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Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:47 pm
by Goober McTuber
So you’re saying that if Rhode Island had just as many murders as New York, New York would have the lower per capita rate? Yeah, you’re a stinking genius.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:58 pm
by trev
I hope it's a very long time before this country sees a female as president. I haven't seen any female politician capable of that job yet.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 3:12 pm
by Goober McTuber
trev wrote:I hope it's a very long time before this country sees a female as president. I haven't seen any female politician capable of that job yet.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 1:17 am
by Cicero
I hope the Dems arent that stupid to elect a Hillary/Obama ticket. This election is gift wrapped for them but if they trot out that duo they dont have a shot in hell.

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:47 am
by Moving Sale
Terry in Crapchester wrote: In that regard, I'm not looking so much at the 2nd Amendment as the 4th and 14th.
Federal gun laws are not Constitutional unless they are regulating Interstate Commerce. State gun laws are Federally Constitutional unless they somehow violate the 14th Amendment or the Dormant Commerce Clause.

It’s better have it and not need to kill a jackboot than not have it and need to kill a jackboot.

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:42 pm
by Dinsdale
Moving Sale wrote:It’s better have it and not need to kill a jackboot than not have it and need to kill a jackboot.


Are you implying that the People give the government rights, rather than the other way around?

Wow, what a novel concept.

If no one is planning on sending out the jackboots, they shouldn't worry about an armed citizenry, eh?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 5:20 pm
by Dinsdale
Dinsdale wrote:On 6/21/1942, the Japs attempted a stealth attack in an effort to soften up the defenses, and be able to get an inland passgae via the Columbia. Ft Stevens was fairly well armed with artillary, and the weak attack was quickly thwarted. It was the only attack on a mainland US base in WW2.

It's actually the only attack on a mainland US Military base since the War of 1812.

And if you want to get really technical, the shelling started just before midnight, which makes today the 65th anniversary.

Decent story from the paper, on the odd chance anyone gives a shit. ... thispage=1

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:09 pm
by Cuda
Terry in Crapchester wrote:
What I was trying to get at was, that as a populous state, New York would be less hurt in a statistical analysis of violent crime by a number of violent crimes than would most other states.
And yet New York is always one of the leaders in the national crime stats- regardless whether or not you use per-capita, or overall numbers.

Do you KYOA this often and this thouroughly in the courtroom?