the last 4 decades.

You can't possibly look around and think that christianity still has the power it once did in this country to change social behavior.
to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God
Natures god is not specified to be Mans god or the Christian god. Thus the wording. It can be interpreted by any culture to be anything without offending or categorizing.

endowed by their Creator [/quote]

Again, no real reference here to a Christian god. A creator is not strictly a religious figure.

You're really stretching here to make a point that just does not exist. The fact is that the wording of the above was a compromise between the religious and non religious founding fathers. Those that wanted specific religious references really did not get their way.
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Post by poptart »

Mister Bushice wrote:1. roe v wade. It is still law.
2. roe v wade gives a women personal freedom of choice for what she believes. The anti abortion people want to take those rights away for what THEY believe. You see a major difference in focus here?
And you are willing to take away life (or what is, at the very least, clearly destined to be life) for what you believe.
Since neither side can positively prove that it is/isn't a living being, why not err on the side of safety ..... and let it live on ... ?
Snuffing it out for the sake of selfish convenience is the worst possible choice to make.
It's a fucking disgrace.

You're really stretching here to make a point that just does not exist.
The point is blatantly obvious.
The country has a Judeo-Christian heritage.
Anyone denying it is a brain-dead fuck.

Get over it.
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Post by RadioFan »

poptart wrote:It is quite franky surreal for anyone to suggest that a legislator is somehow wrong or out of bounds to call upon his own faith conscience.
I laughed.

The last time anyone in D.C. had any notion of that concept was before your or I were born, at best.
Van wrote:It's like rimming an unbathed fat chick from Missouri. It's highly distinctive, miserably unforgettable and completely wrong.
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Post by Mike the Lab Rat »

poptart wrote:The point is blatantly obvious.
The country has a Judeo-Christian heritage.
Anyone denying it is a brain-dead fuck.

Get over it.
Heritage, yes. But then again that heritage included religious tests for public office, black slavery, indentured servitude, forcing people to attend the state-sponsored church or face fines and/or imprisonment (big in Virginia), only allowing white males who owned a minimum amount of property to vote, etc.

As Bushice pointed out, that time is -thankfully- long over. Anyone arguing otherwise is a...how did you put it? a "brain dead fuck."

It's the 21st century, and our society has recognized that civil government has absolutely NO place enacting and/or enforcing purely religious rules governing consensual adult behaviors. The government does not serve Christ or God. It serves to protect the rights of its citizens, by enacting and enforcing laws that keep us from infringing on each other's personal and property rights, keeping us safe from domestic and foreign threats, dealing with commerce and taxation, etc.

Jesus/God is not the President, does not serve in Congress, and does not sit on the Supreme Court. The wisdom of man, as fallible as it is, is what these areas of government serve. Jesus is the personal savior for folks, not our national lawmaker.

And frankly, considering that the "wisdom of God" included such "wise" pronouncements as killing disobedient children, killing witches, not making cloth from two kinds of material, not allowing women to speak in church, etc., maybe the wisdom of man is not as half-assed as Christers think.
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Post by poptart »

As far as agreeing with you, I'm in your neighborhood, but just not at your front door.

Imagine what it would be like if we REALLY disagreed.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Mike the Lab Rat wrote:And frankly, considering that the "wisdom of God" included such "wise" pronouncements as killing disobedient children, killing witches, not making cloth from two kinds of material, not allowing women to speak in church, etc., maybe the wisdom of man is not as half-assed as Christers think.

B-B-B-B-B-but....that's not what it MEANT!
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Post by Terry in Crapchester »

Mike the Lab Rat wrote:Some argue that the zygote/fetus/embryo is a person upon conception and therefore abortion is an infringement on its rights. On the other side, some argue that it is NOT a person until some yet-as-to-be-agreed-upon-point (which cannot be determined by libertarian philosophical debate...) and as such, restricting abortion infringes upon the rights of the mother. The few times that folks got into this debate at the LP meetings I attended, I'd listen to both sides for a bit and manage to duck out for a brew.
One's viewpoint as to whether a zygote/embryo/fetus is a person upon conception is usually (not always, but usually) influenced by one's religious beliefs. But whether it is a person is one thing, whether it is a citizen is quite another. Imho, the Constitution answers the latter question rather definitively in the negative:
The Fourteenth Amendment wrote:All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.
In other words, while life may begin at conception, citizenship does not begin until birth (at the earliest). If the unborn are not citizens, in this case their rights cannot be infringed.

The right of the state to protect unborn life, OTOH, is a different matter.
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mvscal wrote:
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:And frankly, considering that the "wisdom of God" included such "wise" pronouncements as killing disobedient children, killing witches, not making cloth from two kinds of material, not allowing women to speak in church, etc., maybe the wisdom of man is not as half-assed as Christers think.
The "wisdom of God" is the wisdom of man, idiot.

