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Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:04 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Dinsdale wrote:I've been playing poker (REAL poker, not that silly version of Gut known as Hold Em... which is child's play to a real player), since you were in diapers.

I was playing poker when I was in diapers, so I am not sure that means very much. I know how people on here like to exaggerate and tell lies, I mean, it is the internet. It's what you're supposed to do.

But for real... my parents were big-time gamblers (~~I know, I know, shocker~~) and I was playing penny poker by age 7. Real poker. 5/7 card stud, draw poker (jacks or better to open, trips to win) Shit like that...

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:30 pm
by Goober McTuber
That’s nothing, ucant. I started playing cards the day I came home from the hospital. I had to play strip-poker with my ma just to get a shot at the teat. Top that.

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:46 pm
by Dinsdale
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote: But for real... my parents were big-time gamblers (~~I know, I know, shocker~~) and I was playing penny poker by age 7. Real poker. 5/7 card stud, draw poker (jacks or better to open, trips to win) Shit like that...

Fuck, if we're going to get all truthful and shit... I started at a pretty young age. And spent a really huge percentage of my young adulthood cruising for games. Learned a lot by getting my clock cleaned by older, more experienced players.

And one of the few joys of aging... now, it's my turn.

If your resume is as you claim, I'm sure you see teh funnay in the latest craze generated by televised Hold Em(kids' game), and how everybody is now an expert player, who has been "playing forever." I find that odd, since 20+ years ago, it was a chore to find experienced players to sit in with. Although there's definitely some pockets of old schoolers around... a surefire way to get clowned for your cayshe is to underestimate your opponent.

But I really dig this "I saw it on ESPN, I'm an expert. I even know the cool terminology" craze. It's been quite profitable.

I do occasionally play a home game Hold Em tourney, which has really grown huge. These diehards go twice a week. They make it fairly low buy-in($10, although I think they altered the rebuy/addon setup since I last went), so as to attract more people and make it a little lower stress. But these fuckers sometimes get crowds of over 20, which makes for a crazy home game(and a loooong, late game if the good players are serious about winning the cash). There can be $300 bones or more by the time the all-inners get done rebuying... worth winning, for sure. This game offers a unique challenge -- everyone who ever attends is a world-class pothead/grower, and it's their social outlet to show off the chrinic weed they scored/grew. When everyone in attendence has smoked a boatload for hours, it makes it awfully hard to read the pie-eyed faces, and gibberish coming from their mouths. Always a good time in that game. A couple of the regulars are extremely good players, and a good chunk are tards. The t=donks are usually dispatched pretty quickly, which is no suprise when you get experienced players who make more money at the cardrooms than they do at their jobs playing against bar-league players, or TV-experts. But a few of them seem to be learning from their mistakes, and some of the really badass players take the time to explain why they just got gutted(THAT'S confidence in your game).

I actually played so much for so many years and years, I even took a coupla year hiatus from poker. I've been back for awhile, since the television donks have made it so profitable. Never been a big fan of Hold Em, or any other shared-card game, but I've adapted, since that's where the money is.

But since we're getting all truthful and shit...sitting at a table for 10+ hours multiple times a week used to be my deal... for a long time. I still enjoy it, and as time goes by, I'm getting more and more back in. But it's not one of my great passions like it once was. I don't get all bummed out if I miss a big game, and can take it or leave it most of the time... unless I'm drunk. Then, bring it on...all comers. I think I can actually do better with a little buzz, since I'm more likely to back off the intense focus, and kind of start babbling about something completely irrelevant... which if you've ever noticed, is Doyle's strength -- he keeps the other players focused on his stories and his banter, and the next thing they know, they just got took. I don't need to focus that hard on how to play my hand -- that's second-nature anymore. The truly elite players dominate the mental game, which there's so much to. The math part is easy.

Man, this place needs a poker forum.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 1:26 pm
by OCmike
Dinsdale: I once pushed all-in on a straight bluff with 7-2 offsuit and the flop came 2-2-2. I won over $2000 on that hand alone.

Ucant: Everyone knows that the Poker Gods reward stupidity. Besides, that just proves that you’re a donk.

Dinsdale: Well, you’re an über-donk. And I’ve been playing since I was a toddler.

UCant: Yeah, I was playing $300 no-limit at Foxwoods when I was just a fetus.

Dinsdale: Fetus? I was pushing all in on pocket rockets when I was just a zygote!

UCant: The only thing pushing all in when you were a zygote was the cock of whichever sailor your Mom brought home from the bar that night.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 3:42 pm
by buckeye_in_sc
Poker forum...BWAH RACK...

