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Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:34 am
by War Wagon
Toddowen wrote:Personally, I would be for allowing him to play this year...
But then again you're a dumbfuck, so trust me when I say that nobody cares what you think.

Feel the love, Todd.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:49 am
by Jack


I consider you to be a highly intelligent and knowledgeable troll.

You figure it out!

Everyone has a turning point – a time in life where something has to
change, a time when something has to be done differently than it had
been previously. These are the times in life that are critical to the welfare of
one’s soul, and puts all that we are and all that we want to be to the test.


Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:58 am
by Jack
War Wagon wrote:
Jack wrote: I am just saying show some mercy, let go of your own anger and move on.
Are you on drugs?

I'm not angry with Vick. I just don't give a shit about Vick one way or the other. He broke the law, got caught, and now has to pay the price. End of story.

What, I'm supposed to feel some sympathy for the dumbfuck?
No, not on drugs!

Think about what he did. He is PITIFUL!! I agree that he broke the law and should pay the price. He shouldn't be molly coddled. He should be suspended from the NFL and sent to prison.

However, if we are to be an intelligent society. He also needs to be given a chance at redemption.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:48 pm
by Goober McTuber

Props on your new and unimproved tard persona. Please fuck off and die.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 2:55 pm
by Felix
"You could have robbed banks, sold dope or stole your grandma's pension checks and none of us would have minded, but killing dogs, man, that's un-American!"

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 11:58 pm
by smackaholic
forfeiting his salary for this year alone ain't good enough. He should have to turn over the large majority of his salary for a minimum of 5 years.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:57 am
by BSmack
Toddowen wrote:Ah...but what does that matter? We can just keep on forgiving him...
A nice jumping off point.

Forgiveness requires some form of genuine contrition. Something the NAACP conveniently forgets. 50 years ago they were defending Emitt Till. Now they're defending someone who has confessed to, amongst other things, visiting upon defenseless dogs the same kind of barbaric backwoods "justice" once visited upon Emitt Till. They can go fuck themselves.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:37 am
by smackaholic
I was listening to glen beck yesterday and he brought up a good question.

Hey NAACP, should we forgive Imus too and let him get back to earning a living? Unlike Vick, he immediately and profusely apologized. And also, unlike Vick, he didn't torture anything, 'cept maybe his listeners.

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 9:30 pm
by Jack
Do any of you that cannot forgive Vick practice a religion?

just wondering!

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 9:40 pm
by Mister Bushice
I know one dog that has forgiven him:


Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 9:53 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Jack wrote:Do any of you that cannot forgive Vick practice a religion?

just wondering!

This isn't the issue at hand. The hot button topic that has galvanized the nation is whether or not he deserves another shot at the NFL.

Much like any other asshole convicted of a felony, he's subjected to the same CORI check that you or I face before being hired. The prospective employer has a right to decline him based upon the vile and despicable acts he's committed in his past, just like you or I. Why should this scumbag be any different? Sure, I can forgive this asshole for what he did. Why not? It doesn't mean he has right to the same livelyhood when he gets out of prison. He can line up alongside all the other convicted felons who can't hold the same high paying job they had before breaking the fucking law. The world needs ditch diggers too. Fuck him.

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 10:54 pm
by War Wagon
Toddowen wrote: It would be a sound judgement to let Vick play this year so long as he forfeited his entire salary to the ASPCA. The animal rights groups could have a field day demonstrating at every game he plays, everywhere he shows up. And the fans would get a chance to vent their anger too.

But want him to go to jail where he'll be among friends and to pay a 'slap on the wrist" fine....not to mention the expense of his incarceration on we the taxpayers.

Since he's going to lose his salary anyhow, how about putting it to good use? And how about letting him suffer out in the crowd instead of placing him with his homies and letting this incident be swept under the mat by the time he's released?
That's perhaps the most inane logic and gibberish you've ever typed in a troll effort, Todd.

I know you're trolling with that tripe, because nobody can be that disconnected from the reality of the situation, not even Jack.

