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Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 2:21 am
by KC Scott
Back on subject people...

Got a Garmin 200 GPS, a poker table and a Guitar Hero 2 package (game and new guitar)
We spent all day doing battle mode on GH 2 & 3 - while getting hammered on scotch

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 2:35 am
by Mikey
The best present I got was one I bought for my wife (and me). I replaced our 20 year old clock radio with a Bose Wave Radio and CD Player. Pretty good sound for a breadbox size unit.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 2:43 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
I actually had the honor of receiving a lump of coal...Christmas of 2005. It sits proudly atop my computer desk.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 3:17 am
by Moving Sale
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:... "Build-A-Bear Workshop" or the latest chapeau from the Reynolds Wrap haberdashery that you probably got...
I bet you still believe in Santa. See the difference is you ACTUALLY got that crap AND liked it.
I'd argue that anyone that will defend conspiracy idiocy regarding 9/11 for pages and pages, year after year, on a freaking chatboard is a bigger dork than even the biggest middle-aged, basement-dwelling, Star Wars/Star Trek/Pokemon/World-of-Warcraft loser.
OK I'll bite. Let's hear it. How is asking questions about Pearl... errr 911 as dorky as your "middle-aged, basement-dwelling, Star Wars/Star Trek/Pokemon/World-of-Warcraft loser?" Oh that's right you guys don't KNOW anything about 911. Does sound kinda dorky when I think about it like that. Step up your game would ya?

I’ll let the Strawman “defend conspiracy idiocy” phrase go.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 3:28 am
by RadioFan
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:I actually had the honor of receiving a lump of coal...Christmas of 2005. It sits proudly atop my computer desk.
Why do you hate the environment?

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 3:40 am
by socal
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:I actually had the honor of receiving
Please leave us out of your homoerotic fantasies. Everyone except maybe DiT.


Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 3:55 am
by War Wagon
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:I actually had the honor of receiving a lump of coal...Christmas of 2005. It sits proudly atop my computer desk.
Keeps you humble, I'm sure.

I'm damn glad that Christmas 2007 is over. I can't take much more holiday cheer.

You guys with all the fancy presents can go fuck yourselves. Until you've gotten a package of underwear from your mother-in-law, you don't know what giving is.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:22 am
by Ana Ng
I got the Halo III edition XBox 360.

That in itself would be great, only it was purchased in WA where the husband's stationed until next month....and the fucker keeps calling me while playing Guitar Hero III and Halo III, so that I can HEAR his stupid ass playing the thing!


Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 1:35 pm
by Mike the Lab Rat
Moving Sale wrote:
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:... "Build-A-Bear Workshop" or the latest chapeau from the Reynolds Wrap haberdashery that you probably got...
I bet you still believe in Santa. See the difference is you ACTUALLY got that crap AND liked it.
It's understandable that you're bitter about the whole "Santa" thing, considering how tired you must be of being asked to play an elf in the office Christmas party every year.
Moving Sale wrote:OK I'll bite.
Yes, and apparently ankles are your preferred area.
Moving Sale wrote:Let's hear it. How is asking questions about Pearl... errr 911 as dorky as your "middle-aged, basement-dwelling, Star Wars/Star Trek/Pokemon/World-of-Warcraft loser?"
Simple - your pathetic defense of long-debunked (by various folks, including Popular Mechanics, Scientific American, the Skeptic Society) conspiracy theories regarding the Pentagon is a typical, sad display of a little person desperate to look as though he's "in" on some secret knowledge. In your own little misshapen skull, you've concocted a realm in which little old YOU (and your band of Art Bell wannabes) are the Keeper of the Truth...a truth that YOU can dispense to save us from our ignorance...if only the rest of us would see past the veil of lies and become enlightened (like YOU).

It puts you in the same category as the losers who speak Klingon, can recite Jedi trivia, or who stay up late at night playing games with anonymous internet "friends." It's MORE pathetic in that at least most of those losers realize, deep inside, that their hobby involves a fantasy world. You, OTOH, seem to genuinely believe the bizarre web of intrigue (aka "utter horseshit") you insist on posting regarding the Pentagon.
Moving Sale wrote:Oh that's right you guys don't KNOW anything about 911. Does sound kinda dorky when I think about it like that.
Dorky? Yep. And pathetic. And warped.
Moving Sale wrote:Step up your game would ya?
"Step up?" Coming from someone whose position in the firm is to represent the Lollipop Guild, that's a hoot.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 1:42 pm
by smackaholic
Hey mike, pick on somebody your own size.