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 4:15 pm
by SunCoastSooner
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:Because if'n I'm not mistaken.
Don't worry. You are. Other people refer to it by his name because it was a topic in his book:

Another hand known as a "Doyle Brunson," especially in Texas, is the Ace and Queen of any suit because, as he says on page 519 of the Super/System, he "never plays this hand."
A lot of players don't play this hand.

It was rated the most hated hand during this years WPT tour. A couple of my friends hate it as well.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 4:31 pm
by SunCoastSooner
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:So, your post tends to confirm that no one bedides Doyle Brunson calls a AQ a doyle.

I'm sorry... that's ^^ terrible.

In his book, he talked about his hesitancy regarding playing that starting hand. Which is total bullshit, because I've seen him play it. But that is neither here nor there as that's NOT what we're debating.

Light coming on yet?

What we ARE debating is... who exactly calls it that. If you go out and buy his book, I can guarantee you there's no chapter called "My Other Doyle Hand -- A Q."

Moreover... it's the dumb ass poker announcers like McEachern, Chad, Van Patten, etc who worship the old fart and suck his cock at every opportunity who call the A Q "The Other Doyle."

Lastly... I will play you or any other cunt registered here anyday, anytime... The difference between you and me is... I actually play in tournaments at casinos (Foxwoods and The Sun are 1.5 hr drives away) all of the time. I will take your lunch money and then some.
I'll take that bet anytime. I prefer a full table or a tourny cause heads up is just heads cards not poker.

Since you want to laude your poker playing skills to all us "cunts"... I play in at least 4 tournaments a month over in Biloxi (usually the Beau Rivage but occasionally the Isle as well), I prefer freeze outs personally. I claimed just over 33k last year from playing poker on my taxes. That was done only being able to occasionally sneak off because I was not allowed to travel most of last year due to my illness. The dealers at both the Beau and IOC know me by name and face and often refer to me kindly as Santa Clause because of a cap I wear when the holiday season comes out.

I play in a free roll league where I finish in the top 10 out of just over 2,000 players in two cities every quarter since I joined 2 years ago.

I've sat at tables with Daniel Negreanu, John Bonetti, Scott Clements, and Ted Lawson and done more than just hold my own.

I know that Dins plays poker pretty frequently as well. Dins and I may piss in each others post toasties about anything under the sun we can find but I've never had that occasion in the poker forum.

Frankly, any table any time....
Any table any time....

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 4:33 pm
by SunCoastSooner
Dinsdale wrote:
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote: Lastly... I will play you or any other cunt registered here anyday, anytime... The difference between you and me is... I actually play in tournaments at casinos (Foxwoods and The Sun are 1.5 hr drives away) all of the time. I will take your lunch money and then some.

Go ahead and keep thinking that, bud.

I've been playing poker (REAL poker, not that silly version of Gut known as Hold Em... which is child's play to a real player), since you were in diapers.

OK, the "diapers" was a bad example, since people who took up the game last week have the same distinction.
Exactly... I started at 12 with my grandfather and his friends at the warehouse over the summers. It's more than Hold 'em. I actually prefer a little seven card stud and even on occasion to liven things up a little no peak.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 4:35 pm
by SunCoastSooner
Dinsdale wrote:
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote: But for real... my parents were big-time gamblers (~~I know, I know, shocker~~) and I was playing penny poker by age 7. Real poker. 5/7 card stud, draw poker (jacks or better to open, trips to win) Shit like that...

Fuck, if we're going to get all truthful and shit... I started at a pretty young age. And spent a really huge percentage of my young adulthood cruising for games. Learned a lot by getting my clock cleaned by older, more experienced players.

And one of the few joys of aging... now, it's my turn.

If your resume is as you claim, I'm sure you see teh funnay in the latest craze generated by televised Hold Em(kids' game), and how everybody is now an expert player, who has been "playing forever." I find that odd, since 20+ years ago, it was a chore to find experienced players to sit in with. Although there's definitely some pockets of old schoolers around... a surefire way to get clowned for your cayshe is to underestimate your opponent.

But I really dig this "I saw it on ESPN, I'm an expert. I even know the cool terminology" craze. It's been quite profitable.

I do occasionally play a home game Hold Em tourney, which has really grown huge. These diehards go twice a week. They make it fairly low buy-in($10, although I think they altered the rebuy/addon setup since I last went), so as to attract more people and make it a little lower stress. But these fuckers sometimes get crowds of over 20, which makes for a crazy home game(and a loooong, late game if the good players are serious about winning the cash). There can be $300 bones or more by the time the all-inners get done rebuying... worth winning, for sure. This game offers a unique challenge -- everyone who ever attends is a world-class pothead/grower, and it's their social outlet to show off the chrinic weed they scored/grew. When everyone in attendence has smoked a boatload for hours, it makes it awfully hard to read the pie-eyed faces, and gibberish coming from their mouths. Always a good time in that game. A couple of the regulars are extremely good players, and a good chunk are tards. The t=donks are usually dispatched pretty quickly, which is no suprise when you get experienced players who make more money at the cardrooms than they do at their jobs playing against bar-league players, or TV-experts. But a few of them seem to be learning from their mistakes, and some of the really badass players take the time to explain why they just got gutted(THAT'S confidence in your game).

