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Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 2:28 am
by Mister Bushice
[b]Gay[/b]duh James wrote:Until then, i'll continue to laquer your fucking lungs with my cock custard
So in other words, You're looking forward to blow jobs,

from a guy? :shock:

I was right. You are a faggot.

How does it feel to finally be out? Relieved?


NIICE turtleneck, BTW.
Cuda wrote:So what, Babshice? Dude could still snap you in half with his toes
Yeah. I have a closet homo penning me in for future blow jobs and you want me to worry about his toes.

fetish much?

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 2:47 am
by Ana Ng
From here, you all look the same.


Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 2:47 am
by RevLimiter
R-JackOFF wrote:
RevLimiter wrote:
Neely8 wrote:So how long before you cut & paste it somewhere else as your own?
I've done it 50 times already....and NONE of you fucktools can do SHIT about it.
In fact that is true. All we really can do is remind you that you are a takeless cunt who rips off other folks posts because you are so embarassingly uncreative, unintelligent and unfunny. It must of worked, because not only do you accept that you are a takeless cunt who rips off other folks posts because you are so embarassingly uncreative, unintelligent and unfunny, you wallow revel in the fact that you are a takeless cunt who rips off other folks posts because you are so embarassingly uncreative, unintelligent and unfunny.

You are good with being a bottom feeding lowest denominator pile of text. Not much any of us can do about it. Whatever.
For the record, I did it ONE TIME, got busted for it, and endured the obligatory T1B pile-on. I did the crime and did the time. Now I joke about it, hence what you quoted of me above. So feel free to come up with something a wee bit more original, R-JackOFF.

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 4:28 am
by Y2K
So feel free to come up with something a wee bit more original, R-JackOFF.
Why even bother to respond?

Is this some sort of odd quest seeking the "Holy Grail" of irony?

Tough to top............ for sure

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 4:54 am
by War Wagon
Plagiarist_Paul wrote: For the record, I did it ONE TIME...
For the record, you're a lying sack of shit.

Good lord man. Everyone here is tired of beating you to a bloody message board pulp and for the most part just tries to ignore you. That's why you're still able to post your garbage and not have half T1B pile-on. You've worn them out.

Get lost you fucking moron. Of course, I know you won't take this advice, so I'm going to issue a challenge to every mod of every forum.

Mods, the nanosecond you see a Paul post, click the 'X' on it post haste. We'll make a game out of it to see who can delete the most. I'm already one up.

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 5:27 am
by Ana Ng
War Wagon wrote: Get lost you fucking moron.
Holy SHIT, Beav?!

Followed that up with a hearty "drop dead" next time, will ya?

You might as well go the whole nine.

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 6:12 am
by RevLimiter
War Wagon wrote:
Plagiarist_Paul wrote: For the record, I did it ONE TIME...
For the record, you're a lying sack of shit.
Oh any proof?
War Wagon, in a drunken stupor wrote:

Good lord man. Everyone here is tired of beating you to a bloody message board pulp and for the most part just tries to ignore you. That's why you're still able to post your garbage and not have half T1B pile-on. You've worn them out.

Get lost you fucking moron. Of course, I know you won't take this advice, so I'm going to issue a challenge to every mod of every forum.

Mods, the nanosecond you see a Paul post, click the 'X' on it post haste. We'll make a game out of it to see who can delete the most. I'm already one up.
Gee WHITEY, what EXACTLY did I say in that thread that makes you wanna rehash old bullshit? Or do you really believe anything some old-ass tennis geek RaydahFan says nowadays?
RevLimiter wrote:Seems to me that what I said is just old fashioned common sense. Am I wrong?
Well, was I?

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 6:49 am
by Tiny
I know I've seen RJ's picture somewhere before (probably in a post office lobby somewhere), but every time I read one of his posts, I still seem to get this overriding mental image of this guy:


or better yet, this guy.....


although, while doing research for this post, I stumbled upon this dude and had to laugh:


That pic, in my mind, had to run a close second.

BTW: Sorry to interrupt you C&P Paul lovefest.....I guess while looking for pics of Chappel, even the KC crew got tired of his shit.....
Carry on fellas....

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 7:05 am
by poptart
Was the football take in question your very own take, Paul?

Many doubters.

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 8:06 am
by Y2K
Dear Lord......

Threads like this make the thought of "eating a Bullet" sound like fun.............

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 1:29 pm
Oh any proof?
Archived proof, actually.

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 1:41 pm
by RevLimiter
poptart wrote:Was the football take in question your very own take, Paul?

Many doubters.
In a word Pops, yes.

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 1:42 pm
by RevLimiter
PSUFAN wrote:
Oh any proof?
Archived proof, actually.
I'm QUITE sure we've documented that already, slick. :meds:

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 2:14 pm
by KC Scott
C&Ppaulie wrote: Oh any proof?
You lack the ability to smack so badly, You let me ghost write comeback posts for you.
In 9 years of time wasting on these boards, I've never seen anyone - even Jess,
so ill-equipped to defend themselves from the daily beatdowns you endure.