Nice beatdown, btw. I especially liked the lollipop guild reference.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:19 pm
by Goober McTuber
OCmike wrote:Anyone else get shitty presents?

Well, duh.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 3:32 am
by Moving Sale
Mike the Lab Rat wrote: It's understandable that you're bitter about the whole "Santa" thing, considering how tired you must be of being asked to play an elf in the office Christmas party every year.
You are not getting this whole “fantasy world” vs reality eh?
Yes, and apparently ankles are your preferred area.
Look shitstain. This board revolves around one poster posting to one another. By your logic (if one can call it that) everyone here is an ankle bitter. Way to KYOA.
Simple - your pathetic defense of long-debunked (by various folks, including Popular Mechanics, Scientific American, the Skeptic Society)
Care to link me up with some Math? I thought not.
conspiracy theories
Nice Strawman fucko.
regarding the Pentagon is a typical, sad display of a little person desperate to look as though he's "in" on some secret knowledge.
By asking a few questions? Ha!
In your own little misshapen skull, you've concocted a realm in which little old YOU (and your band of Art Bell wannabes)
Again nice Strawman.
are the Keeper of the Truth...a truth that YOU can dispense to save us from our ignorance...if only the rest of us would see past the veil of lies and become enlightened (like YOU).
What veil? You mean your ignorance?
It puts you in the same category as the losers who speak Klingon, can recite Jedi trivia, or who stay up late at night playing games with anonymous internet "friends."
Because you (and others) bring it up and I respond, from time to time? You are wack.
It's MORE pathetic in that at least most of those losers realize, deep inside, that their hobby involves a fantasy world.
You mean like how you realize deep down that you are full of shit?
You, OTOH, seem to genuinely believe the bizarre web of intrigue (aka "utter horseshit") you insist on posting regarding the Pentagon.
What “web of intrigue?” Strawman much?
"Step up?" Coming from someone whose position in the firm is to represent the Lollipop Guild, that's a hoot.
Again with your fantasy world?

Have a nice evening Dork.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 6:15 am
by Mikey
I think he meant less.

Damn Orc you're quick on the x.
Nice new 'puter you got there.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 4:14 pm
by Mike the Lab Rat
In today's episode of "Little Poster, Big Board":
Moving Sale wrote:You are not getting this whole “fantasy world” vs reality eh?
Pretty funny statement coming from a guy roughly the size of a bobblehead doll who honestly tried arguing, a few moons ago, that he was at least/above the normal height for a male of his age.

That whole discussion told me (and a good chunk of the board) all we had to know about your tenuous grasp of physics AND reality.

Someone who coordinates his outfits by matching the cartoon critters on his Garanimals claiming that he is "normal height" means that he is either deluded or living in Lilliput.
Moving Sale wrote:Look shitstain. This board revolves around one poster posting to one another. By your logic (if one can call it that) everyone here is an ankle bitter. Way to KYOA.
Outstanding! Going to the devastating "KYOA" card!

Whipping out the standby internet acronyms like KYOA is always a sign that the discussion is going well for the poster. What next, an appearance of the much-feared "bode?!?!"

You're an ankle-biter because you nip at my ankles with your drive-by posts, and well...because you're at a stature in which you've probably never had anyone yell "DUCK!" at you (unless, of course, someone mistook your barn owl-like appearance for an actual duck...).
Moving Sale wrote:Care to link me up with some Math?

Tell you what, VTO (Very Tiny One), go play with THESE people, all of whom have more credibility than you. No doubt you will claim that each and every one of them, from Michael Shermer to each and every individual at Popular Mechanics, is either deluded, incompetent, unqualified or [shhhhhhhh] PART of the conspiracy.