I actually played so much for so many years and years, I even took a coupla year hiatus from poker. I've been back for awhile, since the television donks have made it so profitable. Never been a big fan of Hold Em, or any other shared-card game, but I've adapted, since that's where the money is.

But since we're getting all truthful and shit...sitting at a table for 10+ hours multiple times a week used to be my deal... for a long time. I still enjoy it, and as time goes by, I'm getting more and more back in. But it's not one of my great passions like it once was. I don't get all bummed out if I miss a big game, and can take it or leave it most of the time... unless I'm drunk. Then, bring it on...all comers. I think I can actually do better with a little buzz, since I'm more likely to back off the intense focus, and kind of start babbling about something completely irrelevant... which if you've ever noticed, is Doyle's strength -- he keeps the other players focused on his stories and his banter, and the next thing they know, they just got took. I don't need to focus that hard on how to play my hand -- that's second-nature anymore. The truly elite players dominate the mental game, which there's so much to. The math part is easy.

Man, this place needs a poker forum.
ESPN is the worst thing that ever happened to poker :-(... Lets celebrate poor poker skills and run a high light reel of every suck out and donkey win we can find... :brad:

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 4:37 pm
by Dinsdale
SunCoastSooner wrote:no peak.

I love no peekey. Doing the dealer call thing, my friends HATE it when I call no peak. Totally different game... totally.

Absolutely no bluffing in no peak. Strictly a game of math. And if it's baseball, or has a wild or two, those with the poor math/counting ability get killed.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 4:53 pm
by OCmike
SunCoastSooner wrote:
ESPN is the worst thing that ever happened to poker :-(... Lets celebrate poor poker skills and run a high light reel of every suck out and donkey win we can find... :brad:
Agreed. Well played hands that don't go all the way to the river make for poor tv. They'd much rather show the thrill of victory/agony of defeat as some guy with AA loses an all in to some schmuck who called with k-j offsuit and makes a straight.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 5:04 pm
by RumpleForeskin
I played a 35 man $50 buy in NL Hold'em tourney Tusday night. I never saw a pocket pair above the hooks and never saw Big whoopie and I managed to finish 3rd. I think at one point I folded close to 20 hands in a row b/c I observed a lot of aggression.

What I always tend to do is see how agressive the betting is and then I will play to the style that will get me far. If I see a lot of sharks out there, then I will hang back and grind it out as long as need be. If I see everybody hangin' back, then I'll try and attack with a couple of bluffs to ACT as if I am the table bully, but once people get frustrated and start calling, I will hang back.

This formula has worked for me a lot this past year because I am seeing more and more aggression at the tables with these fish. Hold'em is becoming a joke though. I like the cash games that induces more math skills when dealer calls it.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 5:07 pm
by buckeye_in_sc
that is why they replay the Hellmuth tirade from 2 years ago so much...I mean if you know anything about Poker Hellmuth is not going to make many moves early in a tournament without the he re-pops you with his AK and you re-pop all in with K/J off and a jack peels off on the river...i mean you seriously in that situation thought your K/J was good enough to repop all in against a player who is know as a weak tight player???

I mean from the weak tight angle I guess...but come one man...he more than likely is holding a deece ACE (AK, AQ, AJ at worst) and or maybe QQ, KK, JJ, etc...but people want to bag on hellmuth for going ballistic but I agreed with his tirade...

in fact last week...1/2 Cash Game...I squeeze AA in middle position...a raise to $8 ahead of me...I re-pop to $20...comes back around to the guy...he re-raises all in (about $23 more)...I insta call...I had about $260 in front of me...he tables..JJ, I table AA...flop comes 10,10, rag, turn brick...river JACK...granted nothing really wrong with his play...but...still sucks to get your aces cracked nonetheless...

hey we have a poker forum...i wish we could see more discussion like this...

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:14 pm
by Goober McTuber
Nothing like a nice drunken game of Indian Poker.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:35 pm
by Ken
Jsc810 wrote:We should have an actual poker game, and I would be happy to beat you fools and teach you how to play it. :P
We're not talking about doctors and nurses prodding, stabbing, and jabbing weekly, right? Just want to make sure you're on the same page.