You have copied posts from other boards, and tried to pass them off as your own here,
That's been proven and in the 'chieves.
I'm not sure what level of pathetic that hit,
But in the JR UBB Heirarchy that has you looking up at the likes of Kaley, Tomas, Moth & the mass of assorted other nameless dullards that migrated through this bandwidth over the years

You even sank so low as to copy Orc's selections in the Pigskin Pick "em Game.
You don't even have the mental capacity to look at 13 games and decided which team would win?
Of all the really bad trolls, losers and miscreants we've tossed from this board over the years,
None of them ever sank that low.

'jus sayin.

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 3:35 pm
by KC Scott
RevLimiter wrote: For the record, I did it ONE TIME, got busted for it, and endured the obligatory T1B pile-on. I did the crime and did the time. Now I joke about it, hence what you quoted of me above. So feel free to come up with something a wee bit more original, R-JackOFF.
He just nailed you........... again.

R-Jack wrote:
RevLimiter wrote:Seems to me that what I said is just old fashioned common sense. Am I wrong?
May be. One thing it is not is your own text.

[web] ... #pid728351[/web]

lawgeek wrote:And having made this point, where should this rate on the Athlete-Outrage-Ometer? Are single moms with kids going to picket the NFL offices? Will there be lots of talk this week on the sports shows about whether Travis should be suspended by the Broncos? Isn't not feeding/clothing/caring for your kids a worse problem than is an interstate gambling operation using pit bulls to fight each other?

As a nation, we sure have some screwed up priorities.

Dude. Eject from this board. Forever.
Rack R-Jack for finding the smoking gun

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 3:44 pm
by KC Scott

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 5:21 pm
by Neely8
What a shock. Paul gets plungered again........

Ban him for life.....

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 6:04 pm
by YD
the 40 somethings on that age of love show are hotter

lambchops tonight

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 8:09 pm
by RadioFan
Good lord.

speechless ...

CCPaul, we'd just like to thank you.


Mt.Rumplewife's husband
Every other tard who has been thoroughly pungered in the history of boards

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 10:02 pm
by poptart
RevLimiter wrote:
poptart wrote:Was the football take in question your very own take, Paul?

Many doubters.
In a word Pops, yes.

Hit the fucking track and never leave it, twinkie boy.

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 10:06 pm
by RadioFan
RevLimiter wrote:
PSUFAN wrote:
Oh any proof?
Archived proof, actually.
I'm QUITE sure we've documented that already, slick. :meds:
Indeed, KC Posterity.

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 8:18 pm
by Raydah James
I love how these types of threads turn out.


Mister Bushice wrote: So in other words, You're looking forward to blow jobs,
Lets break this down here: Your moist twat spots over me using Homosmack, and 2 posts later you limp wrist a weak dribbler over the plate by using plain label watered down Homosmack.

Fuckin' Ponderous.

You starting to figure out why you're regarded as a useless shitcorn yet?

Off yourself, you smackless cunt.

Mace wrote:the terms "cockpocket", "ass goblin" or "cock garage" are not meant to be insulting when directed towards another poster on this board. Nope, they're actually terms of endearment

Brilliant deduction, dickwit.

Except for the whole "being off on everything" part. You've been in and out of the prison system for some time as an enforcement official of some sort-that much you've made let me clue you in: In the real world, when I blast you for being a "pink pucker snuggling sack swiller", it isnt a fucking "term of endearment" like the one you hear whispered into your ear when an oversized Peckerwood sets up shop behind your cock cave. It means I really think you're a "pink pucker snuggling sack swiller", you fucking moron.

...And from the looks of your "smack attack" that consisted of gumming my calf wildly, its fucking amazing that you'd continue to sign off on your shit posts to remind everyone once again who wrote that bit of textual vomit-because i'd run my fucking fingers through a woodchipper if my offerings were 1/10 as bad as yours are.

Now lay down and shut the fuck up, tard-you're done.

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 8:21 pm
by Ana Ng
I hate you people.

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 8:37 pm
by Mister Bushice
Raydah James wrote:I love how these types of threads turn out.


Mister Bushice wrote: So in other words, You're looking forward to blow jobs,
Lets break this down here: Your moist twat spots over me using Homosmack, and 2 posts later you limp wrist a weak dribbler over the plate by using plain label watered down Homosmack.
Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy.

It's ok that you're gay. Don't be ashamed and try to hide it anymore. You've been trolling the same tired anal sex homosmack here for years. That last post of yours where you're looking forward to receiving blow jobs from a guy just made it clear that it isn't really smack, it's a lifestyle choice.

You're here. You're queer. Just don't PM me for a hook up.

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 8:41 pm
by RumpleForeskin
Paul, you truly are a blessing.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 1:09 am
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Just testing my new Sig Line.

Fucking RACK!

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 1:29 am
by YD
lambchops es mue bueno


one of my toes is the black death. gotta ampu soon I think.


Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 3:13 am
by Ana Ng
Gay, gay, gay...fag fag fag faaaaaaag.....butt pound, butt pound, faaaaaag!

/s/ Old MacDonald and this thread

Seriously, you guys should market this as a drinking game. :Liza

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 11:17 pm
by Ana Ng
I will not be taking that bet.