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 10:55 pm
by smackaholic
anybody catch steven asshole smith on which ever talkinghead show it was last night? You just know where that chip on his shoulder neegar was gonna go. He brought up the fact that the judge was in virginia. not only virginia, SOUTHERN virginia!!!!

stfu you stupid fukkin' nog.

i hate it when I go all mvscal like that, but, this fukk richly deserves every n bomb lobbed his way. this sorry fukk gets on the tube every fukking night with the same shtick. shut the fukk up, loose the attitude and go sit back down in the back of the fukking bus.

gawd, i hate that fukker.

whatever punishment vick gets will be as a result of torturing dogs. it's got shit to do with skin color, stevie, you arrogant fukk.

why is he even on? guess espn has to keep it rill.

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 10:55 pm
by Smackie Chan
Jack wrote:Do any of you that cannot forgive Vick practice a religion?
I'm so fucking good at my religion, I don't need to practice anymore.

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:10 pm
by War Wagon
smackaholic wrote: whatever punishment vick gets will be as a result of torturing dogs.
Actually, it'll be a result of sponsoring dogfighting, crossing state lines to do so, and assorted gambling. The execution of (torturing?) dogs is just incidental evidence.

Rack the rant on Steven A. though.

I despise that punk.

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:26 pm
by Derron
Jack wrote:Do any of you that cannot forgive Vick practice a religion?

just wondering!
There we go.. the religion card comes out...meaning:

If you practice a religion you are (select one)

A. Different from all the rest

B. Forgiven of all sins

C. Going to fuck 72 virgins immediately upon entering Heaven....

D. Better than the non church going heathen...

Hey Dumb fuck... religion ain't got a goddamn thing to do with it. There are tons of people this board and in society that DON'T practice a religion but... Worship whatever or whom ever while :

Doing volunteer work...enjoying nature while fishing or hunting.. playing with and teaching your kids..mowing the old neighbor lady's lawn...taking the old man down the street to the store...delivering meals on wheels to shut in seniors...

Take your fucking ORGANIZED RELIGION and stick in your fucking piehole and shut the fuck up about forgiveness for some stupid rich n-gger who's gonna get the Big Mans stick shoved up his ass some day anyway.

You guys are as bad as those bleeding pussy hand wringing jack offs on ESPN....

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:30 pm
by Derron
mvscal wrote:So does this mean you aren't going to immolate yourself in protest of the unjust treatment of black athletes in America?
Before or after he busts a cap into his dome ??

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:34 pm
by Imus
Castrating Michael Vick, Electrocuting Michael Vick, Throwing Michael Vick off the top of a building will not bring any dog back to life and will not solve the problem
No you don't get it. Those dogs were inferior, either they wouldn't fight or they did and lost. Either way, they're toast. That problem (the bad dog) was solved.

So your whole thesis and pretext goes to shit and blows away like the puff air between your ears. Trust me on this, I have done interviews with people like that.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 12:14 am
by Tiny
Jack, Derron, or whoever else wants in on this one.....

It is my opinion that it is one thing to turn the other cheek, but this situation is something totally different. Some people are just bad people, some people are just evil. Don't for a minute think you are going to tell me that my religion, the bible, or anything else involved with religion requires me to condone behavior such as this. God will forgive him, but I won't forget. To answer your question, yes, I am a christian. I'm not a perfect christian, a "christer" or a soap box preacher. So what? I still say fuck him. If I were a perfect christian, I sure the hell wouldn't be down here arguing theology with you on a message board, now would I?

Let's turn the tables for a minute. Does me saying that I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins, somehow make me a lesser person in your eyes, because I say: fuck Mike Vick? Fuck you too. Who are you to judge me? If I am wrong (which I probably, technically am, for not accepting his: " Ohh shit, I'm gonna loose my ass over this one, I better play the "please forgive me" card), then I am the only one who will be standing there on judgement day, being held responsible for MY actions. Again, that's my call; mine, and mine alone.
I don't force my beliefs on you, the cat next door, or anyone else in this world. But, if you ask me though, I won't for a minute hide my convictions. Pardon the sports analogy here, but we'll all see who get to call "scoreboard", when that final horn blows; until then, piss off.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:01 am
by Derron
I'll sign on with you Tiny.....that pretty much sums it up for me as well.

I long ago accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and I know if I am struck down in the next minute, I will have to kneel at Gods right knee at my own personal Judgement Day and atone for my sin's....but calling you guys pussy and cunts and being a potty mouth probably is not going to get me damned to hell.

