War Wagon wrote:
The NY Giants scouting department called and said that you're FIRED.
I never recommened anyone draft or hire Dayne in any way, shape or form. He had "borderline-journyman 3rd down back" written all over his forehead.
Alls I'm sayin', is that "bust" is a little over-the-top, and was used maliciously rather than accurately.
S'all I'm sayin.
The point being... No one ever said that anyone else said that the best college players automatically become great pro players. It was never suggested. Shame on you Whitey -- you let yourself get wrapped up in mvscal's diversionary tactics.
The gist here being that CFB Fan in general doesn't think "their guys" automatically become NFL guys. Quite the contrary -- they refer to "another Michigan runningback NFL flop" with glee, and get all goofy any time you bring up the name Marinovich. Yet CFB Fan, almost to a man, said "AD is going to do just as much damage in the NFL as he is now, since he's the Craziest Fool EVER," and that sort of thing.
And after week 3, when All. Fucking. Day. claimed the rushing lead, I came in to take my well-due credit for being He Who Foresees.
pmsgal's response?
Wow!!! Three whole games?!? I'm impressed.
Of course, he denied saying such things... but can you blame him?
Actually, this whole thing started because I basically said something to the æffect of "move over Thurmanator Tomlinson, your 15 minutes are up."
This naturally caused a meltdown among the Chargertard ranks, and King Chargertardvscal had to try and discredit the inevitable, which was that Complainian Tomlinson would never be better than the second-best RB once AD stepped onto the NFL field, a day CFB Honk saw coming 3 years ago, and was pretty adamant about it.
This of course morphed into a thinly-veiled discussion of how system QBs or those from college option offenses rarely make good NFL prospects(although those who brought it up don't seem to grasp the concept), a take that could have easily been signed "sincerely, That One Dude Who Won The 1981 Heisman."
But mvscal is going to run with it, because he's pissed that millions and millions of people knew something that he didn't, and he was thoroughly out-scooped.... and that makes him angry.