(that was fun)
mvscal wrote:Religion and law serve the same sociological purpose of regulating the behavior of individual members of society. That they are inextricably linked should be apparent to anyone who can fire three brain cells.
Up to a point.

Tell me, genius - since you have declared that ALL law is morality-derived and that the laws of the U.S. in specific are derived from Judeo-Christian tradition, how come you've YET to prove that point. You keep ignoring my requests for proof. Convenient.

C'mon mvs, step up to the plate and put up or shut up.

Parallel parking? Banning trans fats in restaurants? The restrictions placed on communication of medical info? Not being allowed to shoot game from a moving vehicle? Not being allowed to possess or smoke marijuana? Having to stop at a red light or stop sign even if there isn't another moving vehicle for miles?

Elucidate for us how each of these derive directly from Judeo-Christian morality/religion/tradition.

And remember, you're not allowed, by your own rules to "cherry pick" which ones are "morality." Please, enlighten us with your all-encompassing knowledge, and please, please prove that you're not just another internet blowhard talking out his ass with hyperbolic claims.
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Post by PSUFAN »

Tell me you're not equating Christianity directly with morality.

One may act morally without acting according to the dictates of a particular religion.

As a matter of fact, consider (theoretically!!) the humble IRIE LAGOS, holding his ruined junk in one hand, and a condom in another. He's in a quandary, and his head aches. He can either hand his meth dealer the condom and prevent his wife conceiving a child...sounds moral to me. OR, he can chew it up like a gummy bear, fire up some meth, and watch the show...and since there's no birth control used, the Pope, raising his head from his own iniquities, nods his assent and mouths "Ja, meiner Sohn"
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Post by Mike the Lab Rat »

mvscal wrote:We can continue this conversation once you obtain a better understanding of morality.
We can continue this conversation once you actually defend the idiotic statement you made, instead of deliberately choosing to ignore it.

It is, to quote Zappa, the "crux of the biscuit."

You dug your own hole, sport.
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PSUFAN wrote:Tell me you're not equating Christianity directly with morality.
I think he's equating "moral ethics" or morality with law.
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Post by Terry in Crapchester »

mvscal wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote: If the unborn are not citizens, in this case their rights cannot be infringed.
That doesn't seem to stop handwringing faggots like you from sucking off the scumfucks at GITMO, does it?
Of course, there is this "quaint" little thing called the Geneva Convention . . .
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Post by Cuda »

1. According to the Geneva Conventions, POW's are held unti the end of hostilities. Since neither Chimpy nor anybody else seems to have the balls to settle this thingie in a nuclear fashion, that means the war is going to last 20... 30... maybe 50 or more years. The shit-flinging monkeys @ GITMO might as well get used to the idea that they're there for the duration.

2. Also, according to the Geneva Conventions,non-uniformed combatatants, may be summarily executed as spies. The reason for this is to give the combatants incentive to fucking WEAR UNIFORMS so that everybody can be totally motherfucking clear who is at war with whom. The shit-flinging monkeys @ GITMO should be thanking allah- or whatever the fuck it is they bow down to- that Chimpy is too fucking stupid to realize this, as well as pray that he doesn't suddenly wise up and slaughter their sub-human asses
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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You mean Hollywood LIED to us all these years?

WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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Post by Diogenes »

PSUFAN wrote:What would be the rationale for eliminating the barrier between Church and State? For what reason is that seen as necessary?

Because the rational behind Reynolds vs US is as anachronistic as Plessy vs Ferguson.

Thanks for playing.

As far as the orginal basis of this thread...

Let's not forget about the guy who made it what it is.


Mike the Lab Rat wrote:I was thinking along the generic banning of intoxicants like alcohol, laws against consensual adult sodomy (basically, defined as "anything not heterosexual missionary position intercouse by Dio in one debate I had with him...), and Blue Laws.
Since I never said that I'll assume you are mistaken and not just lying.

Or not.
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Diogenes wrote:Since I never said that I'll assume you are mistaken and not just lying.
I could very well have been mistaken. It could have been Scanner. I get you and Norm mixed up, as you both made a lot of the same basic arguments...

You, however, tended to be more rational and stayed away from referring to everyone as "apostates."

And, AFAIK, you don't have an Ann Coulter fixation.

That quirk of Norm's always just creeped me out.
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Mike the Lab Rat wrote:
Diogenes wrote:Since I never said that I'll assume you are mistaken and not just lying.
I could very well have been mistaken. It could have been Scanner.

Fair enough.

You, however, tended to be more rational and stayed away from referring to everyone as "apostates."

I perfer heathens.

But then again, I'm a heretic myself.

And, AFAIK, you don't have an Ann Coulter fixation.
Personally I just like the way she makes lefties' heads explode. I'm much more fixated on the local bartendress myself.
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Post by Mikey »

At this point most people just ignore her.

I'll have to admit, though, she's pretty good a making conservatives in general come across as a bunch of knuckle dragging idiots.
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