Bottom line - I don't really want to read a tedious C&P analysis of your disagreements of them. Hell, NO ONE does. ... 27842.html ... 12n04.html ... apse_N.htm ... 414B7F0000

If you insist on "deconstructing" the stuff you find in the links above through posts on this board, all that will happen is a premature wearing-out of scroll wheels not seen since the Dark Days of Risa.
Moving Sale wrote:I thought not.
Pretty much sums up most of your efforts on this board. Put it on your tombstone. Short and to the point.
Moving Sale wrote:Nice Strawman fucko.
"Shitstain?" "Fucko?" Nice erudite vocabulary you have there. Not to go "Dinsdale" on you, but I also find amusement in your rather bizarre capitalization routine. Nothing says "I should be taken seriously, I have credibility" like a senseless string of vulgarity that would make a Tourette's patient blush, tossed in with random capitalization.
MtLR wrote:regarding the Pentagon is a typical, sad display of a little person desperate to look as though he's "in" on some secret knowledge.
Moving Sale wrote:By asking a few questions? Ha!
"Asking a few questions?" Tinypants, you drone ON and ON and ON about your idiotic fascination with that topic, practically slobbering with your whackass conspiracy tirades. People bring it up sometimes just to watch you work yourself into an apoplectic frenzy, spouting argument-winning techniques that display your incisive legal mind, like...oh, well...calling your opponents "fucktards," "shitstains," referring to any comment you want to dismiss as a "Strawman" [sic].
Moving Sale wrote:Again nice Strawman.
Right on cue.

At least in this go-round you've seemed to avoid screeching "FALLACY! FALLACY!" like a eight-year-old with a Word-A-Day calendar. Kudos on that limited bit of restraint.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 1:09 am
by velocet
Mace wrote:Yep, I watched most of his baseball documentary several years ago on PBS but wasn't able to video it, and always wanted the collection to watch at my convenience. I thought it was way more than "pretty decent", btw, but that's just me. I also liked his documentary on the Civil War and did get it videotaped.


There's this radio guy who specializes in baseball named Phil Wood.
I don't follow baseball or know much about its history, but I have to give props to Phil Wood; I'll listen when he's on talkin' baseball because as a broadcaster he's that listenable. Last time I caught his show I found myself enjoying an engrossing discussion about "strike zones" even though that subject, for me, on its own doesn't mean much.

Once when listening to his show I heard him say with great conviction that the Baseball documentary was deeply flawed by its many errors.

I don't know enough about baseball to know if Phil Wood is right or wrong in his assessment of the documentary. But a quick search provided some corroborating discussion around the net:

I thought you might like to know. And thanks again for answering that thread I started in the Smackboard Baseball forum back in the day (where I asked about the claim I'd heard involving "baseball was a better sport before WWII")


Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 3:52 pm
cinderella_undercover wrote:I got the Halo III edition XBox 360.

That in itself would be great, only it was purchased in WA where the husband's stationed until next month....and the fucker keeps calling me while playing Guitar Hero III and Halo III, so that I can HEAR his stupid ass playing the thing!


Wags read this and briefly achieved 3 dimensional status.


Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:14 pm
by Moving Sale
I love how I call you out for being a dork and your response is that no ‘TVO is the dork.’ What a pathetic fuck you are, but no worries I’ll play…
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:Pretty funny statement coming from a guy roughly the size of a bobblehead doll who honestly tried arguing, a few moons ago, that he was at least/above the normal height for a male of his age.
Truth hurts huh fucker? You can’t stand that I’m not what you wish I was huh?
your tenuous grasp of … reality.
I see I call you out for not having any grasp of reality so you do it back to me. Nice job of being a parrot you tard.
Garanimals Lilliput Very Tiny One Tinypants
:rolleyes: You think those up all by yourself?
Moving Sale wrote:Whipping out the standby internet acronyms like KYOA is always a sign that the discussion is going well for the poster.
Why? You shoved a plunger up your own ass and I called you out on it. Deal with it.
What next, an appearance of the much-feared "bode?!?!"
Strawman much?
You're an ankle-biter because you nip at my ankles
There are three posters on this board that can string five words together you happened to be one of them. Take it as a compliment.
with your drive-by posts,
I’ll get a life less and post more soon.
and well...because you're at a stature in which you've probably never had anyone yell "DUCK!" at you (unless, of course, someone mistook your barn owl-like appearance for an actual duck...).
Your 6’7” 120lbs. so you might want to tone that down some freak.
…deluded, incompetent, unqualified or [shhhhhhhh] PART of the conspiracy.
I pick incompetent.
Bottom line - I don't really want to read a tedious C&P analysis of your disagreements of them. Hell, NO ONE does.
Then shut your fucking cockgarage about it and quit bringing it up like you did in this thread you Kindergarden Cunt.
Very slim on Math. As usual.
If you insist on "deconstructing" the stuff you find in the links above through posts on this board, all that will happen is a premature wearing-out of scroll wheels not seen since the Dark Days of Risa.
Oh the old link him to a shit poster fallacy. Nice try.
"Shitstain?" "Fucko?" Nice erudite vocabulary you have there.
I break it out just for you braindead fucks. Glad it warms your heart.
Not to go "Dinsdale" on you, but I also find amusement in your rather bizarre capitalization routine. Nothing says "I should be taken seriously, I have credibility" like a senseless string of vulgarity that would make a Tourette's patient blush, tossed in with random capitalization.
So to prove you aren’t going to go Dins on me you go Dins on me? Take some responsibility for your actions fuckface.
Tinypants, you drone ON and ON and ON about your idiotic fascination with that topic,
YOU brought it up and I’M fascinated with it? Projection much?
practically slobbering with your whackass conspiracy tirades.
I have no such theory but nice to see you break out the Strawman one more time. Does it pay you when you use it?
People bring it up sometimes just to watch you work yourself into an apoplectic frenzy, spouting argument-winning techniques that display your incisive legal mind, like...oh, well...calling your opponents "fucktards," "shitstains," referring to any comment you want to dismiss as a "Strawman" [sic].
You don’t have to bring up 9-11 to have me call you a shitstain you dumbfuck so nice twisting of the facts.

Here watch. You are a shitstain, independent of your feelings on 9-11.
At least in this go-round you've seemed to avoid screeching "FALLACY! FALLACY!" like a eight-year-old with a Word-A-Day calendar. Kudos on that limited bit of restraint.
What do you think a strawman is? If you only had a brain.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:27 pm
by BSmack
Moving Sale wrote:TVO is the dork.
You got that right.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:34 pm
by Moving Sale
Because I don't covet shitty shows about people talking over shitty movies? Or was it the part about me not liking shitty movies about apes?

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:44 pm
by OCmike
Jesus, TVO, even though you've been rubber room material with your 9/11 conspiracies, at least you used to be readable. Now you're in the Risa/scroll-wheel category. What a hot mess.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:50 pm
by BSmack
Moving Sale wrote:Because I don't covet shitty shows about people talking over shitty movies? Or was it the part about me not liking shitty movies about apes?
Nah, it's got more to do with you liking shitty conspiracy theories and creating some of the most unreadable tripe ever posted on this board.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:58 pm
My theory is that The Vaginal One has some rare disorder where he slowly shrinks. He copes by allowing his Napoleonic Complex to swell.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 8:36 pm
by Mike the Lab Rat
Moving Sale wrote:I love how I call you out for being a dork and your response is that no ‘TVO is the dork.’ What a pathetic fuck you are, but no worries I’ll play…
And then the Tourette's episode began:
Moving Sale wrote:pathetic fuck...slobber...fucker...slobber...tard...twitch...:rolleyes:...twitch...shoved a plunger up your own ass...slobber...Strawman...slobber...fucking cockgarage...Kindergarden Cunt...twitch...slobber...fallacy...slobber...braindead fucks...twitch...fuckface...twitch...Strawman...slobber...shitstain you dumbfuck...slobber...shitstain...slobber...strawman
Out-freaking-standing. Very nice display of that erudite legal mind and those sharp debating skills.
MtLR wrote:and well...because you're at a stature in which you've probably never had anyone yell "DUCK!" at you (unless, of course, someone mistook your barn owl-like appearance for an actual duck...).
Moving Sale wrote:Your 6’7” 120lbs. so you might want to tone that down some freak.
Actually, I'm 6'4" and 195. I only seem taller to those individuals likely to accidentally drown in an open paint bucket. Or to adults who can cook an entire meal for themselves with a light bulb (Easy Bake..mmmmm...).
Moving Sale wrote:I don't covet shitty shows about people talking over shitty movies? Or was it the part about me not liking shitty movies about apes?
The fact that you don't "get" MST3K doesn't surprise me, considering what passes for intellectual repartee in your book. I mean, they actually don't need to squawk "STRAWMAN!" or "FALLACY!" every time they hear a "submit" button click, and they somehow managed to go about a decade without having to create umpteen permutations of the word "fuck" to make their points.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 8:45 pm
by Mister Bushice
I only seem taller to those individuals likely to accidentally drown in an open paint bucket.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 11:49 pm
by Smackie Chan
Moving Sale wrote:There are one three posters on this board that can string five words together you happened to be one of them.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:18 am
by Mister Bushice
Smackie Chan wrote:
Moving Sale wrote:There are one three posters on this board that can string five words together you happened to be one of them.
So do you think this they are the same is an iodiot?