Wronging your fellow man, mistreating Gods creatures, being duplicious and deceptive, being a bad person will get you a harsher judgement, and apologizing all over the place with out the true forgivness in your heart is just as bad.

Mike Vick is a low life piece of shit and will have to answer to a Higher Power for his actions...I can judge him all I want.. and you can Judge me all you want..but it ain't our Judgement that counts.

And I have not been in a Church in years....I have worshipped at car shows, at Marine Corps facilities, at farm auctions.... any place people gather...and real men are not afraid to admit their convictions..even to cretins that read this board...

So in advance Fuck any of you that give me shit about my beliefs.. I'll take my chances..but I know God is not going to ask me if I killed any dogs...and that's a good thing...

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:18 am
by Tiny
Good job for actually conveying what I was TRYING to say, but failed to some extent. Well done Derron.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:24 am
by Smackie Chan
Derron wrote:I know God is not going to ask me if I killed any dogs.
Wouldn't he already know?

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:20 am
by Derron
Smackie Chan wrote:
Derron wrote:I know God is not going to ask me if I killed any dogs.
Wouldn't he already know?
That's the general idea...

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:23 am
by Derron
Toddowen wrote:
Derron wrote:I have worshipped at car shows.
Oh really?

And which cars did you worship? Or was it the models or the fried dough or something along those lines?
Trolled and responded to... so fuck you Toddy.. don't you have a Glock to suck off tonight ??

And for you information... when people gather.. a worship can be as small as a friendly handshake and " How ya doin " Good to see you ..."

And I don't really get your lame attempt at smack there at all...

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:41 am
by Jack

I'm not judging, I am just asking.


actually I agree with 90% of what you say. I am not recommending that the NFL take him back. I thought he sucked as a QB before this case came along and I wouldn't want him on my team.

My question about religion had to do with just asking people in here if they practice what they preach. Many people go to church or claim a religion but hate everyone that has a different point of view or has done something wrong. If you practice 99% of the religions commonly practiced in the US, it would be in line with your faith to forgive Michael, especially after he has admitted guilt and is willing to pay the price.


I don't belong to an organized religion. I was raised Catholic and keep Christian beliefs. I started this thread a little over the top to get a response but I do believe that it's right to forgive people for their sins.

I never said forget their sins. Mike Vick will lose over $100 Million and will most likely spend 1- 2 years in prison. I believe he has and will pay the price and should be given a chance at redemption.

PEACE!! Image

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 4:31 am
by RumpleForeskin
Fuck him. I hate him 'cus I own a pit.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:30 am
by Mister Bushice
RumpleForeskin wrote:I hate him 'cus I own a pit.
Only because Rumplewife sat down in the back yard.....

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:09 pm
by Goober McTuber
Derron wrote:....I have worshipped at car shows, at Marine Corps facilities, at farm auctions.... any place people gather...and real men are not afraid to admit their convictions..even to cretins that read this board...
For Derron, “worshipping” is all about being on his knees.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:25 pm
by BSmack
RumpleForeskin wrote:Fuck him. I hate him 'cus I own a pit.
You shouldn't talk about you wife that way. Besides, she's more like a big ol' overfed bulldog than a pit.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:01 pm
by Derron
Mister Bushice wrote:
RumpleForeskin wrote:I hate him 'cus I own a pit.
Only because Rumplewife sat down in the back yard.....
That's where I saw dude....

There was an episode of COPS a couple of years ago.. and this dude was sitting on his front porch smoking and cornholing this pit bull...his OL walks out and catches him..freaks out and dimes the cops up.. and they come arrest dude....

Whtie trash meth head.. fat OL... pit bull on the front porch.. yep thats him...

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:06 pm
by Derron
Toddowen wrote:

It would be a sound judgement to let Vick play this year so long as he forfeited his entire salary to the ASPCA. The animal rights groups could have a field day demonstrating at every game he plays, everywhere he shows up. And the fans would get a chance to vent their anger too.
So the Falcons let Vick play.. he walks into the stadium.. lobs the bird to the fans and the place goes nuts......80,000 people throwing beers, chairs, anything else they can get their hands on..trashes the stadium..can' play the game... riots..fights etc...sounds like a SOUND JUDGEMENT to me...

Are you really that fucking stupid??... newsflash here... most people cannot stand animal abusers..because it usually is a precusor to " human abuse"....

Pull the trigger dude....