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 1:41 am
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Dear Raydah James,

You are a homo. You are a homo for many reasons. One of which is the intricate detail you use for your homo-erotic posts. You are sooooo gay, that I am going to call you gay for calling me gay, and describe in intricate detail the gerbil, numerous other farm animals, and cooking utensils that call your ass home. You sir, are gay, not me. Watch as I describe how gay you are for calling me gay. You're the gay one, not me. You're gayerer.

Mace and Babshice

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 1:46 am
by RevLimiter
R-Jack wrote:tsk tsk tsk
Paul Paul Paul

I understand that you are hiding from this place like the pathetic bitch that you are taking my advice and staying away from here, but I'm confident you are still lurking so I'll post any responses here.
KCZerox over there wrote:Pretty much....but clearly R-Jack, errr I mean "KCT1B" acts as if he just hit the $300 million Powerball. Oh, and the utter MELTDOWN over at that board is completely priceless- I could've shot somebody and it would get less play there. Too damn funny!
Look, I didn't ask or demand for you to come correct for one simple reason. Unlike 40 years of undigested Twinkies, it isn't in you. You didn't come correct the first time. You don't seem to be coming correct now. You have no concept of coming correct. Hell, it doesn't even run in your family. Matter of fact, if your father actually "came correct", you wouldn't have even been Criscoed out of your mothers putrid snatch and her only worry in life would've been getting jizz and bacon grease out of a tubesock.

Also, if you are looking to pin KCT1B on me, you are sorely mistaken. Not to say that I thought letting the people of that good board know that you are ripping off their posts (again), but I figured that since that is a KC board, I would have no business there other than to make light of your glaring faults. That is something that is just as easy over here. Actually if you look at the posting style of KCT1B, you would see we are not one and the same. Seeing how you lack the grey matter to even doctor one of your plagiarized takes to look a little more like your inane drivel, I can understand how that passed you by like many salads over the years.

Actually, watching you over there trying to play tough guy over there with your delusions of meltdowns and pressing charges for stalking are quite amusing. I love the fact that you are too much of a bleeding cunt to defend yourself here have decided to lay low and are reduced to acting like you have achieved some type of 'bode to an audience you have been ripping takes off of for years. While you were trying to save face with your revisionist tripe, did this question penetrate the layer of pork rinds protecting your cerebellum?
Why the fuck would anyone at any board take KC Paul's account as truth?

Really? Honestly? Can you figure out why you look like a dumbfuck yet?

Now if you want to aggravate the gout in your fingers and face the music, feel free. Just understand you went past even the board bitch point of no return and others will treat you accordingly. You're going to get destroyed every time you post. You earned it. Don't say I didn't warn you.
You sure went completely thermonuclear like nothing anybody's ever seen told me, R-Jack.

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 3:09 am
by War Wagon
I've seen it before.

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 4:36 am
by Mister Bushice
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:I have nothing original to add, so I'll copy jimmys weak spin.
Are you REALLY so fucking stupid that you can't tell the difference between someone (Jimmy) who obsesses in virtually every one of his posts over creative ways to talk about manhole sex and guy on guy blow jobs, and someone (anyone else with even half a brain) who calls him out on it?


You're one of THEM.


That's ok. You can't swing a dead cat in Cali without hitting one.

Just don't PM me.


Now your moniker makes TOTAL sense.

I didn't really see that before.

~slaps forehead.

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 3:43 pm
by Dinsdale
The fact certain takeless dorks have put up their "I'm rubber, you're glue" smack-deflector-shields pretty much supercedes any commentary anyone can make.

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:13 pm
by Mister Bushice
Does that mean you'll be shutting up sometime soon?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:23 pm
by Dinsdale
Notice how many of the "regulars" are posting less and less, if not leaving altogether?

If you for one second think you're not one of the major contributing factors to that, then you're a bigger fucking tard than you make yourself out to be.

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:34 pm
by indyfrisco
Mister Bushice wrote:Image
Those dudes look pretty cool.


Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:54 pm
by Mister Bushice
Dinsdale wrote:Notice how many of the "regulars" are posting less and less, if not leaving altogether?

If you for one second think you're not one of the major contributing factors to that, then you're a bigger fucking tard than you make yourself out to be.
Says the guy who has spewed out 2 and half times the number of posts I have here in this forum alone?

Nice take, kettle. :meds:

Didn't you try this take before the "legends left because of you"

That worked real well for ya.

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:00 pm
by BSmack
Dinsdale wrote:Notice how many of the "regulars" are posting less and less, if not leaving altogether?
I'm sure that has nothing to do with posters growing older, taking on new responsibilities, riding dirtbikes, or just moving on to different hobbies.

Nope, not at all. :meds:

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:17 pm
by Mister Bushice
Here ya go, Clavensdale.
rerunsdale wrote:And you DO realize that it's YOU TWO'S names that invariably come up when the "legends" cite the reasons why they don't post here any more? You DID know that, right?
Of course the above post was followed by several posts from some of those very legends themselves, who promptly shoved cliffy right back up his own ass for spewing out yet another mouthful of total bullshit.

Seriously. You sure you want to go down this same road again, Cliff? It went so well the first time around.