Dude actually went back in and edited his post to remove the error. Denial will be next.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:27 am
by Moving Sale
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:An thens their Tourettes’ episoode begun:
And you are a teacher? Good show.
Actually, I'm 6'4" and 195.
Nice try. Your absolute break from reality has been noted.
The fact that you don't "get" MST3K doesn't surprise me…
I get it. It’s a few idiots capping on a shitty movie. YOU said it was a great present. That inter alai makes you a fucking dork.
considering what passes for intellectual repartee in your book. I mean, they actually don't need to squawk "STRAWMAN!" or "FALLACY!"
I get it. YOU drop shit argument after shit argument and I have problems with my “intellectual repartee” because I have the NERVE to call you out on it.

Face it you are a fucking dork. From your fascination with your dorky frat to your inane presents. And you are not even very good at it. You are an underachiever even for a dork. Teaching 5th grade science is a joke. You are the dork that dork make fun of.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:30 am
by Moving Sale
Mister Bushice wrote:So do you think this they are the same is an iodiot?
Care to hook me up with a link where I ever posted that... or edited it? I thought not.

Denial you said?

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:32 am
by Smackie Chan
Moving Sale wrote:inter alai
Stop it. You're killin' me.

Is this a sport that's related to jai alai?

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:37 am
by Moving Sale
Smackie Chan wrote:Stop it. You're killin' me.
Stop it? When there is light at the end of the tunnel?

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:48 am
by Smackie Chan
Moving Sale wrote:
Smackie Chan wrote:Stop it. You're killin' me.
Stop it? When there is light at the end of the tunnel?
Is the "light" to which you refer a metaphor for the day when you'll be able to correctly spell, punctuate, capitalize, and format sentences correctly in not only your native tongue, but Latin as well? Not that any of that is important in the legal profession or anything. I know, I're not practicing your profession here; this is where you come to get your tard on. It's good to see you're taking full advantage of it.

And before you go all English professor back on me, I know the previous paragraph contains a sentence fragment and other grammatical errors. The difference is I meant to do it, and realize it. I'm sure you did, too, right?

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:49 am
by War Wagon
Doesn't seem possible, but TVO makes AP seem intelligent. What a pathetically inept moron.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:19 am
by Moving Sale
Smackie Chan wrote:The difference is I meant to do it, and realize it. I'm sure you did, too, right?
Yes. So we're on the same page eh?

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:51 am
by Smackie Chan
Moving Sale wrote:
Smackie Chan wrote:The difference is I meant to do it, and realize it. I'm sure you did, too, right?
Yes. So we're on the same page eh?
Sure, you go ahead and feel free to believe that, bud.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 3:15 am
by Moving Sale
As long as you meant to realize it, then we're on the same page.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:13 am
by Mister Bushice
Actually, except for this post, you're alone on this page.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 10:08 pm
by Mike the Lab Rat
Moving Sale wrote:
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:An thens their Tourettes’ episoode begun:
And you are a teacher? Good show.
Hey...go to page 2 of this thread and scroll up.

Guess what...I never typed what you CLAIM to be pinning on me.

What I actually wrote:
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:And then the Tourette's episode began:
Don't believe me? SCROLL UP! (about five posts).

Somehow, after FOUR posters and several hours, you somehow managed to "quote" me typing a screwed up sentence...that never appeared on the board? Hell, there isn't even a little "edit" comment thingie on the bottom to indicate that I went back in the hours between my post and yours (during which four other people posted) to "fix" the alleged typos.

