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Re: More on the faggotization of the universe

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 7:00 am
by poptart
Lemme guess ... your name is Aidan? haha

Well, you ask some nice questions, Bushice.

1. A kid isn't automatically gay if his name is Aidan, but he's swimming upstream, because by tagging him with a fairy name like that, the folks (almost surely the dominant mom's doing) are subliminally (at least) expressing their wish for him to develop into a nice little nancy boy.

No MAN is gonna name his boy, fucking ... Aidan.

Do you think, really??

And he's not gonna name him Jayden, either.
Or Caden or Ethan ... unless maybe he's balck.

2. I might be trolling.

Or not.

3. You can sign up on your own at any time.
You know the drill.

Btw, they put some "real" names on there again, like Michael, James, Andrew and Matthew, to attempt to gloss the WHOLE THANG with an image of credibility.

So as to say, yeah, these squirrely faggot names are legit too, ya see.

C'mon now, Bushice.

Re: More on the faggotization of the universe

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 12:53 pm
by smackaholic
Last year it was Aiden. This year it's Aidan.

Is this a misspelling or did somebody decide that at least you can shorten Aidan to Dan. Dan's a fairly manly name, so long as there isn't a Vogel on the end of it. But Den or Denny? Denny is a 32 year old dude that still lives with him mom and works as a rentacop. Actually, that guy is my bro in law.

Re: More on the faggotization of the universe

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 1:01 pm
by RumpleForeskin
My six year old nephew is named Aidan and happens to be the biggest, fastest, strongest six year old at the local elementary school. However, he doesn't have one aggressive bone in his body due to my late sister's coddling fo his first five years. I attended a couple of his football games this fall, but he just wasn't the type who liked to make contact in the trenches. I think 'tart is on to something here about the name "Aidan". Because my nephew sure does play football like a nancy boy.

Re: More on the faggotization of the universe

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 2:07 pm
by Dan Vogel
I don't see anything wrong with the names on the list. I think poptart is overreacting. And there is no reason to start saying strange things like a name makes a boy gay. I think it adds some variety to have different names rather than in old times when everyone was Steve or John or Tim. The names are fine. This is 2008. Get over it.

Re: More on the faggotization of the universe

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 2:11 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Felix wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:James is a pretty faggy name.
go fuck yourself
Blame RJ.

Re: More on the faggotization of the universe

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 3:21 pm
by BSmack
RumpleForeskin wrote:My six year old nephew is named Aidan and happens to be the biggest, fastest, strongest six year old at the local elementary school. However, he doesn't have one aggressive bone in his body due to my late sister's coddling fo his first five years. I attended a couple of his football games this fall, but he just wasn't the type who liked to make contact in the trenches. I think 'tart is on to something here about the name "Aidan". Because my nephew sure does play football like a nancy boy.
Wow, you guys have organized football for 6 year old kids? At 6 years of age, you're lucky all 11 kids were pointed in the same direction, much less hitting with any kind of intensity.

Re: More on the faggotization of the universe

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:58 pm
by Goober McTuber
Screw_Michigan wrote:James is a pretty faggy name.
Hard to argue with that.