Hmmmmm.....let's see, we have a vertically-challenged, owl-like vulgarian best known for "creative" spelling, capitalization, and phrasing who wants to try to take down an opposing poster who is a teacher...


What doubtlessly went through your hobbit-sized head: "Hey, I know - LET'S FABRICATE A BADLY PHRASED POST AND PIN IT ON HIM! Yeah, THAT'LL make him look stupid!"

Problem is, Fraudo Beggins, all anyone with an attention span and three digits of IQ has to do is scroll up and check the original post and see the lack of edits.

My God but you're a pathetic, desperate little weasel, honestly going so far as to deliberately alter another poster's writing to pass it off as their own screwup and try to make a point.

I've had people misunderstand my arguments.
I've had people misrepresent or twist my statements.
But I've NEVER, up until this point, actually had another poster FABRICATE a post and try to pin it on me.

Wow. Nice ethics, counselor.
Moving Sale wrote:Face it you are a fucking dork. From your fascination with your dorky frat to your inane presents. And you are not even very good at it. You are an underachiever even for a dork. Teaching 5th grade science is a joke. You are the dork that dork make fun of.
Is your decision to misrepresent my job teaching high school bio/chem/AP bio as "[t]eaching 5th grade science" supposed to get me all freaked out? Is this where I'm supposed to have a complete meltdown because teaching elementary science is supposed to be so demeaning?

Coming from a lawyer, that's pretty damned funny.

Coming from a lawyer who just got caught fabricating an opponent's quotes, it's even funnier.

You know what else is funny?

This quote:
Moving Sale wrote:You are the dork that dork make fun of.
Not only have you displayed a poor grasp of capitalization, grammar, etc., and not only have you gotten so desperate that you were reduced to making up quotes allegedly from me, BUT, your "parting shot" is that ridiculous bit of remedial material.

That's it...out ya go!

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:24 pm
by Smackie Chan
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:Is this where I'm supposed to have a complete meltdown
AP? Is that you?

Let's see...

Name: Mike
Occupation: Teacher
Hobby: Melting down


Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 2:12 am
by Moving Sale
Hook, Line and Sinker...
Mike the Lab Rat wrote: But I've NEVER, up until this point, actually had another poster FABRICATE a post and try to pin it on me.
I have…

Any tard who this they are the same is an iodiot.

Oh and this…

...slobber...slobber...twitch...slobber...slobber...twitch...slobber...slobber...twitch... twitch... slobber...slobber... slobber...

After which you wrote…

“Very nice display of that erudite legal mind and those sharp debating skills”

Lights going on yet?

So apparently it is ok for you, and other’s, to do it but not ok for me to do it.

Good show dork.

Re: Anyone else get shitty presents?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:20 am
by Mike the Lab Rat
Moving Sale wrote:I have…

Any tard who this they are the same is an iodiot.
I didn't do that one, if that was fabricated. Hell I've never even referenced it. If you want to contend otherwise, feel free to provide proof. The real stuff - not one of those ham-handed forgeries like you tried earlier.

Strike one.
Moving Sale wrote:Oh and this…

...slobber...slobber...twitch...slobber...slobber...twitch...slobber...slobber...twitch... twitch... slobber...slobber... slobber...
Actually, those were placed within words you actually posted, as a parody of your Tourette's-like posting style.

Strike two.
Moving Sale wrote: So apparently it is ok for you, and other’s, to do it but not ok for me to do it.
I love this:
Moving Sale wrote: other’s
Just freaking awesome. At least you're consistant.

At no point did I lie about what you posted - I took your actual idiocy and interjected sound effects and physical quirks.

You, on the other hand, deliberately lied about what I posted (by actually distorting it in a way that well...made it look like one of YOUR posts) as a way to clumsily "get over." You tried making me look like I posted like a semi-literate idiot (like you) and then tried to use your concocted "quote" to insult the fact that I'm a teacher. The problem was, you were stupid enough to honestly think that no one would bother to check the original source. Oops.

And now you come waddling in here to claim that your idiocy was all part of grand scheme?

Yeah. Sure. Given the lack of intelligence you've shown thus far and the goofiness of the attempt, I think that grand schemes of any kind are out of your reach.

Kind of like the top shelf.

Strike three, Very Tiny One.